Topic: Obama Blames His Race for Low Poll Numbers
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 01/22/14 12:49 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 01/22/14 01:01 PM

whatever blinders help people sleep more peacefully though

Such as projecting one's own racism into others?

or trying to diminish or ignore the reality of racism,,,

One does not diminish the continued existence of racism by pointing out that racism can be projected into others.

to me, its equivocal to stating that not every rape suspect actually raped someone during a discussion on race,,,

it is a true fact, but it also appears in context to try to distract from or interject doubt and questioning of the topic of rape,,,

What the......? What does rape have to do with it? Are you bring up that Odumbo is raping the American people by his racist tactics, I could agree with that.

rape is a volatile and often very DIVISIVE(male/female) topic, due to the fact that MOSTLY women are victims of rape

racism is a volatile and often DIVISIVE (black/white) topic, due to the fact that MOSTLY minorities (in America) have faced racist oppression

for this reason, it would be as distracting and diminishing to a woman speaking about rape in America to have that topic interrupted with a statement of not every allegation a woman makes about rape being true,,,,

as it is for a minority speaking about racism in America to have the topic interrupted with a statement of not how all claims of racism are true,,,

In an effort to play fair, please limit your "qualifiers" to one per post....laugh

i will play 'fair' when others do

for now, I play by what appears to be the same rules others do,,,:smile:

If by that you mean playing the race card like a gun at a fist fight.....

Character has nothing to do with race, or color, except when used as an weapon for argument due to the lack of it.

has someone used a 'race card' here,, ?

please do tell,,,,whoa

It seems that when your life is a race card it can't helped but be played in that life, and the decisions and opinions obtained and held in it.

It's not really about the opinions of others to your race, it's about your own opinion of others based on it.

Racism is a character flaw, or parenting flaw, or cultural flaw, based on the individual, not the whole of a people or group necessarily.

It has everything to do with character! And Obozo just happened to write a book on it, as well as practice it, and live it.

His little reference to it in the OP as first on his list of why people are opposed to him shows that. He simply could have said (as a leader should, in neutral generality) that "people" disapprove of him for many reasons.

Like it or not, that is a race card. Anything that brings race into a conversation is a race card.

so any discussion of racism qualifies as a 'race card' unless its brought up by someone else, and then a RESPONSE to it is playing a 'race card'

very telling,, very interesting,,,,ty

If race isn't an issue, why would it be forced into a topic?

You seem to deem anyone who denounces the topic a racist because they don't practice that belief or hold that value as relevant.

That is the basis of the general character flaw. Not everyone plays the same game and it seems easier to condemn than offer understanding or acceptance to a differing opinion on it.

It creates a distraction to the reality

I don't know why race would be 'forced' into a topic if it isn't an issue

I happen to believe race can be and often is an 'issue' in many things,, as much as politics is an issue in many things

In this discussion, the title suggests OBama 'blamed' racism for something when in fact the only quote (although it doesn't even have quotes around it) from Obama is a FACTUAL statement that some will vote based in race, either for or against him

now, my pointing out that as a true statement has gotten some feathers in a ruffle for whatever reason

and for some reason it is asserted that the president interjected race 'out of the blue' somehow without having even read the interview or the questions asked,,,,,

all these opinions are fine, but then comes mine and,,,,

I haven't called anyone a racist here, seriously, I base opinions on what I observe, like most humans I know do,,,

this THREAD was started about a statement on race.

as usual, it was NOT started by me, but as usual, my having an opinion about it equates to me using a 'race card'

and that seems like a very odd double standard to me, that others can have opinions mentioning and speaking about race but not until I have an opinion about that opinion is this elusive 'race card' allegation usually brought up,,,,spock

,, but its not going to stop my opinions

Politics and policy effect everyone.....racism doesn't qualify in such a manner.

