Topic: Some are without "sin"
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Tue 06/08/10 11:14 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 06/08/10 11:20 AM

God created man and woman in the first place, what would be so hard about impregnating a woman after that? ANYTHING is possible if God wishes it to be.

That's exactly right. And I have often brought this up concerning Jesus. If God can do anything (like create Adam from dust), then he would not have had to even bother with a mortal woman to give "birth" to Jesus. He could have just created Jesus as a fully grown man in the sands of the desert, and then sent Jesus into the city to teach what he had to teach without having to bother Mary.

This whole idea of a divine men being born of virgin women was actually a quite popular theme in many of the Mediterranean religions. So as far as I can see, this is just that same theme being used over again. The people who wrote these stories couldn't even come up with original material.

This is blatantly obvious with the Biblical God's need for blood sacrifice in order to be appeased. That was a common trait of almost all the Gods of mythology. So nothing new there.

In fact, this is one my first arguments ever concerned the authenticity of the biblical God. If the biblical picture of God is true, then why is this God so much like all the other mythological Gods? What a conincidence that would be!

I think it's crystal clear that this mythology is just that, a mythology. Not even unlike all the other mythologies in the region. Just more of the same.

While I do agree with you that the story is mythology, what I am attempting to understand IS WHY people believe it as if it were truth.

And if they Do actually believe it as actual truth, (OR CLAIM THEY BELIEVE IT.) I want to know if they have ever given it any serious THOUGHT.

I want people to THINK. That's all I'm asking. And I have asked this question of believers many times. Not ONE has come forth with any kind of answer or speculation that is logical or even slightly reasonable.

But what I get is people who claim to believe the story but they don't have an ounce of reasoning to back it up or explain WHY they think they believe it.

I don't think they actually believe it because they refuse to actually THINK ABOUT IT. All they do is accept it and they are afraid to question it.

This fear of questioning is probably stored deep into their cellular memory back to when some of their ancestors questioned things and saw others do the same and many who questioned openly were killed.

The Catholic church actually went on a campaign to kill any free thinking intelligent woman who doubted or questioned any kind of authority. Its no wonder we are left with a bunch of ancestors who are wimpy spineless drones who don't dare ask questions of their authority figures. In a nutshell, people are AFRAID TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES.

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Tue 06/08/10 11:23 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 06/08/10 11:25 AM
I briefly attended a get together that I was invited to and at the time I did not know it was a group of church people meeting their new preacher in one of their homes.

I joined into the conversation and was as polite as I could be, but what I witnessed were people who had serious questions but were afraid and very timid in asking them.

People do have questions, but they are afraid to openly question church authorities. Their fear today is not a fear of being killed, but a fear of being an outsider or non believer. They are lead to believe that they are lowly ignorant sinners who are too stupid to understand the workings of the universe and God.

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Tue 06/08/10 11:27 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 06/08/10 11:28 AM
I don't believe I have ever met a true believer. If I had, that person would not be afraid to answer my questions and THINK about what he or she actually believes. Most people are afraid to THINK.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/08/10 11:28 AM

I don't believe I have ever met a true believer. If I had, that person would not be afraid to answer my questions and THINK about what he or she actually believes. Most people are afraid to THINK.

can you list your questions please?

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Tue 06/08/10 11:31 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 06/08/10 11:32 AM

I don't believe I have ever met a true believer. If I had, that person would not be afraid to answer my questions and THINK about what he or she actually believes. Most people are afraid to THINK.

can you list your questions please?

Read this thread. They are here.

.....give me some details about HOW exactly God created man and woman? Are you implying that evolution is an elaborate hoax to discredit that story? If so, why on earth would anyone do that? Please don't blame the devil.

msharmony's photo
Tue 06/08/10 12:30 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 06/08/10 12:33 PM
I want to add to this thread,, that regardless of ones faith, beliefs,,etc,,,,they will NOT have all answers for every question. This does not equate to being fearful of answering.

As a true believer, I cannot answer every question a non believer has because my answers come from something they do not believe in. Therefore finding a reference upon which to explain becomes difficult.

All I can say at those times, is that they have to seek the answers as I did, but I let God lead my heart, which makes that answer unacceptable to most non believers...

