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Topic: God is NOT a loving god.
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Thu 06/06/13 10:31 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/06/13 10:33 PM
I think evolution from one species to another has not been proven. In fact most of that theory makes no sense.

Neither has an intelligent deity or creator god been proven.

The argument evolution vs. a deity keeps the two sides distracted to the point that they couldn't see the truth if they were looking right at it.

And they are.

William8's photo
Thu 06/06/13 10:42 PM

I think evolution from one species to another has not been proven. In fact most of that theory makes no sense.

Neither has an intelligent deity or creator god been proven.

The argument evolution vs. a deity keeps the two sides distracted to the point that they couldn't see the truth if they were looking right at it.

And they are.

All life is determined by a very complex 4 Chemical code and you say that there is no evidence for an intelligent creator.

The DNA code is more complex then binary code and yet one could argue that binary code is proof of intelligent design?

The internal combustion engine is proof of intelligent desigh, yet all life works upon that same principle of consuming fuel to run.

You also claim that there is no sin.

What would you call an intelligent beings ability to destroy another intelligent being for mere self gratification, such as the rape of a child.

Sin is possessing the knowledge of good and evil and chooseing the one over the other.

Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil.

Lazarus102's photo
Fri 06/07/13 06:29 AM

Evolution is just another lie to support the same old sin. Evolution is popular because it does away with the need for a God, therefore homosexuals and the like can feel good about themselves. Evolution has been so effective in achieving this goal, that children are literally brainwashed by Darwinian ideology and atheist propaganda at school.

1. The term "sin" is meaningless. It is rooted in irrational religious mysticism.

If you want to be happy and successful in life you need to be CONSCIOUS, not steeped in mystery and fear of some imagined creator god.

If you know what "God" is then you know who you are. You are the creator of your own reality and being so, can create anything you want. You already have. You've created a deity to worship. Good for you.

And why would you object to homosexuals feeling good about themselves? Your desire to spread unhappiness and guilt is deplorable.

You have no power over rational conscious people.

Evolution is no where near scratching the surface of solving any questions about where we came from, but at least someone is looking.

Others just say "God did it" and they stop asking questions. They place their lives and responsibilities into the hands of their god.

Then they blame their god when their lives get out of control.
If course they call that side of god "The devil."

Nevermind william8, I got but a few lines into your post and can see that you're nothing but a hateful bigot. It's because of people like you that I wrote this thread in the first place. People like you make religion look bad, congrats on proving my entire point.

"it matters not if I Say 'this is what I believe',,,,,its the rules in my house,, period"

I guess you have the right to dictate how your kids grow up, just as I have the right to opinion-ate about how it's the wrong way.
It is often said that "hope is a dangerous thing." I partially agree to that. I'd say it more like "False hope is a dangerous thing." Your kids and any others brought up in a religious background will grow up believing in the love of a god that never exists outside of their own minds. It's sad really. It's like the kids that grow up watching too many Disney films and always believing in the back of their mind that a teardrop on a pillow and a wish upon a star will make all their dreams come true. Reality is a harsh mistress. At the very least, do your children the mercy of telling them what you've presented in this thread, that god will never help them, god will never do a thing for them, they must make all accomplishments on their own, god is nothing more than a figurehead for they are the ones in control.

I quoted Jean's post just to say that I agree with all the above. It is easy to simply sit back and say god did it, not nearly as much so to seek the answers for ourselves. This is a large part of the reason that I believe religion is holding back humanity. If more people had been seeking the real answers instead of following false religions who's only answer is "god did it." then we'd be donning technology that'd make an Iphone look like a telegraph. But more importantly we'd be that much closer to finding a means for true immortality.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 06/07/13 07:51 AM

I think evolution from one species to another has not been proven. In fact most of that theory makes no sense.

Neither has an intelligent deity or creator god been proven.

The argument evolution vs. a deity keeps the two sides distracted to the point that they couldn't see the truth if they were looking right at it.

And they are.

