Topic: Never Thought I'd Say This
MariahsFantasy's photo
Tue 01/17/12 05:32 PM
I guess I will wait and see what happens in this.

I am a good friend to people and I think what he needs now is someone to lean on. Someone attaintive. I think he wants to meet for Friday, just hang out. We'll see. Thinking of getting back together seems a little strange to consider.

MariahsFantasy's photo
Tue 01/17/12 05:38 PM


My ex-boyfriend came back into my life.

He called me last night and we talked for a bit. Things between us didn't end on bad terms and I always thought we had a strong friendship. I didn't think anything of it when we were talking. I guess you could say we met and fell for each other at the wrong time.

After he told me he broke up with the girl he was seeing, we went on to talking a lot about the mistakes we made when we were together. Then came the unexpected. He told me his dad was in the hospital and he wasn't taking things well with it. In fact he was nearly vague about the details until I just started to listen to him and let him talk. His son knows but he hasn't shown how he really feels about it. I felt like he was talking about it for the first time with me.

Now comes the problem. I was deeply in love with this man, but I guess we never talked about that. I didn't know how he felt and vise versa. For the first time I thought I heard him say he had feelings for me too.

I am so confused and I really don't know what to do here. I thought we ended our romance. This is what I thought. I really care about him so much. I feel like I can be his friend but getting involved into his life again? indifferent I found out a week after we broke up he got back together with his ex-gf.

I really don't know what to do here. Having him come back into life isn't what I planned. And all these feelings resurfacing, I don't like them. What would you do in this situation if you were me?

Doesn't help that he went back to his ex but you did say you hadn't spoken your feelings to him so that could have had something to do with it. I say follow your heart

Thanks, I think I'll do the right thing here. I hope it works out for the best. Sometimes following your heart can be deadly. I know this all too well. Best to be safe about it. smile2

Bravalady's photo
Tue 01/17/12 06:34 PM
Edited by Bravalady on Tue 01/17/12 06:35 PM
Be very, very careful. I had this same situation happen (well, without the family illness part). A man who will always be THE one for me. When he left me the first time, I was convinced it was because the timing was wrong for him--nothing more.

Fast forward two decades. A year and a half ago he contacted me via e-mail, out of the blue. I was so shocked I was shaking. I assumed he was just touching base for old times' sake. But he kept e-mailing me and we got into very intimate discussions. We were thousands of miles away from each other so meeting was out of the question. Then, for other reasons I moved to with a few hundred miles of him. We talked seriously about getting together. Only I began to notice that he never did actually make the arrangements. The e-mails, though still pretty frequent, became less personal. One day I told him I felt it was time to back off, as he didn't seem to have me high on his priority list any more. He accepted that readily, which told me what I needed to know.

When you care deeply for someone, it's very hard to see things clearly. He may be a kind, wonderful person who just doesn't feel quite the same way as you do, and doesn't realize what this renewed contact may do to you. I'm sure that was what happened with my man. He wouldn't hurt a fly, he's affectionate and supportive, but he's not good at reading people and has an avoidant relationship style. Your man needs support now, he knows you can provide it, but whether that really means anything more is very much up in the air.

You sound like you have your head on straight, and I wish you the best.

no photo
Tue 01/17/12 06:39 PM

I would do nothIng. If he loves you he will make it known to you. Don't read anything into things he says. If he didn't say he was still in love with you, he's not.

I totally agree with Ruth here - it sounds like you are trying to read things into this convo - whether those things are there or not - jsut go slow

be his friend during this difficult time - but I'd resist romantic involvement until he has been apart from the other woman for a significant amount of time - and till he is past the worst of grieving for his dad

be his friend now - let the future take care of itself

and don't stop dating others

krupa's photo
Tue 01/17/12 06:45 PM


My ex-boyfriend came back into my life.

He called me last night and we talked

I stopped reading exactly right there.

Dude.....don't do that to yourself. Ex.........think about it.

6 billion people on the planet....why let one person do you dirty twice? Ain' no guy got a penis so special that he should get a second shot at you. Love is like getting hit by lightning. Having to work for love ain't love.

I almost wish I read the rest of your post...but, on principal..I ain't gonna.

motowndowntown's photo
Tue 01/17/12 07:09 PM
Sounds to me like, and this is only an old guys perspective, he's looking for a little rebound rewind action.