More like religion, it is a personal choice

And you have accused many of us here as racist for denouncing your views..... or the presidents

There's just no way he can be a failed leader, because of policy to some, in your eyes

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/22/14 01:01 PM

whatever blinders help people sleep more peacefully though

Such as projecting one's own racism into others?

or trying to diminish or ignore the reality of racism,,,

One does not diminish the continued existence of racism by pointing out that racism can be projected into others.

to me, its equivocal to stating that not every rape suspect actually raped someone during a discussion on race,,,

it is a true fact, but it also appears in context to try to distract from or interject doubt and questioning of the topic of rape,,,

What the......? What does rape have to do with it? Are you bring up that Odumbo is raping the American people by his racist tactics, I could agree with that.

rape is a volatile and often very DIVISIVE(male/female) topic, due to the fact that MOSTLY women are victims of rape

racism is a volatile and often DIVISIVE (black/white) topic, due to the fact that MOSTLY minorities (in America) have faced racist oppression

for this reason, it would be as distracting and diminishing to a woman speaking about rape in America to have that topic interrupted with a statement of not every allegation a woman makes about rape being true,,,,

as it is for a minority speaking about racism in America to have the topic interrupted with a statement of not how all claims of racism are true,,,

In an effort to play fair, please limit your "qualifiers" to one per post....laugh

i will play 'fair' when others do

for now, I play by what appears to be the same rules others do,,,:smile:

If by that you mean playing the race card like a gun at a fist fight.....

Character has nothing to do with race, or color, except when used as an weapon for argument due to the lack of it.

has someone used a 'race card' here,, ?

please do tell,,,,whoa

It seems that when your life is a race card it can't helped but be played in that life, and the decisions and opinions obtained and held in it.

It's not really about the opinions of others to your race, it's about your own opinion of others based on it.

Racism is a character flaw, or parenting flaw, or cultural flaw, based on the individual, not the whole of a people or group necessarily.

It has everything to do with character! And Obozo just happened to write a book on it, as well as practice it, and live it.

His little reference to it in the OP as first on his list of why people are opposed to him shows that. He simply could have said (as a leader should, in neutral generality) that "people" disapprove of him for many reasons.

Like it or not, that is a race card. Anything that brings race into a conversation is a race card.

so any discussion of racism qualifies as a 'race card' unless its brought up by someone else, and then a RESPONSE to it is playing a 'race card'

very telling,, very interesting,,,,ty

If race isn't an issue, why would it be forced into a topic?

You seem to deem anyone who denounces the topic a racist because they don't practice that belief or hold that value as relevant.

That is the basis of the general character flaw. Not everyone plays the same game and it seems easier to condemn than offer understanding or acceptance to a differing opinion on it.

It creates a distraction to the reality

I don't know why race would be 'forced' into a topic if it isn't an issue

I happen to believe race can be and often is an 'issue' in many things,, as much as politics is an issue in many things

In this discussion, the title suggests OBama 'blamed' racism for something when in fact the only quote (although it doesn't even have quotes around it) from Obama is a FACTUAL statement that some will vote based in race, either for or against him

now, my pointing out that as a true statement has gotten some feathers in a ruffle for whatever reason

and for some reason it is asserted that the president interjected race 'out of the blue' somehow without having even read the interview or the questions asked,,,,,

all these opinions are fine, but then comes mine and,,,,

I haven't called anyone a racist here, seriously, I base opinions on what I observe, like most humans I know do,,,

this THREAD was started about a statement on race.

as usual, it was NOT started by me, but as usual, my having an opinion about it equates to me using a 'race card'

and that seems like a very odd double standard to me, that others can have opinions mentioning and speaking about race but not until I have an opinion about that opinion is this elusive 'race card' allegation usually brought up,,,,spock

,, but its not going to stop my opinions

Politics and policy effect everyone.....racism doesn't qualify in such a manner.

More like religion, it is a personal choice

And you have accused many of us here as racist for denouncing your views..... or the presidents

not really, not allowed to post personal attacks so I have never named names

I have made general statements based upon my observations,,,

but as it pertains to this thread, I shared my opinion, which was met with the usual scrutiny and unwelcoming cynical comments,,,

and politics doesn't AFFECT everyone at every moment in every situation,, just as racism doesn't

but there are MANY situations where it is relevant as an issue, just as racism is,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 01/22/14 01:03 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 01/22/14 01:04 PM

whatever blinders help people sleep more peacefully though

Such as projecting one's own racism into others?

or trying to diminish or ignore the reality of racism,,,

One does not diminish the continued existence of racism by pointing out that racism can be projected into others.

to me, its equivocal to stating that not every rape suspect actually raped someone during a discussion on race,,,

it is a true fact, but it also appears in context to try to distract from or interject doubt and questioning of the topic of rape,,,