All life is determined by a very complex 4 Chemical code and you say that there is no evidence for an intelligent creator.

The DNA code is more complex then binary code and yet one could argue that binary code is proof of intelligent design?

The internal combustion engine is proof of intelligent desigh, yet all life works upon that same principle of consuming fuel to run.

You also claim that there is no sin.

What would you call an intelligent beings ability to destroy another intelligent being for mere self gratification, such as the rape of a child.

Sin is possessing the knowledge of good and evil and chooseing the one over the other.

Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil.
so,Man's "Sin" is that he is an Intelligent Being,and has the ability to discern Good from Evil,ie,is a Rational Moral Being,examples to the contrary not withstanding?

msharmony's photo
Fri 06/07/13 08:23 AM

I think evolution from one species to another has not been proven. In fact most of that theory makes no sense.

Neither has an intelligent deity or creator god been proven.

The argument evolution vs. a deity keeps the two sides distracted to the point that they couldn't see the truth if they were looking right at it.

And they are.

All life is determined by a very complex 4 Chemical code and you say that there is no evidence for an intelligent creator.

The DNA code is more complex then binary code and yet one could argue that binary code is proof of intelligent design?

The internal combustion engine is proof of intelligent desigh, yet all life works upon that same principle of consuming fuel to run.

You also claim that there is no sin.

What would you call an intelligent beings ability to destroy another intelligent being for mere self gratification, such as the rape of a child.

Sin is possessing the knowledge of good and evil and chooseing the one over the other.

Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil.
so,Man's "Sin" is that he is an Intelligent Being,and has the ability to discern Good from Evil,ie,is a Rational Moral Being,examples to the contrary not withstanding?

evil is sin

like a defense of mental incompetence, or mental deficiency, alleviates a defendant from blame or guilt of their actions

it is the KNOWING that there is right and wrong, and the CHOOSING one over the other,, that makes us guilty of sin,,,,without that knowledge , that 'intelligence' ,, we could hardly be held accountalbe

like mere animals,,,,

no photo
Fri 06/07/13 09:52 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 06/07/13 09:55 AM

I think evolution from one species to another has not been proven. In fact most of that theory makes no sense.

Neither has an intelligent deity or creator god been proven.

The argument evolution vs. a deity keeps the two sides distracted to the point that they couldn't see the truth if they were looking right at it.

And they are.

All life is determined by a very complex 4 Chemical code and you say that there is no evidence for an intelligent creator.

The DNA code is more complex then binary code and yet one could argue that binary code is proof of intelligent design?

The internal combustion engine is proof of intelligent desigh, yet all life works upon that same principle of consuming fuel to run.

You also claim that there is no sin.

What would you call an intelligent beings ability to destroy another intelligent being for mere self gratification, such as the rape of a child.

Sin is possessing the knowledge of good and evil and chooseing the one over the other.

Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil.

I agree with a lot of what you say. I do believe that there is an intelligence behind this reality. What I mean to say is there is no evidence for an intelligent individual DEITY as in a separate individual creator GOD.

Sin is possessing the knowledge of good and evil and choosing the one over the other.

I disagree. One does not possess the true knowledge of good and evil and then choose evil.

One who chooses evil is simply not aware that what he or she is choosing is evil. (They may be aware of what others in society consider to be evil, but they do not truly have the personal knowledge and experience of what that truly means.) They live in their own self created reality and they rationalize their actions and they don't take responsibility for them.

Biblical sin is defined as disobedience to God, whatever that means. Disobedience to God is interpreted differently by different people and different religions.

There is no entity called "God" enforcing his commands or demands upon people. There is only free will and the laws of cause and effect in this co-created bubble reality.

For the person who believes in taking full responsibility for his life and actions, and accepts and uses "free will," there can be no "commands" or "commandments" from some authority or God entity. There is only his ability to decide right from wrong, good from evil himself. In order to make the right decisions a person has to be conscious and aware of reality as a whole and not just his own little self created delusional world where he blames the devil or god for his circumstances.

He is the creator. We (consciousness) are the creators.

