Topic: the problem with the world today..
Candiapples's photo
Tue 06/07/16 05:44 PM

the problem with the world today..

is not really understanding the problems.
making simple things too complex, and looking for ways to make the complex oversimplified and easily digested.

we are adults so let's get at what the root of problem might really be..

Do you perceive a problem because you think you don't have what your grandparents do/did?

when did these issues start to occur?

Dawn of humans?

What are the actual issues:
some...have had to deal with how they feel

There you go.
That's ultimately the problem.
When do people have to deal with how they feel?
When they don't feel good, something feels bad, and/or how they expect they should feel isn't how they are feeling.
What keeps people from feeling good? Oppression against freedom to immediately gratify perceived needs and wants, too many or too few choices.
What makes people feel bad? Fear.
What teaches expectations? The village that raised them and they continue to live.

have their been repercussions that are now damaging our chances of having a lasting relationship?

The only reason to have a lasting romantic relationship is for the purposes of child creation in order to provide a child a stable enough environment to keep it alive long enough, and trained enough, to be able to survive in the environment in which it exists, and for multigenerational goal fulfillment (e.g. buy land, build a home and business, pass it to the next gen, perpetuate family/family name)
i.e. family and kids.

Perpetual long term emotional gratification for the sake of emotional gratification from a single source, or worship of an idea (love) as a new god and sole reason for existence of the relationship, is simply not something people are capable of.

are there some positive advancements we have made?

IMO not really.
No positive, no negative.
It's just change. Everything has good consequences, everything has bad consequences.
People are still motivated by the same things they've been motivated by for hundreds of thousands of years.
There is no advancement, there is only determining what works for a while as the most efficient means of fulfilling the perceived needs of the people in your perceived group, and the most efficient means of climbing to the highest rung of the social hierarchy in order to guarantee the group effort lands on you before other people.

i.e. 'whoever is first in line gets first shot. whoever kills the woolly mammoth gets to eat the liver.'

Nothing really "advances."
We're all just competing for the best place in line to guarantee we're the ones that benefit the most after everyone has weakened the woolly mammoth, while maintaining a safe distance so when the woolly mammoth charges and begins to eat people we are in a position to outrun the next guy.

have we become so independent that dependent has become a dirty word?

Dependent has come to have a lot of negative connotations.
But we have not become independent.
No real such thing as independent.
People are interdependent.
More so now than ever.
Now there is a greater need for individual specialization.
That makes people overly dependent upon people they don't know. Strangers.
Overly dependent upon strangers = lack of identity.
Not enough relevant feedback to cement their place in a community.
People overcompensate for that lack of identity (communal, social, relevance) by seeking out more validation of individual identity rather than expanded group role.

People simply pay lip service to the idea that they are independent.
People espousing their "independence" are simply attempting to politely say "I'm better than you. I deserve the good stuff."
It's a means of self valuing out of a lack of enough meaningful community feedback or validation.

let's get at what the root of problem might really be

The more things change the more they stay the same, while a lot of people seem to build their expectations on that something will be different, better, easier.
No matter how you want to analyse it all...the world has we have to accept and deal with it. ohwell :smile:

no1phD's photo
Tue 06/07/16 07:04 PM
The problem with the world today..
Is.. there's not enough people like me in

Candiapples's photo
Tue 06/07/16 07:47 PM
Good grief! Lol

The world will never be poifect :grimacing:

no photo
Tue 06/07/16 09:51 PM
the way i see it were not wired differently. regardless of which sex you are they are human traits that are in play.a) to feel needed.b) to be appreciated. c) to be valued I believe if these traits are not recognized by each partner a void occurs and a distraction begins to compensate for that void. That why men and women have affairs. they are distracting themselves and trying to fill their void due to lack of appreciation,to feel needed and valued.

ps: no dirty comments needed about filling the void you guys i know how we think.Good and long lasting sex is the fulfillment of these human traits. Which sex becomes the result of the healthy relationship.

That's why quickies do not really satisfy the relationship for a women or a man for a long period of time. then both parties are on to the next quick find.

Well, I've posted about this type of thing a great may times here, but most aren't interested or don't get is ...
It's long, not sure if you're interested, going to read it, but alas...

It has all to do with society having been patriarchal for centuries, thousands of years, and we are now going towards a matriarchal society. No, that does not mean woman are boss, like you men have always been.
We are in de middle of this change-over that will likely take a few generations, it has already been going on for a few generations.

So what's going on at the mo is that ppl are trying to find a new balance in masculine & feminine. And NOT just ppl as individuals, society and cultures as a whole are in a re-calibrating state/phase.