What the......? What does rape have to do with it? Are you bring up that Odumbo is raping the American people by his racist tactics, I could agree with that.

rape is a volatile and often very DIVISIVE(male/female) topic, due to the fact that MOSTLY women are victims of rape

racism is a volatile and often DIVISIVE (black/white) topic, due to the fact that MOSTLY minorities (in America) have faced racist oppression

for this reason, it would be as distracting and diminishing to a woman speaking about rape in America to have that topic interrupted with a statement of not every allegation a woman makes about rape being true,,,,

as it is for a minority speaking about racism in America to have the topic interrupted with a statement of not how all claims of racism are true,,,

In an effort to play fair, please limit your "qualifiers" to one per post....laugh

i will play 'fair' when others do

for now, I play by what appears to be the same rules others do,,,:smile:

If by that you mean playing the race card like a gun at a fist fight.....

Character has nothing to do with race, or color, except when used as an weapon for argument due to the lack of it.

has someone used a 'race card' here,, ?

please do tell,,,,whoa

It seems that when your life is a race card it can't helped but be played in that life, and the decisions and opinions obtained and held in it.

It's not really about the opinions of others to your race, it's about your own opinion of others based on it.

Racism is a character flaw, or parenting flaw, or cultural flaw, based on the individual, not the whole of a people or group necessarily.

It has everything to do with character! And Obozo just happened to write a book on it, as well as practice it, and live it.

His little reference to it in the OP as first on his list of why people are opposed to him shows that. He simply could have said (as a leader should, in neutral generality) that "people" disapprove of him for many reasons.

Like it or not, that is a race card. Anything that brings race into a conversation is a race card.

so any discussion of racism qualifies as a 'race card' unless its brought up by someone else, and then a RESPONSE to it is playing a 'race card'

very telling,, very interesting,,,,ty

If race isn't an issue, why would it be forced into a topic?

You seem to deem anyone who denounces the topic a racist because they don't practice that belief or hold that value as relevant.

That is the basis of the general character flaw. Not everyone plays the same game and it seems easier to condemn than offer understanding or acceptance to a differing opinion on it.

It creates a distraction to the reality

I don't know why race would be 'forced' into a topic if it isn't an issue

I happen to believe race can be and often is an 'issue' in many things,, as much as politics is an issue in many things

In this discussion, the title suggests OBama 'blamed' racism for something when in fact the only quote (although it doesn't even have quotes around it) from Obama is a FACTUAL statement that some will vote based in race, either for or against him

now, my pointing out that as a true statement has gotten some feathers in a ruffle for whatever reason

and for some reason it is asserted that the president interjected race 'out of the blue' somehow without having even read the interview or the questions asked,,,,,

all these opinions are fine, but then comes mine and,,,,

I haven't called anyone a racist here, seriously, I base opinions on what I observe, like most humans I know do,,,

this THREAD was started about a statement on race.

as usual, it was NOT started by me, but as usual, my having an opinion about it equates to me using a 'race card'

and that seems like a very odd double standard to me, that others can have opinions mentioning and speaking about race but not until I have an opinion about that opinion is this elusive 'race card' allegation usually brought up,,,,spock

,, but its not going to stop my opinions

Politics and policy effect everyone.....racism doesn't qualify in such a manner.

More like religion, it is a personal choice

And you have accused many of us here as racist for denouncing your views..... or the presidents

not really, not allowed to post personal attacks so I have never named names

I have made general statements based upon my observations,,,

but as it pertains to this thread, I shared my opinion, which was met with the usual scrutiny and unwelcoming cynical comments,,,

and politics doesn't AFFECT everyone at every moment in every situation,, just as racism doesn't

but there are MANY situations where it is relevant as an issue, just as racism is,,,

Gee..... why would people disagree with you?

It couldn't be because you are wrong......never!

