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Topic: Spanish Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Israeli Prime Minist
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Mon 11/16/15 06:15 PM
There were several probes into the incident. A
UNHRC report in September 2010 into the
incident deemed the blockade illegal and stated
that Israel's actions were "disproportionate"
and "betrayed an unacceptable level of


"" Anti-Israel bias has been a pervasive feature
of the United Nations Human Rights Council
since its inception nine years ago, according
to a report issued yesterday by the watchdog
group UN Watch.

' In the nine years of its existence, the UN
Human Rights Council has condemned Israel
more times than the rest of the world
combined, revealed UN Watch today, ahead of
a new report to be released by the Geneva-
based NGO that documents endemic selectivity
and politicization at the world body.
The outcome resolution for the latest Gaza
report, to be introduced at the UNHRC this
week by the Palestinians together with the
Arab and Islamic states, will condemn Israel
exclusively, and will mark the 62nd resolution
targeting Israel since the new and improved
Council was created in 2006 — while the total
of all other UNHRC condemnatory resolutions
for the rest of the world amounts to 55, with
most of the worst violators given a free pass, if
not a seat on the council itself.
Sadly, with members like China, Russia, Cuba,
Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Venezuela and Qatar,
the UNHRC today may possibly rank as a more
corrupt international organization than FIFA.'

The report includes a number of graphics and
charts that illustrate the bias. One detail that
exemplifies the council’s bias is the existence of
Agenda Item 7, “the Human rights situation in
Palestine and other occupied Arab territories,”
which is one of ten permanent items on the
council’s agenda. No other agenda item targets
a specific nation.
This may explain why the UNHRC has
condemned Israel 61 times—more than all
other nations combined—while it has only
condemned Syria, where over 200,000 people
have died in its civil war, 15 times. The council
has also held seven emergency sessions
focused on Israel, but only four on Syria.
Israel also had a special rapporteur assigned to
its case. From 2008 to 2014, the rapporteur
was Richard Falk a professor who subscribes to
9/11 conspiracy theories.
The UNHRC was supposed to an improvement
over its predecessor, the UN Human Rights
Commission, but as Claudia Rosett wrote for
Forbes in 2009:

' The Human Rights Council [was] born three
years ago out of the ashes of the former U.N.
Human Rights Commission–an outfit which in
2003 became a world-class symbol of U.N.
perversion by choosing Libya to chair its
proceedings. The Commission was so
hopelessly twisted–obsessed with condemning
Israel while prone to excusing the worst human
rights violators–that as part of the U.N. reform
efforts of recent years, it was finally dissolved
and replaced in 2006 by the current Council.
However, after a brief pause to update the
stationery, the Council began proving, if
anything, even worse than the old
Commission. Excusing, glossing over or simply
ignoring the violations of some of the worst
abusers, the Council, as noted by a Geneva-
based non-governmental organization, UN
Watch, has devoted more than 80% of its
country resolutions to condemning Israel, while
“eroding free speech protections in the name of
Islamic sensitivities and steadily eliminating
country investigations in places like Belarus,
Congo, Cuba, Liberia and Sudan.”""

no photo
Mon 11/16/15 06:17 PM

How pointless & absurd. That has the practical effect as holding a sign during a campus rally - and accomplishes about as much... whoa

I'm not sure I understand, this was a humanitarian mission brutally assaulted, 9 or 10 people died by Israeli gunfire on open waters. Netanyahu apologized to Turkey for it, what's the problem with letting them explain themselves in court? It's about bringing those involved to justice for crimes, Sorry, won't cut it IMO.

try reading the truth sometimes... they are bringing weapons to lob more bombs into Israel in your "humanitarian" missions...


There were several probes into the incident. A UNHRC report in September 2010 into the incident deemed the blockade illegal and stated that Israel's actions were "disproportionate" and "betrayed an unacceptable level of brutality", with evidence for "willful killing". The UNHRC later also set up a panel of five human rights experts to examine the conclusions of the Palmer report. The panel stated that Israel's blockade of Gaza amounted to collective punishment and was unlawful

blah blah blah... i wasn't there, and neither were you, so neither of us are qualified to make a correct statement... i do know that there wouldn't be a blockaid if someone wasn't running weapons into Gaza, and there wouldn't be any problems over there if Israeli citizens weren't being killed in their sleep...

so keep coming with more blahs, you're just being another anti-Israeli parrot repeating the babble you pick up on the ihatejew.com websites people like you love to troll...

Do you know how ridiculous you sound defending a despicable act in international waters?

Turkey got paid 20 million but a final settlement was never reaxched
Murder swept under the rug with cash, nicesick

mightymoe's photo
Mon 11/16/15 06:27 PM

How pointless & absurd. That has the practical effect as holding a sign during a campus rally - and accomplishes about as much... whoa

I'm not sure I understand, this was a humanitarian mission brutally assaulted, 9 or 10 people died by Israeli gunfire on open waters. Netanyahu apologized to Turkey for it, what's the problem with letting them explain themselves in court? It's about bringing those involved to justice for crimes, Sorry, won't cut it IMO.

try reading the truth sometimes... they are bringing weapons to lob more bombs into Israel in your "humanitarian" missions...


