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Topic: Recovery from religion...
msharmony's photo
Thu 03/29/12 02:03 AM

Here's what I think it is...

They see someone whom they think is brainwashed. So they want to brainwash them too.

Simple, everyone is trying to control everyone else...

Not really. Or rather, I disagree from that viewpoint.
Based on discussions I've had with friends who are atheists, the concept of actually getting someone to ditch theism is less of brainwashing someone and more as freeing the person from prior brainwashing.
It's like taking away the fake world in the Matrix and showing what actually is or letting a kid know there's no Santa Claus.

After all, many people who are atheists weren't convinced by others... they arrived at it through their own reasoning. They found that they didn't believe in the things they may or may not have once believed in or been taught.

this can be said on both sides

the concept of actually getting someone to ditch faithlessness is less of brainwashing and more as FREEING a person from prior brainwashing

Its like giving a kid hope for his future as an adult, and showing them that life progresses and how great it can be to progress with it and be a healthy adult,,,,

many people who are christian arriived at through their own reasoning too,,,they found that the things they once believed or were taught omitted quite a bit,,,,

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/29/12 02:08 AM
IN any case, I will say, if a person is sick (emotionally, spiritually, or physically) the most powerful resource they have is their brain

once the brain tells us something is real, it can become very real in our body and our existence

a sick christians brain can tell them the religion has made them sick and that will eventually become enough of a reality that losing religion will 'heal' them

likewise, a sick atheists brain can tell them lack of religion has made them sick and that will eventually become enough of a reality that embraxing religion will 'heal' them

we will become what we say we are,,,because we say we will, not because of any isolated or singular outside source,,,,

there are healthy and unhealthy theists AND atheists, and I would wish for all of them to gain their health back,, how their mind decides to manifest that progress,,,, is up to them,,

RKISIT's photo
Thu 03/29/12 02:58 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Thu 03/29/12 03:32 AM

All you showed was the 1993 finding of something with David on it not King David plus some say since there was no vowels used that DWD could of meant Dod.

Where in the hell did any of those show ancient egyptian writtings about moses,the plagues,jewish slaves and the exodus?Actually if you really wanna get into a deep issue there really is no evidence israel even existed during the Moses period.


So the Jews only could pull 1 name they THINK was hebrew from a list..lol.Pete you still keep posting things from the Jews not ancient egyptians.Read what you post,it has according to Exodus.You seem to not get it theres no ancient egyptian evidence of the 10 plagues,Moses,jewish slaves or the exodus.Also read the part in the link of other interpretations so technically this isn't even fact.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 03/29/12 03:15 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Thu 03/29/12 03:33 AM

looks like another stolen story by the Hebrews it wasn't even jews it was these people that were thrown out but the Hebrews took the story and added their people.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 03/29/12 03:23 AM
But wait theres more....

RKISIT's photo
Thu 03/29/12 03:27 AM
want me to start posting links on how Jews are claiming to be the Hyksos too?

RKISIT's photo
Thu 03/29/12 04:03 AM
Read the part about the plague,it was the hyksos nowhere does it mention the hebrews.The hebrews obviously got wind of this and made it look like it was their God and their people,exaggerated stories thats all it is.Amazing how faith can make you go blind.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 03/29/12 04:11 AM
the hyksos story has been around for years thats why i like the internet the truth can't be hidden as easily on some subjects.But if people want to change history for their greedy religious beliefs and sheeple want to follow it go for it i guess.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 03/29/12 04:35 AM

RKISIT's photo
Thu 03/29/12 04:47 AM
Pete face it other than the Old Testament there is no other rock solid evidence of the Exodus involving the Jews,Moses,the 10 plagues and jewish slavery.

Kleisto's photo
Thu 03/29/12 05:10 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Thu 03/29/12 05:11 AM

Here's what I think it is...

They see someone whom they think is brainwashed. So they want to brainwash them too.

Simple, everyone is trying to control everyone else...

Not really. Or rather, I disagree from that viewpoint.
Based on discussions I've had with friends who are atheists, the concept of actually getting someone to ditch theism is less of brainwashing someone and more as freeing the person from prior brainwashing.
It's like taking away the fake world in the Matrix and showing what actually is or letting a kid know there's no Santa Claus.