In the end, good will always win over evil. As humans evolve spiritually, they can see and do only good. Evil is darkness and ignorance and death.

msharmony's photo
Fri 06/07/13 10:28 AM
good and bad
right and wrong
righteousness and evil

whatever the semantics

people choose between the two every moment of their life,,,,

no photo
Fri 06/07/13 10:31 AM

good and bad
right and wrong
righteousness and evil

whatever the semantics

people choose between the two every moment of their life,,,,

Its called morality, It comes with higher consciousness. And you don't have to be religious or believe in a God to have it.

RKISIT's photo
Fri 06/07/13 05:33 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Fri 06/07/13 05:34 PM

Evolution is a lie. All who have no love for the truth (that they might be saved) believe this lie because... THEY HAD PLEASURE IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. For this very reason men hide the truth for the sake of unrighteousness.
This entire statement is a lie because evolution is empirical.
I don't want to go way off topic but hominids do exist,16s rRNA and DNA homology are very strong supportive evidence for evolution.
What do the creationist have to debunk evolution?Ah wait a second here it comes............"the flagella" and it's spinning tail?Alrighty then.

Comparing similarity in species or DNA has been a common trick to support evolution.

The many differences though are not reconcilable.

DNA itself is far to complex to allow for any new genetic material to be transferred from progenitor to progeny.

To have any strong evidence for evolution, you have to demonstrate how new genetic material, that is not inherent in the species, can come about.

Since all life is determined by DNA then there are bound to be similarity between species, just as there are similarity in binary code and software.

An extinct primate is not proof of evolutionary ancestor, since many primate species exist.

Many species of animal have become extinct.

So any extinct primate is no more proof for evolution then any living one.

The discovery of DNA proved evolution from one species into another, impossible.

Even if benefitial mutations were possible and you haven't proven that they are, how can one freak biological trait become a universal phenomenon in a species?

On a rare few occasions babies have been born with six fingers, but it have never been passed on or become a universal biological trait, and rewrote our DNA?

Mutations are the result of mistakes in the transfer of DNA which only confuse the cell, since it can only read specific DNA.

These mistakes lead to lose of limbs etc.

One small mistake in DNA and the cell cannot read it.

Benefitial mutations was invented by Evolutionary biologists to keep the theory credible. It did not come about by emperical evidence.

It is just one of the biological fantasies evolutionist teach to keep the only support for atheism and secularism afloat.

Evolution is not supported by science but by atheism which just happens to be the dominating world view.

It is Darwinian ideologies that children are brainwashed in.

Evidently you have not much knowledge of evolution or DNA.God was made up by man too and people believe mythology to be true.
Your god is made up just like all the other gods before it and after it.

Dna and the human genome does not require intelligence.It requires covalent bonding along with prebiotic synthesis of organic molecules.
Delta 32 is evidence of beneficial mutation.
Alleles play a key role in how some humans can have immunity to certain diseases while most can't.Hereditary traits that are passed on with these immunity traits has been proven.
chemicals to biology created intelligence.Irreducible complexity has been debunked and still doesn't mean there's a roguish intelligent cloud surfing deity out there some where.
You also forget to mention how some humans are born with tails also.Care to explain that?
Let me guess that's a deleterious mutation which there's more of other than neutral mutations yet why doesn't it happen more often?
Mutations are the result of mistakes in the transfer of DNA which only confuse the cell, since it can only read specific DNA.

^^Funny that you typed this...where exactly is the intelligent design in this statement

msharmony's photo
Fri 06/07/13 05:39 PM
has any 'theory' been able to recreate a human life,, without starting with any human life?

theories are no less factual regarding where we STARTED from,, than anything else,,,,

msharmony's photo
Fri 06/07/13 05:43 PM

good and bad
right and wrong
righteousness and evil

whatever the semantics

people choose between the two every moment of their life,,,,

Its called morality, It comes with higher consciousness. And you don't have to be religious or believe in a God to have it.

