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Topic: It is not the level of prosperity
Atlantis75's photo
Tue 12/15/09 01:19 PM
........that makes for happiness but the kinship of heart to heart and the way we look at the world. Both attitudes are within our power, so that a man is happy so long as he chooses to be happy, and no one can stop him.
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 12/15/09 01:25 PM
It's in the matters of the heart where we find true happiness...
I know many pissed off materially wealthy people.

seamac's photo
Tue 12/15/09 01:27 PM
I agree BUT having some money does make life easier!

msharmony's photo
Tue 12/15/09 01:46 PM
My mom made me laugh the other day,,,

While listening to my FAVORITE artist , Robin Thicke,,,one of the lines of his song said
"you can be poor when you're rich and rich when you're poor"

and my mom said to me

"sure wouldnt mind the chance to see for myself."

I love my mom. Money doesnt buy happiness but it sure does change the type of stress one has in their life.

no photo
Tue 12/15/09 01:57 PM
I always choose to be happy because I think it will cause good things to happen. You have to love yourself first. If the heart thing with a great guy comes into place, it's just an added bonus.

no photo
Tue 12/15/09 02:14 PM
My old buddy Wino Bob said the freight trains roll through the nicest homes as well as for the drunk down at the yards.

no photo
Tue 12/15/09 02:38 PM

My old buddy Wino Bob said the freight trains roll through the nicest homes as well as for the drunk down at the yards.

Wino Bob sounds like a very wise man.drinker

FETTS61's photo
Tue 12/15/09 02:40 PM

My old buddy Wino Bob said the freight trains roll through the nicest homes as well as for the drunk down at the yards.

i think i have Wino Bob on CD:wink: laugh

davidben1's photo
Tue 12/15/09 03:21 PM
no matter how much money one may aquire, there is one thing that never changes, what the brain itself tell's ITSELF, about how it spend it's money, and what one decide to accomplish with it's money, indeed this being created by each individual, by what one most care about, so why the need to be convinced by illusion's, that money somehow will change how self feel....

it will change what one feel "about', but the feeling stay the same, as to say, money cannot change HOW THE BRAIN THINK....

it is a nefarious illusion that money changes the inner working's of the playing field called human existence, because it indeed does, as all must EFFFECT, so as such, then dictate's, or determine's, and therefore, control WHAT IS NOW, which is indeed the future....

so, physical "outside things", as to say "what action's shall become a reality", can be disputed into infiniyt, shopwing indeed those that love but to dispute, which cannot be missed the root inception of the word debate, and so something must superseed the infinity telling's of true possible, and narrow it down more precise to what exactely SHALL HAPPEN, OR THE MOST OF WHAT IS HAPPENING, of course, this being the only tell of any INSIGHT OF THE TRUE LEARGEST REALITY, if we as human's even even still believe that human's are capable of seeing reality, as even this is questioned, which seems then this would call into question the sanity of all living things called man, as our own definition of insanity it to not be able to distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality, so, in such matter, it is imperative to look at what first create the THINKING or logic of each human used, BEFORE TRYING TO PREDICT HUMAN BEHAVIOUR???

nothing human is not most created, or WHAT IT IS, without FIRST, THE SELF ASSESSMENT OF ITSELF, in all cases, as the SELF ASSESSMENT IS ABOUT SELF, SO THE MOST IMPORTANT TO SELF, unless of course, one wish to dispute that, but to do so, would say one care's not about what itself does with itself, so this could only lead to no control over self then, as control OVER SELF, IS TOTALLY DUW TO SELF ASSESSMENT AS KING OR GUEEN???

and this, NO AMOUNT OF MONEY, can change, and why it is more than just a statement of conjecture, when drawing the LOGICAL conclusion, that them amount of dollar's that lie within one's own personal vaults, will effect "what self wish to believe about itself", and change then in other's, what THEY THINK OF YOU, but it does not change the root of human nature, or character, or integrity, but rather money only show the lack thereof of such things to YET exist, AS, SINCE THERE MUST BE A "POINT OF REFERENCE" ESTABLISHED, within the mind, for all things self "KNOW'S", the same as an opposite, THEN IT CAN BE SEEN, INTEGRITY ONLY EXIST AFTER IT HAS BEEN DULY RECOGNIZED NOT TO EXIST WITHIN THE SELF, and CANNOT IN ACTUALITY EXIST, AND IS ONLY IN PREMISE, OR CONFESSION, UNTIL IT HAS BEEN PROIVEN NOT TO EXIST....