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/22/14 01:05 PM

whatever blinders help people sleep more peacefully though

Such as projecting one's own racism into others?

or trying to diminish or ignore the reality of racism,,,

One does not diminish the continued existence of racism by pointing out that racism can be projected into others.

to me, its equivocal to stating that not every rape suspect actually raped someone during a discussion on race,,,

it is a true fact, but it also appears in context to try to distract from or interject doubt and questioning of the topic of rape,,,

What the......? What does rape have to do with it? Are you bring up that Odumbo is raping the American people by his racist tactics, I could agree with that.

rape is a volatile and often very DIVISIVE(male/female) topic, due to the fact that MOSTLY women are victims of rape

racism is a volatile and often DIVISIVE (black/white) topic, due to the fact that MOSTLY minorities (in America) have faced racist oppression

for this reason, it would be as distracting and diminishing to a woman speaking about rape in America to have that topic interrupted with a statement of not every allegation a woman makes about rape being true,,,,

as it is for a minority speaking about racism in America to have the topic interrupted with a statement of not how all claims of racism are true,,,

In an effort to play fair, please limit your "qualifiers" to one per post....laugh

i will play 'fair' when others do

for now, I play by what appears to be the same rules others do,,,:smile:

If by that you mean playing the race card like a gun at a fist fight.....

Character has nothing to do with race, or color, except when used as an weapon for argument due to the lack of it.

has someone used a 'race card' here,, ?

please do tell,,,,whoa

It seems that when your life is a race card it can't helped but be played in that life, and the decisions and opinions obtained and held in it.

It's not really about the opinions of others to your race, it's about your own opinion of others based on it.

Racism is a character flaw, or parenting flaw, or cultural flaw, based on the individual, not the whole of a people or group necessarily.

It has everything to do with character! And Obozo just happened to write a book on it, as well as practice it, and live it.

His little reference to it in the OP as first on his list of why people are opposed to him shows that. He simply could have said (as a leader should, in neutral generality) that "people" disapprove of him for many reasons.

Like it or not, that is a race card. Anything that brings race into a conversation is a race card.

so any discussion of racism qualifies as a 'race card' unless its brought up by someone else, and then a RESPONSE to it is playing a 'race card'

very telling,, very interesting,,,,ty

If race isn't an issue, why would it be forced into a topic?

You seem to deem anyone who denounces the topic a racist because they don't practice that belief or hold that value as relevant.

That is the basis of the general character flaw. Not everyone plays the same game and it seems easier to condemn than offer understanding or acceptance to a differing opinion on it.

It creates a distraction to the reality

I don't know why race would be 'forced' into a topic if it isn't an issue

I happen to believe race can be and often is an 'issue' in many things,, as much as politics is an issue in many things

In this discussion, the title suggests OBama 'blamed' racism for something when in fact the only quote (although it doesn't even have quotes around it) from Obama is a FACTUAL statement that some will vote based in race, either for or against him

now, my pointing out that as a true statement has gotten some feathers in a ruffle for whatever reason

and for some reason it is asserted that the president interjected race 'out of the blue' somehow without having even read the interview or the questions asked,,,,,

all these opinions are fine, but then comes mine and,,,,

I haven't called anyone a racist here, seriously, I base opinions on what I observe, like most humans I know do,,,

this THREAD was started about a statement on race.

as usual, it was NOT started by me, but as usual, my having an opinion about it equates to me using a 'race card'

and that seems like a very odd double standard to me, that others can have opinions mentioning and speaking about race but not until I have an opinion about that opinion is this elusive 'race card' allegation usually brought up,,,,spock

,, but its not going to stop my opinions

Politics and policy effect everyone.....racism doesn't qualify in such a manner.

More like religion, it is a personal choice

And you have accused many of us here as racist for denouncing your views..... or the presidents

not really, not allowed to post personal attacks so I have never named names

I have made general statements based upon my observations,,,

but as it pertains to this thread, I shared my opinion, which was met with the usual scrutiny and unwelcoming cynical comments,,,

and politics doesn't AFFECT everyone at every moment in every situation,, just as racism doesn't

but there are MANY situations where it is relevant as an issue, just as racism is,,,

Gee..... why would people disagree with you?

people disagree,, people also condescend, attack, belittle, besmirch, debate

disagreement is expressed in many ways

but that's life,, it happens, Got my grown up panties on so life goes on,,,,

I just find the inconsistency in REACTIONS,, a bit interesting is all,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 01/22/14 01:16 PM

whatever blinders help people sleep more peacefully though

Such as projecting one's own racism into others?

or trying to diminish or ignore the reality of racism,,,

One does not diminish the continued existence of racism by pointing out that racism can be projected into others.

to me, its equivocal to stating that not every rape suspect actually raped someone during a discussion on race,,,

it is a true fact, but it also appears in context to try to distract from or interject doubt and questioning of the topic of rape,,,

