Topic: To Mr Imis,
dazzling_dave's photo
Thu 04/12/07 06:38 PM
Dang, I knew I forgot something. Hi Jax.

no photo
Thu 04/12/07 06:58 PM
I think that Imus is a jerk and he should not have insulted my sisters.
They did not do anything to him or say anything bad about him. noway
noway noway Not only are these women successful professionals, but
they are WOMEN and they deserve nothing less than to be "Respected" and
not "DISrespected."
Did he not know that "naps" are an expression of our heritage and some
women prefer to go natural? As far as the Ho remark-proves that he is a
BIG MOUTH LOOSER! and needs to be quiet.

If I were Imus' employer, as soon as he made that remark, it would have
been his last words on my station.

His comments were not necessary and an forced apology is
unacceptable.mad mad mad mad mad mad
He deserves a beatdown!!!mad mad mad mad

Fanta46's photo
Thu 04/12/07 07:02 PM
Thanks Dave you answered my Question.....

Queenbee, I have a neice with dread locks, I call her nappy headed all
the time and threaten to shave her head,
Just curious should socisl services step in???laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 04/12/07 07:07 PM

In answer to your question.....I'd suggest you compliment your niece for
wearing her dreads. It's allllllllll goooooood!!!:smile:

Fanta46's photo
Thu 04/12/07 07:12 PM
I agree it was uncalled for and in bad taste but I also think it has
been blown out of proportion. I was leaning toward hillary Clinton for
president untill the feminist groups started supporting her simply
because she is a woman. Too much, Im totaly against voting for her for
that reason. Some times when an issue is pressed like that it tends to
have a reverse effect on the public. I didnt think his comments were
race related, just ignorant, and I dont need al sharpton telling me
that, and trying to make such a big deal out of it..I think it is doing
more harm than good for race relations in our country.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 04/12/07 07:14 PM
LOL, Im going to catch her asleep one day and shave that head.
She knows I will too.....LMAOflowerforyou flowerforyou

Fanta46's photo
Thu 04/12/07 07:17 PM
Ya know I liked Hillary for her strength as a woman and a person too.
Now I dont even think or consider her as a serious candidant

no photo
Thu 04/12/07 07:21 PM
Be careful Fanta-she might pay u back one day....laugh laugh laugh

adj4u's photo
Thu 04/12/07 07:23 PM
did any one see the wu tang fincial scitt

on dave chapell

were he is sittng at his desk

with a white couple across from him that he keeps referring to as

just curious

just a fact not condeming nor condoning

adj4u's photo
Thu 04/12/07 09:57 PM
i did not mean to kill this one

lily38's photo
Thu 04/12/07 11:01 PM
You didn't kill it, adj. I think Imus made some disrespectful and
degrading comments, too. He was wrong for doing so and exhibited poor
However, I think we have seen diversity in racial groups slamming EACH
OTHER. Just as someone said earlier, Jesse Jackson spews some pretty big
faux paux and doesn't make a secret for his disapproval of the caucasion
race. Does anyone ground him from his soap box? Also, remember the
sitcoms "All in the family" and "The Jeffersons".....Archie took a lot
of hell and was often portrayed as a thick-skulled, racist loser. George
was portrayed as an arrogant, rich self-made dry cleaner. He made a
regular practice of deliberately bashing Tom, Mr. Bentley.....calling a
cracker a cracker.....The Willises "zebras", etc., etc., yet when George
made those comments, he was generally applauded, while Archie was
ridiculed. They were both bigots. If Imus is held accountable, GOOD!
But, Jesse should be too.

lesndathouse's photo
Thu 04/12/07 11:48 PM
I recieved an email on this matter a few days ago. Basicly it was asking
why did everyone go off on imis when in fact black girls tell each other
in derogatory ways that they are nappy headed etc etc etc. Was this
because he was white? It got me to thinking on the matter. Growing up
the way I did around mostly blacks and many of my friends themselves are
black. It got me to wondering they go around saying nigga (might i
remind you nigga is like a greeting of sorts totally diff. from the word
nigger), but if I were to say it to someone it would be offensive. Why
is this? Why does everything have to come down to skin color? Why cant
ppl just look at ppl as ppl, not as a race or color? But back to the
subject matter at hand. I do believe Imis was in the wrong for what he
said, on national radio or in private. No one should say anything
derogatory about another person. Especially on national radio.

Benzy940's photo
Thu 04/12/07 11:59 PM

As an African American woman who grew up in a time when if your hair was
not straight or your skin not light enough( almost pale in
complexion)you were compared to monkey's and ape's.

I have family members who were constantly referred to as Nappy Headed
and made to feel ashamed of the texture of hair God graced them with.
Not only are they (as adults) ashamed of this texture of hair, but of
their complexion as well. And in hopes of being accepted by this society
have use chemicals for both hair and skin lightining.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson do not speak for the entire Af. Amer.
nation at all, However this is something that is in the underlying core
of America (racism)They just happen to have the portal of opportunity to
reach more in a faster method than someone who is a regular Joe.