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/08/10 12:36 PM

I want to add to this thread,, that regardless of ones faith, beliefs,,etc,,,,they will NOT have all answers for every question. This does not equate to being fearful of answering.

As a true believer, I cannot answer every question a non believer has because my answers come from something they do not believe in. Therefore finding a reference upon which to explain becomes difficult.

All I can say at those times, is that they have to seek the answers as I did, but I let God lead my heart, which makes that answer unacceptable to most non believers...

exactly, you have to SEEK the answers. They won't just fall in your lap.

Draw Nigh Unto God and He Will Draw Nigh Unto You (James 4:8)

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 12:44 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 06/08/10 12:45 PM

I want to add to this thread,, that regardless of ones faith, beliefs,,etc,,,,they will NOT have all answers for every question. This does not equate to being fearful of answering.

As a true believer, I cannot answer every question a non believer has because my answers come from something they do not believe in. Therefore finding a reference upon which to explain becomes difficult.

All I can say at those times, is that they have to seek the answers as I did, but I let God lead my heart, which makes that answer unacceptable to most non believers...

I don't expect anyone to have the "correct answers." I simply want to understand how a so-called "true believer" came to believe something so unbelievable. How do they justify their belief in their own minds?

I have faith that we are here, and we got here some way unknown to me. I imagine all kinds of possibilities that seem reasonable to me, although I don't have proof.

But I want to know HOW a person comes to believe literally, that god created a man from clay and woman from the man's rib. What do they think that actually means? Have they thought about it at all or do they believe it in the literal sense?

I want to know if they believe that God impregnated Mary and bore a son, then have they given any thought at all about how he did that in reality? If so, I would like to hear just their ideas. I don't expect them to be the truth or the correct answers. I just want to know HOW or IF they reasoned it out in any way at all and came to a conclusion that it is truth.

I do not accept they they really believe it just because an authority figure, (the Bible or a Preacher) told them. That is not good enough. That is just a person accepting and bowing to authority. It is not a person who actually THINKS.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/08/10 12:51 PM

I want to add to this thread,, that regardless of ones faith, beliefs,,etc,,,,they will NOT have all answers for every question. This does not equate to being fearful of answering.

As a true believer, I cannot answer every question a non believer has because my answers come from something they do not believe in. Therefore finding a reference upon which to explain becomes difficult.

All I can say at those times, is that they have to seek the answers as I did, but I let God lead my heart, which makes that answer unacceptable to most non believers...

I don't expect anyone to have the "correct answers." I simply want to understand how a so-called "true believer" came to believe something so unbelievable. How do they justify their belief in their own minds?

I have faith that we are here, and we got here some way unknown to me. I imagine all kinds of possibilities that seem reasonable to me, although I don't have proof.

But I want to know HOW a person comes to believe literally, that god created a man from clay and woman from the man's rib. What do they think that actually means? Have they thought about it at all or do they believe it in the literal sense?

I want to know if they believe that God impregnated Mary and bore a son, then have they given any thought at all about how he did that in reality? If so, I would like to hear just their ideas. I don't expect them to be the truth or the correct answers. I just want to know HOW or IF they reasoned it out in any way at all and came to a conclusion that it is truth.

I do not accept they they really believe it just because an authority figure, (the Bible or a Preacher) told them. That is not good enough. That is just a person accepting and bowing to authority. It is not a person who actually THINKS.

well you got some questions for our belief, i want to ask a question about atheism.

Not sure exactly what kind of ahtiest you are but most atheist believe we evolved from apes/primates. Well if that were true where did the cells and everything that makes up anything and everything come from?

Well mainly my question would have to be where do you think we came from? so i can make appropriate questions.

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 12:53 PM

I want to add to this thread,, that regardless of ones faith, beliefs,,etc,,,,they will NOT have all answers for every question. This does not equate to being fearful of answering.

As a true believer, I cannot answer every question a non believer has because my answers come from something they do not believe in. Therefore finding a reference upon which to explain becomes difficult.

All I can say at those times, is that they have to seek the answers as I did, but I let God lead my heart, which makes that answer unacceptable to most non believers...

exactly, you have to SEEK the answers. They won't just fall in your lap.

