Community > Posts By > ron62449

ron62449's photo
Wed 08/18/10 01:20 PM

Do you seriously need to take a class on how to have sex with someone? omg...

Of course you don't need to take a special class. I've just sent away for a home study course. Now for a study buddy!


ron62449's photo
Sun 08/15/10 09:41 PM

Intercourse and smooth marriage life are mutually exclusive. I'm sorry, please sign up for woodshop or home ec. They are more practical.bigsmile

Home Ec for the guys. To appreciate all she does, and so you aren't helpless, cook, do the laundry, how to make a bed. Girls a shop class to learn household and everyday fix-ups -changing a light switch, how to change a tire.


ron62449's photo
Fri 08/13/10 02:39 PM

donot you think there should be practicle training in schools for intercouse for smooth marriage life.

At what grade level should this be given? 6th grade when most are getting into their puberty. 7th or 8th grade where a lot start their sexuality life. High school?

For a smooth married life? What about earlier to teach
the right way to put on a condom. Birth control. Navagating the other genders genitals. Both genders need this education.


ron62449's photo
Thu 08/12/10 09:58 AM

Take it from someone who knows. When you go long enough without sex, it becomes something separate from the idea of a relationship.

Sure, sex is something that should, in time, be a part of any healthy, loving relationship. However, it isn't what a person really wants from a relationship, a relationship is more about other things.

Do I miss having sex? Well, I would miss it more if I could remember it, but what I miss most is feeling close to someone. I miss having someone to talk with. I miss having someone hug me when I'm happy or sad. I miss sharing a laugh, or a knowing look. I miss seeing someone smile just at the sight of me. I miss having someone get excited because just the two of us are doing something together.

Sex, well it can be found anywhere. They outright sell it in Nevada and Amsterdam, but it isn't the same as a relationship. It isn't even the most important part.

I see sex from two different views.
1.. Lustful sex: The sex you have with a fwb, just meeting, early dating (try it before you buy it), or just to relieve yourself. No passion, no romance. Just lust. In no way do I want this type of sex.
2. The sex that goes along with passion, making love, and an intimate relationship.

I agree with the above, sex should be in time part a a loving relationship. That relationship also supplies
your need for talking, hugging, sharing a laugh, a knowing look, a smile, and someone who is exciting to be with. PASSION. It is all part of a whole, not the whole.

The original poster asked about living without sex when the relationship is great otherwise? Again sex can be a part of the passion and intimate relationship, but is it the most important?


msharmoney, I agree with everything you've said on this
topic and many others. You are wise.

ron62449's photo
Wed 08/11/10 09:23 AM

Ron, youre the coolest..

pmarco, I've looked at your picture and profile before,
and you do look gorgeous.
ladyliz, you look very good too. Many others too.

I guess it's all in the age, younger has a different view of what's pretty, while those older see something
different. To me the 'older' woman look better with their confidence, life experience, and being more settled. Not just a 'hot' thin, sexy, and georgeous body. Older women are hot & sexy plus the above, and it's more than a body. At least that's my opinion, others might say I'm crazy.


ron62449's photo
Mon 08/09/10 05:39 PM

It appears that most gorgeous girls r Last seen over a month ago, why? frustrated

Look at the woman right under you. fade2black is not gorgeous? Ok at 23 you might not see a 55 year old woman as gorgeous. And melodygirl? On this thread there are several women in their twentys'
they look pretty good, dont they?
"Gorgeous" is not only their picture, it's them!


ron62449's photo
Sat 08/07/10 11:23 AM

Hey Men!! ever wonder why Ladies get bored in relationships??? Hehehe

Ok venusenvy start a thread on this. No laugh, serious, help us out.


ron62449's photo
Sat 08/07/10 09:12 AM

The way you wrote it made it sound like you were making excuses. Obviously if a couple is stuck in the same routine all the time, someone's going to get bored. It's up to them to spice it up if they want to keep it going. If they're not doing that, perhaps they don't care enough to keep the relationship exciting.

You sure hit the nail on the head!


ron62449's photo
Sat 08/07/10 08:56 AM

Melody, then I'd never get a match. Any day now I'm expecting at 7ft tall, 100 lbs, bald/brwn/blk/blnd haired, man with one eye to match

Oh good, I'll finally get matched to you!


ron62449's photo
Thu 08/05/10 11:49 AM

Personally I see your analogy as an excuse for a person to stay a player. ( Male or Female )

A mature adult will go that park after the second time and see the carousel ride and ride it over and over, recalling the first time it gave such a thrill. Admire the craftmanship it took to still be there and running. And the beauty of well aged and oiled machine, like a fine antique car. The exciting thing about that ride is that each time you can change it up and ride a horse or ride a zebra or even sit in the swan seat. It is the same ride yet different each and every time. Not boring.

Boring goes both ways, keep it exciting! Justme has it right, if you love the ride you will always enjoy it. Bumper cars is still fun at 61, because there's so much variation in the ride.


ron62449's photo
Sat 07/31/10 05:31 PM

honesty is priority in a relationship if I ask the question , I want the truth if I havent asked a question, what you VOLUNTEER should be truthful

I see no reason to lie if love and communication are there,,,it kills trust and that kills the relationship

I agree with you again, msharmoney. Definitly what you
volunteer should be the truth.
AND: Letting someone believe something about you that is wrong and not saying anything is dishonesty. Honesty
is a lot of things.


ron62449's photo
Fri 07/30/10 01:20 PM

I have been chastised for expecting 100% honesty from my if it were a ridiculous expectation.