Run Forrest Run like the wind.

paul1217's photo
Tue 01/17/12 07:25 PM
Be there for him as a friend only until the situation with his dad is resolved. Then tell him that he needs to think about what he wants for some time without seeing you all the time. Then TALK! Best of luck!

MariahsFantasy's photo
Tue 01/17/12 09:25 PM
Edited by MariahsFantasy on Tue 01/17/12 09:34 PM

Be very, very careful. I had this same situation happen (well, without the family illness part). A man who will always be THE one for me. When he left me the first time, I was convinced it was because the timing was wrong for him--nothing more.

Fast forward two decades. A year and a half ago he contacted me via e-mail, out of the blue. I was so shocked I was shaking. I assumed he was just touching base for old times' sake. But he kept e-mailing me and we got into very intimate discussions. We were thousands of miles away from each other so meeting was out of the question. Then, for other reasons I moved to with a few hundred miles of him. We talked seriously about getting together. Only I began to notice that he never did actually make the arrangements. The e-mails, though still pretty frequent, became less personal. One day I told him I felt it was time to back off, as he didn't seem to have me high on his priority list any more. He accepted that readily, which told me what I needed to know.

When you care deeply for someone, it's very hard to see things clearly. He may be a kind, wonderful person who just doesn't feel quite the same way as you do, and doesn't realize what this renewed contact may do to you. I'm sure that was what happened with my man. He wouldn't hurt a fly, he's affectionate and supportive, but he's not good at reading people and has an avoidant relationship style. Your man needs support now, he knows you can provide it, but whether that really means anything more is very much up in the air.

You sound like you have your head on straight, and I wish you the best.

This emotion makes you do crazy things. Makes you do anything. I'm looking out for myself here. I have to. I really don't want to bring in more heartache so its just going to have to stay as is.

I appreciate the insight, as always, you are a gem at advice. Thanks :smile:

MariahsFantasy's photo
Tue 01/17/12 09:27 PM

I would do nothIng. If he loves you he will make it known to you. Don't read anything into things he says. If he didn't say he was still in love with you, he's not.

I totally agree with Ruth here - it sounds like you are trying to read things into this convo - whether those things are there or not - jsut go slow

be his friend during this difficult time - but I'd resist romantic involvement until he has been apart from the other woman for a significant amount of time - and till he is past the worst of grieving for his dad

be his friend now - let the future take care of itself

and don't stop dating others

Hmm, he told me he's been broken up for several months now. Just wasn't working out, plus there's his son that needs his attention, and now his dad's health is the main focus. I feel for him a lot. I'm going to stay true to my gut and just play the friend role. I'm so good at that anyway. lol

MariahsFantasy's photo
Tue 01/17/12 09:34 PM


My ex-boyfriend came back into my life.

He called me last night and we talked

I stopped reading exactly right there.

Dude.....don't do that to yourself. Ex.........think about it.

6 billion people on the planet....why let one person do you dirty twice? Ain' no guy got a penis so special that he should get a second shot at you. Love is like getting hit by lightning. Having to work for love ain't love.

I almost wish I read the rest of your post...but, on principal..I ain't gonna.

Yeah, I agree with this a lot. There's this gnawing feeling in the back of my thoughts asking all of these WTF questions. Why did he call me? Why now? OK, he needed I was so important to him then why'd we stop talking?

Wouldn't it be cool if there was one penis out there to make everyone's dreams come true? Ladies am I right???? :tongue: Love hits me in between the eyes sometimes and I fall into its trap. Its kinda like being disabled for a while. lol I'm definitely not rational at times. I really need to be careful what I do.

LOL Its alright. I rambled a lot anyway but you picked the lead outta it so its all I care about. Thanks still! Keeping both feet on the ground for now. Who knows what happens tomorrow?

MariahsFantasy's photo
Tue 01/17/12 09:39 PM

Sounds to me like, and this is only an old guys perspective, he's looking for a little rebound rewind action.

Run Forrest Run like the wind.

Could be. We weren't really all the physical though. We were really more friends than anything. He felt like family to me. But sometimes those friendly feelings can grow and this is where I am at now.

MariahsFantasy's photo
Tue 01/17/12 09:42 PM

Be there for him as a friend only until the situation with his dad is resolved. Then tell him that he needs to think about what he wants for some time without seeing you all the time. Then TALK! Best of luck!

