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Topic: Obama Blames His Race for Low Poll Numbers
InvictusV's photo
Mon 01/20/14 10:36 AM

Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I��m a black president,��

In other words, black racists support President Obama because he is black.

'some',,, just as 'some' white people (racists) hold him to a double standard because he is black and don't support or stop supporting him because he is black,,

yea, we hate him because he's black, just like we hated GW because he is white...

a bad president is a bad president, period.

too bad you can't see that

'we' who?

what other presidents did you 'hate' by the way?

and does everyone who 'hates' him hate him for the same reasons you do?

is it really that hard to believe it probable or even possible that SOME people hate or like him based upon his race?

It isn't hard at all to believe.

Some of same people that love Obama hated Bush because they viewed him as a redneck cowboy..

One of the reasons this government can run amok is because people are so consumed with caricatures that are portrayed in the media as opposed to having serious policy discussions.

So in the face of serious policy questions..

Here comes an out of left field comment about racists bringing down his poll numbers..

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/20/14 10:39 AM

Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I��m a black president,��

In other words, black racists support President Obama because he is black.

'some',,, just as 'some' white people (racists) hold him to a double standard because he is black and don't support or stop supporting him because he is black,,

yea, we hate him because he's black, just like we hated GW because he is white...

a bad president is a bad president, period.

too bad you can't see that

'we' who?

what other presidents did you 'hate' by the way?

and does everyone who 'hates' him hate him for the same reasons you do?

is it really that hard to believe it probable or even possible that SOME people hate or like him based upon his race?

who cares? he's still a BAD president... you trying to play race card is not going to change that fact, but confuse the issue further... nice try

lol @ the race card

i suggest people be upset with the interviewer who asked about race if its so offensive a topic to people,,,,smh

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/20/14 10:41 AM

Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I��m a black president,��

In other words, black racists support President Obama because he is black.

'some',,, just as 'some' white people (racists) hold him to a double standard because he is black and don't support or stop supporting him because he is black,,

yea, we hate him because he's black, just like we hated GW because he is white...

a bad president is a bad president, period.

too bad you can't see that

'we' who?

what other presidents did you 'hate' by the way?

and does everyone who 'hates' him hate him for the same reasons you do?

is it really that hard to believe it probable or even possible that SOME people hate or like him based upon his race?

It isn't hard at all to believe.

Some of same people that love Obama hated Bush because they viewed him as a redneck cowboy..

One of the reasons this government can run amok is because people are so consumed with caricatures that are portrayed in the media as opposed to having serious policy discussions.

So in the face of serious policy questions..

Here comes an out of left field comment about racists bringing down his poll numbers..

except this article mentions no such comment made,

'out of left field',,lol

why not wait for the interview and his quotes ,as well as the QUESTIONS they respond to,

to start assuming,,,

willing2's photo
Mon 01/20/14 10:49 AM
Edited by willing2 on Mon 01/20/14 10:52 AM
I would believe, all the Negros who voted for him,voted his being African.

The Caucasians who voted for him for mostly the same reason.

Sure as Hell wasn't for his political, foreign affairs or management experience.

None had IT.

IT, is the white man tool, the corporate, know nothing, tool.

The Dimwitcraps learned much, from Johnson, on how to manage the Negro.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/20/14 10:51 AM

I would believe, all the Negros who voted for him,voted his being African.

The Caucasians who voted for him for mostly the same reason.

Sure as Hell wasn't for his political, foreign affairs or management experience.

None had IT.

they voted for him because of bush... there was no republican going to win that election

Two key words i remember:
transparency... neither happened

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/20/14 10:54 AM

I would believe, all the Negros who voted for him,voted his being African.

The Caucasians who voted for him for mostly the same reason.

Sure as Hell wasn't for his political, foreign affairs or management experience.

None had IT.

they voted for him because of bush... there was no republican going to win that election

Two key words i remember:
transparency... neither happened

they voted for him for ALL the reasons people have ever voted for any president

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/20/14 10:59 AM

I would believe, all the Negros who voted for him,voted his being African.

The Caucasians who voted for him for mostly the same reason.

Sure as Hell wasn't for his political, foreign affairs or management experience.

None had IT.

they voted for him because of bush... there was no republican going to win that election

Two key words i remember:
transparency... neither happened

they voted for him for ALL the reasons people have ever voted for any president

sorry, not very true... republicans were not very popular then, and McCain could have run against a democratic weasel and still would have lost... (barry is more a rat than a weasel)...

but with barry at the helm, the republicans are golden now...

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/20/14 11:02 AM

I would believe, all the Negros who voted for him,voted his being African.

The Caucasians who voted for him for mostly the same reason.

Sure as Hell wasn't for his political, foreign affairs or management experience.

