Topic: Mental Illness
no photo
Sun 02/28/10 08:32 PM
Insanity is the establishment that your system(s) of thinking have become detached or disconnected past a certain point of what has been established as acceptable behavior.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 02/28/10 08:58 PM

Now I'm not saying that a healthy diet can't cure mental disease, but I'm not agreeing with it either, I'm just simply stating how if certain terms are used in a headline, it is quoted for truth when it is simply stating a theory.

What a website uses for a headline is a moot point. A direct link to diet has been made to brain function and health. Omega-3 fatty acids is a perfect example, and the source of omega-3 fatty acids is not in the typical diet as it once was. BTW - Did you notice that the second site that you linked to said "The information on this site is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only"? Weird :wink:

As far as I could find there was no conclusive evidence to anything, medicinal or diet. There was improvement, but improvement can be had with medicine just as well. Little known bit here, I actually practice the diet in order to keep my schizo in order, but what I do won't necessarily work for everyone...regardless of what you think/know.:wink:

Rosieunlv's photo
Sun 02/28/10 09:44 PM
OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS THEY SAID THAT? but what if they werent born with it? you can get a mental illness anytime in your life? i have epilepsy and I wasnt born with it. I had an accident at age 2 that made me start having seizures:cry:

AlisonHo3's photo
Mon 03/01/10 07:09 AM
I am dignosed with a mental illness, Bipolar and PSTD. So, I really don't judge people at all you can not help a mental disorder at all.

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Mon 03/01/10 07:18 AM

I used to work with the mentally ill and developmentally disabled; they're people just like anyone else. I don't want to date anyone with those problems, but I definitely have compassion and recognition of their feelings. I remember this stupid broad, at an outing with my clients, was talking to her friend and said, "they should just kill people like that at birth" like it would've made the world a better place and taken away some kind of anguish this "screwed up" being might have.

Having worked in the field, what might you know about misdiagnosis, as far as schizophrenia verses to OCD?

if a Dr. mis-diagnosed schizophrenia as OCD... he's not very good! I mean, they are not even close! schizophrenia is a psycotic disorder... OCD is a personality disorder...

Perhaps you refer to schizoid and OCD - at least they are both personality disorders...

$.02 drinker

Dict8's photo
Mon 03/01/10 07:47 AM

I used to work with the mentally ill and developmentally disabled; they're people just like anyone else. I don't want to date anyone with those problems, but I definitely have compassion and recognition of their feelings. I remember this stupid broad, at an outing with my clients, was talking to her friend and said, "they should just kill people like that at birth" like it would've made the world a better place and taken away some kind of anguish this "screwed up" being might have.

Having worked in the field, what might you know about misdiagnosis, as far as schizophrenia verses to OCD?

if a Dr. mis-diagnosed schizophrenia as OCD... he's not very good! I mean, they are not even close! schizophrenia is a psycotic disorder... OCD is a personality disorder...

Perhaps you refer to schizoid and OCD - at least they are both personality disorders...

$.02 drinker
Yea. What's that sound a duck makes? :tongue:

Winx's photo
Mon 03/01/10 07:54 AM

I used to work with the mentally ill and developmentally disabled; they're people just like anyone else. I don't want to date anyone with those problems, but I definitely have compassion and recognition of their feelings. I remember this stupid broad, at an outing with my clients, was talking to her friend and said, "they should just kill people like that at birth" like it would've made the world a better place and taken away some kind of anguish this "screwed up" being might have.

Having worked in the field, what might you know about misdiagnosis, as far as schizophrenia verses to OCD?

if a Dr. mis-diagnosed schizophrenia as OCD... he's not very good! I mean, they are not even close! schizophrenia is a psycotic disorder... OCD is a personality disorder...

Perhaps you refer to schizoid and OCD - at least they are both personality disorders...

$.02 drinker

Something to think about: OCD symptoms are prevalent in people with schizophrenia but schizophrenia is not common with people with OCD.

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 03/01/10 09:33 AM
I personally believe diet is but one element but many mental health issues can be complicated by, or amplified, or even caused by many causes.

