SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 07/03/24 02:19 AM

Amazing DIY, Crystal! The cathouse looks pretty and I hope they enjoy it

Thank you, Merry!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 07/02/24 04:08 AM
Thank you, Julie :D

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 07/02/24 02:58 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Tue 07/02/24 03:00 AM
Now it's wait and see if they'll actually use it...
They know it's there, but habit may make them decide to go for the space under the conifer hedge after all...

I took a lot of cat hair from their baskets and put that in the straw. Hopefully that will deter any mouse from going near the cathouse, let alone inside it!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 07/02/24 02:53 AM
Thank you so much!

Currently not painting.
When spring arrived there was a ton of work to do in the garden.
And I had an inflamed ankle that to the wind out of me for 2 months as I could barely walk. Had to sit with my foot up all the time, so couldn't paint either.

It'll come :)
As it is I've got some other create things done like making a cathouse and next is making a 70cm tall Archangel statue for the garden :D

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 07/02/24 02:42 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Tue 07/02/24 02:50 AM
A while back I decided I wanted a cathouse for my cats so they have their own place to go when it rains and I'm not at home.

I have two sliding doors at the back, making it difficult to have a catflap. They need me to open the door.

I loosely followed the design of one you can buy on Amazon, but made mine a tad larger.

The very first beginning. I was so proud to have that done, hihi.

Days later.... Bottom house done, beginning the 2nd top house. As you can see there's a passage to the right at the back to go from 1 to the other. That way they can never get trapped, there's a 2nd exit.

I bought cheap cat doors on AliExpress. I hadn't planned that, so had to adapt the design.
And I got impatient, wanted to see what it'd look like in the end, so I started painting before the cathouse was done.
And those bannisters... so cute, but lot of cussing to get them in, hihi.

The larger back roof hinges... getting that done was nightmarish, but happy I did that. I can get into it to clean it or whatever.

And this is it... the brown plank will be painted English red as well.
It's on legs so it's 15cm off the ground.
There's straw inside for the cats to burrow.
Straw doesn't really absorb moisture and keeps warm when it's cold and cool when it's warm.
I'm really chuffed with it, having made this myself, but boy was I glad it was done as it was a helluva lot of work!!

Roosje was totally happy in and with the straw!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 07/01/24 04:50 PM
Thank you so much!!
weven though I've seen her last Friday I'm beginning to get impatient, hihi.
I want her here so I can see, hold, cuddle her every day :D
Gotta wait another 11 days... Going to get her to take her home on the 13th of July.

This was her last Friday, 6,5 weeks.

Especially in that last photo she seems quite big...
But then you see her drink with mum and then it's clear she's still a wee kitten!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 06/28/24 05:21 AM
To add to my last post:
I have nothing against Israelis. I feel the same way about any people that treat other human beings in a bad way.

We are all part of the Divine, god if you wish, and in that sense all equal. No race, people etc. has god's / the Divine's preference.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 06/28/24 04:14 AM
How is Israel related to god's chosen people?

Should we all move there? All 7-8 billion on the planet?
For we are all god's chosen people.
Quite arrogant and far from loving to say that it's only for Israelis.
Or Americans as they do the same. "God bless America" (and the rest can go to hell).

Palestines lived in what is now called Israel.
Then after the WW the allied forces decided the Jews had to go to Palestina to PEACEFULLY co-habit the country with the Palestines.
But Jews clearly didn't get 'peaceful co-habitation' as they took over, mistreated the Palestines, and that's still going on today.
They did their best to annihilate the original people of the country.

How is that 'god chosen'??

Basically the mess in that country is the result of the allied forces' decision, nothing to do with god.
It had to do with the fact that no one knew what to do with the Jews after the war and they had to go somewhere. So dump them in an area where they weren't in the way.
Well, they were, but not in the way of the west.

If the allied forces had decided differently back then there'd now be peace in today's Israel.
As it is the west has created a giant massacre, caused by the Israelis, and suffering of the people who actually lived in that country.
They're now confined by the Israelis behind a wall on a small piece of land, not allowed to do this and that and the other.

Really very sad and actually disgusting to treat other human beings that way.
And you call that god chosen children...

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 06/28/24 04:02 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Fri 06/28/24 04:18 AM
The bible is more like a guide book that was needed in society in the past. Needed by men, not by god/Divine/Source.
Men decided what they wanted in the bible and what not. They left out everything that didn't suit them. No woman had a say in the matter.

So what's holy about it?
Or do you consider men with a need to manipulate to be holy?

Furthermore there are different versions of the bible, it has been translated and written time and again.
One tiny little mistake and the whole meaning could've altered.
As a matter of fact there's a joke about exactly that, one monk getting one word wrong which led to horrible things.
Too many men -again not women- have been involved in translated and re-writing.
It isn't pure, not the original info, and it it's a far cry from "holy".

Apart from that it's obsolete.
Mankind isn't stagnant, societies aren't either. We evolve and change.
That book however hasn't changed, it's still what it was thousands of years ago.
How can a book that was written by men thousands of years ago hold value to us today?
Stick it in a museum.
There are better suited guide books these days that do gel with contemporary life.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 06/28/24 03:51 AM
A few months ago I felt I wanted a 3rd kitten, a black one.
I used to have a black cat, he passed over last year. I couldn't handle another black cat right away, now I feel ready for it.

The road to finding her was difficult, led past 3 other ones, long story.
Then I found this one.

She's not 100% black, that's such a rare thing, certainly for a female. She has a tiny white spot on her belly and one on her chest.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 06/28/24 03:38 AM
Another "I am a victim, life isn't fair" rant.
And as Motown said, "Where's the white womens?"

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 06/20/24 02:55 AM
So I guess I'm the only one who thinks that he's not offering anything special in this kind of scenario.