There were several probes into the incident. A UNHRC report in September 2010 into the incident deemed the blockade illegal and stated that Israel's actions were "disproportionate" and "betrayed an unacceptable level of brutality", with evidence for "willful killing". The UNHRC later also set up a panel of five human rights experts to examine the conclusions of the Palmer report. The panel stated that Israel's blockade of Gaza amounted to collective punishment and was unlawful

blah blah blah... i wasn't there, and neither were you, so neither of us are qualified to make a correct statement... i do know that there wouldn't be a blockaid if someone wasn't running weapons into Gaza, and there wouldn't be any problems over there if Israeli citizens weren't being killed in their sleep...

so keep coming with more blahs, you're just being another anti-Israeli parrot repeating the babble you pick up on the ihatejew.com websites people like you love to troll...

Do you know how ridiculous you sound defending a despicable act in international waters?

Turkey got paid 20 million but a final settlement was never reaxched
Murder swept under the rug with cash, nicesick

sell it to someone else... muslims killing people all over the world, but you seem to think they are angels to Israel, their most hated enemy? whoa

and i only sound ridiculous to the many Israeli haters out there, and you can't imagine how ridiculous you sound to the sane people out there...

drink another molsons for me, thanks...

no photo
Mon 11/16/15 07:00 PM

There were several probes into the incident. A UNHRC report in September 2010 into the incident deemed the blockade illegal and stated that Israel's actions were "disproportionate" and "betrayed an unacceptable level of brutality", with evidence for "willful killing". The UNHRC later also set up a panel of five human rights experts to examine the conclusions of the Palmer report. The panel stated that Israel's blockade of Gaza amounted to collective punishment and was unlawful

The UNHRC??!?!? rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

I'm sorry, but I was *almost* taking you seriously before you said that!!:laughing:

It occurs to me that it would be an interesting theoretical exercise to examine the history of votes at the UN, *just* to see if you could find even *ONE* that took Israel's side. whoa

But citing a UN report in support of an anti-Israel stance is just a little bit too similar to Obama using a DNC press release in an attempt to support one of his policies - not exactly objective, y'know?? winking

jazzydude2000's photo
Mon 11/16/15 07:34 PM
Amen x 1000.

They should pick up George and Darth Cheney while they're at it.


mightymoe's photo
Mon 11/16/15 07:36 PM

Amen x 1000.

They should pick up George and Darth Cheney while they're at it.


they're not "picking up" anyone, it's just a kangaroo court that gets the attention of all the jew haters... nothing more

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 11/16/15 11:29 PM

another blithering Idiot!
Tried it before,got set aside!
Jerk doesn't even know the pertaining International Law!


Immunity from prosecution is a doctrine of international law that allows an accused to avoid prosecution for criminal offences. Immunities are of two types. The first is functional immunity, or immunity ratione materiae. This is an immunity granted to people who perform certain functions of state. The second is personal immunity, or immunity ratione personae. This is an immunity granted to certain officials because of the office they hold, rather than in relation to the act they have committed.

This type of immunity arises from customary international law and treaty law and confers immunities on those performing acts of state (usually a foreign official). Any person who in performing an act of state commits a criminal offence is immune from prosecution. This is so even after the person ceases to perform acts of state. Thus it is a type of immunity limited in the acts to which it attaches (acts of state) but will only end if the state itself ceases to exist. This type of immunity is based on respect for sovereign equality and state dignity.

The offices usually recognised as attracting this immunity are Head of State or Head of Government, senior cabinet members, Foreign Minister, and Minister for Defence: see the Arrest Warrant Case, Pinochet Case (R v Bow Street Magistrates; ex parte Pinochet Ugarte (No 3) 1 AC 147, House of Lords). Such officers are immune from prosecution for everything they do during their time in office. For example, an English court held that a warrant could not be issued for the arrest of Robert Mugabe on charges of international crimes on the basis that he was a presently serving Head of State at the time the proceedings were brought: Mugabe, reported at (2004) 53 ICLQ 789. Other examples are the attempts to prosecute Fidel Castro in Spain and Jiang Zemin in the USA.

OOps looks like they can't touch him even under international Law.
wish in one hand.....................laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 11/16/15 11:31 PM

Amen x 1000.

They should pick up George and Darth Cheney while they're at it.

not thought that one through,have you?laugh

Lpdon's photo
Tue 11/17/15 12:11 AM

Spain? Oh, you mean that socialist country that is being overrun by hoards of muslims and is about to go bellyup? That one? yawn

Spain was also a safe haven for Nazi's after WW2.

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 11/17/15 02:21 AM

Even the antiNetanyahuites in Canuckistan are cheering.

Fixed it. smokin

There's a price to pay if you kill the innocent, no matter who you are Conrad pitchfork

Like I say,you need to put you Nose into some Books,instead of doing Damage to your Knees all the time!
You could look up Maritime Blockade for a starter!laugh
That Judge is an Idiot!yawn

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