Draw Nigh Unto God and He Will Draw Nigh Unto You (James 4:8)


Seeking the answers is ALL I DO. It is people like you who are not seeking the answers. You are not seeking because you don't even THINK ABOUT THEM. You simply accept what you have been told by an authority. You don't seek because you believe you have the answers already. Okay, if that is true, then the question is HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT THEM?

If what you believe is true, then have you actually thought about how that happened? How does a so-called virgin become pregnant and still remain a virgin. What did they mean by virgin anyway? Does it mean the same thing back then as it does today? These are questions that I think about when I assume the premise that story is true. (I don't think it is however.)

But I am only curious about what questions and answers You have come up with regarding how you believe unbelievable things?

(I have already come up with my own answers..... by thinking about them.)

I just want to know why people don't THINK.

msharmony's photo
Tue 06/08/10 12:53 PM

I want to add to this thread,, that regardless of ones faith, beliefs,,etc,,,,they will NOT have all answers for every question. This does not equate to being fearful of answering.

As a true believer, I cannot answer every question a non believer has because my answers come from something they do not believe in. Therefore finding a reference upon which to explain becomes difficult.

All I can say at those times, is that they have to seek the answers as I did, but I let God lead my heart, which makes that answer unacceptable to most non believers...

I don't expect anyone to have the "correct answers." I simply want to understand how a so-called "true believer" came to believe something so unbelievable. How do they justify their belief in their own minds?

I have faith that we are here, and we got here some way unknown to me. I imagine all kinds of possibilities that seem reasonable to me, although I don't have proof.

But I want to know who a person comes to believe literally, that god created a man from clay and woman from the man's rib. What do they think that actually means? Have they thought about it at all or do they believe it in the literal sense?

I want to know if they believe that God impregnated Mary and bore a son, then have they given any thought at all about how he did that in reality? If so, I would like to hear just their ideas. I don't expect them to be the truth or the correct answers. I just want to know HOW or IF they reasoned it out in any way at all and came to a conclusion that it is truth.

I do not accept they they really believe it just because an authority figure, (the Bible or a Preacher) told them. That is not good enough. That is just a person accepting and bowing to authority. It is not a person who actually THINKS.

Yes. I 'justify' my beliefs by trusting my educators. Just as one justifies belief that we landed on the moon. Pictures and film can be doctored and faked, and it could be a huge hoax, yet people choose to believe. I have a book, written by numerous authors over hundreds of years,,many supporting the others. I trust what I have been educated to believe. I trust my parents, I trust my pastor, I trust my heart and my senses. I trust that everything I see around me LOGICALLY could not be an accident of nature but the result of an extremely sophisticated design. I believe that the designer of life itself, could design such life under any circumstances and in any manner they chose.

There is no inherent question in my mind about how the seemingly impossible is possible with God, because I believe that he is the ultimate creator and that answers, for me, any question about the HOW.

I believe God is bigger than science and therefore not bound merely by what Science knows or has learned so far,,,,

This is my answer,, and as I said, I doubt it will be good enough because the answer most seek has the requirement to fulfill some scientific standards,,,and science is not my God, nor do I believe even science has ever or will ever be able to explain the workings of everything.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/08/10 12:56 PM

I want to add to this thread,, that regardless of ones faith, beliefs,,etc,,,,they will NOT have all answers for every question. This does not equate to being fearful of answering.

As a true believer, I cannot answer every question a non believer has because my answers come from something they do not believe in. Therefore finding a reference upon which to explain becomes difficult.

All I can say at those times, is that they have to seek the answers as I did, but I let God lead my heart, which makes that answer unacceptable to most non believers...

I don't expect anyone to have the "correct answers." I simply want to understand how a so-called "true believer" came to believe something so unbelievable. How do they justify their belief in their own minds?

I have faith that we are here, and we got here some way unknown to me. I imagine all kinds of possibilities that seem reasonable to me, although I don't have proof.

But I want to know HOW a person comes to believe literally, that god created a man from clay and woman from the man's rib. What do they think that actually means? Have they thought about it at all or do they believe it in the literal sense?

