Community > Posts By > gardenforge

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/09/07 08:07 PM
I am Catholic and I am apalled by the abuse that is occurring in the church. I think the church needs a thorough house cleaning from the Vatican on down and I think that probation for a sex offender is a travisty. Give them the max no matter who they are.

gardenforge's photo
Thu 11/08/07 08:50 PM
John Glenn

There were 39 combat related killings in Iraq in January.
In the fair city of Detroit there wer e 35 murders in the month of January. That's just one American city, about as deadly as the entire war-torn country of Iraq.

When some claim that President Bush shouldn't have started this war, state the following:

a. FDR led us into World War II.

b. Germany never attacked us ; Japan did. From 1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost an average of 112,500 per year.

c. Truman finished that war and started one in Korea North Korea never attacked us . From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost . an average of 18,334 per year.
d. John F. Kennedy started the Vietnam conflict in 1962.
Vietnam never attacked us.

e. Johnson turned Vietnam into a quagmire. From 1965-1975, 58,000 lives were lost .. an average of 5,800 per year.

f. Clinton went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent.
Bosnia never attacked us . He was offered Osama bin Laden's head on a platter three times by Sudan and did nothing.

Osama has attacked us on multiple occasions.

g. In the years since terrorists attacked us , President Bush has liberated two countries, crushed the Taliban, crippled al-Qaida, put nuclear inspectors in Libya , Iran , and, North Korea without firing a shot, and captured a terrorist who
slaughtered 300,000 of his own people.

The Democrats are complaining about how long the war is taking.

But Wait It took less time to take Iraq than it took Janet Reno
to take the Branch Davidian compound. That was a 51-day operation..

We've been looking for evidence for chemical weapons in Iraq for less time than it took Hillary Clinton to find the Rose Law Firm billing records.

It took less time for the 3rd Infantry Division and the Marines to destroy the Medina Republican Guard than it took Ted Kennedy to call the police after his Oldsmobile sank at Chappaquid****.

It took less time to take Iraq than it took to count the votes in Florida!!!

Our Commander-In-Chief is doing a GREAT JOB ! The Military morale is high!

The biased media hopes we are too ignorant to realize the facts

But wait! There's more!

JOHN GLENN (on the Senate floor - January 26, 2004) Some people still don't understand why military personnel do what they do for a living. This exchange between Senators John Glenn and Senator Howard Metzenbaum is worth reading. Not only is it a pretty impressive impromptu speech, but it's also a good example of one man's explanation of why men and women in the armed services do what they do for a living.

This IS a typical, though sad, example of what some who have never served think of the military.

Senator Metzenbaum (speaking to Senator Glenn): 'How can you run for Senate when you've never held a real job?'

Senator Glenn (D-Ohio): 'I served 23 years in the United States Marine Corps. I served through two wars I flew 149 missions.
My plane was hit by anti-aircraft fire on 12 different occasions. I was in the space program. It wasn't my checkbook, Howard; it was my life on the line. It was not a nine-to-five job, where I took time off to take the daily cash receipts to the bank.'

'I ask you to go with me . . as I went the other day... to a veteran's hospital and look those men .. with their mangled bodies .. in the eye, and tell THEM they didn't hold a job!

You go with me to the Space Program at NASA and go, as I have gone, to the widows and Orphans of Ed White, Gus Grissom and Roger Chaffee... and you look those kids in the eye and tell t hem that their DADS didn't hold a job.

You go with me on Memorial Day and you stand in Arlington National Cemetery, where I have more friends buried than I'd like to remember, and you watch those waving flags.

You stand there, and you think about this nation, and you tell ME that those people didn't have a job?

What about you?' For those who don't remember During W.W.II, Howard Metzenbaum was an attorney representing the Communist Party in the USA .

gardenforge's photo
Sun 11/04/07 09:06 PM
In that case ya all better talk nice about Bush cuz when he does it, ya all are in a heap of trouble if ya don't laugh

Remember today starts a new week time to change the foil in your hats laugh

gardenforge's photo
Sun 11/04/07 09:02 PM

Asbestos is only harmful if you breathe in the fibers. The lodge in the lungs and cause damage similar to silicosis that you get from silicone dust or black lung that you get from coal dust. In addition they cause a distinctive form of cancer in some people. When they are buried in a landfill and capped with impermiable soil like they use to cap a landfill, they pose no danger because they cannot work their way to the surface.

