Topic: Change the forum name
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Wed 07/18/07 06:10 AM
Text: 1 to change so much as to create a wrong impression or alter the meaning of <my enemies will twist my words, but you'll only hear the truth out of me> -

Now Spider, that is what you are doing

Entry Word: garble
Function: verb
Text: to change so much as to create a wrong impression or alter the meaning of <the candidate complained that his views had been deliberately garbled by his opponent>
Synonyms color, distort, falsify, misinterpret, misrepresent, misstate, pervert, twist, warp
Related Words belie, camouflage, disguise, mask, veil; complicate, confound, confuse, mix up; mystify, obscure, puzzle; equivocate, fib, lie, palter, prevaricate

That makes it clear as well

and when somebody tells the truth about it, or starts making fun of you, you play this one

Definitions of martyr on the Web:

* one who suffers for the sake of principle
* kill as a martyr; "Saint Sebastian was martyred"
* one who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty for refusing to renounce their religion
* torture and torment like a martyr

But only thing you come over as is

self-right·eous /ˌsɛlfˈraɪtʃəs, ˈsɛlf-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[self-rahy-chuhs, self-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
confident of one's own righteousness, esp. when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others.

I told you before to think before you put your finger on the keyboard, your own behavior will come back to haunt you.

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 06:47 AM

Frice = Frogs + Mice, right?
Frouse = Frog + Mouse, right?

Talking about wanting to kill "frice" is referring to me, because of my profile picture. Just like if I were to say that I like to kill black cats, it would be a reference to Invisible. But good job at covering up. Since I've been here, many people have fantasized about killing "the frog". Since I changed my picture, it's now about killing the "frice". I'm not as stupid as I look.


Frice is a reference to my profile picture. This time, it is about me. Also, I didn't say you took a shot at me, I said that you would rather hear fiction than fact, which is exactly what you said earlier.


"Spider has some definite insecurity issues. "

You are correct, but you are completely wrong on the reason for my issues.

Zapchaser's photo
Wed 07/18/07 06:55 AM
Spider, do not think that for one second I am in your corner. Look at the sh*t you have caused. Sadly, I fear that your ignorance will far outweigh any shred of compassion you might have for your fellow man. What a sad sad existence. I pity you. As far as everyone else that wants a piece of you, to them I say: unleash the dogs.

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Wed 07/18/07 07:00 AM
Wed 07/18/07 06:47 AM

Frice = Frogs + Mice, right?
Frouse = Frog + Mouse, right?

Talking about wanting to kill "frice" is referring to me, because of my profile picture. Just like if I were to say that I like to kill black cats, it would be a reference to Invisible. But good job at covering up. Since I've been here, many people have fantasized about killing "the frog". Since I changed my picture, it's now about killing the "frice". I'm not as stupid as I look.

In the first place, I didn't think you were stupid....Do ya really think that I was talking of murdering you? Goodness sakes...I don't take your words to heart...could care less...I don't know you...It was a funny post....And you have a funny picture...simple as that...
Do you always read into things as if they were a conspiracy? The last thought on my mind would be to kill a person behind a picture...Do you think your being a little over dramatic? People make fun of pictures all day long....doesn't mean they want to kill really is a simple thing spider...but I guess it's for people that have a sense of humor....

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 07:10 AM
Spider, do you really think me such an idiot that I would identify myself with the picture of a cat, even if it is my cat.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 07:28 AM
Spidercmb, the last thing you need is an old sparring partner like me defending you, so don't look at this as that. Come on, folks, cut the man some slack. Sure, he's got a bit of an ego, but, in reality, don't we all? We're all posting our thoughts, feelings,ideas, and opinions out here for all the world to see. You've gotta have a bit of an ego for that. One thing I've noticed about these forums: you give, you get. Some of my statements have been ripped to shreads in the past, as have we all at one point. Whatever anyone posts on here, they do so with the opinion that they're right. They may be, and they may not be. But no one posts things on here that they know is wrong(I certainly hope not). I may agree with a point of view, or I may disagree with it. But that's America, where we all have the right to do that. No one's opinion is any more or less important than anyone else's. I may not agree with what someone says, but I'll defend anyone's right to say it.

