Topic: OK, answer the ?? honestly Spank or Not
unsure's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:35 AM
I honestly believe this is whats wrong with these kids in todays society. They know you can not spank them or its considered child abuse..this is why these kids are so mean and out of control. I do believe there is a way to spank your child the correct way and trust me..I do that!!
My boys are very respectful toward other people and they are not those little brats that are out of control!! They have been taught to respect other people or they will have to pay for their actions!
I was spanked as a child and I KNOW my parents loved me. I thank my parents for raising me in a strict envirement and I am sure that my children will thank me!
Good luck to all of those parents out there that like to teach their children respect flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:49 AM

Even Dr Spock said if the advice I gave you in this book doesn't work, turn the child over your lap and use the book.
laugh drinker drinker

laugh laugh
Thx for the laugh . . . made me flash back on a conversation or two with other good parents that those without children would absolutely not understand! laugh laugh

Love 'em enough to Keep 'em focused on what's right . . .
By any means necessary

beachbum069's photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:51 AM
I always said that I would spank my son, but he never gave me a reason too. I'm one of the lucky ones to have a child that rarely ever misbehaved. Of course now that he's 12 he's starting to be a little rebellious.

no photo
Sat 05/31/08 09:57 AM

I always said that I would spank my son, but he never gave me a reason too. I'm one of the lucky ones to have a child that rarely ever misbehaved. Of course now that he's 12 he's starting to be a little rebellious.

All the best of luck as the challenge truly begins!

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 05/31/08 11:54 AM
Edited by cutelildevilsmom on Sat 05/31/08 12:06 PM

Do not spank your children. Be an adult and learn how to communicate. Hitting a child is a sign of ignorance and weakness.

says you.why are the childless peeps such experts? I am neither weak or ignorant.You sir would be the first to ***** if a bratty child ran amok in walmart but want to educate us all on your brillant parenting methods which you have yet to use.Please write a book which no one will buy and will end up in the trash heap along side the other many "how to raise a child"books written by so called experts who are either childess,hate kids or studied them in a controlled environment.I laugh at you!!laugh

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 05/31/08 12:00 PM

While spanking is not necessarily abusive, the act itself is not teaching your child to change their behavior thoughtfully.

Time out or some similar period that a child can stop, think, cool down following explanation of why they should not behave the way they have behaved will teach them appropriateness, respect and decision making.

Spanking will teach them that they should not behave that way when a grownup is around or they will be hit. It teaches them that hitting is a way to control someone. It teaches them that if you are bigger you can hit someone. It teaches them fear.

There are exceptions to the rule: according to research that says children brought up in a violent neighborhood may fare better with this sort of upbringing. Somethin to think about.

it taught mine to cut the ****.laugh

MsCarmen's photo
Sat 05/31/08 01:53 PM

Do not spank your children. Be an adult and learn how to communicate. Hitting a child is a sign of ignorance and weakness.

says you.why are the childless peeps such experts? I am neither weak or ignorant.You sir would be the first to ***** if a bratty child ran amok in walmart but want to educate us all on your brillant parenting methods which you have yet to use.Please write a book which no one will buy and will end up in the trash heap along side the other many "how to raise a child"books written by so called experts who are either childess,hate kids or studied them in a controlled environment.I laugh at you!!laugh
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou drinker drinker drinker

Ohiotallguy's photo
Sat 05/31/08 02:16 PM
The only experience I need was being verbally and physically abused as a child. It will be with me for the rest of my life.

If you insist on hitting your child please follow it up with love, an apology and an explanation for why adults like you feel that it is expectable to hit them.

I can explain my opinion unlike you.

Not that it is any of your business, I did have children and God chose to take them from me. I cherished them for as long as I had them. brokenheart

You wouldn't understand that tho because you are so quick to pass judgment on someone who has a different opinion. I have some news for you, opinions are not facts.

So go ahead and laugh, and raise a toast. I am not laughing. I am praying for your children and you.

The sound of a child laughing is a lot more pleasant than that of a child crying.
But hey, that's just my opinion.