I agree

perception is a diverse thing too

because as I believe the Presence or Absence of a belief in God is not what makes people commit right/wrong, or good/bad

I think the debate continues from the two sides of perception that
1. If there were a God,he wouldnt allow people to be 'cursed' with wrong so often


2. If there werent a God, people would be 'blessedl with right much less often

a philisophical debate at best,,,,is God the reason we have so many blessings, or is lack of God the reason we dont have more?

I am obviously of the latter belief,,,,,

dndntx's photo
Fri 06/07/13 06:22 PM
all your thoughts are interesting but, God gave man "free will" therefore "sin"! All your descriptions are of mans actions toward man, nature, etc. Free will is a *****!!!

RKISIT's photo
Sat 06/08/13 01:12 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Sat 06/08/13 01:16 PM

I'm not saying I believe in the existence of a god, because I don't.
I'm mostly posting here because the atheist forums are practically dead, which I don't really understand. Over 200k posts in religion and 1k in atheist forums. How do so many people in the age of logic and reason still believe in the existence of a god?

God exists because like an imaginary friend when we have no other, we want him to exist and if we stop believing, he will not exist.

You have oviously put a lot of thought into you post and interpreting of scripture but my reasons for believing in God is due to certain biological facts that evolutionist do not like to talk about.

1) Life formed by a chemical reaction. Answer: Only life has the complete mechanisms to create life.

2) All life evolved from a single celled organism. Answer: Multi-cellular creatures can only form inside an egg or womb and needs a specific DNA code to determine its formation.

3) Life evolves by a process of natural selection that favors beneficial mutations. Answer: Any mutations in the genetic code only results in confusing the cell and causes deformaties that are weeded out by natural selection rather then favoured.

The real reason for atheism is that people want to sin and they want to be told that it is a good and moral thing. We see this clearly with the gay rights and equality movement. To make sin a moral thing in a society, you have to take God out of the picture and that's where Darwinism comes in.

Darwinism is a complete fairytale, but it take God out of the picture and so atheist's support it and anyone else who wants to sin. SO IT IS SIN AND NOT SCIENCE THAT SUPPORTS EVOLUTION. there are numerous Bible passages to support this psychological based science.

2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Evolution is a lie. All who have no love for the truth (that they might be saved) believe this lie because... THEY HAD PLEASURE IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. For this very reason men hide the truth for the sake of unrighteousness.

Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.

It all comes down to the evidence of God in creation and the denial of that evidence through the work of ones imagination.

Romans 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

Which leads us to this present battle of hiding the truth in lies to justify the sins that denying the truth has both been put into effect and has ultimately resulted in.

Romans 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Evolution is just another lie to support the same old sin. Evolution is popular because it does away with the need for a God, therefore homosexuals and the like can feel good about themselves. Evolution has been so effective in achieving this goal, that children are literally brainwashed by Darwinian ideology and atheist propaganda at school.

Only evolution is allowed to be taught to keep control of what these children are allowed to see. All the science that disproves evolution so easily is forbidden. Evolution is a lie to keep secularism as the dominating world view. This is nothing new but has always been the method of promoting sin as a moral right.

Cute a bunch of verses from a book written by desert dwellers.
Answer this.Yahweh the war god let it rain bread for moses why hasn't he let it rain bread for starving people in the world?
Ask yourself this also,where did the egyptian preist get their powers from when them and moses got into changing a staff to serpent contest?
Ask yourself this without the bible what evidence is there for your god?

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/08/13 01:17 PM

I'm not saying I believe in the existence of a god, because I don't.
I'm mostly posting here because the atheist forums are practically dead, which I don't really understand. Over 200k posts in religion and 1k in atheist forums. How do so many people in the age of logic and reason still believe in the existence of a god?

God exists because like an imaginary friend when we have no other, we want him to exist and if we stop believing, he will not exist.

You have oviously put a lot of thought into you post and interpreting of scripture but my reasons for believing in God is due to certain biological facts that evolutionist do not like to talk about.

