Community > Posts By > gardenforge

gardenforge's photo
Sun 11/25/07 09:24 PM
why is it that the cities in the U.S. with the most restrictive gun laws also have the highest crime rates? Anybody see a parallel here?

gardenforge's photo
Sun 11/25/07 02:30 PM
It might interest you to know that the Mexican Government owns both the copper company in Mexico, Cobre de Mexico, and the petroleum company, Petro Mexico. They have the money to make a better life for their citizens yet they seem to think that the solution to their poverty problem is to send them to the U.S.

gardenforge's photo
Sun 11/25/07 02:20 PM
"Get this." said the guy to his friends, "Last night while I was down here at the bar with you guys, a burglar broke into my house."

"Did he get anything." his friends asked.

"yeah, a broken jaw, six teeth knocked out, and a pair of crushed nuts. The wife thought it was me coming home drunk again."

gardenforge's photo
Thu 11/22/07 10:11 AM
please tell me when I can buy gas again. Pushing my pickup all over town is making my legs hurt. laugh

gardenforge's photo
Thu 11/22/07 10:07 AM
Very well said Knox. What you said is the crux of the issue illegal vs legal immigration.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/16/07 07:53 PM
yes thank you dragoness for trying to make Martyrs out of criminals then equating us to Nazis when we don't buy your line of BS. All the while avoiding the crux of the issue which is these people came here illegally no matter what reason they used, they chose to come here and ignore our laws. Once again just exactly what part of ILLEGAL do you fail to understand. It's a simple question try to answer it without a bunch of liberal socialistic BS, finger pointing and smoke and mirrors. You don't get to obey only the laws you agree with, you HAVE to obey all of them or suffer the consequences. You don't reward people for doing the wrong thing or you encourage more people to do the wrong thing.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/16/07 02:16 PM
The appropriate punishment is to sent their asses back where they came from.

Dragoness you keep resorting to all sorts of abstract issues like we brought them here for slave labor and racisim. Nobody brought them here, they came here of their own accord and they are free to leave anytime they want. The fact is they came here because they could make more money than they could make at home. They had the opportunity to enter this country legally but they did not want to waste the time and effort to do that so they said "screw you" and came across the border illegally.

As far as it being a race issue, it's not. It is a matter of legal vs illegal. If you come to America legally no matter where you are from, Welcome to America. If you come to America illegally no matter where you are from, go back home or be deported when you are caught.

If they had any balls they would press for social reforms in the ountry they came from and make it a better place rather than come here and try to turn this country in to the mess they left.

If you check another post on this forum you will see what Canada did with them. They said no way in hell are we letting these people in illegally.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/16/07 11:56 AM
Gee Dragoness why is it when you socialists get backed into a corner by fact you lash out. Nazi style roundups, nobody is going to round them up and send them to extermination camps, just send them back to the country they came from.

I am convinced of one thing if the people who support amnisty for illegal aliens had to foot the bill entirely while the people who do not support aminsty didn't have to pay for it, there would be a lot fewer people supporting the issue.

You constantly keep evading the issue, these people came here of their own free will and made a conscious choice to violate the laws of the U.S. by doing so. They should not be rewarded for doing that. Anyone with enough brains to pour water out of their boots knows if you reward unacceptable behavior you get more of it.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/16/07 11:38 AM
Words cannot adequately express my extreme disgust at incidents like this. As bad as some think this country is, we still enjoy more freedom than most other people in the world. It is truly unfortunate that in many parts of the world women are still treated as property. Women under Islam have no rights. I don't see that situation changing real soon.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/16/07 09:27 AM
"No American is safe while congress is in session" Will Rogers

Drivinmenutz and Knox you are both absolutely right.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/16/07 09:10 AM
Is that the same tax and spend democratic (should say socialist) majority that then started taxing social security and filling every financial bill with pork barrel projects to ensure their reelection? Funny when the democrats were in the minority and they used the fillibuster to stall everything it was an ok deal, now if the republicans use it, the democrats cry foul.

"There is no example in the last quarter century of a large complex economy that has been successful with high taxes. The Western Europenas have seen their standard of living decline by 30% in a little more than a generation because of their high taxes. The U.S. meanwhile has out performed the competition over the last quarter century." A quote from Jonah Goldberg's column in todays paper.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/16/07 08:30 AM
There were two brothers one was a deaf mute who was a triffic accountant, the other was a lawyer. Both worked for a gangster. The lawyer was the only one who knew sign language and was ale to communicate and translate for his brother.

One day the gangster noticed that there was 12 million dollars missing. He called the two into his office, took out his gun and put it to the accountant's head. Then he said to the lawyer "ask your brother where the 12 million dollars went"

The lawyer signed the question to the accountant who signed back to the lawyer "tell him it's in a suitcase under the stairs"

The gangster said to the lawyer "what did your brother say?"

The laywer said to the gangser "he said you don't have enough balls to pull that trigger."