After all, many people who are atheists weren't convinced by others... they arrived at it through their own reasoning. They found that they didn't believe in the things they may or may not have once believed in or been taught.

this can be said on both sides

the concept of actually getting someone to ditch faithlessness is less of brainwashing and more as FREEING a person from prior brainwashing

Its like giving a kid hope for his future as an adult, and showing them that life progresses and how great it can be to progress with it and be a healthy adult,,,,

many people who are christian arriived at through their own reasoning too,,,they found that the things they once believed or were taught omitted quite a bit,,,,

The entire problem with this is, is that people have grown accustomed to this idea that religion is the only place God is, that God can't be found outside of a church or book like it can be inside of one. It's just not the case, God does NOT need religion to exist, it just is. You can find God without ever believing the Bible, or stepping foot in a church, it's just not necessary, and in fact can in ways INHIBIT your relationship to God and your own spiritual growth.

This notion that God expects certain conduct of us is totally and completely false. God just wishes us to be happy. How we may achieve that happiness is up to each individual person, but that is all it wants. The rest is man trying to control. Really they need religion more than we do, because it's how they hold their power. If they can get people to believe God demands this or that, then they have you right in the palm of their hands. We don't need it, but for them to keep control they need us.

I think we are reaching a point where people are starting to realize that, which is why religion in ways doesn't hold as much power as it once did. People are growing up, and though some are fighting this, they are fighting a losing battle in the end. Like it or not, things are changing, and I think the more free we become the better.

Having said all that, if you wanna believe certain things, fine, that is a personal choice. The problem is, religious never leave it at that, they push their doctrine onto everyone else, and put themselves above others in effect, believing they are the only ones living right and anyone who believes different is wrong or misguided. It is spiritual arrogance. The idea that because a book tells you something is wrong, it must be so is absurd.

We need to let go of this idea that because someone believes different they are wrong because of what a preacher says, it's just not true. They are just them.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 03/29/12 07:25 AM

Here's what I think it is...

They see someone whom they think is brainwashed. So they want to brainwash them too.

Simple, everyone is trying to control everyone else...

Not really. Or rather, I disagree from that viewpoint.
Based on discussions I've had with friends who are atheists, the concept of actually getting someone to ditch theism is less of brainwashing someone and more as freeing the person from prior brainwashing.
It's like taking away the fake world in the Matrix and showing what actually is or letting a kid know there's no Santa Claus.

After all, many people who are atheists weren't convinced by others... they arrived at it through their own reasoning. They found that they didn't believe in the things they may or may not have once believed in or been taught.

this can be said on both sides

the concept of actually getting someone to ditch faithlessness is less of brainwashing and more as FREEING a person from prior brainwashing

Its like giving a kid hope for his future as an adult, and showing them that life progresses and how great it can be to progress with it and be a healthy adult,,,,

many people who are christian arriived at through their own reasoning too,,,they found that the things they once believed or were taught omitted quite a bit,,,,

The entire problem with this is, is that people have grown accustomed to this idea that religion is the only place God is, that God can't be found outside of a church or book like it can be inside of one. It's just not the case, God does NOT need religion to exist, it just is. You can find God without ever believing the Bible, or stepping foot in a church, it's just not necessary, and in fact can in ways INHIBIT your relationship to God and your own spiritual growth.

This notion that God expects certain conduct of us is totally and completely false. God just wishes us to be happy. How we may achieve that happiness is up to each individual person, but that is all it wants. The rest is man trying to control. Really they need religion more than we do, because it's how they hold their power. If they can get people to believe God demands this or that, then they have you right in the palm of their hands. We don't need it, but for them to keep control they need us.

I think we are reaching a point where people are starting to realize that, which is why religion in ways doesn't hold as much power as it once did. People are growing up, and though some are fighting this, they are fighting a losing battle in the end. Like it or not, things are changing, and I think the more free we become the better.

Having said all that, if you wanna believe certain things, fine, that is a personal choice. The problem is, religious never leave it at that, they push their doctrine onto everyone else, and put themselves above others in effect, believing they are the only ones living right and anyone who believes different is wrong or misguided. It is spiritual arrogance. The idea that because a book tells you something is wrong, it must be so is absurd.