I want to know if they believe that God impregnated Mary and bore a son, then have they given any thought at all about how he did that in reality? If so, I would like to hear just their ideas. I don't expect them to be the truth or the correct answers. I just want to know HOW or IF they reasoned it out in any way at all and came to a conclusion that it is truth.

I do not accept they they really believe it just because an authority figure, (the Bible or a Preacher) told them. That is not good enough. That is just a person accepting and bowing to authority. It is not a person who actually THINKS.

well my faith does NOT come from a preacher/preist/family or anything of such.

I'll state it again James 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded

This is so true, you open your mind and heart to God, our father will show you anything and everything you will ever need to know. Knowing the father isn't through some preacher, or anything other outside source. Knowing God is between you and God only. No one can bring you to God but you either. And God wants the relationship between the two of you to be just between the two of you and is why he said "Matthew 6:6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly"

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/08/10 12:58 PM

I want to add to this thread,, that regardless of ones faith, beliefs,,etc,,,,they will NOT have all answers for every question. This does not equate to being fearful of answering.

As a true believer, I cannot answer every question a non believer has because my answers come from something they do not believe in. Therefore finding a reference upon which to explain becomes difficult.

All I can say at those times, is that they have to seek the answers as I did, but I let God lead my heart, which makes that answer unacceptable to most non believers...

exactly, you have to SEEK the answers. They won't just fall in your lap.

Draw Nigh Unto God and He Will Draw Nigh Unto You (James 4:8)


Seeking the answers is ALL I DO. It is people like you who are not seeking the answers. You are not seeking because you don't even THINK ABOUT THEM. You simply accept what you have been told by an authority. You don't seek because you believe you have the answers already. Okay, if that is true, then the question is HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT THEM?

If what you believe is true, then have you actually thought about how that happened? How does a so-called virgin become pregnant and still remain a virgin. What did they mean by virgin anyway? Does it mean the same thing back then as it does today? These are questions that I think about when I assume the premise that story is true. (I don't think it is however.)

But I am only curious about what questions and answers You have come up with regarding how you believe unbelievable things?

(I have already come up with my own answers..... by thinking about them.)

I just want to know why people don't THINK.

i answered this in post 890..... lol didn't even know you were gonna ask these specific questions. But the responce is in 890.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/08/10 01:01 PM

I want to add to this thread,, that regardless of ones faith, beliefs,,etc,,,,they will NOT have all answers for every question. This does not equate to being fearful of answering.

As a true believer, I cannot answer every question a non believer has because my answers come from something they do not believe in. Therefore finding a reference upon which to explain becomes difficult.

All I can say at those times, is that they have to seek the answers as I did, but I let God lead my heart, which makes that answer unacceptable to most non believers...

I don't expect anyone to have the "correct answers." I simply want to understand how a so-called "true believer" came to believe something so unbelievable. How do they justify their belief in their own minds?

I have faith that we are here, and we got here some way unknown to me. I imagine all kinds of possibilities that seem reasonable to me, although I don't have proof.

But I want to know who a person comes to believe literally, that god created a man from clay and woman from the man's rib. What do they think that actually means? Have they thought about it at all or do they believe it in the literal sense?

I want to know if they believe that God impregnated Mary and bore a son, then have they given any thought at all about how he did that in reality? If so, I would like to hear just their ideas. I don't expect them to be the truth or the correct answers. I just want to know HOW or IF they reasoned it out in any way at all and came to a conclusion that it is truth.

I do not accept they they really believe it just because an authority figure, (the Bible or a Preacher) told them. That is not good enough. That is just a person accepting and bowing to authority. It is not a person who actually THINKS.

Yes. I 'justify' my beliefs by trusting my educators. Just as one justifies belief that we landed on the moon. Pictures and film can be doctored and faked, and it could be a huge hoax, yet people choose to believe. I have a book, written by numerous authors over hundreds of years,,many supporting the others. I trust what I have been educated to believe. I trust my parents, I trust my pastor, I trust my heart and my senses. I trust that everything I see around me LOGICALLY could not be an accident of nature but the result of an extremely sophisticated design. I believe that the designer of life itself, could design such life under any circumstances and in any manner they chose.

There is no inherent question in my mind about how the seemingly impossible is possible with God, because I believe that he is the ultimate creator and that answers, for me, any question about the HOW.