How important is honesty to you and why? Im looking to understand other perspectives.

I will be 100% honest And expect 100% back. Does this dress make my butt look big? "yes". "Did I barbeque these too long" (gagging) "yes". Don't ask if you won't to here the answers. Then there are times you don't tell the truth for their own good, "are you planning a surprise party for me?" "of course not"


ron62449's photo
Fri 07/30/10 01:00 PM

I wouldnt have wanted to live prior to the seventies because of jim crow and segregation, but if I could have stayed in the seventies,, when people were just starting to experience some equality and still felt hopeful and motivated and were still community based,,,,

that would have been nice,,,

You ars so right msharmony. One of the few things today that I like. I can say how pretty you are or date another race, and not be told I'm a ____________.

Each decade had their good and bad.
'60's were ok for a little, but the assinations & turbulence.
50's - the music - birth of R & R, good country music, and the pop music was good. The movies wern't full of bad language & sex. But then there was the McCarthy hearings. (boy what if they had them today)
40's - people supported the war, entertainers joined the service, and others entertained the troups. Not an Alex Baldwin or Susan Sarandin in the bunch. Victory gardens, recycling even "your fat cans" (a radio blooper), buying war bonds in support, rationing everything for the good of the war. After the war things went good
30's - it was a bad time financially, but did pull together.
The late 1800's and early 1900 - is the time I'd like most - settling of the West, mining, cowboys. It was so neat to read writing of my great grand father.


ron62449's photo
Thu 07/29/10 09:02 AM
This topic is almost a damn if you do, damn if you don't topic.

We don't like to be held hostage to by oil from the mid-east, yet we don't want off shore oil or oil well on land to be drilled in our country. What are we to do.
Non gas vehicles will not stop the need for oil. Oil is needed to lube the moving parts of the cars. Oil is used in tires and other products. Your boat, your motorized lawn mower, machinery.

So be hostage or drill in your own country. What's your choice?


ron62449's photo
Sun 07/25/10 02:56 PM

I bought a really cute sundress at the beach and was considering wearing it but I think it's one of those "look at me" outfits and might be "too young" for me.

Chrisy, to me all your outfits in your pictures are "look at me" outfits. A sundress would look nice on you. I already thought you were "too young" looking.


ron62449's photo
Sun 07/25/10 02:50 PM

Hmmmmm I think it's interesting how many replies here just ASSUME that because the guy is dating her, he's gonna get sex.

Just because you date someone doesn't guarantee you're sleeping with them huh :heart:

fade2black is so correct. Just because she's single and expecting, doesn't mean I'm going to get some. Just as vacationing with a woman, doesn't mean sex.

I woudn't date a pregnet woman as she would probably be too young for me. If I were younger I could see me doing it though. If she was in her late forties/early fifties, sure.

The only questions I would have is how she got pregnet; if she was dating around and having sex or was this a LTR. Unplaned or planed?


delilady, If that is a recient picture and you being 54. Be still my beating gizzard!

ron62449's photo
Wed 07/21/10 12:46 PM

Bite me! Its a 100+ degrees this week. When I get off work I'm stripping to shorts and a bikini top to work in.

Gee I'm surprised, not one of the old excuse "If you got them flaunt them!"
I have one woman friend I've known about 15 years. She's not really 'well endoud". I've seen her in all types of dress. She doesn't wear tight clothes, nor peek-a-boo blouses, or any cleavage, I think she is so sexy and her breasts is the best thing about her.

You can wear shorts and a bikini top without showing
cleavage or butt. Tank tops - ok if you don't have a low cut one. Visable nipples (well, you know - outlines)I see nothing wrong with that, I wish it wern't a big deal. Women showing lots of cleavage or breast and butt tight jeans, AND men showing their chests are gross. At the beach, you don't have to wear
something just covering the neccessities or men wearing
tight to show off their family jewels.


ron62449's photo
Mon 07/19/10 10:36 AM

Id say, two adults taking a trip together isnt unusual if they are both paying their own way and staying in seperate rooms. IF the trip is a one room deal, than Id say I would need to feel an intimate connection with the person instead of just a passing good time.

Separate rooms? If you trust the other person enough to go on a trip with them, I'd think same rooms, different beds if you like. Agreed before hand on sex. Just because you sleep with someone in the same room or bed, doesn't mean sex is implied. We are big boys and girls and should have self control to have a celebrate trip together.

I guess I'm the type of man who's is not obcessed with sex, but developing a relationship and knowing each other. Sex will come when the relationship develops.


ron62449's photo
Mon 07/19/10 10:13 AM

What kind of scents, if any, do you find attractive? Are there certain ones that you find just impossible to resist and if you smelled it on someone you would just have to get to know them? I for example, for some unexplainable reason find the smell of cigarette smoke simply irresistible. I do not smoke myself tho. smokin

Cigarette/any tobacco smoke is disgusting. My biggest turn off. I'd rather smell BO.


ron62449's photo
Sun 07/18/10 02:03 PM

So at what point do your vacations get planned together?

If you've been together a year or so, would you find it unusual if they planned a vacation without you?

klc -I'm not sure what you mean by 'they', does he have kids? Visiting relatives.

I had a different view of what this thread wa about.
I'd love to go on a vacation, ( I live in OR)down the coast or camping or even going somewhere for fun or overnight, with the woman in my life. If I was visiting relatives, depends on if they would accept a girl friend along with me.