What the......? What does rape have to do with it? Are you bring up that Odumbo is raping the American people by his racist tactics, I could agree with that.

rape is a volatile and often very DIVISIVE(male/female) topic, due to the fact that MOSTLY women are victims of rape

racism is a volatile and often DIVISIVE (black/white) topic, due to the fact that MOSTLY minorities (in America) have faced racist oppression

for this reason, it would be as distracting and diminishing to a woman speaking about rape in America to have that topic interrupted with a statement of not every allegation a woman makes about rape being true,,,,

as it is for a minority speaking about racism in America to have the topic interrupted with a statement of not how all claims of racism are true,,,

In an effort to play fair, please limit your "qualifiers" to one per post....laugh

i will play 'fair' when others do

for now, I play by what appears to be the same rules others do,,,:smile:

If by that you mean playing the race card like a gun at a fist fight.....

Character has nothing to do with race, or color, except when used as an weapon for argument due to the lack of it.

has someone used a 'race card' here,, ?

please do tell,,,,whoa

It seems that when your life is a race card it can't helped but be played in that life, and the decisions and opinions obtained and held in it.

It's not really about the opinions of others to your race, it's about your own opinion of others based on it.

Racism is a character flaw, or parenting flaw, or cultural flaw, based on the individual, not the whole of a people or group necessarily.

It has everything to do with character! And Obozo just happened to write a book on it, as well as practice it, and live it.

His little reference to it in the OP as first on his list of why people are opposed to him shows that. He simply could have said (as a leader should, in neutral generality) that "people" disapprove of him for many reasons.

Like it or not, that is a race card. Anything that brings race into a conversation is a race card.

so any discussion of racism qualifies as a 'race card' unless its brought up by someone else, and then a RESPONSE to it is playing a 'race card'

very telling,, very interesting,,,,ty

If race isn't an issue, why would it be forced into a topic?

You seem to deem anyone who denounces the topic a racist because they don't practice that belief or hold that value as relevant.

That is the basis of the general character flaw. Not everyone plays the same game and it seems easier to condemn than offer understanding or acceptance to a differing opinion on it.

It creates a distraction to the reality

I don't know why race would be 'forced' into a topic if it isn't an issue

I happen to believe race can be and often is an 'issue' in many things,, as much as politics is an issue in many things

In this discussion, the title suggests OBama 'blamed' racism for something when in fact the only quote (although it doesn't even have quotes around it) from Obama is a FACTUAL statement that some will vote based in race, either for or against him

now, my pointing out that as a true statement has gotten some feathers in a ruffle for whatever reason

and for some reason it is asserted that the president interjected race 'out of the blue' somehow without having even read the interview or the questions asked,,,,,

all these opinions are fine, but then comes mine and,,,,

I haven't called anyone a racist here, seriously, I base opinions on what I observe, like most humans I know do,,,

this THREAD was started about a statement on race.

as usual, it was NOT started by me, but as usual, my having an opinion about it equates to me using a 'race card'

and that seems like a very odd double standard to me, that others can have opinions mentioning and speaking about race but not until I have an opinion about that opinion is this elusive 'race card' allegation usually brought up,,,,spock

,, but its not going to stop my opinions

Politics and policy effect everyone.....racism doesn't qualify in such a manner.

More like religion, it is a personal choice

And you have accused many of us here as racist for denouncing your views..... or the presidents

not really, not allowed to post personal attacks so I have never named names

I have made general statements based upon my observations,,,

but as it pertains to this thread, I shared my opinion, which was met with the usual scrutiny and unwelcoming cynical comments,,,

and politics doesn't AFFECT everyone at every moment in every situation,, just as racism doesn't

but there are MANY situations where it is relevant as an issue, just as racism is,,,

Gee..... why would people disagree with you?

people disagree,, people also condescend, attack, belittle, besmirch, debate

disagreement is expressed in many ways

but that's life,, it happens, Got my grown up panties on so life goes on,,,,

I just find the inconsistency in REACTIONS,, a bit interesting is all,,,

We are suffering from failed leadership, NOT racism! Get over it

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/22/14 01:18 PM
'we' suffer from a lot of things

certainly SOME people suffer from some things I don't

and I suffer from some things others don't

racism is something that still exists

,,really not a need to get over it,, just to aknowledge it and learn from it and try to make progress IN SPITE of it,,,

willing2's photo
Wed 01/22/14 01:31 PM
Any adult idiot, even one with the reasoning capacity and can read knows Obamabinlyin never, not now or before, has the qualifications to manage a country.

