SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 09/19/23 03:57 PM
19C sunny and very windy start, then overcast, showers, stormy gusts for the rest of the day & evening.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 09/19/23 11:42 AM
If you feel grotesque when wearing them, then no, it's not attractive and not a good choice.
I myself am 1.78m and I look smashing in high heels, also the 10cm high ones. I got the legs to go with it. I do feel good when I wear them, otherwise I wouldn't go for it.

If you do feel good in them AND it is an advantage at work when you wear 'em, then go for it. If not get into other shoes with lower heels.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 09/19/23 02:51 AM
I've talked about this subject before and know that some here have actually had jury duty.
We do not have that system here -thank goodness!- although it's under constant debate whether or not it should be implemented. I'm not pro-jury system.

Now what I'd like to know... does it really go like this, like what I saw in a series the other day:
jury coming together first time, a number of them asking "shall we vote him guilty?" This was before trial had even started so it wasn't based on anything other than them wanting to be done with jury duty.
"I have a job and I cannot be away for long. I'll lose my job." and similar arguments.
Basically having no problem with sending someone to jail, not even giving him/her a fair trial just because they're selfish and want it over with.

I must say over here people wouldn't lose their jobs as you cannot get the sack just like that. An employer needs a very good reason to fire someone and unless you've committed a serious offense it's almost impossible. Employees are protected very well over here.
But I do get you get less pay during jury duty?
Personally I think it's insane that you can get fired for doing your duty by serving on a jury.

In any case, what I'd like to know... does it really happen that a jury just wants/tries to reach a verdict among themselves before trial has even begun just so they can go home sooner?

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Mon 09/18/23 03:08 PM
All day long but I do drink 50-50, so half caffeinated, half decaf. Have done so for over 10 years now, otherwise I cannot sleep at night.

As it is I try to get 80% decaf-20% regular as it is so unhealthy.
It raises blood sugar and over time can be a (partial) cause to develop Diabetes type 2.
Very unhealthy for a bunch of other things as well, but I like it so much, I cannot not drink it.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Mon 09/18/23 01:28 PM
Thank you, Julie :)

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 09/17/23 01:39 PM
Thank you, Julie!

Done a lot more work today. I'm really happy with it so far.
Now for the rest of the canvas...

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 09/17/23 02:57 AM
Oh, as for the question, how do you seduce a man...
I rather he seduces me love smooched
If I choose to seduce a man it's not just a belly button but more of a full body experience.
My energy shifts, the way I move, sultry glances, fleeting touches.

It just goes by itself.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 09/17/23 02:53 AM

Gosh I feel like a dinosaur πŸ¦• :joy:

So there's a technique to seduce someone who catches your eye?

So they don't just Boff you on the head and drag you off to their cave no more? :joy: :joy:

On a serious note...
Speaking for myself, I love a great smile and a twinkle/sparkle in the eye (and voice to match)...

So even if she had 3 nipples or 2 belly buttons :joy:🀣🀣 I wouldn't be phased as much as being affected by a great smile...

A man after my own heart.
And generally that's how it works.
You don't need to be or do anything else.
Although it is special to have that smile and sparkle in your eyes since you cannot fake it.
I am blessed with both and an aura to match it.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sat 09/16/23 01:25 PM
Obviously not done yet but had a lot of fun experimenting with my new brushes!

When I continue I will have to correct the perspective of the windows of the ground floor. But it does give an indication :)

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sat 09/16/23 10:46 AM
Thank you, Julie :)

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sat 09/16/23 02:22 AM
enjoying my 1st coffee of the day :)

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Fri 09/15/23 02:09 PM
Feeling good!

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Fri 09/15/23 02:09 PM

Really pissed !
Why can't these married posters, butt out of flirty conversations ,being developed in various threads, by consensual adults and just chill on the sidelines???

Sounds like your not a happy drunk...

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Fri 09/15/23 01:47 PM
After a few weeks of not painting due to ear infection making me feeling under the weather I made a new piece.
It's a small one, 20x20cm. I bought a number of those canvasses a while back with the idea to paint a symbol of each of my chakras on 'em. That hasn't happened of yet except for the Sacral chakra, but I actually quite enjoy them!