Considering the delicate balance the mind body has and how toxic some foods, chemicals, and even medications can be I think there needs to be much more than the minimal investigation that usually happens.

When I read that someone copeing with what sounds like an unusual combination of symptoms said they worked in a nurshery as a gardener a cold chill ran up my spine wondering if their problem started out as a chemical poisoning.

I also believe that the reaction that our mind, and body, and finances has to a mental health diagnosis is cumlative and sometimes we have a variety of ways to cope but none of them are really great. Once your life pretty much falls apart I think anxiety is a lot more normal a reaction than it is allowed to be.

Why people have to be so cruel about it I don't know. Every time you get a group talking about the subject the same miserable experiences come to light and I have been listening to these discussions for forty years.

There is a lot of power in refuseing to be silent. Predjudice and ignorance can slowly be chipped away

I wish all that try to cope find friends and advocates success. Contrary to what you might believe there is help and peer support can be powerful.

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 09:56 AM

Take yr own advice...research it.

Well if that's not the pot calling the kettle black... LOL :laughing:

Even vitamin B deficiency can lead to depression and can result as a paranoid hallucinatory state. In the amount of time it took for you to post your rant you could have actually googled it and learned something....

Dancere is 100% correct.

Some examples are Huntington’s chorea, Neurosyphilis, Encephalitis, Encephalitis lethargic, Cerebral abscess, Tuberculosis meningitis, Subarachnoid hemorrhage, Cerebrovascular accident, Cerebral tumors, Addison’s disease (hypoadrenalism), Hypopituitarism, The list goes on and on…. Next time instead of just ranting, please do some actual research before you post slaphead

Even liver disease can cause hallucinations and are sometimes known as hepatic encephalopathy.

It takes an open-mind for anyone to take advice from any doctor. It would also take a gentleman to apologize to Dancere for dissing her post, when you were the one who clearly was wrong. Here, this might help:

Thanx for all your support and research, AngelArs ... You are well informed!

Meh! I'm far past accustomed to it. No good deed goes unpunished.

My field is routinely attacked and dismissed in this fashion, nothing new.

This is one of the reasons that I don't advertise and only see folks that were recommended by word of mouth from existing clients.

I then know that person has witnessed my results first hand, understands the amount of homework/lifestyle/commitment required to work w/ me - and has prior faith in me and my methods.

In this results driven manner, the referrals have allowed that I've worked w/ up to 4 generations in family trees, including w/ their mental health, of course.

I've obvious empathy beyond the norm for ALL illness and dis~ease, hence my dedication to my chosen field and commitment to helping alleviate suffering!

My own family line was SO fraught w/ dis~ease (even including mental health issues on both sides) that I'm the ONLY survivor due to the RADICAL changes in lifestyle that I began taking at the age of 11.

When - my own mother prematurely died at the age of 38, due to a massive myocardial infarction/stroke!

My entire line were all unnecessarily taken out so young, DIRECTLY due to unhealthy lifestyle choices; the same choices I refused to continue.

My very healthy survival is proof positive genetics and unhealthy, killing lifestyles can be reworked to a miraculous degree.

Still, not much has changed from the Dark ages on ...

Natural Medicine Practitioner are still constantly trialled by fire in the uninformed court of public opinion by many, rather than acknowledged for their good works and successes!

Hasn't been long since we were put to death by such judgement; in many ways the close minded sentiment that saw to such atrocity remains, sadly.

People rob themselves and societal progress in this manner, not me, not my colleagues!

Also, I do grow weary of Mental Illness being distinguished as some untouchable Holy Grail in the vast sea of illnesses.

And ... Why are suggestions, opinions and life choices seen as judgements and dismissed as cruel?

And why is there such complacency/apathy as regards taking positive actions to help alleviate the situation - that routinely just are not taken by so many w/ mental illness?

Where is the accountability?

When? Those diagnosed w/ Cancer, Heart Disease, TB, HIV, Hep C, Diabetes 1 and 2, and so on and on, almost always are alerted to completely revamp their lifestyle towards healthy, positive changes at once!?

Again, dis~ease is dis~ease - there are many flavours!

Nothing changes if nothing changes. In fact, it gets worse by definition!.