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/16/07 08:25 AM
Well Duh, all this argument about whether the figures are correct is moot. The percentage of the Illegal Aliens population committing crimes is in the U.S. 100% they ALL committed a crime by entering this country illegally.

Scttrbrain I didn't say "bleeding heart" was a negative, you are the one that got ticked off about the term. I made the assumption that you took it as a negative because not many people get ticked off about being called something positive. Once again you have artfully evaded the crux of the issue by falling back on "I am a woman and a mother.... " and we must show compassion etc. The issue is illegal entry to this country period.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/16/07 08:09 AM
A man was shipwrecked on a desert island. After he had been there patiently watching the horizon for 2 years he finally saw a faint speck. As the speck got nearer, he could see that it was a boat. He began to jump and wave his arms. As the boat got closer he could see that there was a person in it. As it got still closer he could see it was a very beautiful well built woman. He was overjoyed that he would soon be resuced.

As the lady beached the boat on shore he yelled to her "Thank you for rescuing me I have been stranded here for 2 years"

She reached into the boat and pulled out a bottle of scotch and said "since you have been here that long I bet you would like a drink"

Over come with his newfound fortune the man yelled "I can't belive it you brought scotch"

Then the woman reached into the boat and pulled out a cigar and said "since you have been stranded for 2 years perhaps you would like a cigar"

The man just could not believe his good fortune and he began to dance and cried out "I can't believe it you brought Cuban Cigars"

As the man sipped his single malt and puffed on his cigar, the lady began to unbutton her shirt and she said "since you have been stranded here alone for 2 years would you like to play around"

The man dropped his cigar and the scotch barely able to contain himself with a big smile he said "Oh My God I can't believe it, you brought golf clubs too"

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/16/07 07:57 AM
The scary part is most of them also drive cars laugh

gardenforge's photo
Thu 11/15/07 08:18 PM
gee the ice is growing in thickness wouldn't that mean more ice? Obviously anyone who has not had the benefit of the complete and well rounded education that you enjoy could not possibly understand the complexities of environmental problems. That is why many of the people appointed to the committee that formed the consensus were not scientists.

When you can tell me why deer poop is little pellets while cow poop is big piles I will be happy to discuss the transversdispercipity of different chemicals in various types of soil with you, but until then well .... you know how the saying goes laugh

gardenforge's photo
Thu 11/15/07 08:06 PM
Political Correctness is a hypothesis started by a small minority and spread by the mainstream media that professes that it is possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.laugh

gardenforge's photo
Thu 11/15/07 07:59 PM
Scctrbrain if that irritates you as the kids say, "build a bridge and get over it" laugh I sorta liked the bleeding heart thing. It aptly describes those who advocate unregulated and illegal immigration for their lame humanitarian reasons. The key word here is ILLEGAL!!! exactly what part of that do you fail to comprehend?

If we were to use your warped logic, if I rob a bank for the right reasons, I not only don't have to go to jail, I get to keep the money.

Remember that right is still right even if nobody is doing it and wrong is still wrong even if everybody is doing it. Illegal Immigration is is just plain WRONG!!

gardenforge's photo
Thu 11/15/07 10:46 AM
Wow the cooling of the Antartic is due to the hole in the Ozone Layer which lets more UV radition through which chills the area, sorry I just can't seem to follow your logic, how can radiation that burns the skin create colder temperatures on the ground? Further, if the Antartic ice cap is now receeding too, why are there scientific teams down there trying to discover why it is growing?

You keep throwing out that you are an environmental engineer, obviously you have mistaken education for intelligence. Some of the dumbest people I have ever met had PHD behind their name. To error is human, to forgive devine but to really screw it up you need an engineer. laugh

As I said earlier the global warming tribe, you included, tend to dismiss out of hand anything that does not support your argument then you wonder why we doubt your credibility.

Remember this theory was formed by a consensus of people some of whom had absolutely no scientific background and all were appointed by their respective governments throughout the world. Some of the more learned of these appointees resigned from the group and demanded that their names be removed from the final report and they have refuiated the findings of the committee.

In the middle ages the "consensus" of scientific minds was that the world was flat and if you sailed out beyond the sight of land you risk sailing off the edge.

At the same time the "consensus" of scientific minds was that the sun revolved around the Earth.

Also at that time the "consensus" of right thinking people was that witches were responsible for all manner and forms of human and natural disastes.

A bit later the "consensus" of scientists was that the lines on Mars were canals and that life existed there.

The "consensus" of many was that the moon was made out of green cheese.

The "consensus" of others is that the position of the moon and stars at the time of our birth determines everything in our lives.

Just a few years ago, the "consensus" of a great majority of the scientific community was that we were just a couple decades away from another ice age.

You can get a bunch of people together and they will form a "consensus" but it is damn doubtful that that same group will ever come to a conclusion. laugh

gardenforge's photo
Thu 11/15/07 08:18 AM
or perhaps something on the lense or in front of the lense on the camera.

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