And for Imus to so callously and non-chalantly make such degrading
statement in regards to young women who had to fight all kinds of
barriers to attain the priviledge of attending such a school of
prestige, to have a chance to play a game that has been male dominated
for centuries is one hell of an outstanding accomplishment and should be
commended instead of degraded. His comments are unequivically and
inherently wrong.

What we still don't want to accept, is that America still has a way to
go when dealing with people of color. Even though Imus has done things
for charity and yes some have gone to Afr. Amer. causes he has no right
to jokenly or whatever he choses to say he meant, make those statements.

Most of the major corporation have had their hands in slavery and if
suspending him or releasing him from his contract is a small way of
making amends then I'm sure we accept this gesture.

Imus is a man of great wealth so I'm sure he will remain on top of his
game and if he chooses to do his own thing on the airways then he will,
one would hope that he takes into consideration the effects of such
comments about any race or nationality.

I sincerely wish him the best of luck and for the population who cannot
understand the response to his situation, may they have the opportunity
to place themselves in the others shoes and experience how it can make a
person feel.

These young women are intelligent and capable of responding to any
questions without anyone prompting them to do so, I'm sure putting their
thoughts on paper and/or verbalizing their desire to attend Rutgers as
well as academic excellence,opened the doors for them, lets not take
that away from them, they didn't deserve the comments simply because
they lost a game.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Fri 04/13/07 01:43 AM
excuse me adj4u? there was no reason to assault me. IMUS IS FIRED. Do be
careful and not run off about racism. I live deep in the south and its
enough to make anyone NORMAL WITH ANY SENSE SICK.
QueenB you go girl!drinker my sentiments EXACTLY!!!!flowerforyou

adj4u's photo
Fri 04/13/07 02:51 AM
sis of barb's i did not attack you

and if you think i condone racism you better reread a bunch more of my

i do apologise that i did not get the story of the firing
bfore i read your post

put if he is fired so should carlos mancia and dave chapell

i do not support racism i just feel the responses should be aplied

and if you think i support the firing of macia and chapell
then you need to read even more of my posts

freedom of speech is protected

and those that do not defend it will be those that will say what

when more of our civil liberties are erroded away

be well

and much good to you

no photo
Fri 04/13/07 03:11 AM
Though I'm a huge fan of civil liberties, what is happening here is not
government censorship.

(I know no one is claiming otherwise, but it keeps getting hinted at in
this thread).

It is a corporation doing PR 'damage control' in response to a public

In my opinion, this is how a 'free society' should operate. If a group
doesn't like how a company's employee behaves, rather than pass
oppressive laws against said behavior, simply pressure the individual or
the company that pays them to behave that way. In my book this is
completely different than government censorship.

Now since only a few companies have so much power, the right of that
company to censor its employees can begin to have the same social impact
as 'government censorship'. What can we do? I think the best answer is
act to prevent the concentration of so much power in so few companies,
but thats another conversation.

Those who think its wrong for CBS to bow to the pressure the way they
have can organize themselves and apply their own pressure. Organize a
CBS boycott, if you like.

You can disagree with CBS's decision, but I personally don't think they
are obligated to employ people who say things which can financially harm
their company.

adj4u's photo
Fri 04/13/07 03:48 AM
i would agree if the polls that i have read

did not say that this is an over reaction

cheers to you

adj4u's photo
Fri 04/13/07 03:59 AM
oh yaeh

in case you didn't know

cbs is also a viacom partner

along with the comedy channel

that employs dave chapell and carlos mancia

who both use racial slur far more often than imus

i do not support the removal of them neither

but i do note the inconsistant policy of the parent company

racism is racism whether the racist is of white hispanic
or african decent

if it is a dismissable offense then dismiss all

not just some

but then so many shows would be cancelled what would we have to do with
our time

we may come to realise that racism is a weapon used to keep the
population from uniting and forcing the needed changes to give the
country back to the people

just a thought

but hey what do i know

no photo
Fri 04/13/07 04:23 AM
I just now read the other thread here on the same topic - I believe
gardenforge articulated some of the same views here in this thread in a
way I can better understand. I agree that double standards and the
influence of special interests groups in the restrictions of speech is a
'problem', but the Imus scenario its in the social domain not the legal
domain. It bothers me when this specific scenario is confused with the
constitutional right to free speech or orwell's concept of big brother.

adj4u's photo
Fri 04/13/07 04:30 AM
how about hitler version of divid and conguer

just a thought

when they came for the blacks i did nothing not my problem

when they came for the witness i did nothing not my problem

when they came for the jew i did nothing not my problem

when they came for the blacks i did nothing not my problem

when they came for me i looked around and there was no one left to help

but hey what do i know