There are so many lifestyle changes that would so greatly diminish the symptoms of all dis~ease, if not clear it completely.

I always teach that I'm a great mechanic, but the upkeep and maintenance is up to the driver. Possession really is 9/10s of the law!

It is ALL on the individual lifestyle. No Doctor should be a glorified mop person janitor! Clean up your own life!

Healthy skepticism is to be encouraged, it is one of my biggest tools -PROVE IT TO ME!

But, when volumes of proof positives are now available, and the most cutting edge Physicians DO incorporate that knowledge into their own practice and books?

Time to get on the ship that's sailing folks!

I hope even one person is helped by all the many great suggestions put forward in this thread!

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 10:03 AM

I personally believe diet is but one element but many mental health issues can be complicated by, or amplified, or even caused by many causes.

Considering the delicate balance the mind body has and how toxic some foods, chemicals, and even medications can be I think there needs to be much more than the minimal investigation that usually happens.

When I read that someone copeing with what sounds like an unusual combination of symptoms said they worked in a nurshery as a gardener a cold chill ran up my spine wondering if their problem started out as a chemical poisoning.

I also believe that the reaction that our mind, and body, and finances has to a mental health diagnosis is cumlative and sometimes we have a variety of ways to cope but none of them are really great. Once your life pretty much falls apart I think anxiety is a lot more normal a reaction than it is allowed to be.

Why people have to be so cruel about it I don't know. Every time you get a group talking about the subject the same miserable experiences come to light and I have been listening to these discussions for forty years.

There is a lot of power in refuseing to be silent. Predjudice and ignorance can slowly be chipped away

I wish all that try to cope find friends and advocates success. Contrary to what you might believe there is help and peer support can be powerful.

Brilliant ... I concur entirely ... And would add:

"Prejudice and ignorance on both sides of the issues can slowly be chipped away!"

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 10:46 AM

As far as I could find there was no conclusive evidence to anything, medicinal or diet.

If you really believe that then try removing all omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B and phosphatidyl choline from your diet. Get back to us in a few months and tell us how you feel (if you're still able to post). LOL laugh

There was improvement, but improvement can be had with medicine just as well.
I hate to tell you this but your body reacts to certain foods just the same as it would to medicine. Dr Barry Sears has documented this many times. The easiest example to envision is diabetes. In fact a new study out has found that bad diet increases a woman's chances of having a stroke. The link between diet and mental illness has been well established for many years for those who look into it.

"The Mental Health Foundation says scientific studies have clearly linked attention deficit disorder, depression, Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia to junk food and the absence of essential fats, vitamins and minerals in industrialised diets."

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 03/01/10 11:01 AM

As far as I could find there was no conclusive evidence to anything, medicinal or diet.

If you really believe that then try removing all omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B and phosphatidyl choline from your diet. Get back to us in a few months and tell us how you feel (if you're still able to post). LOL laugh

There was improvement, but improvement can be had with medicine just as well.
I hate to tell you this but your body reacts to certain foods just the same as it would to medicine. Dr Barry Sears has documented this many times. The easiest example to envision is diabetes. In fact a new study out has found that bad diet increases a woman's chances of having a stroke. The link between diet and mental illness has been well established for many years for those who look into it.

"The Mental Health Foundation says scientific studies have clearly linked attention deficit disorder, depression, Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia to junk food and the absence of essential fats, vitamins and minerals in industrialised diets."

The link has been established, but not a "magic cure all!" I know, because I practice diet in order to control my schizophrenia...but again, what I do doesn't work for everyone and some people may need medicine depending on symptoms and number of occurences. Like I said, if something works...why change it and turn it into a coin flip?

I'm not debating this further, you can use Google just as well as I did and if what I found while typing in the search terms "mental health and diet" are not sufficient enough for you...go find your own.

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 11:16 AM

The link has been established, but not a "magic cure all!"

I don't think anyone has suggested that it was a cure all. For some it's a major factor and for others it's more preventative and each person has to study their lifestyles and proceed accordingly.

Thanx for all your support and research, AngelArs ... You are well informed!