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/22/14 01:37 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 01/22/14 01:38 PM
what are the 'qualifications' , prey tell?

there is budget approvals,,, so should a POTUS be an accountant?

there is signing of laws... so should the POTUS be a lawyer?

there is international relations... so should the POTUS have geography and international relations degrees?

there is overseeing the military,,,so should the POTUS be a veteran?

which jobs would make someone 'qualified' to fit the position of a POTUS,,,,exactly?

should they have held all the above 'professional' positions, and if so,, exactly how WELL should they have done in those positions?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 01/22/14 01:43 PM

'we' suffer from a lot of things

certainly SOME people suffer from some things I don't

and I suffer from some things others don't

racism is something that still exists

,,really not a need to get over it,, just to aknowledge it and learn from it and try to make progress IN SPITE of it,,,

You're the one choosing it, not me, or others.

Racism seems to be a cross you have chosen to bear and decided others should to. Thankfully most of our country has outgrown that ignorance.

How you are suffering from it?

That would be interesting because you seem so content with all the goodness you receive, the greater opportunities we now have, and how all the policies now in place don't affect you.

So how does racism figure in?

willing2's photo
Wed 01/22/14 01:48 PM

what are the 'qualifications' , prey tell?

there is budget approvals,,, so should a POTUS be an accountant?

there is signing of laws... so should the POTUS be a lawyer?

there is international relations... so should the POTUS have geography and international relations degrees?

there is overseeing the military,,,so should the POTUS be a veteran?

which jobs would make someone 'qualified' to fit the position of a POTUS,,,,exactly?

should they have held all the above 'professional' positions, and if so,, exactly how WELL should they have done in those positions?

Pickin nits.
He has 0, as in zero, nil.
, nada, not a lick of political time in or any management skills.
It's in his political history that racial voters refused to read.

The US may even have been better off making a manikin from a pile of pig s h I t and sat it in the oval office.

no photo
Wed 01/22/14 01:48 PM

just a pointer: Google is like kids passing notes in a huge global classroom

it is not synonymous with truth, it offers everything from truth, to lies, to facts and opinions, to misinformation

Google is but a search engine and is entirely neutral (well except for the paid inserts).

It is the user that needs to determine the truth of the source that has been found. Of course, if you believe the crap spouted by Odumbo, then would be an impossible task.

So then you ask someone that knows someone that has heard of someone that told someone something and name it experience.

no photo
Wed 01/22/14 01:51 PM

Those damn trees always block the view of the forest!

And they keep making all that racket that no one hears when they fall. But then if you know someone that knows someone that was told by someone that someone said they don't make a noise and you just can't trust google, would you use bing?

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/22/14 01:53 PM
FACT: the name of the thread is,,,

Obama Blames his RACE for low poll numbers

FACT: this thread was not begun by msharmony

I CHOSE to post my opinion, like everyone posting here has
there is no 'cross' just a choice to participate that is somehow singled out as my 'cross'

I rather not go into the ways I suffer from racism, as I highly doubt from past experience that anyone posting here will have a CLUE or an inkling to do anything but dismiss my experience or my perception

I am a BALANCED individual who deals with reality

reality has both good and bad in it

I can see both good and bad things around me

I don't choose to obsess on the bad, but that doesn't mean I cant have an opinion about them when others CHOOSE to bring them up

we have far more GOOD things in this country than bad, but that doesn't mean the bad things cant get better

racism figure into a lot of things when one is a minority,, but that's neither here nor there

the title of this thread was misleading in claiming , based upon the limited information given, that the president was 'blaming' anyone or speaking of anything 'out of the blue'

its quite possible, probable, and MOST LIKELY that his answer was in response to a QUESTION about race,, which made it neither an issue of blaming or being 'out of the blue'

no photo
Wed 01/22/14 01:53 PM

Obama's recent drop in the polls is not due to racism. It is due to poor character and job performance.

There is some racism too, his.