I believe God is bigger than science and therefore not bound merely by what Science knows or has learned so far,,,,

This is my answer,, and as I said, I doubt it will be good enough because the answer most seek has the requirement to fulfill some scientific standards,,,and science is not my God, nor do I believe even science has ever or will ever be able to explain the workings of everything.

exactly, ALL knowledge we have is passed down knowledge from previouse people, regardless if it's about God or about math. It is usually read from a book to learn, why people take the things they learn in school for truth but not the bible is beyond me. It's the same thing, it's factual things written by someone else for us to read.

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 01:02 PM

I want to add to this thread,, that regardless of ones faith, beliefs,,etc,,,,they will NOT have all answers for every question. This does not equate to being fearful of answering.

As a true believer, I cannot answer every question a non believer has because my answers come from something they do not believe in. Therefore finding a reference upon which to explain becomes difficult.

All I can say at those times, is that they have to seek the answers as I did, but I let God lead my heart, which makes that answer unacceptable to most non believers...

I don't expect anyone to have the "correct answers." I simply want to understand how a so-called "true believer" came to believe something so unbelievable. How do they justify their belief in their own minds?

I have faith that we are here, and we got here some way unknown to me. I imagine all kinds of possibilities that seem reasonable to me, although I don't have proof.

But I want to know HOW a person comes to believe literally, that god created a man from clay and woman from the man's rib. What do they think that actually means? Have they thought about it at all or do they believe it in the literal sense?

I want to know if they believe that God impregnated Mary and bore a son, then have they given any thought at all about how he did that in reality? If so, I would like to hear just their ideas. I don't expect them to be the truth or the correct answers. I just want to know HOW or IF they reasoned it out in any way at all and came to a conclusion that it is truth.

I do not accept they they really believe it just because an authority figure, (the Bible or a Preacher) told them. That is not good enough. That is just a person accepting and bowing to authority. It is not a person who actually THINKS.

well you got some questions for our belief, i want to ask a question about atheism.

Not sure exactly what kind of ahtiest you are but most atheist believe we evolved from apes/primates. Well if that were true where did the cells and everything that makes up anything and everything come from?

Well mainly my question would have to be where do you think we came from? so i can make appropriate questions.

I don't know much about atheism, so you are probably asking the wrong person.

It has been proven that we and everything we are made up of, literally came from the stars. We are made up of exactly the same material that star dust is made of when you break us down to the barest of elements.

I believe that consciousness came first, bursting out of its limited dimensional reality and warping space and the energy converted to matter, stars, planets, elements, etc. We evolved from there into all manner of life and intelligence, not in a mindless hap hazard way but guided by intelligent consciousness.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/08/10 01:08 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Tue 06/08/10 01:08 PM

I want to add to this thread,, that regardless of ones faith, beliefs,,etc,,,,they will NOT have all answers for every question. This does not equate to being fearful of answering.

As a true believer, I cannot answer every question a non believer has because my answers come from something they do not believe in. Therefore finding a reference upon which to explain becomes difficult.

All I can say at those times, is that they have to seek the answers as I did, but I let God lead my heart, which makes that answer unacceptable to most non believers...

I don't expect anyone to have the "correct answers." I simply want to understand how a so-called "true believer" came to believe something so unbelievable. How do they justify their belief in their own minds?

I have faith that we are here, and we got here some way unknown to me. I imagine all kinds of possibilities that seem reasonable to me, although I don't have proof.

But I want to know HOW a person comes to believe literally, that god created a man from clay and woman from the man's rib. What do they think that actually means? Have they thought about it at all or do they believe it in the literal sense?

I want to know if they believe that God impregnated Mary and bore a son, then have they given any thought at all about how he did that in reality? If so, I would like to hear just their ideas. I don't expect them to be the truth or the correct answers. I just want to know HOW or IF they reasoned it out in any way at all and came to a conclusion that it is truth.

I do not accept they they really believe it just because an authority figure, (the Bible or a Preacher) told them. That is not good enough. That is just a person accepting and bowing to authority. It is not a person who actually THINKS.

well you got some questions for our belief, i want to ask a question about atheism.