1) Life formed by a chemical reaction. Answer: Only life has the complete mechanisms to create life.

2) All life evolved from a single celled organism. Answer: Multi-cellular creatures can only form inside an egg or womb and needs a specific DNA code to determine its formation.

3) Life evolves by a process of natural selection that favors beneficial mutations. Answer: Any mutations in the genetic code only results in confusing the cell and causes deformaties that are weeded out by natural selection rather then favoured.

The real reason for atheism is that people want to sin and they want to be told that it is a good and moral thing. We see this clearly with the gay rights and equality movement. To make sin a moral thing in a society, you have to take God out of the picture and that's where Darwinism comes in.

Darwinism is a complete fairytale, but it take God out of the picture and so atheist's support it and anyone else who wants to sin. SO IT IS SIN AND NOT SCIENCE THAT SUPPORTS EVOLUTION. there are numerous Bible passages to support this psychological based science.

2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Evolution is a lie. All who have no love for the truth (that they might be saved) believe this lie because... THEY HAD PLEASURE IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. For this very reason men hide the truth for the sake of unrighteousness.

Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.

It all comes down to the evidence of God in creation and the denial of that evidence through the work of ones imagination.

Romans 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

Which leads us to this present battle of hiding the truth in lies to justify the sins that denying the truth has both been put into effect and has ultimately resulted in.

Romans 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Evolution is just another lie to support the same old sin. Evolution is popular because it does away with the need for a God, therefore homosexuals and the like can feel good about themselves. Evolution has been so effective in achieving this goal, that children are literally brainwashed by Darwinian ideology and atheist propaganda at school.

Only evolution is allowed to be taught to keep control of what these children are allowed to see. All the science that disproves evolution so easily is forbidden. Evolution is a lie to keep secularism as the dominating world view. This is nothing new but has always been the method of promoting sin as a moral right.

Cute a bunch of verses from a book written by desert dwellers.
Answer this.Yahweh the war god let it rain bread for moses why hasn't he let it rain bread for starving people in the world?
Ask yourself this also,where did the egyptian preist get their powers from when them and moses got into changing a staff to serpent contest?
Ask yourself this without the bible what evidence is there for god?

I dont follow war gods, so I Cant answer questions about them

all power/ability/capacity is given by God, what we develop and how we use it is a different matter

without the bible, the evidence of God is (for me) the magnificent and perfect complexity of the human body, the complexity and unity of nature itself,, the beauty of trees, the very existence of the world around me,,,,


I just dont believe that the totality of it is some cosmic accident or coincidence,, to me it SCREAMS of intelligent design,,,

RKISIT's photo
Sat 06/08/13 01:24 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Sat 06/08/13 01:28 PM
I dont follow war gods, so I Cant answer questions about them

all power/ability/capacity is given by God, what we develop and how we use it is a different matter

without the bible, the evidence of God is (for me) the magnificent and perfect complexity of the human body, the complexity and unity of nature itself,, the beauty of trees, the very existence of the world around me,,,,


I just dont believe that the totality of it is some cosmic accident or coincidence,, to me it SCREAMS of intelligent design,,,
So then you worship Jehovah then?
Which Israelite god do you worship maybe El?
Sorry the hebrew god El Elyon

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/08/13 01:26 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 06/08/13 01:27 PM

I dont follow war gods, so I Cant answer questions about them

all power/ability/capacity is given by God, what we develop and how we use it is a different matter

without the bible, the evidence of God is (for me) the magnificent and perfect complexity of the human body, the complexity and unity of nature itself,, the beauty of trees, the very existence of the world around me,,,,


I just dont believe that the totality of it is some cosmic accident or coincidence,, to me it SCREAMS of intelligent design,,,
So then you worship Jehovah then?
Which Israelite god do you worship maybe El?

different languages call God different things, I believe in God, the God who is the Creator. who created me in my mothers womb (under whatever name one so chooses)