and, since it seems the natural inclination, in things regarding all money, most SPIN ABOUT THE MIND, WITH THE "THOUGHT OF SELF INTEGRITY" AT MIND, then what happiness is, or what integrity is, or what generosity is, or what honesty is, or what caring is, or what greed is, CERTAINLY CANNOT BE LEFT OUT OF ANYTHING "CALLED HAPPINESS FROM MONEY", AS WHOM WOULD EVENE BEGIN TO FIRST SAY, THAT NONE OF THESE DOES NOT EFFECT HAPPINESS, AND ALL OF THESE REVOLVE MOST AROUND ******************MONEY***************************

for it was first in humankind, that when man constructed a monetary system of value, that man had to by all logic, first devalue itself, as when who self is, is based within environment as being attributed most to the amount of monetary gain possessed, and this cannot be denied to exist within all structures of society, since the first premise that exist is the more one spend, the more one get, in quantity, in quality, in prestige, in respect, and indeed, in intelligence, as a bum would have a difficult time trying to make it to the seat of the presidency, so indeed, what one "have", in this present society, is the basis of all value,given to humans, thihs being not taken as fact by a some few "person's behaviour", as that is debateable unto infinity, or unto the amount of eprception's that exist in the world, roughly 6.7 billion, but this based on ALL SYSTEM'S PRINCIPLES, AS INFUSED INTO THEM WHEN FIRST CREATED OR CONSTRUCTED, and of course, when man totally base's something, ANYTHING, as not as great as man itself, this then having to be ALL MAN AS EQUAL VALUE, than of course, any monetrary system by all lgoci of all things that EXIST, prove such would indeed have to decrease the amount of value seen to exist in other human's....

all things that are, must effect IN SOME WAY, so in call cases, there has to be a final conclusion able to be made, about the TOTAL EFFECT, in all cases, OR, SOMETHING IS MISSING IN THE LOGIC USED TO FORMULATE THE CONCLUSION???

money does not corrupt, but rather serve as a dye, that show where corruption already existed, and money in no way change the degreee of happiness within any living thing unto more happiness, as is so commonly retold and retold, but indeed, in all cases of this as a retelling, each one doing the telling is speaking from the perspective of defending self behaviour, and self want's, as not being of greed, or of ill motive, and always from the perspective of how much good is done with the "mo money" one may be trying to defend itself to have amassed or not amassed, but in all cases, any brain that live in a state of defending it's own actions, and proving it's own merit of it's own actions, COULD NOT HAVE DONE SO UNLESS ONE'S OWN ACTION'S were at sometime called into question, by it's own mind in all cases, even before the brain woudl recognize any poiwer from point of reference, BY WORDS SPOKEN FROM THE OUTSIDE, and so from this essence, it is most easily seen that happiness cannot actually exist in what is compelled, to even first question itself....

in all things of the mind, the potential to become as anything, seen within anything else of the same spieces, should be considered the same possibility of existence within self....

one cent

krupa's photo
Tue 12/15/09 03:33 PM
What a load!

Would I rather be wealthy or poor .......hmmmmmmm

Money may not by happiness.....but, neither does poverty.

tanyaann's photo
Tue 12/15/09 03:38 PM

What a load!

Would I rather be wealthy or poor .......hmmmmmmm

Money may not by happiness.....but, neither does poverty.