Many dating coaches advise women to date multiple men because women tend to attach too early, even to toxic or unavailable men, and there are tons of those out there.
Then a woman ends up being stuck and getting hurt as she's bonded to such a man who isn't intended on committing or anything serious. He just wants to string her along for as long as it pleases him.

Hence the advice to not put all your eggs in 1 basket, and to date more than 1 guy. Basically to prevent yourself from getting prematurely attached and hurt.

Men don't bond so easily so this advice does not go for men.
If a man dates several women the advice is to not date him.

Men always knee-jerk when they hear this, but simply fact is that men & women are wired differently and thus our emotions & attachment works entirely differently as well.

As for this OP and what he describes... I was already getting bored reading it.
Now there is of course a possibility that she's just taking advantage of a man like the OP not offering anything of interest, and going for a free meal.
But dating is about doing fun stuff, getting to know each other, not just meals in a restaurant. Bloody boring!
Offer to do something different. If she doesn't want that, she's not into you, but into a free meal.

It's also weird that you are okay with things not progressing, no kissing even?
Why are YOU dating someone with whom you don't even feel chemistry? That to me would be a major red flag.
Are you lonely and only looking for reasonably cheap company? Something that gets you out of the house?

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 06/09/24 02:11 PM

Failure is a learning experience.
If you've never failed at anything, you've never left your comfort zone.

Embrace the failure, learn the lesson and move on.

The most successful people fail over and over, learn their lesson and keep going.

Exactly this!!

Sometimes it feels very unpleasant, it can be upsetting depending on what it was about.
Other times it milder and more of a shrug-it-off thing.

But it's always a lessons.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 06/09/24 03:17 AM
What I don't get is that you leave your kitten out alone on the balcony when you go to bed at night??
And from what you are telling your balcony isn't cat safe either.
If you really want to be sure a cat is okay on the balcony you have to do something about it.
Here's some tips of what you can do:,You%20know%20your%20cat.

Nevertheless, I wouldn't leave my kitten alone in an area like that at night.
I live in a house with a huge garden, both cats go outdoors, but... at night they're inside.
They're fine with that, it's how I've raised them, so when it gets dark they usually come back by themselves without me having to call for them.

Keep your kitten/cat indoors too when you aren't around to keep an eye on its safety.

You could get a harness and take the cat outdoors regularly. I did that when my calico was a kitten because she was so fiery. Outdoors in harness she could at least get rid of her energy, smell & see different things etc. while still safe.
I extended the cord on the harness' lead, which was a mere 1,5 meters.
I added 5 meters to it so she could even run a fair stretch. She learnt real fast just how far she could run. When she knew she had reached the full extent she automatically stopped.
Since I walked along with her, she could run for some 7-8 meters total I think.
I did not let her climb trees of course as then the lead can get tangled in branches, too dangerous.
But it was a lot of fun :) And that way kitty can eat grass too if need be.
You can also buy special cat grass for that to put indoors/on the balcony.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 06/09/24 02:00 AM
Some may praise to look cool themselves, I prefer being honest and giving advice that is of use.

Your profile is lacking.
You don't have a good write up nor a clear profile photo.
The photo is okay but a profile photo should preferably show your face with a smile.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 06/04/24 02:48 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Tue 06/04/24 02:50 AM
So you suggest going on a first date (meet & greet) with a huge list of questions?
That's gonna go down well!

What you forget is that there is already some kind of mutual interest and compatibility, otherwise you wouldn't even go on a meet and greet.

Also, when feeling "it" both parties usually are willing to be flexible to meet the other at least half way.
There won't be any major core differences otherwise you wouldn't have been attracted to one another to begin with.

Financial goals and buying property...
Never has been on my agenda. I'm looking for a romantic partner not a business partner.
Maybe that's a thing when you're in your 20s and still wanting to make a career. And normally you work it out, make it work, together.
Anything that's important for both concerning money etc. will automatically be addressed at some point.

The way you want to go about it is too much from the head.
A great healthy love relationship is not from the head but forged in the hearts of both.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 05/17/24 03:26 AM
My country, The Netherlands, was the first in the world to legalise same-sex marriage in 2000, to be implemented in 2001.

I think it is generally accepted although that is up to the individual and I suppose esp religious people aren't so tolerant, but not sure.

I don't have a problem with it, but I do wonder where this hype of LGABC is going to lead to.
If they shift from feeling male to female and back or anything in between you are prone to get polyamory.
How long is it going to take for these people to demand the right to marry more than one?
That I am against.
The risk of that sliding towards the creepy cult thing where a male leader 'marries' several wives, usually minors & virgins.
And if marrying more than one would be allowed there'd be nothing anyone can do about that kind of thing.
Allowing marriage to more than one would be an open invite to such scenarios.

I also don't like that LGABC want the world to address them in plural form, we, us, they.
And the rest of the world having to adept to their state of being with our public toilets, but also it becoming close to illegal to have explicitly male or female dolls, young children being raised as if there's only one gender.
THAT is a crazy scary development.
Just when we're about to free ourselves from thousands of years of imbalanced masculine energy -the patriarchal system- we get this thrown at us?
We were on the brink of a wonderful new era in which both genders would be respected, loved, honoured. It's about to be ruined.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 05/14/24 04:53 PM
Feeling... incredibly sleepy!
I hadn't noticed it'd gotten quite this late, nearly 2 o'clock o'clock.
Time to go to bed and get some shut-eye!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 05/14/24 03:56 AM
Thinking... another great day, beautiful weather!
Going to enjoy it, cancelled the cleaning lady. I'm going to be in the garden this afternoon!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 05/14/24 03:55 AM
I thought I did, couple times. Turned out to be wrong otherwise I wouldn't be single now, hihi.

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