We need to let go of this idea that because someone believes different they are wrong because of what a preacher says, it's just not true. They are just them.
Just tell it like it is man,the abrahamic religion is based on other civilizations beliefs.The hebrews stole their beliefs,changed some names,exaggerated the stories and claimed one god created everything.What shocks me is people worship this even though they know the facts about it being stolen from other civilizations.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 03/29/12 07:28 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Thu 03/29/12 07:30 AM

Here's what I think it is...

They see someone whom they think is brainwashed. So they want to brainwash them too.

Simple, everyone is trying to control everyone else...

Not really. Or rather, I disagree from that viewpoint.
Based on discussions I've had with friends who are atheists, the concept of actually getting someone to ditch theism is less of brainwashing someone and more as freeing the person from prior brainwashing.
It's like taking away the fake world in the Matrix and showing what actually is or letting a kid know there's no Santa Claus.

After all, many people who are atheists weren't convinced by others... they arrived at it through their own reasoning. They found that they didn't believe in the things they may or may not have once believed in or been taught.

this can be said on both sides

the concept of actually getting someone to ditch faithlessness is less of brainwashing and more as FREEING a person from prior brainwashing

Its like giving a kid hope for his future as an adult, and showing them that life progresses and how great it can be to progress with it and be a healthy adult,,,,

many people who are christian arriived at through their own reasoning too,,,they found that the things they once believed or were taught omitted quite a bit,,,,

The entire problem with this is, is that people have grown accustomed to this idea that religion is the only place God is, that God can't be found outside of a church or book like it can be inside of one. It's just not the case, God does NOT need religion to exist, it just is. You can find God without ever believing the Bible, or stepping foot in a church, it's just not necessary, and in fact can in ways INHIBIT your relationship to God and your own spiritual growth.

This notion that God expects certain conduct of us is totally and completely false. God just wishes us to be happy. How we may achieve that happiness is up to each individual person, but that is all it wants. The rest is man trying to control. Really they need religion more than we do, because it's how they hold their power. If they can get people to believe God demands this or that, then they have you right in the palm of their hands. We don't need it, but for them to keep control they need us.

I think we are reaching a point where people are starting to realize that, which is why religion in ways doesn't hold as much power as it once did. People are growing up, and though some are fighting this, they are fighting a losing battle in the end. Like it or not, things are changing, and I think the more free we become the better.

Having said all that, if you wanna believe certain things, fine, that is a personal choice. The problem is, religious never leave it at that, they push their doctrine onto everyone else, and put themselves above others in effect, believing they are the only ones living right and anyone who believes different is wrong or misguided. It is spiritual arrogance. The idea that because a book tells you something is wrong, it must be so is absurd.

We need to let go of this idea that because someone believes different they are wrong because of what a preacher says, it's just not true. They are just them.
Just tell it like it is man,the abrahamic religion is based on other civilizations beliefs.The hebrews stole their beliefs,changed some names,exaggerated the stories and claimed one god created everything.What shocks me is people worship this even though they know the facts about it being stolen from other civilizations.

There is no facts of it being stolen from any other civilization. You nor I nor anyone else still walking the face of this Earth was there. You can not prove it was stolen, just as I can not prove it wasn't. That's why the scriptures stress so much about faith.

One can not prove Christianity to be true, but likewise no one can prove Christianity to not be true. Faith plays a huge role in it on either side of the coin.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 03/29/12 07:41 AM

Here's what I think it is...

They see someone whom they think is brainwashed. So they want to brainwash them too.

Simple, everyone is trying to control everyone else...

Not really. Or rather, I disagree from that viewpoint.
Based on discussions I've had with friends who are atheists, the concept of actually getting someone to ditch theism is less of brainwashing someone and more as freeing the person from prior brainwashing.
It's like taking away the fake world in the Matrix and showing what actually is or letting a kid know there's no Santa Claus.