Not sure exactly what kind of ahtiest you are but most atheist believe we evolved from apes/primates. Well if that were true where did the cells and everything that makes up anything and everything come from?

Well mainly my question would have to be where do you think we came from? so i can make appropriate questions.

I don't know much about atheism, so you are probably asking the wrong person.

It has been proven that we and everything we are made up of, literally came from the stars. We are made up of exactly the same material that star dust is made of when you break us down to the barest of elements.

I believe that consciousness came first, bursting out of its limited dimensional reality and warping space and the energy converted to matter, stars, planets, elements, etc. We evolved from there into all manner of life and intelligence, not in a mindless hap hazard way but guided by intelligent consciousness.

ok good, this will be easier then :)

Where did this material come from? Something CANNOT come from nothing without outside help, even the worldly science will tell you that. Where did the stars and all that material come from?

and no offense ment by the atheist comment earlier, didn't know of your exact stance.

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 01:14 PM

I want to add to this thread,, that regardless of ones faith, beliefs,,etc,,,,they will NOT have all answers for every question. This does not equate to being fearful of answering.

As a true believer, I cannot answer every question a non believer has because my answers come from something they do not believe in. Therefore finding a reference upon which to explain becomes difficult.

All I can say at those times, is that they have to seek the answers as I did, but I let God lead my heart, which makes that answer unacceptable to most non believers...

I don't expect anyone to have the "correct answers." I simply want to understand how a so-called "true believer" came to believe something so unbelievable. How do they justify their belief in their own minds?

I have faith that we are here, and we got here some way unknown to me. I imagine all kinds of possibilities that seem reasonable to me, although I don't have proof.

But I want to know who a person comes to believe literally, that god created a man from clay and woman from the man's rib. What do they think that actually means? Have they thought about it at all or do they believe it in the literal sense?

I want to know if they believe that God impregnated Mary and bore a son, then have they given any thought at all about how he did that in reality? If so, I would like to hear just their ideas. I don't expect them to be the truth or the correct answers. I just want to know HOW or IF they reasoned it out in any way at all and came to a conclusion that it is truth.

I do not accept they they really believe it just because an authority figure, (the Bible or a Preacher) told them. That is not good enough. That is just a person accepting and bowing to authority. It is not a person who actually THINKS.

Yes. I 'justify' my beliefs by trusting my educators. Just as one justifies belief that we landed on the moon. Pictures and film can be doctored and faked, and it could be a huge hoax, yet people choose to believe. I have a book, written by numerous authors over hundreds of years,,many supporting the others. I trust what I have been educated to believe. I trust my parents, I trust my pastor, I trust my heart and my senses. I trust that everything I see around me LOGICALLY could not be an accident of nature but the result of an extremely sophisticated design. I believe that the designer of life itself, could design such life under any circumstances and in any manner they chose.

There is no inherent question in my mind about how the seemingly impossible is possible with God, because I believe that he is the ultimate creator and that answers, for me, any question about the HOW.

I believe God is bigger than science and therefore not bound merely by what Science knows or has learned so far,,,,

This is my answer,, and as I said, I doubt it will be good enough because the answer most seek has the requirement to fulfill some scientific standards,,,and science is not my God, nor do I believe even science has ever or will ever be able to explain the workings of everything.

I too have 'educators.' that I trust. But when I find one who makes no sense and cannot answer my questions, they lose my trust.

I do not put science up as the answer either, not the traditional science anyway. There is science and there is spiritual technology which goes beyond science and into magic.

You answer is good enough for me if it is good enough for you, but the one thing you did not answer is my question about whether or not you gave these things any serious thought. I accept that you believe that your God did these things, but have you ever entertained any serious thought about the technology behind it? How did it actually happen? How was it actually possible?

Here is an example:
Okay, God equals a powerful sentient consciousness and his thought forms are very powerful compared to this dream world we live in. This world is like God's dream and God can simply think of something and it will manifest, just as we might be able to do in a lucid dream state.

As our dream is our personal created reality, this world is God's dream.

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 01:16 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 06/08/10 01:19 PM

I want to add to this thread,, that regardless of ones faith, beliefs,,etc,,,,they will NOT have all answers for every question. This does not equate to being fearful of answering.