Tell him to make a decision? I heard about this from friends. Its called manning up I guess. Well, after all this depression with his dad is settled, and who knows what's to come of that? He said he was stable but critical. I really just wanted to be by his side when he said that. My heart was breaking for him. Gah...frown

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Wed 01/18/12 03:51 AM
Why does the past always try to get back into people's lives? I'd love to know. lol. Is this that ex we had that conversation about? Or someone completely different? One of mine (that mentally abusive one), knocked on my door, out of the blue, after four years of no contact. I kept up the no contact, cos i just wanted to move on. Not to spite him. Just so i could stop getting upset about our split and get on with my life. At first, i was angry, when he came back to see me, then i just listened, with caution. He apparantely missed me. I couldn't help but take it with a pinch of salt. I expected he'd end up hurting my feelings like before, so in the end, i ended up sending him righr back to where he'd just came from. But that's just me. Not saying you do the same. Just stay vigilant is all. Your mother sounds wise. :)

MariahsFantasy's photo
Wed 01/18/12 09:53 AM

Why does the past always try to get back into people's lives? I'd love to know. lol. Is this that ex we had that conversation about? Or someone completely different? One of mine (that mentally abusive one), knocked on my door, out of the blue, after four years of no contact. I kept up the no contact, cos i just wanted to move on. Not to spite him. Just so i could stop getting upset about our split and get on with my life. At first, i was angry, when he came back to see me, then i just listened, with caution. He apparantely missed me. I couldn't help but take it with a pinch of salt. I expected he'd end up hurting my feelings like before, so in the end, i ended up sending him righr back to where he'd just came from. But that's just me. Not saying you do the same. Just stay vigilant is all. Your mother sounds wise. :)

This is a different guy. He wasn't my ex-fiance. Totally different people. Polar opposites almost. I've been hearing this advice from all corners. It feels right. Don't want to completely turn myself over in this. Its a touchy time. Weirdness. I think it'll be ok. :smile:

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Wed 01/18/12 11:07 AM
Temptation is a biatch. Taking it slow sounds like the best option. Who knows what may happen in the future. It may turn out to be better than you expected. ohwell

MariahsFantasy's photo
Wed 01/18/12 11:18 AM
I'm still deciding wheither to see him Friday. Its been a while. I have no problem talking to him, just meeting is a little awkward maybe. *shrugs*

no photo
Wed 01/18/12 11:22 AM
Edited by Spidercmb on Wed 01/18/12 11:25 AM


My ex-boyfriend came back into my life.

He called me last night and we talked for a bit. Things between us didn't end on bad terms and I always thought we had a strong friendship. I didn't think anything of it when we were talking. I guess you could say we met and fell for each other at the wrong time.

After he told me he broke up with the girl he was seeing, we went on to talking a lot about the mistakes we made when we were together. Then came the unexpected. He told me his dad was in the hospital and he wasn't taking things well with it. In fact he was nearly vague about the details until I just started to listen to him and let him talk. His son knows but he hasn't shown how he really feels about it. I felt like he was talking about it for the first time with me.

Now comes the problem. I was deeply in love with this man, but I guess we never talked about that. I didn't know how he felt and vise versa. For the first time I thought I heard him say he had feelings for me too.

I am so confused and I really don't know what to do here. I thought we ended our romance. This is what I thought. I really care about him so much. I feel like I can be his friend but getting involved into his life again? indifferent I found out a week after we broke up he got back together with his ex-gf.

I really don't know what to do here. Having him come back into life isn't what I planned. And all these feelings resufacing, I don't like them. What would you do in this situation if you were me?


He's hurting and he's using you as a band-aid. When he's no longer hurting, he's not going to worry himself too much on the condition of the band-aid when he throws it away.

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Wed 01/18/12 11:25 AM

I'm still deciding wheither to see him Friday. Its been a while. I have no problem talking to him, just meeting is a little awkward maybe. *shrugs*

If you feel you want to, then do :) If you feel curious enough i guess.

MariahsFantasy's photo
Wed 01/18/12 11:51 AM
My curiousity gets me into trouble. If he asks me directly I'll think of it. Not promising anything.

no photo
Wed 01/18/12 11:55 AM

It's quite obvious you wanna be more than "friends."

Why prolong the inevitable?

If I were you, instead of asking a bunch of strangers what 'they' think... I'd ask him. indifferent

I have to go with this. Obviously you still have feelings for him. Why not discuss it with him directly?