After all, many people who are atheists weren't convinced by others... they arrived at it through their own reasoning. They found that they didn't believe in the things they may or may not have once believed in or been taught.

this can be said on both sides

the concept of actually getting someone to ditch faithlessness is less of brainwashing and more as FREEING a person from prior brainwashing

Its like giving a kid hope for his future as an adult, and showing them that life progresses and how great it can be to progress with it and be a healthy adult,,,,

many people who are christian arriived at through their own reasoning too,,,they found that the things they once believed or were taught omitted quite a bit,,,,

The entire problem with this is, is that people have grown accustomed to this idea that religion is the only place God is, that God can't be found outside of a church or book like it can be inside of one. It's just not the case, God does NOT need religion to exist, it just is. You can find God without ever believing the Bible, or stepping foot in a church, it's just not necessary, and in fact can in ways INHIBIT your relationship to God and your own spiritual growth.

This notion that God expects certain conduct of us is totally and completely false. God just wishes us to be happy. How we may achieve that happiness is up to each individual person, but that is all it wants. The rest is man trying to control. Really they need religion more than we do, because it's how they hold their power. If they can get people to believe God demands this or that, then they have you right in the palm of their hands. We don't need it, but for them to keep control they need us.

I think we are reaching a point where people are starting to realize that, which is why religion in ways doesn't hold as much power as it once did. People are growing up, and though some are fighting this, they are fighting a losing battle in the end. Like it or not, things are changing, and I think the more free we become the better.

Having said all that, if you wanna believe certain things, fine, that is a personal choice. The problem is, religious never leave it at that, they push their doctrine onto everyone else, and put themselves above others in effect, believing they are the only ones living right and anyone who believes different is wrong or misguided. It is spiritual arrogance. The idea that because a book tells you something is wrong, it must be so is absurd.

We need to let go of this idea that because someone believes different they are wrong because of what a preacher says, it's just not true. They are just them.
Just tell it like it is man,the abrahamic religion is based on other civilizations beliefs.The hebrews stole their beliefs,changed some names,exaggerated the stories and claimed one god created everything.What shocks me is people worship this even though they know the facts about it being stolen from other civilizations.

There is no facts of it being stolen from any other civilization. You nor I nor anyone else still walking the face of this Earth was there. You can not prove it was stolen, just as I can not prove it wasn't. That's why the scriptures stress so much about faith.

One can not prove Christianity to be true, but likewise no one can prove Christianity to not be true. Faith plays a huge role in it on either side of the coin.
please the stories of Babylonian and Sumerian along with Greek myth mixed together is the birth of the Hebrew bible.You're talking part2 Christianity,i'm talkin part1 Judaism.Part3 Islam came later.

Kleisto's photo
Thu 03/29/12 07:59 AM

Here's what I think it is...

They see someone whom they think is brainwashed. So they want to brainwash them too.

Simple, everyone is trying to control everyone else...

Not really. Or rather, I disagree from that viewpoint.
Based on discussions I've had with friends who are atheists, the concept of actually getting someone to ditch theism is less of brainwashing someone and more as freeing the person from prior brainwashing.
It's like taking away the fake world in the Matrix and showing what actually is or letting a kid know there's no Santa Claus.

After all, many people who are atheists weren't convinced by others... they arrived at it through their own reasoning. They found that they didn't believe in the things they may or may not have once believed in or been taught.

this can be said on both sides

the concept of actually getting someone to ditch faithlessness is less of brainwashing and more as FREEING a person from prior brainwashing

Its like giving a kid hope for his future as an adult, and showing them that life progresses and how great it can be to progress with it and be a healthy adult,,,,

many people who are christian arriived at through their own reasoning too,,,they found that the things they once believed or were taught omitted quite a bit,,,,

The entire problem with this is, is that people have grown accustomed to this idea that religion is the only place God is, that God can't be found outside of a church or book like it can be inside of one. It's just not the case, God does NOT need religion to exist, it just is. You can find God without ever believing the Bible, or stepping foot in a church, it's just not necessary, and in fact can in ways INHIBIT your relationship to God and your own spiritual growth.