As a true believer, I cannot answer every question a non believer has because my answers come from something they do not believe in. Therefore finding a reference upon which to explain becomes difficult.

All I can say at those times, is that they have to seek the answers as I did, but I let God lead my heart, which makes that answer unacceptable to most non believers...

I don't expect anyone to have the "correct answers." I simply want to understand how a so-called "true believer" came to believe something so unbelievable. How do they justify their belief in their own minds?

I have faith that we are here, and we got here some way unknown to me. I imagine all kinds of possibilities that seem reasonable to me, although I don't have proof.

But I want to know HOW a person comes to believe literally, that god created a man from clay and woman from the man's rib. What do they think that actually means? Have they thought about it at all or do they believe it in the literal sense?

I want to know if they believe that God impregnated Mary and bore a son, then have they given any thought at all about how he did that in reality? If so, I would like to hear just their ideas. I don't expect them to be the truth or the correct answers. I just want to know HOW or IF they reasoned it out in any way at all and came to a conclusion that it is truth.

I do not accept they they really believe it just because an authority figure, (the Bible or a Preacher) told them. That is not good enough. That is just a person accepting and bowing to authority. It is not a person who actually THINKS.

well you got some questions for our belief, i want to ask a question about atheism.

Not sure exactly what kind of ahtiest you are but most atheist believe we evolved from apes/primates. Well if that were true where did the cells and everything that makes up anything and everything come from?

Well mainly my question would have to be where do you think we came from? so i can make appropriate questions.

I don't know much about atheism, so you are probably asking the wrong person.

It has been proven that we and everything we are made up of, literally came from the stars. We are made up of exactly the same material that star dust is made of when you break us down to the barest of elements.

I believe that consciousness came first, bursting out of its limited dimensional reality and warping space and the energy converted to matter, stars, planets, elements, etc. We evolved from there into all manner of life and intelligence, not in a mindless hap hazard way but guided by intelligent consciousness.

ok good, this will be easier then :)

Where did this material come from? Something CANNOT come from nothing without outside help, even the worldly science will tell you that. Where did the stars and all that material come from?

and no offense ment by the atheist comment earlier, didn't know of your exact stance.

It comes from a completely different reality. All realities are manifestations of consciousness.

The stars formed here from the energy.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 06/08/10 01:19 PM

I want to add to this thread,, that regardless of ones faith, beliefs,,etc,,,,they will NOT have all answers for every question. This does not equate to being fearful of answering.

As a true believer, I cannot answer every question a non believer has because my answers come from something they do not believe in. Therefore finding a reference upon which to explain becomes difficult.

All I can say at those times, is that they have to seek the answers as I did, but I let God lead my heart, which makes that answer unacceptable to most non believers...

I don't expect anyone to have the "correct answers." I simply want to understand how a so-called "true believer" came to believe something so unbelievable. How do they justify their belief in their own minds?

I have faith that we are here, and we got here some way unknown to me. I imagine all kinds of possibilities that seem reasonable to me, although I don't have proof.

But I want to know HOW a person comes to believe literally, that god created a man from clay and woman from the man's rib. What do they think that actually means? Have they thought about it at all or do they believe it in the literal sense?

I want to know if they believe that God impregnated Mary and bore a son, then have they given any thought at all about how he did that in reality? If so, I would like to hear just their ideas. I don't expect them to be the truth or the correct answers. I just want to know HOW or IF they reasoned it out in any way at all and came to a conclusion that it is truth.

I do not accept they they really believe it just because an authority figure, (the Bible or a Preacher) told them. That is not good enough. That is just a person accepting and bowing to authority. It is not a person who actually THINKS.

well you got some questions for our belief, i want to ask a question about atheism.

Not sure exactly what kind of ahtiest you are but most atheist believe we evolved from apes/primates. Well if that were true where did the cells and everything that makes up anything and everything come from?

Well mainly my question would have to be where do you think we came from? so i can make appropriate questions.

I don't know much about atheism, so you are probably asking the wrong person.

It has been proven that we and everything we are made up of, literally came from the stars. We are made up of exactly the same material that star dust is made of when you break us down to the barest of elements.