None had IT.

they voted for him because of bush... there was no republican going to win that election

Two key words i remember:
transparency... neither happened

they voted for him for ALL the reasons people have ever voted for any president

sorry, not very true... republicans were not very popular then, and McCain could have run against a democratic weasel and still would have lost... (barry is more a rat than a weasel)...

but with barry at the helm, the republicans are golden now...

so, because the party wasn't popular, every single voter based their vote on THAT Criteria? wow,,,

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 01/20/14 11:10 AM
Edited by Dodo_David on Mon 01/20/14 11:10 AM

False dilemma. Nobody is denying the continued existence of racism. People are merely promoting the concept of "innocent until proven guilty". That concept applies to parties accused of racism.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/20/14 11:10 AM

I would believe, all the Negros who voted for him,voted his being African.

The Caucasians who voted for him for mostly the same reason.

Sure as Hell wasn't for his political, foreign affairs or management experience.

None had IT.

they voted for him because of bush... there was no republican going to win that election

Two key words i remember:
transparency... neither happened

they voted for him for ALL the reasons people have ever voted for any president

sorry, not very true... republicans were not very popular then, and McCain could have run against a democratic weasel and still would have lost... (barry is more a rat than a weasel)...

but with barry at the helm, the republicans are golden now...

so, because the party wasn't popular, every single voter based their vote on THAT Criteria? wow,,,

your getting technical now? if thats what you really think i'm saying, then think it...

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/20/14 11:16 AM

False dilemma. Nobody is denying the continued existence of racism. People are merely promoting the concept of "innocent until proven guilty". That concept applies to parties accused of racism.

not really, no one was specifically 'accused' of racism, a statement was made verifying that racism exists

to null that argument people are screaming 'race card',,,

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/20/14 11:20 AM

I would believe, all the Negros who voted for him,voted his being African.

The Caucasians who voted for him for mostly the same reason.

Sure as Hell wasn't for his political, foreign affairs or management experience.

None had IT.

they voted for him because of bush... there was no republican going to win that election

Two key words i remember:
transparency... neither happened

they voted for him for ALL the reasons people have ever voted for any president

sorry, not very true... republicans were not very popular then, and McCain could have run against a democratic weasel and still would have lost... (barry is more a rat than a weasel)...

but with barry at the helm, the republicans are golden now...

so, because the party wasn't popular, every single voter based their vote on THAT Criteria? wow,,,

your getting technical now? if thats what you really think i'm saying, then think it...

what was said is that anyone Mccain ran against would have won because of the unpopularity of racism

that was offered in rebuttal to the assertion that people voted for this president for all the reasons they have voted for presidents in the past

so, if it wasn't meant to imply that EVERYONE voting OBama did so for this same reason (because of the unpopularity of republicans) and not for any of the other reasons people have always voted for presidents,,,,

than I apologize

and I restate that people voted for this president for all the same reasons they voted for other presidents

some people STILL Voted republican, in spite of the alleged unpopularity

and both candidates in an election have always had SOME people vote for them so the party popularity cant possibly be the sole reason people vote....

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/20/14 11:21 AM

False dilemma. Nobody is denying the continued existence of racism. People are merely promoting the concept of "innocent until proven guilty". That concept applies to parties accused of racism.

not really, no one was specifically 'accused' of racism, a statement was made verifying that racism exists

to null that argument people are screaming 'race card',,,

maybe... what was said was "President Barack Obama said that racial tensions may have softened his popularity among white voters within the last two years"

may have...

his lying, bad policies, running the US into the ground further than GW did, and barrycare MAY have had something to do with it too...

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/20/14 11:24 AM
people do have all types of potential reasons to support or not support a politician

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 01/20/14 12:00 PM
For the sake of equality in this thread ...

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/20/14 12:06 PM

I would believe, all the Negros who voted for him,voted his being African.

The Caucasians who voted for him for mostly the same reason.

Sure as Hell wasn't for his political, foreign affairs or management experience.

None had IT.

they voted for him because of bush... there was no republican going to win that election

Two key words i remember:
transparency... neither happened

they voted for him for ALL the reasons people have ever voted for any president

sorry, not very true... republicans were not very popular then, and McCain could have run against a democratic weasel and still would have lost... (barry is more a rat than a weasel)...

but with barry at the helm, the republicans are golden now...

so, because the party wasn't popular, every single voter based their vote on THAT Criteria? wow,,,

your getting technical now? if thats what you really think i'm saying, then think it...

what was said is that anyone Mccain ran against would have won because of the unpopularity of racism

that was offered in rebuttal to the assertion that people voted for this president for all the reasons they have voted for presidents in the past

so, if it wasn't meant to imply that EVERYONE voting OBama did so for this same reason (because of the unpopularity of republicans) and not for any of the other reasons people have always voted for presidents,,,,

than I apologize

and I restate that people voted for this president for all the same reasons they voted for other presidents

some people STILL Voted republican, in spite of the alleged unpopularity

and both candidates in an election have always had SOME people vote for them so the party popularity cant possibly be the sole reason people vote....