Thanks for the compliment Dancere, much appreciated :thumbsup:

Nothing changes if nothing changes. In fact, it gets worse by definition!

Reminds me of the saying by Einstein:
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

misswright's photo
Mon 03/01/10 11:31 AM
I used to be pretty impressed when I saw headlines saying "Studies show..."

Until I figured out that just because a study shows findings that support their hypothesis, it doesn't necessarily equate to the conclusion they're making. They're interpreting their results. You have to be informed about the study. How many participants? Is it able to be replicated? Were all other variables controlled for?

There's more to it than just saying we did a test and found that a significant number of people improved if they ate better. Could be because they actually ate better. Could be because they were keeping track of what they ate. Could be because they interacted with the experimenters weekly to report what they ate?

Point being, studies can be skewed and vary in both validity and reliability. Don't always believe everything you read just because it says "Studies show...". Better investigate that study thoroughly before you make your own conclusions as to the implied results.


Shasta1's photo
Mon 03/01/10 11:35 AM
Yes, you can pretty much find a study to support anything you want to beleive. Thanks for pointing this out.

misswright's photo
Mon 03/01/10 11:40 AM
Edited by misswright on Mon 03/01/10 11:41 AM
You're welcome. Guess I could have just said what you said and saved ink! :tongue:

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 11:40 AM
Or, as we say in England:

The proof of the pudding is in the eating!

I've experienced and witnessed some great 'pudding' in my days.


Arm chair warriors need to get in the game and report back their own results.

Healthy skepticism will take you far in your own, personal experiments.

A good truth in motion will make itself evident, despite a previous bias.

Talk should have the backing of action, ABSOLUTELY!

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 11:47 AM
Well many of my grandmas remidies that were dismissed in the 70,s are now recognized as being valid!! remember accupunture was dismissed at being quakism and now is standard practice!! What works for one may not work for another but we must keep our minds open to alternative remedies!!! DO U trust our medical system? It money over healing!!!grumble My Lakota religion has been healing people without mainstream medicene for centuries and it doesnt cost a penny!!!

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 11:56 AM

Well many of my grandmas remidies that were dismissed in the 70,s are now recognized as being valid!! remember accupunture was dismissed at being quakism and now is standard practice!! What works for one may not work for another but we must keep our minds open to alternative remedies!!! DO U trust our medical system? It money over healing!!!grumble My Lakota religion has been healing people without mainstream medicene for centuries and it doesnt cost a penny!!!

:wink: ... Tell it, Brother Mikey ... flowerforyou

Earth's medicines have long been known amongst all the world's tribes, even through all the persecutions thereof - truth and healing ways remain!

Even the animals know ... much of what we learned was directly imparted by studying their self care ways!

I always say that you don't want to meet me w/out my decades of self treatment, nor do I!

I am so blessed and thankful to have begun the healing journey so young ...

I don't mind living forever, but I want to be healthy as I possibly can if I do!

Pain, illness and disease SUCK, and my goal is to always reduce and prevent!!!

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 12:06 PM

Well many of my grandmas remidies that were dismissed in the 70,s are now recognized as being valid!! remember accupunture was dismissed at being quakism and now is standard practice!! What works for one may not work for another but we must keep our minds open to alternative remedies!!! DO U trust our medical system? It money over healing!!!grumble My Lakota religion has been healing people without mainstream medicene for centuries and it doesnt cost a penny!!!

:wink: ... Tell it, Brother Mikey ... flowerforyou

Earth's medicines have long been known amongst all the world's tribes, even through all the persecutions thereof - truth and healing ways remain!

Even the animals know ... much of what we learned was directly imparted by studying their self care ways!

I always say that you don't want to meet me w/out my decades of self treatment, nor do I!

I am so blessed and thankful to have begun the healing journey so young ...

I don't mind living forever, but I want to be healthy as I possibly can if I do!

Pain, illness and disease SUCK, and my goal is to always reduce and prevent!!!
Are U sure U arent Native? U are blessed in being a healer!! And I bet u arent taking pharmasutical companies money to treat folks at a horrible cost that most times dont work and Your Insurance company drops U like a bad habit? God dont anyone but us see this is a sham and a scam?