RKISIT's photo
Sat 06/08/13 01:29 PM

I dont follow war gods, so I Cant answer questions about them

all power/ability/capacity is given by God, what we develop and how we use it is a different matter

without the bible, the evidence of God is (for me) the magnificent and perfect complexity of the human body, the complexity and unity of nature itself,, the beauty of trees, the very existence of the world around me,,,,


I just dont believe that the totality of it is some cosmic accident or coincidence,, to me it SCREAMS of intelligent design,,,
So then you worship Jehovah then?
Which Israelite god do you worship maybe El?

different languages call God different things, I believe in God, the God who is the Creator. who created me in my mothers womb (under whatever name one so chooses)

Uh there are different names for hebrew gods msharmony.You didn't know this?

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/08/13 01:30 PM

I dont follow war gods, so I Cant answer questions about them

all power/ability/capacity is given by God, what we develop and how we use it is a different matter

without the bible, the evidence of God is (for me) the magnificent and perfect complexity of the human body, the complexity and unity of nature itself,, the beauty of trees, the very existence of the world around me,,,,


I just dont believe that the totality of it is some cosmic accident or coincidence,, to me it SCREAMS of intelligent design,,,
So then you worship Jehovah then?
Which Israelite god do you worship maybe El?

different languages call God different things, I believe in God, the God who is the Creator. who created me in my mothers womb (under whatever name one so chooses)

Uh there are different names for hebrew gods msharmony.You didn't know this?

I dont follow any God but one,, so why would I need to know the names of any other?

RKISIT's photo
Sat 06/08/13 01:38 PM

I dont follow war gods, so I Cant answer questions about them

all power/ability/capacity is given by God, what we develop and how we use it is a different matter

without the bible, the evidence of God is (for me) the magnificent and perfect complexity of the human body, the complexity and unity of nature itself,, the beauty of trees, the very existence of the world around me,,,,


I just dont believe that the totality of it is some cosmic accident or coincidence,, to me it SCREAMS of intelligent design,,,
So then you worship Jehovah then?
Which Israelite god do you worship maybe El?

different languages call God different things, I believe in God, the God who is the Creator. who created me in my mothers womb (under whatever name one so chooses)

Uh there are different names for hebrew gods msharmony.You didn't know this?

I dont follow any God but one,, so why would I need to know the names of any other?

Because there are others according to reality such as the hindu gods,the hebrew gods,the canaanite gods.There isn't just one the jews tried to make as if there was with Yahweh but there were other tribes that worshipped different gods.So technically the question arises which god is it is it the hebrew gods,the israelite gods,the canaanite gods,the hyksos gods..etc.
When the judeic "synagogues" were established it was then stated that Yahweh was the god and none other existed.Which of course was their opinions because the Roman gods and pagan gods were still around.

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/08/13 01:39 PM

I dont follow war gods, so I Cant answer questions about them

all power/ability/capacity is given by God, what we develop and how we use it is a different matter

without the bible, the evidence of God is (for me) the magnificent and perfect complexity of the human body, the complexity and unity of nature itself,, the beauty of trees, the very existence of the world around me,,,,


I just dont believe that the totality of it is some cosmic accident or coincidence,, to me it SCREAMS of intelligent design,,,
So then you worship Jehovah then?
Which Israelite god do you worship maybe El?

different languages call God different things, I believe in God, the God who is the Creator. who created me in my mothers womb (under whatever name one so chooses)

Uh there are different names for hebrew gods msharmony.You didn't know this?

I dont follow any God but one,, so why would I need to know the names of any other?

Because there are others according to reality such as the hindu gods,the hebrew gods,the canaanite gods.There isn't just one the jews tried to make as if there was with Yahweh but there were other tribes that worshipped different gods.So technically the question arises which god is it is it the hebrew gods,the israelite gods,the canaanite gods,the hyksos gods..etc.
When the judeic "synagogues" were established it was then stated that Yahweh was the god and none other existed.Which of course was their opinions because the Roman gods and pagan gods were still around.

repeating for clarity

the GOD who created me in my mothers womb

I simply refer to him as GOD,,,,

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