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/22/14 01:54 PM

what are the 'qualifications' , prey tell?

there is budget approvals,,, so should a POTUS be an accountant?

there is signing of laws... so should the POTUS be a lawyer?

there is international relations... so should the POTUS have geography and international relations degrees?

there is overseeing the military,,,so should the POTUS be a veteran?

which jobs would make someone 'qualified' to fit the position of a POTUS,,,,exactly?

should they have held all the above 'professional' positions, and if so,, exactly how WELL should they have done in those positions?

Pickin nits.
He has 0, as in zero, nil.
, nada, not a lick of political time in or any management skills.
It's in his political history that racial voters refused to read.

The US may even have been better off making a manikin from a pile of pig s h I t and sat it in the oval office.

actually he has 12 years as an elected official, which is more REAL TIME in POLITICS than most of his predecessors,,,

The US got what the electoral chose, as they have in every election I have participated in,,,,

willing2's photo
Wed 01/22/14 01:55 PM
Don't forget.
The white, corporate Americans and some foreign Corporate executives paid to have him on the ballot.

He is not the Negros hero.

He is the white corporate puppet and token.

Look really hard and you can see Uncle Tom tattooed on his forehead.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 01/22/14 01:58 PM

FACT: the name of the thread is,,,

Obama Blames his RACE for low poll numbers

FACT: this thread was not begun by msharmony

I CHOSE to post my opinion, like everyone posting here has
there is no 'cross' just a choice to participate that is somehow singled out as my 'cross'

I rather not go into the ways I suffer from racism, as I highly doubt from past experience that anyone posting here will have a CLUE or an inkling to do anything but dismiss my experience or my perception

I am a BALANCED individual who deals with reality

reality has both good and bad in it

I can see both good and bad things around me

I don't choose to obsess on the bad, but that doesn't mean I cant have an opinion about them when others CHOOSE to bring them up

we have far more GOOD things in this country than bad, but that doesn't mean the bad things cant get better

racism figure into a lot of things when one is a minority,, but that's neither here nor there

the title of this thread was misleading in claiming , based upon the limited information given, that the president was 'blaming' anyone or speaking of anything 'out of the blue'

its quite possible, probable, and MOST LIKELY that his answer was in response to a QUESTION about race,, which made it neither an issue of blaming or being 'out of the blue'

So you can't actually answer the question because it doesn't affect you directly, it's more what you heard on the news......

Sad, because I have never met anyone I would consider more racist, and I would have liked to know the reason for it.

no photo
Wed 01/22/14 02:00 PM

cause it seems I have seen plenty of posts where people just posted the ANYTHING they could dig up that supports their perceptions without bothering to check its veracity,,,

And your point is? That you have no counter? Or that you just counter with nothing because you are unwilling to find data that will support your view?

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/22/14 02:00 PM
whites and corporations are the majority of the wealth in this county

if it involves money, Im sure some whites and corporations had a part in it

,, just like any other election, their money also contributed a lot

I never believed he was a 'negro hero', but definitely a wonderful role model for 'negros' (as well as anyone else)

I see no Uncle Tom, at least not by what I believe an Uncle Tom to be,,,,

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/22/14 02:01 PM

FACT: the name of the thread is,,,

Obama Blames his RACE for low poll numbers

FACT: this thread was not begun by msharmony

I CHOSE to post my opinion, like everyone posting here has
there is no 'cross' just a choice to participate that is somehow singled out as my 'cross'

I rather not go into the ways I suffer from racism, as I highly doubt from past experience that anyone posting here will have a CLUE or an inkling to do anything but dismiss my experience or my perception

I am a BALANCED individual who deals with reality

reality has both good and bad in it

I can see both good and bad things around me

I don't choose to obsess on the bad, but that doesn't mean I cant have an opinion about them when others CHOOSE to bring them up

we have far more GOOD things in this country than bad, but that doesn't mean the bad things cant get better

racism figure into a lot of things when one is a minority,, but that's neither here nor there

the title of this thread was misleading in claiming , based upon the limited information given, that the president was 'blaming' anyone or speaking of anything 'out of the blue'

its quite possible, probable, and MOST LIKELY that his answer was in response to a QUESTION about race,, which made it neither an issue of blaming or being 'out of the blue'

So you can't actually answer the question because it doesn't affect you directly, it's more what you heard on the news......

Sad, because I have never met anyone I would consider more racist, and I would have liked to know the reason for it.

no, I CHOOSE not to answer, because no answer would be sufficient for the current audience of participants,,,