???? racism? is that all thats on your mind? I SAID "ANYONE running in the democrats was going to win" where did you racism out of that?

MoonsDragonLionWolf's photo
Mon 01/20/14 12:40 PM

President Barack Obama said that racial tensions may have softened his popularity among white voters within the last two years, according to a story posted on the New Yorker magazine��s website today.

There��s no doubt that there��s some folks who just really dislike me because they don��t like the idea of a black president,�� Obama said in the article by David Remnick, appearing in the magazine��s Jan. 27 edition.

��Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I��m a black president,��

The Rebuttal:

��Poll after poll makes it very clear that Obamacare and other job-killing policies are the reason for the president��s decline in popularity, Republican National Committee spokesman Sean Spicer said in a phone interview today.


There are racists out there.
That much is true.
However the percentage of those who are racist today are small and do not even make a dent in polls.
The reason Obama's poll numbers are low is because he's an incompetent liar and doesn't take the lead on many issues.
Instead he travels around the country as President of the United States and campaigns for action rather than actually taking the steps to create action such as working with the Congress and Senate.
His approach to foreign policy has been a complete disaster.
Obama is a fool. That's the reason why so many don't respect him.

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/20/14 01:35 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 01/20/14 01:48 PM

For the sake of equality in this thread ...

not everything has some 'absolute' moralism

some things are natural and even understandable or logical reaction to an action

like all VIOLENCE is not the same considering on who initiates the violence and who reacts in defense with violence

likewise with 'racism'

in one person is different then 'racism' in another

if a woman is from a culture where she is beaten and raped by men close to her develops a 'fear' or dislike for men

that is certainly not so 'absolutely' wrong as a woman who has lived the 'average' life deciding that men are scum

is it?

there is an understandable HUMAN reaction to our own experiences and perceptions,,

there is a struggle to look OUTSIDE of those experiences to a balanced conclusion that includes knowledge and facts of the world BEYOND our own personal and limited experience,

which is natural to most humans too

the basic simplest thing we do is look at 'individuals' individually, and not judge them before we know them

yet our minds will judge people regularly just by reading about them or what they have done,,,

and most people can do that but rarely without SOME type of influence from their history, culture, and experiences,,

this is why I believe most are 'racist' by this very simplistic definition of making judgments based in race or , on the case of americans, racial history,,,

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/20/14 01:37 PM

I would believe, all the Negros who voted for him,voted his being African.

The Caucasians who voted for him for mostly the same reason.

Sure as Hell wasn't for his political, foreign affairs or management experience.

None had IT.

they voted for him because of bush... there was no republican going to win that election

Two key words i remember:
transparency... neither happened

they voted for him for ALL the reasons people have ever voted for any president

sorry, not very true... republicans were not very popular then, and McCain could have run against a democratic weasel and still would have lost... (barry is more a rat than a weasel)...

but with barry at the helm, the republicans are golden now...

so, because the party wasn't popular, every single voter based their vote on THAT Criteria? wow,,,

your getting technical now? if thats what you really think i'm saying, then think it...

what was said is that anyone Mccain ran against would have won because of the unpopularity of racism

that was offered in rebuttal to the assertion that people voted for this president for all the reasons they have voted for presidents in the past

so, if it wasn't meant to imply that EVERYONE voting OBama did so for this same reason (because of the unpopularity of republicans) and not for any of the other reasons people have always voted for presidents,,,,

than I apologize

and I restate that people voted for this president for all the same reasons they voted for other presidents

some people STILL Voted republican, in spite of the alleged unpopularity

and both candidates in an election have always had SOME people vote for them so the party popularity cant possibly be the sole reason people vote....

???? racism? is that all thats on your mind? I SAID "ANYONE running in the democrats was going to win" where did you racism out of that?

Freudian slip, the thread is about 'racism', which I typed instead of 'republicans'

my error,,

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/20/14 01:38 PM

President Barack Obama said that racial tensions may have softened his popularity among white voters within the last two years, according to a story posted on the New Yorker magazine��s website today.

There��s no doubt that there��s some folks who just really dislike me because they don��t like the idea of a black president,�� Obama said in the article by David Remnick, appearing in the magazine��s Jan. 27 edition.

��Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I��m a black president,��

The Rebuttal:

��Poll after poll makes it very clear that Obamacare and other job-killing policies are the reason for the president��s decline in popularity, Republican National Committee spokesman Sean Spicer said in a phone interview today.


There are racists out there.
That much is true.
However the percentage of those who are racist today are small and do not even make a dent in polls.
The reason Obama's poll numbers are low is because he's an incompetent liar and doesn't take the lead on many issues.
Instead he travels around the country as President of the United States and campaigns for action rather than actually taking the steps to create action such as working with the Congress and Senate.
His approach to foreign policy has been a complete disaster.
Obama is a fool. That's the reason why so many don't respect him.

there is a long list of reasons people have for their support or lack of support,,,

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