Ohiotallguy's photo
Sat 05/31/08 02:31 PM

Do not spank your children. Be an adult and learn how to communicate. Hitting a child is a sign of ignorance and weakness.

says you.why are the childless peeps such experts? I am neither weak or ignorant.You sir would be the first to ***** if a bratty child ran amok in walmart but want to educate us all on your brillant parenting methods which you have yet to use.Please write a book which no one will buy and will end up in the trash heap along side the other many "how to raise a child"books written by so called experts who are either childess,hate kids or studied them in a controlled environment.I laugh at you!!laugh

Really? How exactly do you know this?
You don't know me.
I am not surprised that someone who hits their child would attack me tho.
Laugh all you want. Whatever helps you sleep while your child is crying because mommy was unable to control herself.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 05/31/08 08:12 PM
i can explain my opinion also.My son has issues.I don't spank a llot but it is an option.When those who spank spoke up ,you chose to down them as parents.I'm sorry you were abused but I assure you my son is not.But a whack on the butt is not the end of the world.
kumbaya parenting methods don't work for my child because he has issues.I have to be ultra strict and yes sometimes that means a whack on the tush.Thats not opinion its fact.
Sorry for your bad childhood and the loss of your children.flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:23 PM
Edited by BrandSpankinNew on Sun 06/01/08 02:24 PM
BRAVA! Cute, you hit on several critical points without even trying!
Differences in environment, child and parent personalities and experience, what works and what dosen't, etc, etc, are only a bare handful of criteria to consider when determining how to raise your individual and distinct child.

Attacking another parents methods without knowing their circumstances only raise defenses, and when you're protecting yourself your ears and heart go to the corner to wait out the body count.

I admire your abitlity to hear the tall guys situation. Surely that same understanding is in play in your parenting!

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:36 PM
TallGuy, all human and parental understanding goes out to you. There are definitely distinctions between loving correction and abuse. No one should suffer abuse, but it happens. We feel your pain, both of your upbringing and for your loss.
You seem to have done well, finding some solace in His hand being involved.

Off topic for a sec - we no more understand His fine reasoning than an ant does ours. We do trust that He is working things out to some eternal good and in that there can be some peace. I'm glad you've found that.

No, it's not our business, but your revealing the base of your thoughts is like the mustard seed.

Amberdee29045's photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:39 PM
In the brief 18 months that my 5 year old did live with me, I only spanked her ONE TIME.....I was cooking dinner and the stove was low enough for her to get her tiny hand up there.....She knew better than to come into the kitchen while I was cooking and had been doing excellent at following that rule until day I was frying pork chop......I was turning a chop when I saw a tiny little hand on the stove between two hot burners........I was so frightened that I jerked her hand off the stove, I popped her good and hard on her backside........

There's a reason I was frightened like that.....I was that age (17 months old) and I did something very similar.........from what i've been told I spent two weeks in ICU with 2nd and 3rd degree burns in the diaper area........

It's not that I wanted to spank her, but she learned after that never to go near the stove while mommy is cooking........I don't want that child having the scars on her backside like I have and an extremely sensitive area to booot.......i grew up being spanked for everything and my nerves are damaged from my being badly burned.....Even a light pop hurts like hell back there....

Ohiotallguy's photo
Sun 06/01/08 06:42 PM

TallGuy, all human and parental understanding goes out to you. There are definitely distinctions between loving correction and abuse. No one should suffer abuse, but it happens. We feel your pain, both of your upbringing and for your loss.
You seem to have done well, finding some solace in His hand being involved.

Off topic for a sec - we no more understand His fine reasoning than an ant does ours. We do trust that He is working things out to some eternal good and in that there can be some peace. I'm glad you've found that.

No, it's not our business, but your revealing the base of your thoughts is like the mustard seed.

Thank you.
I will not be posting in the forums again. Trying to help people is too painful.

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 06:51 PM
I completely understand. I am right now trying to create a response in a topic I should never have entered. I'm taking my time offsite to write it because it is a sensitive issue to me and I want to be clear.

I broke my own rule and responded to a controversial subject. Never again!

Someone once said "Every man is my better, in that I can learn from him". You've learned a lot TallGuy, some of what you know may help someone else. Just, maybe, like me, steer clear of the the heavy stuff that affects you.

I feel you.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 06/02/08 01:58 AM
smokin get a whipsmokin

daniel48706's photo
Mon 06/02/08 06:31 AM

I do not think there is anything wrong with a little swat on the behind to get a child's attention...I don't consider that spanking. However, "spanking" is wrong. I used to know people from church (go figure) who believed in spanking. It made no sense to me, once the child was in trouble for hitting another child, she took him in the bedroom with a wooden spoon and all we heard was the smack and the cries. How does that teach a child that hitting is wrong?? I just never got it.