This notion that God expects certain conduct of us is totally and completely false. God just wishes us to be happy. How we may achieve that happiness is up to each individual person, but that is all it wants. The rest is man trying to control. Really they need religion more than we do, because it's how they hold their power. If they can get people to believe God demands this or that, then they have you right in the palm of their hands. We don't need it, but for them to keep control they need us.

I think we are reaching a point where people are starting to realize that, which is why religion in ways doesn't hold as much power as it once did. People are growing up, and though some are fighting this, they are fighting a losing battle in the end. Like it or not, things are changing, and I think the more free we become the better.

Having said all that, if you wanna believe certain things, fine, that is a personal choice. The problem is, religious never leave it at that, they push their doctrine onto everyone else, and put themselves above others in effect, believing they are the only ones living right and anyone who believes different is wrong or misguided. It is spiritual arrogance. The idea that because a book tells you something is wrong, it must be so is absurd.

We need to let go of this idea that because someone believes different they are wrong because of what a preacher says, it's just not true. They are just them.
Just tell it like it is man,the abrahamic religion is based on other civilizations beliefs.The hebrews stole their beliefs,changed some names,exaggerated the stories and claimed one god created everything.What shocks me is people worship this even though they know the facts about it being stolen from other civilizations.

There is no facts of it being stolen from any other civilization. You nor I nor anyone else still walking the face of this Earth was there. You can not prove it was stolen, just as I can not prove it wasn't. That's why the scriptures stress so much about faith.

One can not prove Christianity to be true, but likewise no one can prove Christianity to not be true. Faith plays a huge role in it on either side of the coin.

Certainly you can prove Christianity not true, just look at history. The proof of it would be there if it was and it's not.

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 03/29/12 10:25 AM

In my search for information I ran across an atheist site that offers recovery from religion for those who need help shaking the monkey of religion off their back.

It makes sense that this could be helpful for many people as religion has been allowed to run rampant and has been deceptively taught as the only answer to morality, problem solving, recovery, grieving, etc... And in truth it only makes a person sicker in the end. Makes their lives more empty.

I am going to check into it and see what kind of good stuff they have.


Once I dumped the dogma of the salvation theory, I was able to truly experience 'God.'

no photo
Thu 03/29/12 11:31 AM

All you showed was the 1993 finding of something with David on it not King David plus some say since there was no vowels used that DWD could of meant Dod.

Where in the hell did any of those show ancient egyptian writtings about moses,the plagues,jewish slaves and the exodus?Actually if you really wanna get into a deep issue there really is no evidence israel even existed during the Moses period.


So the Jews only could pull 1 name they THINK was hebrew from a list..lol.Pete you still keep posting things from the Jews not ancient egyptians.Read what you post,it has according to Exodus.You seem to not get it theres no ancient egyptian evidence of the 10 plagues,Moses,jewish slaves or the exodus.Also read the part in the link of other interpretations so technically this isn't even fact.

So you read about an Egyptian papyrus and because it has a Hebrew name you dismiss it as "from the Jews"?


CowboyGH's photo
Thu 03/29/12 11:32 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Thu 03/29/12 11:32 AM

Here's what I think it is...

They see someone whom they think is brainwashed. So they want to brainwash them too.

Simple, everyone is trying to control everyone else...

Not really. Or rather, I disagree from that viewpoint.
Based on discussions I've had with friends who are atheists, the concept of actually getting someone to ditch theism is less of brainwashing someone and more as freeing the person from prior brainwashing.
It's like taking away the fake world in the Matrix and showing what actually is or letting a kid know there's no Santa Claus.

After all, many people who are atheists weren't convinced by others... they arrived at it through their own reasoning. They found that they didn't believe in the things they may or may not have once believed in or been taught.

this can be said on both sides

the concept of actually getting someone to ditch faithlessness is less of brainwashing and more as FREEING a person from prior brainwashing

Its like giving a kid hope for his future as an adult, and showing them that life progresses and how great it can be to progress with it and be a healthy adult,,,,

many people who are christian arriived at through their own reasoning too,,,they found that the things they once believed or were taught omitted quite a bit,,,,

The entire problem with this is, is that people have grown accustomed to this idea that religion is the only place God is, that God can't be found outside of a church or book like it can be inside of one. It's just not the case, God does NOT need religion to exist, it just is. You can find God without ever believing the Bible, or stepping foot in a church, it's just not necessary, and in fact can in ways INHIBIT your relationship to God and your own spiritual growth.