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Wed 07/18/07 07:33 AM
Knoxman, but most of us agree to disagree, and we are good friends, even when our opinion is constantly different.
But to be called stupid idiots and things like that, is not on our line of conversation. We usually talk with the utmost respect, unless we are provoked.
If somebody tells me something is right only because it is his opinion and calls me names and liar, then he has lost my respect for good.
And you need a sense of humor here, too.

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 07:39 AM
Unfourtunatly, everyone doesn't see "sense of humor" the same way. I have a Rodney Dangerfield style self-depreciating sense of humor myself. Some people at work, however, think I'm always depressed, while others laugh out loud. Some people handle humor better than others. I've been in the insult wars. I choose to no longer be involved. I'll still post daily(much to the chagrin of some other posters-LOL), but I'm omitting obvious insults. When others insult me, well, that tells the world a whole hell of a lot more about them than it does me.

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 07:47 AM
Spider said: Let's see...I made a joke about the high level of conspiracy content of this forum and...
I think it's interesting that so many attribute different motives to me and actually have to strech my post out of context to do so. Oh well. I still get sick of reading all of the silly conspiracies.

Now...I want you to go back and see Where I said anything directly to you...I did not....You made a joke...your words...and I made a joke as well
Motives? Your words.....stretch my post...your words...Now do ya think for one minute that I would honestly talk of murder?
Hello! Joke!
I don't think I have ever posted in one of your threads.....I simply found it FUNNY! A mutant creature called a Frice...born from a Frog and mouse does not make me want to murder.....and neither do your words......

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 07:49 AM
wow talk about opinionated. Can't get a word in eh?

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Wed 07/18/07 08:07 AM

Let's just forget about it. Water under the bride as they say.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 07/18/07 11:49 AM
my momma say I'm special

gardenforge's photo
Wed 07/18/07 02:07 PM
Spider you should know better than to stick a harpoon into the liberal sacred cow, conspiracy theories. They see a government spy behind every tree, all phones are tapped, all email and financial transactons are monitored and every move they make is plotted and recorded. Usually their lives are so mundane and boring that they must create a fantasy world where they are the center of all manner of sinister plots in order to justify their existence to themselves. They run around chanting "the sky is falling" and when it doesen't happen, they say "thank God I was able to alert enough people to prevent it". You, sir, rocked their little boat, did you really expect that you would escape unscathed? When you made your suggestion even in jest, it was a given that they would turn on you like a pack of jackels. They must lash out at you or they would be forced to admit that their lives really suck and that if they were not able to congregate and feed on each others paranoia they would have no life at all.

God forbid that you should try to disway their argument with facts and logic. They don't want to hear facts or logic, they thrive on rumor and inuendo. They live in a dream world and then you come along and bite them in the butt with reality. You were a very naughty boy I have half a mind to not let you have lobster with your steak tonight, but if you promise to be good for the next 2 minutes you can have the lobster and a banana split for dessert. laugh

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 02:15 PM
I was hoping they would rename it the "Ren and Stimpy" show!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Wed 07/18/07 02:22 PM
hmmmm lobster and a bannana you want to use their favorite weapon...class envy...shame on you Forge....but couldn't have said it any better drinker :smile:

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 02:31 PM
To Knoxman drinker

KerryO's photo
Wed 07/18/07 03:08 PM
Spider writes:

" It didn't take long for you guys to call for my murder." I rather think it's a case of being, as the old phrase goes, hoisted by your own petard.

" If only you guys could see yourselves."

::::Kerry waves hand Jedi style::::

These aren't the seekers of Absolute Truth you're looking for....

::::Kerry waves hand Jedi style again::::

You want to go home and take a Dale Carnegie home study course....

-Kerry O.

creationsfire's photo
Wed 07/18/07 05:19 PM
wow, and no one made any funny remarks about Rosie? Now that is one hillarious pic......laugh

adj4u's photo
Wed 07/18/07 05:42 PM
hey spidy

have a drink dude

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Wed 07/18/07 05:57 PM
sorry i was tin foiling my walls to stop alien transmissions and government mind melding.What's spider frog *****ing about again??