SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 11/30/23 02:57 AM
No profile text and with that pretty meaningless profile.
If you want to find someone you got to write something (again).

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 11/30/23 02:51 AM
Happy and the sun is shining :D

I'm thinking the lack of holiday cheer is due to not feeling ready for that yet as we had a very short summer. So no natural shift from fully enjoying that, then autumn etc.
Not having a real summer messed it all up. Autumn began in the last week of June.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 11/30/23 02:49 AM
^^^^ peculiar, not feeling the holiday cheer either this year... It's still early days, could still come.

Oddly enough my mother has been seriously decorating her new home over the last 2 weeks, sending me photos, but it doesn't stir much in me. Not in the sense that I too want to get the Christmas stuff downstairs. (Normally my mum didn't do much)

Anyhow, not totally weird as it isn't even December, but still...

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 11/29/23 02:52 PM
Thank you so much, Merry!

I've sketched the temple that will be on the right side. If I feel like painting tomorrow I'm beginning with that. Another challenge for sure!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 11/29/23 05:02 AM
Thank you so much, Julie!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 11/29/23 02:34 AM
Coffee, and the cleaning dude that's coming over in an hour and a half...

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 11/29/23 02:32 AM
Couple sessions further.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 11/27/23 01:48 AM
Drinking morning coffee and waking up :)

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 11/26/23 12:14 PM
Bit more done today, and now I'm finally beginning to enjoy it as today wasn't such a struggle :)
There may very well be minor tweaks of what I've got right now, but at least I feel I'm making progress.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 11/25/23 08:56 AM
Done a bit more work, but holy cow, everything I do seems to be a struggle with this one.

In spite of wanting to move on with other things, I did do tweaks to the ear and face and then finished with the first setup of the hand.
After that it was time to cook tea.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 11/25/23 08:55 AM

Are those clouds amongst the mountains or are you going to put some more details in the landscape?

That's just grey background and will be filled in later on, a building, a path and whatnot.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 11/24/23 04:48 AM
Thank you, Stormy and Jaan Doh!

And yep, very happy my Nila is healthy again :D

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 11/24/23 04:45 AM
Well... there are many addicted to sex and/or porn. That is indicative of some serious unresolved issue.
As it is, many people are still affected by the collective wound(s) concerning sexuality.
We all share a history of abuse, rape, disrespect, lack of love, oppression and so on, regardless of gender. We have all suffered from this and many still do this lifetime depending on their culture & religion.

That means many still need a very strong focus on sex -and unfortunately porn is part of that- to work on these underlying issues.

Also bear in mind that having to oppress sexuality for instance because of strong religious beliefs, doesn't help.
That's the reason that porn is watched / bought a helluva lot in strong religious areas, not just in developing countries but also in the US.
(Google this, I'm not making it up)

If porn is a problem in relationship... depends on how much a man wants/needs to watch it, whether it's an addiction or not, and how much personal growth and development both partners have already gone through.
People that have done lot of healing in that sense and thus also worked through much of their part of the collective wound(s) will automatically be less inclined to need/want porn. They are able to have a healthy sexual & loving relationship instead.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 11/24/23 04:35 AM
Thank you, Native & AngelBlue.

For now leaving the face for what it is. I will likely tweak it some more later but for now fed up with it. I want to focus on doing the rest and I think this will also help me to get the face right. As it is I'm going over it again and again, more shade, less shade, more, less etc.

I have worked on the jawline a bit so it doesn't look so much like an old lady anymore, hihi.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 11/22/23 09:25 AM
Almost forgot to go out to vote as I was busy in the afternoon.
But I've done my duty :)
Wonder what the outcome is going to be.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 11/22/23 09:24 AM
I set up a new painting 2 days ago.
Still lots of work to be done, including on the face!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 11/22/23 03:30 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Wed 11/22/23 03:38 AM
A while back I happened to notice my cat Nila had an infected toe/foot. She walked normal so it was by sheer accident when patting her that I found out.
Cats tend to hide injury from their keepers. The only thing I did notice was her being cranky towards my kitten Roosje.