On the other hand, I would not be a big fan of placing anything on top of a landfill because of the methane gas that is bound to be generated from the decomposing garbage. There was a housing development built on an old landfill between Seattle and Tacoma, WA years ago. The methane began to seep into the basements of the houses. They had to drill into the landfill and put in a flare stack to burn off the methane. I also wrote a Health and Safety Plan and did some training for an expirimental project in Pueblo, CO where they built a plant to take the methane from the landfill and turn it into diesel fuel, naptha and wax. The project was eventually abandoned and the plant dismanteled but that was before $3+ a gallon diesel.

Building anything on a landfill is a risky venture and there are worse things buried in them than asbestos. Industry is strictly regulated on how they can dispose of their wastes including hazardous wastes, there are no such restrictions on the American household. Anything the average American don't know what to do with, goes in the garbage regardless of how toxic it may be.

gardenforge's photo
Sat 11/03/07 10:22 PM

Using scare tactics and worse case hypothetical senarios damages the credibility of the entire environmental movement. You might think you are doing something to further the cause but all you are doing is giving the opposition the ammunition they need to dismiss your statements as baseless rants. The end does not justify the means. Nobody can argue with facts, but anyone can dismiss unjustifiable allegations.

There are very strict regulations on where and how you can dispose of asbestos and there have been for many years. That is not to say that the stuff that was disposed of before it became regulated can't come back to haunt us but what is disposed of now is very closely monitored.

One of the first superfund sites was the removal of a trailer park that was built on the tailings of an old asbestos mill and the remedeation of the site in Globe, Arizona. That was back in the early 1980s.

gardenforge's photo
Sat 11/03/07 08:10 PM
It depends on the location of the can and the amount of moisture. I assumed that the can would be in the ground with some moisture not sitting pristinely on a shelf. Once again the correct information is redily available if one wanted to do a bit of searching rather than relying on the infablbility of a chain email.

Masagetrader I care deeply about the environment too, I spent quite a few years doing environmental remediation and cleaning up Hazardous Material Spills, but when people use junk science to try to further the cause it comes back to bite them in loss of credibility. Some people feel that is acceptable to use scare tactics and out right BS to further the cause. Then when an actuall problem comes along they wonder why no one believes them. All I am saying is if you are going to post facts, get your poop in a group and make sure the facts are accurate before you post them.

Twilights twin, nobody peed in my cherios, and I nowhere in my post did I say throw anything away, I just challenged your facts and figure and aske if you can verify them obviously you cannot. I have forgotten more about environmental cleanup than you will ever know. You like a large part of the movement chant the slogans and drink the koolaid but you don't have a clue as to what is actually going on. You run around crying wolf so much that nobody bellieves you when the wolf bites you in the butt.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/02/07 09:19 PM
Tabasco Sauce is made on Avery Island, Louisiana USA, and they get a goodly amount of their peppers from Vado, New Mexico USA. your sauce is not in danger.

gardenforge's photo
Thu 11/01/07 08:23 PM
If footballs are made out of cow hide, why are they called pig skins? laugh

gardenforge's photo
Thu 11/01/07 08:16 PM
Just as I thought, I think if you check the web you will find that much of the information is inaccurate. A tin can is actually steel and if placed in a moist environment it will rust to dust in less than a year. Styrofoam will degrade much faster than plutonium. Aluminum foil or wrappers will degrade much quicker than 200 to 500 years and while it takes plastics longer do degrade, I doubt very seriously that it takes a million years. This is just the sort of Junk Science that causes the environmental movement to loose credibility.