This notion that God expects certain conduct of us is totally and completely false. God just wishes us to be happy. How we may achieve that happiness is up to each individual person, but that is all it wants. The rest is man trying to control. Really they need religion more than we do, because it's how they hold their power. If they can get people to believe God demands this or that, then they have you right in the palm of their hands. We don't need it, but for them to keep control they need us.

I think we are reaching a point where people are starting to realize that, which is why religion in ways doesn't hold as much power as it once did. People are growing up, and though some are fighting this, they are fighting a losing battle in the end. Like it or not, things are changing, and I think the more free we become the better.

Having said all that, if you wanna believe certain things, fine, that is a personal choice. The problem is, religious never leave it at that, they push their doctrine onto everyone else, and put themselves above others in effect, believing they are the only ones living right and anyone who believes different is wrong or misguided. It is spiritual arrogance. The idea that because a book tells you something is wrong, it must be so is absurd.

We need to let go of this idea that because someone believes different they are wrong because of what a preacher says, it's just not true. They are just them.
Just tell it like it is man,the abrahamic religion is based on other civilizations beliefs.The hebrews stole their beliefs,changed some names,exaggerated the stories and claimed one god created everything.What shocks me is people worship this even though they know the facts about it being stolen from other civilizations.

There is no facts of it being stolen from any other civilization. You nor I nor anyone else still walking the face of this Earth was there. You can not prove it was stolen, just as I can not prove it wasn't. That's why the scriptures stress so much about faith.

One can not prove Christianity to be true, but likewise no one can prove Christianity to not be true. Faith plays a huge role in it on either side of the coin.
please the stories of Babylonian and Sumerian along with Greek myth mixed together is the birth of the Hebrew bible.You're talking part2 Christianity,i'm talkin part1 Judaism.Part3 Islam came later.

What exactly are you talking about? Christianity has been the same since the dawn of man. Yes we had a fulfillment of one covenant and recieved another. But none the less the first covenant prophecied that happening. So thus nothing "changed", only moved forward to it's next step. Which again was prophesied to happen in the first step.

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/29/12 12:08 PM

Here's what I think it is...

They see someone whom they think is brainwashed. So they want to brainwash them too.

Simple, everyone is trying to control everyone else...

Not really. Or rather, I disagree from that viewpoint.
Based on discussions I've had with friends who are atheists, the concept of actually getting someone to ditch theism is less of brainwashing someone and more as freeing the person from prior brainwashing.
It's like taking away the fake world in the Matrix and showing what actually is or letting a kid know there's no Santa Claus.

After all, many people who are atheists weren't convinced by others... they arrived at it through their own reasoning. They found that they didn't believe in the things they may or may not have once believed in or been taught.

this can be said on both sides

the concept of actually getting someone to ditch faithlessness is less of brainwashing and more as FREEING a person from prior brainwashing

Its like giving a kid hope for his future as an adult, and showing them that life progresses and how great it can be to progress with it and be a healthy adult,,,,

many people who are christian arriived at through their own reasoning too,,,they found that the things they once believed or were taught omitted quite a bit,,,,

The entire problem with this is, is that people have grown accustomed to this idea that religion is the only place God is, that God can't be found outside of a church or book like it can be inside of one. It's just not the case, God does NOT need religion to exist, it just is. You can find God without ever believing the Bible, or stepping foot in a church, it's just not necessary, and in fact can in ways INHIBIT your relationship to God and your own spiritual growth.

This notion that God expects certain conduct of us is totally and completely false. God just wishes us to be happy. How we may achieve that happiness is up to each individual person, but that is all it wants. The rest is man trying to control. Really they need religion more than we do, because it's how they hold their power. If they can get people to believe God demands this or that, then they have you right in the palm of their hands. We don't need it, but for them to keep control they need us.

I think we are reaching a point where people are starting to realize that, which is why religion in ways doesn't hold as much power as it once did. People are growing up, and though some are fighting this, they are fighting a losing battle in the end. Like it or not, things are changing, and I think the more free we become the better.