Krupa has some truth in there. People who are in poverty suffer from depression, anxiety and extreme hopelessness. You can make the best of a situation but when in poverty there is only so much that you can do.

davidben1's photo
Tue 12/15/09 04:07 PM
awh, the hasty that only rely on "feeling's" to dictate what is true or not true, decieve their own eye's, until the lack of merit in their own words cannot be detected by onself any longer at all....

i wonder, is that aload of ****, or a load of spit, or a load of crap, or a load of what u don't agree with, or what u just can't understand???

is that my understading being called into question, or is it your understanding you are calling into question???

why do you call mine into question, and not your own???

you used no logic to refute why any words wewre not founded in good logic???

indeed, where i reside, i am accustomed to loads of many different shapes, size's and varieties, so please, in which way was your load expelled from your mouth, and with what meaning should your refernce to "load' be assimilated here???

it seems in both cases, both your statments could have, and have had, OPPOSITE EFFECT THAN WHAT YOU STATE POSSIBLE???

happiness could only ever be accessed, if indeed, oneself had the ability to determine when itself was unhappy, as happy is no different than a car on a road, happy being center down the lane, and unhappy is in the ditch, and one msut access what compell itself to the ditch, before it can drive center down the lane with expertise, no longer expelling only statments that could be true at all times, therefore being only observation's of what "might be", as these are oft most in days past been called guess's....

indeed, many person's can easily be shown to aquire wealth, realize no greater happinesss, or what cause UNHAPPINESS, and therefore, then be able to access what create unhappiness and know how not to do what create unhappiness, as indeed, if one does not admit, what one does EITHER TAKE AWAY, OR ADD TO HAPPINESS, then self show itself has not any logic or knowing of happiness at all, and it is just a word without any logic behind it, but in all cases that ever exist, the knowing of ALL SUCH THINGS, could NOT BE AQUIRED, OR AFFORDED WITHOUT WEALTH....

and just overtly don't make happiness???



well, it is easy to call what self does not understand a load, easily, BUT FAR MORE DIFFICULOT TO PROVE IT IS A LOAD, LOL....

many with million's, that were not happy, proven as such by many spending's on many things, can then become as in poverty, and as such, then realize what took their happinness from them, or what made them unhappy, and so now, from poverty, realize or so then create happiness???

in both cases, the statements made, that wealth may not provide happiness, is provable as having many other conclusion's possible, or outcomes, and so telling nothing that gives any insight on what to base such important things on as the lives of real live human's, whose fate each is one is priceless, and beyond all monetary value???

and in "poverty" does not help make happiness, indeed, poverty one of the equal opposite tools of the universe, to indeed teach what happiness really is....

so, i choose not to believe, by logic not found in the words spoken, that the one that deem many other's as being full of "loads", is indeed most guilty of loading pages with nothing but unthought, unprovable, illogical statements....

for something to be the most true, it must be able to be proven by logic, and the first tell of anything without logic, is what make statements not even knowing what logic is, or what logic is founded upon, and so, if one does not understand, the need to detail the logic used to formulate it's assumption's, then itself proves it does not use logic at all, lol....

krupa's photo
Tue 12/15/09 04:28 PM
Cool your jets Dave. My comment was not directed at your novel. You simply posted before I did.

I was speaking in generalities. Aleksandr was a slave in a russian gulag so he had to be an optimist or die.

From my experience.....

Bills paid-happy

Wondering if the elec. or gas will be cut off 1st- unhappy

Fridge full-happy

Surviving on Ramen and bread-unhappy

Takeing my love out for a special occasion- happy

Hamburger helper for her birthday-unhappy

The concept that any of us would be happier being destitute is a load of sh;t in my humble opinion.

I have been there.

MeChrissy2's photo
Tue 12/15/09 04:32 PM
Holy Crap, that's a lot of words. Regardless of whether you are rich or poor.ohwell

davidben1's photo
Tue 12/15/09 04:36 PM

Cool your jets Dave. My comment was not directed at your novel. You simply posted before I did.

I was speaking in generalities. Aleksandr was a slave in a russian gulag so he had to be an optimist or die.

From my experience.....

Bills paid-happy

Wondering if the elec. or gas will be cut off 1st- unhappy

Fridge full-happy

Surviving on Ramen and bread-unhappy

Takeing my love out for a special occasion- happy

Hamburger helper for her birthday-unhappy

The concept that any of us would be happier being destitute is a load of sh;t in my humble opinion.

I have been there.

obviously not enough, to provide yet a happy attitude, so cool ur jet's young lady, lol...