I believe that consciousness came first, bursting out of its limited dimensional reality and warping space and the energy converted to matter, stars, planets, elements, etc. We evolved from there into all manner of life and intelligence, not in a mindless hap hazard way but guided by intelligent consciousness.

ok good, this will be easier then :)

Where did this material come from? Something CANNOT come from nothing without outside help, even the worldly science will tell you that. Where did the stars and all that material come from?

and no offense ment by the atheist comment earlier, didn't know of your exact stance.

It comes from a completely different reality. All realities are manifestations of consciousness.

where did these realities come from? Again something can NOT be created from nothing, something can't just appear/start without outside help.

msharmony's photo
Tue 06/08/10 01:20 PM

I want to add to this thread,, that regardless of ones faith, beliefs,,etc,,,,they will NOT have all answers for every question. This does not equate to being fearful of answering.

As a true believer, I cannot answer every question a non believer has because my answers come from something they do not believe in. Therefore finding a reference upon which to explain becomes difficult.

All I can say at those times, is that they have to seek the answers as I did, but I let God lead my heart, which makes that answer unacceptable to most non believers...

I don't expect anyone to have the "correct answers." I simply want to understand how a so-called "true believer" came to believe something so unbelievable. How do they justify their belief in their own minds?

I have faith that we are here, and we got here some way unknown to me. I imagine all kinds of possibilities that seem reasonable to me, although I don't have proof.

But I want to know who a person comes to believe literally, that god created a man from clay and woman from the man's rib. What do they think that actually means? Have they thought about it at all or do they believe it in the literal sense?

I want to know if they believe that God impregnated Mary and bore a son, then have they given any thought at all about how he did that in reality? If so, I would like to hear just their ideas. I don't expect them to be the truth or the correct answers. I just want to know HOW or IF they reasoned it out in any way at all and came to a conclusion that it is truth.

I do not accept they they really believe it just because an authority figure, (the Bible or a Preacher) told them. That is not good enough. That is just a person accepting and bowing to authority. It is not a person who actually THINKS.

Yes. I 'justify' my beliefs by trusting my educators. Just as one justifies belief that we landed on the moon. Pictures and film can be doctored and faked, and it could be a huge hoax, yet people choose to believe. I have a book, written by numerous authors over hundreds of years,,many supporting the others. I trust what I have been educated to believe. I trust my parents, I trust my pastor, I trust my heart and my senses. I trust that everything I see around me LOGICALLY could not be an accident of nature but the result of an extremely sophisticated design. I believe that the designer of life itself, could design such life under any circumstances and in any manner they chose.

There is no inherent question in my mind about how the seemingly impossible is possible with God, because I believe that he is the ultimate creator and that answers, for me, any question about the HOW.

I believe God is bigger than science and therefore not bound merely by what Science knows or has learned so far,,,,

This is my answer,, and as I said, I doubt it will be good enough because the answer most seek has the requirement to fulfill some scientific standards,,,and science is not my God, nor do I believe even science has ever or will ever be able to explain the workings of everything.

I too have 'educators.' that I trust. But when I find one who makes no sense and cannot answer my questions, they lose my trust.

I do not put science up as the answer either, not the traditional science anyway. There is science and there is spiritual technology which goes beyond science and into magic.

You answer is good enough for me if it is good enough for you, but the one thing you did not answer is my question about whether or not you gave these things any serious thought. I accept that you believe that your God did these things, but have you ever entertained any serious thought about the technology behind it? How did it actually happen? How was it actually possible?

Here is an example:
Okay, God equals a powerful sentient consciousness and his thought forms are very powerful compared to this dream world we live in. This world is like God's dream and God can simply think of something and it will manifest, just as we might be able to do in a lucid dream state.

As our dream is our personal created reality, this world is God's dream.

Yes, that is similar to how I have thought of it. Except I see this world as Gods creation, not his dream. I see dreams as intangible and unreal and if they become real they have to do so by tangible means. I am at peace with not having a technological understanding of how God does what he does. The foundation of my beliefs, that these things were designed intelligently, leads me to believe that God is of an intelligence that I wouldnt dare try to explain or understand,,because it is not knowledge that I can duplicate or utilize and therefore not knowledge that is necessary for me.