Having said all that, if you wanna believe certain things, fine, that is a personal choice. The problem is, religious never leave it at that, they push their doctrine onto everyone else, and put themselves above others in effect, believing they are the only ones living right and anyone who believes different is wrong or misguided. It is spiritual arrogance. The idea that because a book tells you something is wrong, it must be so is absurd.

We need to let go of this idea that because someone believes different they are wrong because of what a preacher says, it's just not true. They are just them.

"religious never leave it at that, they push their doctrine onto everyone else, and put themselves above others in effect, believing they are the only ones living right and anyone who believes different is wrong or misguided. It is spiritual arrogance. The idea that because a book tells you something is wrong, it must be so is absurd.

We need to let go of this idea that because someone believes different they are wrong because of what a preacher says, it's just not true. They are just them.

replace religious with non religious
replace 'it must be wrong' with 'it cant be right'
replace 'of what a preacher says' with 'because they havent tangibly felt or seen or heard it'

and this statement could ring true for either 'side'

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/29/12 12:09 PM

Here's what I think it is...

They see someone whom they think is brainwashed. So they want to brainwash them too.

Simple, everyone is trying to control everyone else...

Not really. Or rather, I disagree from that viewpoint.
Based on discussions I've had with friends who are atheists, the concept of actually getting someone to ditch theism is less of brainwashing someone and more as freeing the person from prior brainwashing.
It's like taking away the fake world in the Matrix and showing what actually is or letting a kid know there's no Santa Claus.

After all, many people who are atheists weren't convinced by others... they arrived at it through their own reasoning. They found that they didn't believe in the things they may or may not have once believed in or been taught.

this can be said on both sides

the concept of actually getting someone to ditch faithlessness is less of brainwashing and more as FREEING a person from prior brainwashing

Its like giving a kid hope for his future as an adult, and showing them that life progresses and how great it can be to progress with it and be a healthy adult,,,,

many people who are christian arriived at through their own reasoning too,,,they found that the things they once believed or were taught omitted quite a bit,,,,

The entire problem with this is, is that people have grown accustomed to this idea that religion is the only place God is, that God can't be found outside of a church or book like it can be inside of one. It's just not the case, God does NOT need religion to exist, it just is. You can find God without ever believing the Bible, or stepping foot in a church, it's just not necessary, and in fact can in ways INHIBIT your relationship to God and your own spiritual growth.

This notion that God expects certain conduct of us is totally and completely false. God just wishes us to be happy. How we may achieve that happiness is up to each individual person, but that is all it wants. The rest is man trying to control. Really they need religion more than we do, because it's how they hold their power. If they can get people to believe God demands this or that, then they have you right in the palm of their hands. We don't need it, but for them to keep control they need us.

I think we are reaching a point where people are starting to realize that, which is why religion in ways doesn't hold as much power as it once did. People are growing up, and though some are fighting this, they are fighting a losing battle in the end. Like it or not, things are changing, and I think the more free we become the better.

Having said all that, if you wanna believe certain things, fine, that is a personal choice. The problem is, religious never leave it at that, they push their doctrine onto everyone else, and put themselves above others in effect, believing they are the only ones living right and anyone who believes different is wrong or misguided. It is spiritual arrogance. The idea that because a book tells you something is wrong, it must be so is absurd.

We need to let go of this idea that because someone believes different they are wrong because of what a preacher says, it's just not true. They are just them.
Just tell it like it is man,the abrahamic religion is based on other civilizations beliefs.The hebrews stole their beliefs,changed some names,exaggerated the stories and claimed one god created everything.What shocks me is people worship this even though they know the facts about it being stolen from other civilizations.

There is no facts of it being stolen from any other civilization. You nor I nor anyone else still walking the face of this Earth was there. You can not prove it was stolen, just as I can not prove it wasn't. That's why the scriptures stress so much about faith.

One can not prove Christianity to be true, but likewise no one can prove Christianity to not be true. Faith plays a huge role in it on either side of the coin.

Certainly you can prove Christianity not true, just look at history. The proof of it would be there if it was and it's not.

history doesnt disprove christianity,,,,,,

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