TBRich's photo
Tue 12/15/09 04:47 PM

........that makes for happiness but the kinship of heart to heart and the way we look at the world. Both attitudes are within our power, so that a man is happy so long as he chooses to be happy, and no one can stop him.
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

That's righ F the World! Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Nite!

davidben1's photo
Tue 12/15/09 04:53 PM
too maany words???

is there a limit of words postable???

is there some "invisible" sign, flashing about each profile pic, stating HOW MANY WORDS EACH ONE MOST PREFER'S???

please, where are we, in kindergarten where the only words yet learned are how other's have breeched WHAT SELF LIKE???

how many live in the WORLD???

6.7 BILLION, AND ALL HAVE TO FIND A WAY TO FIND SOLUTION, with all 6.7 billion, for us to carry forward into the future, and THE AMOUNT OF WORDS TYPED IS THE TOPIC OF DISCUSSION???

THE WORDS TYPED WERE AIMED AT TOTAL GLOBAL INTERACTION, and of the principles that are inherentl;y infused into the present economic system, not just on the interaction, OF WHAT ONE PERSON WANTS FOR ITSELF, which would be the only person not capable of finding any relativity of the words total economic prosperity as relating to GLOBAL HAPPINESS....

the racism and bigotry, against anything that does not suite oneself certainly show's no knowing of any happiness, as if TOO MANY WORDS, CAN MAKE ONE UNHAPPY, OR WORDS SELF DOES NOT UNDERSTAND, CAN MAKE ONE UNHAPPY, as to not have positive things to say, as positive things comes from happy people, then again, as such, i reject the notion of defect in my logic, seeing that what speak to me, is indeed no expert itself, as itself wish to claim for itself, hence the belief in self as the judge of what is PROPER for other's, based UPON WHAT TWO EYE'S ALONE WANT???

please, such perception cannot in any essence, ever find continuous happiness, as there is flawed premise in the logic that happiness is based upon....

perhaps it would be best to look and see what one actaully defined happy to be???

FOR IT TO BE BOILED DOWN, which just occur in all cases, then one must be able to reduce to the simplest equasion, and so in each case of words describing human beviour, that would mean, shrink happiness down to ONE WORD, THAT MOST DESCRIBES HAPPY???

then, there could be greater discussion, on things greater than HOW THINGS DON'T SUITE ONE, OR A FEW, OR EVEN SOME, BUT TO FIND WHAT SUITE ALL, is the premise these words are bases upon....

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 12/15/09 04:58 PM

........that makes for happiness but the kinship of heart to heart and the way we look at the world. Both attitudes are within our power, so that a man is happy so long as he chooses to be happy, and no one can stop him.
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

I'm a Solzhenitsyn fan, and I agree with him here. Like Dostoevsky before him, he sought to reconcile the conflicting aspects of man's nature. Highly recommend his works. :)

motowndowntown's photo
Tue 12/15/09 04:58 PM

Cool your jets Dave. My comment was not directed at your novel. You simply posted before I did.

I was speaking in generalities. Aleksandr was a slave in a russian gulag so he had to be an optimist or die.

From my experience.....

Bills paid-happy

Wondering if the elec. or gas will be cut off 1st- unhappy

Fridge full-happy

Surviving on Ramen and bread-unhappy

Takeing my love out for a special occasion- happy

Hamburger helper for her birthday-unhappy

The concept that any of us would be happier being destitute is a load of sh;t in my humble opinion.

I have been there.

As usual Krup, spot on!!!!

krupa's photo
Tue 12/15/09 04:59 PM

Cool your jets Dave. My comment was not directed at your novel. You simply posted before I did.

I was speaking in generalities. Aleksandr was a slave in a russian gulag so he had to be an optimist or die.

From my experience.....

Bills paid-happy

Wondering if the elec. or gas will be cut off 1st- unhappy

Fridge full-happy

Surviving on Ramen and bread-unhappy

Takeing my love out for a special occasion- happy

Hamburger helper for her birthday-unhappy

The concept that any of us would be happier being destitute is a load of sh;t in my humble opinion.

I have been there.

obviously not enough, to provide yet a happy attitude, so cool ur jet's young lady, lol...

Are you trying to piss me off?

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