That was not spanking. That was assault. Technically assault with battery.

Spanking is using your hand, and only your hand to deliver a quick couple slaps to the butt. Not the face, not the legs, not the back, but the butt.
The question I have for anyone against spanking. Were you panked as a child? Odds are you were (and I mean spanked, not assaulted). How did you grow uyp? Were you traumatized from the spanking? Do you assault your children now due to it? I highly doubt it.
What everyone needs to stop and remember is a very simple scientific fact (and I am sorry all in advance to any religious person I offend here). We may have been created by God, but science trumps God, due to the fact that god has specifically stated he will not intervene if it means taking away free will from another person.
By scientific nature, we, the human race, are animals. Plain and simple science, we are animals, just like the dog, or cat, horse, etc.
And in nature, animals learn what is and is not acceptable by getting punished (hurt) and rewarded (fed). We are the same when it all boils down. Now I am not saying we need to hurt our children. I would be the first one to step in between a parent and a child if there was abuse going on. However, spanking a child does not harmt hem in any way whatsoever, and it reenforces the NATURAL instincts that all animals have (dont do that cause it doesnt feel good).

daniel48706's photo
Mon 06/02/08 06:44 AM

requiereing them just like day care does here they require too take a child development class the one took.........for child too be in day......realy helps parents here....and ther are flexible hours night and day time classes.........

Are you saying that in order to put your child in day care where you are at, they are required to take parenting classes? I am sorry but hat is the biggest load of crock I ever heard. Your job is not to instruct the parents, it is to care for the children while the parents are busy elsewhere. Daycare is a glorified babysitter, in my opinion (and keep in mind I have seriously concidered operating a daycare int he past). Yes daycare that provide educational activities are betetr than ones that don't, again imo, bu thtat does not give you the right (and I dont mean yo personally here) to tell a parent that they can not have daycare for their children while they go to work, unless they also add in parenting classes and such. Thats called tyrannical rule.

daniel48706's photo
Mon 06/02/08 06:50 AM

I am a firm believer in spanking, you can truly tell the children who do not get spanked... I think that you should be able to spank your child, however, spanking should be used to discipline and never, ever, should you spank your kid whil you are angry....if you need to take 10, calm down, then do it, may end up "abusing"...

Ver!!y well put

daniel48706's photo
Mon 06/02/08 07:04 AM

The only experience I need was being verbally and physically abused as a child. It will be with me for the rest of my life.

If you insist on hitting your child please follow it up with love, an apology and an explanation for why adults like you feel that it is expectable to hit them.

I can explain my opinion unlike you.

Not that it is any of your business, I did have children and God chose to take them from me. I cherished them for as long as I had them. brokenheart

You wouldn't understand that tho because you are so quick to pass judgment on someone who has a different opinion. I have some news for you, opinions are not facts.

So go ahead and laugh, and raise a toast. I am not laughing. I am praying for your children and you.

The sound of a child laughing is a lot more pleasant than that of a child crying.
But hey, that's just my opinion.

what about the sound of a child laughing, because he just broke another childs nose in a fight? What about the sound of a child laughing cause he (or she) knows they can do anything they want with no worries about punishment or consequences?

Those kids are satill laughing, and they are laughing in genuine pleasure. Would you still c onsider that pleasant as well?

read my other post in here about the human race being animals by nature. The go back to school and take some science classes based on animals and their actions/reactions. Aslo go to your library and check out a good book called lord of the flies. This is an excellent book for all parents to read, and for all those who try and prevent a parent from disciplining their child when needed.

The book describes how a group of castaway children, just old enough to understand what they neeed to do to survive (10 to 14 I think was the age range), group together and literaly revert to savages. And yes I say savages cause that is literally what they became. They killed the one child, out of a twisted and sick pleasure mixed with religion.
Most "learned" spychologists will tell you too that this is a very real possibility under the circumstances those kids faced int he book. They had absouultely no discipline other than basic nature.

And it is getting to where that is the only discipline our children are going to get cause the parents can not intervene any more and prevent them from learnign the hard way, out of fear of going to jail for the rest of their lives.

I truly suggest you step back and look more into the subject before you stand there and psout off that spanking is abuse, and there fore wrong etc. Yes there are other ways that should be tried first. I dont think a single person here would disageree that spanking should be at the end of a very long line of tried disciplines. But it needs to be in there as well.