It smelled quite bad so I knew it was quite badly infected.
Now I don't normally race to the vet's with my cats. I always try to heal them myself and so far I've always succeeded whenever they had an injury. (thank goodness not often)
But it being her rear left paw... I didn't see that work out with salt water baths. I tried, but li'l Ms Nila was not impressed, hihi.

I decided to go to the vet's after all. I didn't want to risk her losing part of her foot and I knew it wouldn't miraculously just heal.

She got antibiotics and painkiller injections and I got the same home to give orally.
She quickly cheered up and turned to her normal chirpy self.
Infection went away but... after about a week it came back.
I didn't want to spend another E95 at the vet's. I decided to try healing it myself this time.

So salt water baths, even though Nila greatly objected, hihi. But... she didn't scratch nor bite me even though she was very much not in agreement.
I also bought honey ointment, suitable for both animals and people.
She didn't like that much either, worse than the salt water, as the ointment had a rather strong scent.
But I managed to get it on her toe some 4-5 times.

Outdoors I noticed she was eating lots and lots of duckweed from my li'l pond, scooping it up and eating it off her paw. Ridiculous amounts at that.
Interesting! I Googled it, turns out duckweed is anti-inflammatory, lots of protein, strengthening immune system and whatnot.
The wisdom of cats!!
She knew exactly what to eat to help heal herself?!!

About a week of this combi -salt water, honey ointment, duckweed eating- and the toe had healed!!
No flooding her system with anti-biotics a 2nd time, no E95 at the vet's and cat-stress to get her there.

And I saw the other day that the nail has grown back!
The vet had said it was too damaged and likely wouldn't come back but it has :D

Just wanted to share this. I've always healed my cats myself without needing a vet, from a very infested shot wound from an air rifle (such a lovely neighbour) to scratch wounds from fighting, and now Nila's toe.
It's much healthier for the animal than getting antibiotics and chemical shizzel in their body.
All the while using common sense of course, knowing when your animal does need a vet!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 11/19/23 10:57 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Sun 11/19/23 10:58 AM
When watching the docu series "The Alaska Triangle" people tell that real men in black turn up whenever people have clear evidence of UFOs or aliens. These men in black confiscate the whole lot, albeit photos or vids or sound material, and make sure you never ever talk about it or else...
So yes, it seems they do exist.

I think the saying 'no smoke without' fire applies to all of these things. In this case the MiB movies are the smoke, but there are a lot of things in that movie that are considered truth by certain people. The one(s) who made it wasn't a knucklehead.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 11/19/23 10:52 AM

The Capture - 2020 - 7,9 IMDB rating
British series, 2 seasons

About a new system used by government (security) called "correction" that's based on abusing & manipulating images & footage from CCTV to get things done that suit government/certain parties.

Quite scary to think this is possible and likely happening and the fact that CCTV is everywhere.

I feel season 1 & 2 should/could be rated separately. Season 1 is okay at first but quickly becomes very long-winded and too much drama. I felt it increasingly difficult to finish and grew quite fed up with it.
Then I decided to watch season 2 regardless, and boy am I glad I did!
It is AWESOME in capitals!
If you've given this one a try and decided it wasn't for you, see season 1 through, bear and grin with it, so you can watch the 2nd one. It helps to know the basics before you start that, not sure if it'd make a lot of sense as stand-alone.

Holy cow, was it good! Whoever wrote that did an excellent job.

In that sense I'd rate season 1 with a meagre 5-6, only because it lays the foundation for season 2.

Season 2 I rate a solid 10+.

U sure love to talk huh

If you don't like it simply move on as opposed to showcasing your love for judgement.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 11/19/23 09:59 AM
13C during the day
sun in the afternoon...
Then mild showers, and again strong wind.