Anyways, this is what I've made today :)
I'm happy with it, although I will re-do my signature tomorrow as I'm not chuffed about that.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Thu 09/14/23 06:44 AM
The freaky thing is... it all seems like yesterday yet 10 years have gone by... surprised

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Thu 09/14/23 06:39 AM

It was absolutely great, River!
We clicked so well, talked for hours, had coffee and apple pie for starters, walk through town, more coffee, then we went to my place as I felt I could trust him and he didn't want to leave until 6-ish because of the horrific traffic jams we get. So back to my place, sat in the garden, he was chuffed to see my home, cats, paintings for real. Then we went out to have fries and snacks, coffee at my place before he had the long drive home (almost 3 hrs which for Dutch standards is very far and long). Basically that takes you from 1 end of the country to the other, horizontally. Me a stone throw from the North Sea in the west, he on the German border to the east. That's why we decided months ago we're too far apart for dating.

And you know the best thing of all, or in a way the saddest, hihi... he looked great, was quite attractive! I had not seen that coming as in the photos on the dating site he doesn't look that attractive at all. So I was pleasantly surprised but in a sense even more disappointed that we live so far apart.
And he was a real gentleman too. Constantly checking in to see if I was okay about XYZ. Wonderful to experience!

Oh well... it is what it is.

And glad to read you did some more home improvements! Let the sun shine in, hihi.

Sounds like a great time, Crystal! Sorry you live so far apart. Will you continue to talk as friends?

OT: Feeling icky. I think I'm getting sick.

Yes, we will continue to talk as friends :) And when he's in the area again, which likely won't happen anytime soon, he'd like us to meet up again. He also said that if I'd like to come to his area I'm free to stay in his caravan. He doesn't live there, has a rental like me, so it was a really nice gesture and would mean I wouldn't have to rush because of a long drive home but could spend the night. Or have a nice weekend away from home or something.

Hope you're not coming down with something, DM!! flowerforyou :heart:

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Wed 09/13/23 03:58 PM

^^^ That's awesome, Crystal. I'm excited for you. Even though you're meeting as friends, it's always nice to meet face to face someone you've been chatting with for a while. Has a way of bonding the relationship, making the connection stronger, at whatever level it may be.

OT... Thrilled that I can see daylight coming through my kitchen window. And kind of silly that I waited so long to tackle that area, in order to uncover the window and let the sunshine in, haha.

It was absolutely great, River!
We clicked so well, talked for hours, had coffee and apple pie for starters, walk through town, more coffee, then we went to my place as I felt I could trust him and he didn't want to leave until 6-ish because of the horrific traffic jams we get. So back to my place, sat in the garden, he was chuffed to see my home, cats, paintings for real. Then we went out to have fries and snacks, coffee at my place before he had the long drive home (almost 3 hrs which for Dutch standards is very far and long). Basically that takes you from 1 end of the country to the other, horizontally. Me a stone throw from the North Sea in the west, he on the German border to the east. That's why we decided months ago we're too far apart for dating.

And you know the best thing of all, or in a way the saddest, hihi... he looked great, was quite attractive! I had not seen that coming as in the photos on the dating site he doesn't look that attractive at all. So I was pleasantly surprised but in a sense even more disappointed that we live so far apart.
And he was a real gentleman too. Constantly checking in to see if I was okay about XYZ. Wonderful to experience!

Oh well... it is what it is.

And glad to read you did some more home improvements! Let the sun shine in, hihi.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Wed 09/13/23 02:54 AM

Oh, I do remember as we both got here round the same time!
It was very different here back then. In some way absolutely great, in another way not so great. The clique that had formed here was very unpleasant, downright nasty to be honest.

I think you and I are the only 2 that remain from the new ones back then.
And doesnΒ΄t time fly!

Congrats on still being here :)

Exactly... good old days, when we were kings.
I believe it was more active back then? I remember spending literally hours online replying and posting here and there.. well I had more free time back then but it feels that I can be away for days or weeks now without missing so much.. it's now mostly about the same stuff.. not so many fights or drama laugh

Proost! drinker

Thank you!
Indeed much less drama, which is certainly nice! But I do agree that it was more active back then. Many regulars posting daily and in that sense a lot more fun. I even remained active here when I was in a relationship because it was good.
Now it's as you say, mostly rehashing the same stuff, lot of newbies, most regulars far less active.
Even I have been on here less and less since approx. June.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Wed 09/13/23 02:06 AM
Excited! Going to meet the man that I've been talking to for months in a few hours.
We're not in it for potential relationship, just friendly contact that we've both enjoyed so far. He's in the area so we're going to meet over coffees :)

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Wed 09/13/23 01:59 AM
Oh, I do remember as we both got here round the same time!
It was very different here back then. In some way absolutely great, in another way not so great. The clique that had formed here was very unpleasant, downright nasty to be honest.

I think you and I are the only 2 that remain from the new ones back then.
And doesnΒ΄t time fly!

Congrats on still being here :)