gardenforge's photo
Thu 11/01/07 08:11 PM
Oh gee what part of the guy who signs your paycheck gets to tell you what you have to do to earn it don't these civil service cry babies understand. If they don't like what they are being asked to do they can quit and find another job, of course they might have to work in the private sector where they would actually be required to work and produce something instead of sit with their nose in the government trough and cry whine, ***** moan and complain. I don't think there are any hooks in their asses holding them to the job they can bail anytime they want.

gardenforge's photo
Thu 11/01/07 08:47 AM
TLW once again you use the flawed liberal socialistic logic that if the reason is good enough it is ok to break the law, or if you don't agree with the law ignore it. If I were to use your logic and decide that I didn't agree with the laws against murder, they according to the way you think it would be ok for me to open the season on illegal immigrants and shoot them on sight. We are a nation of laws. If people don't agree with the law there is a way to change the law, but to continue to break the law with impunity and then reward the law breakers leads to chaos and anarchy.

Why must we have this same stupid discussion every month or so just so you can advocate your cause and that is to turn this country into the same cesspool that your and your countrymen left. If you come here legally, welcome to America, if you come here illegally, go home.

gardenforge's photo
Wed 10/31/07 10:48 PM
I can't believe it, there have already been more responses to the possible mistreating of sheep than there were to the post about a week ago where an Australian Boy was found dead in a suitcase. I guess if a dead sheep was found in a suitcase there would be total outrage. No wonder this world is so screwed up :cry:

gardenforge's photo
Wed 10/31/07 10:42 PM
Twilights Twin, I would be interested in seeing the source of your information, do you have a reference that you can supply?

gardenforge's photo
Wed 10/31/07 10:30 PM
TLW you brand me a hater just because I call it like it is. Funny how people like resort to name calling when your argument starts to leak like a sieve. You use every manner of circular logic to try to advance your point. Now we stole the land from the Indians so that makes it ok for people to enter this country illegally. Quit drinking the koolaid for a while and perhaps you will be able to get a grip on reality.

If you commit a crime you are a criminal, entering this country illegally is a crime and I could care less what the motives for it are. Employing Illegal Aliens is also a crime and both should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 10/29/07 09:23 PM
To hell with amnesty, you don't reward people with citizenship for comitting a felony by entering this country illegally. I guess by your way of thinking, giving amnesty to car theives would solve the car theft problem too.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 10/29/07 12:59 PM
why is it that every time someone says something about what ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS cost the U.S. System somone has to go off on the cost of the war in Iraq like if we got out of Iraq we would have the money to fund these Criminals who entered our country illegally and committed a felony doing it. Miguel just what the hell part of of ILLEGAL do you not understand. We have no problem with the people who come here legally, it is the ILLEGAL ones that we have a problem with. People who commit a felony by entering this country ILLEGALLY deserve nothing but a swift kick in the ass to help them back across the border. I don't give a big rats patoot what your ethnicity is, if you entered this country legally you are welcome if you entered this country ILLEGALLY you are a criminal and you are not welcome. No one has the right to enter any country illegally regardless of the reason.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 10/29/07 09:18 AM
Another all time favorite:

The shades of night were falling fast, but I got a prety good look anyway

gardenforge's photo
Mon 10/29/07 09:16 AM
This morning on the Interstate,

I looked over to my left and there was a Woman, In a brand new Cadillac, Doing 65 mph, With her Face up next to her Rear view mirror, Putting on her eyeliner.

I looked away For a couple seconds! And when I looked back she was Halfway over in my lane, Still working on that makeup.

As a man, I don't scare easily. But she scared me so much;
I dropped My electric shaver, Which knocked The donut Out of my other hand.

In all The confusion of trying To straighten out the car Using my knees against The steering wheel, It knocked My cell phone,
Away from my ear Which fell Into the coffee Between my legs,

Splashed, And burned Big Jim and the Twins,Ruined the damn phone, Soaked my trousers, And disconnected an Important call.

Damned women drivers

All right ya all calm down it's only a joke laugh

gardenforge's photo
Sat 10/27/07 09:58 PM
SSDD remember to replace the tinfoil in your hats laugh

gardenforge's photo
Wed 10/24/07 09:58 PM
I find it very disheartening that more people responded with outrage to the Bear Hunting in Maryland thread than to this one.