As with many -if not all- major changes (and this is serious BIG chit! Globally, not just western countries), some ppl and/or aspects in society go from one extreme to the next. That is all part of the change-over.
So yes, there are women who now get very effing defensive when they think they are dependent. Thinking it's wrong, dirty, inferior blablabla.
But that's only because they do not yet understand the power of the real, archetypical feminine principle.
Neither do men.
It is very difficult for BOTH sexes as we have been brainwashed and reared in a still mostly patriarchal society/culture.
So woman are trying to find their feet in all this, so are men. Many men are confused, as with stronger educated and independent women, their role has changed too.
Many apparently are feeling kind of lost. Now they get hit on in bars by women, which used to be their part in life. To 'hunt' and 'conquer', to chase after the lady of his desire, now women are 'hunting & conquering'. So many men are like WTF is going on?

And yes this is good, it is serious progress, for the sheer reason that the way things were wasn't right. tongue
I think many women who find their balance, do finally get in touch with their pure feminine 'archetype', will drop all the masculine BS that they now display.
Right now it is still mostly a balancing act, both sexes kind of lost and searches for the Golden Middle.
Most women don't know what it means to be a woman, feminine. They think that being sexy, seductive, slutty maybe even is feminine. It is NOT!!! That is masculine! Sure a 'real' woman can be sexy, but she will be a different kind of sexy. Soft. Not aggressive. Soft on the outside, receptive, open, and strong on the inside.

You study psychology. Read some Jung. There's this really really great book on this, by a Jungian psychologist. A crying shame it's not translated in English. It is worth its weight in gold 100x over! One of a kind. I've been busy with this particular subject for years, never found a better book on it. But it is Jungian ps

no photo
Tue 06/07/16 09:58 PM
[quoteYeah, it is all really interesting! I love reading and thinking about that stuff. Rori Ray (relationship/dating coach) touching on those things too, although of course concerning relationships, but it boils down to the same thing.

THe worst thing that has happened with women as far as I'm concerned, is that we all got so competitive with one another. Each is trying to be prettier, sexier, more appealing, smarter etc etc etc than the other woman.
WHereas the typical feminine archetype is supportive of other woman, never undermining each other, never trying to pull the rug out from underneath another woman's feet.
The fact that most women do do that, I effing hate it!

As for traditional role patterns, I think we will find that we will at least partially go back there, but in a different form. With respect for the woman, not like she's inferior cos she does most of the housework etc.
And let's face it: did we ever really leave it behind us? Nope, we didn't!!
Many women get burnouts, health problems because they now have to juggle all the tasks. Most of the household chores and raising kids still is on woman's shoulders (statistic for this, I'm not making it up).
So now we not only have to be perfect wives, mothers, housekeepers, but on top of that also perfect employees. If you don't have or pursue a career, you get frowned upon.
But thing is, needing status (career, sports car, lots of money etc etc) is again ... masculine. It's part of the competitiveness that is in your picture. Men need that, women don't.
Women need ... sisterhood, which we lost cos we envy each other, try to outdo each other etc etc. The feeling of oneness (also from own family) is what a woman needs.
What makes a woman feel good is contact with other woman. That gives us the either Oxycontin or estrogen (I believe the first) that we need to feel good, happy.
Men need testosteron. So competition, meaning status, trying to get that career, get that posh car in the driveway so everyone sees he's achieved it. And that wonderful wife and know that he was the only one who could get her (heart, I mean, not sex). Because that's the same thing -think about it! Apparently what gets you the guy, for keepers, if he feels that he is the only one who could get you. Matthew Hussey's got great stuff on that. Saying men need to think about the girl, and what happened (yes, including sex) and think "I did that! I, and no one else could've done that!!"
That's why if you sleep with him too soon ... you lose him. Cos he will feel anyone could've done that, not just him.
All boils down to the same thing: competitiveness, status ("I did that!!!")

So women being forced by society to pursue a career goes against our true grain, meaning it'll wear us out and/or force us to become more and more masculine energy women ...
But I do not believe it will remain that way ... Too many ppl are suffering under this basically unhealthy imbalance.]
the way i see it were not wired differently. regardless of which sex you are they are human traits that are in play.a) to feel needed.b) to be appreciated. c) to be valued I believe if these traits are not recognized by each partner a void occurs and a distraction begins to compensate for that void. That why men and women have affairs. they are distracting themselves and trying to fill their void due to lack of appreciation,to feel needed and valued.

ps: no dirty comments needed about filling the void you guys i know how we think.Good and long lasting sex is the fulfillment of these human traits. Which sex becomes the result of the healthy relationship.

That's why quickies do not really satisfy the relationship for a women or a man for a long period of time. then both parties are on to the next quick find.

no photo
Tue 06/07/16 10:01 PM
But I do not believe it will remain that way ... Too many ppl are suffering under this basically unhealthy imbalance.]
the way i see it were not wired differently. regardless of which sex you are they are human traits that are in play.a) to feel needed.b) to be appreciated. c) to be valued I believe if these traits are not recognized by each partner a void occurs and a distraction begins to compensate for that void. That why men and women have affairs. they are distracting themselves and trying to fill their void due to lack of appreciation,to feel needed and valued.

ps: no dirty comments needed about filling the void you guys i know how we think.Good and long lasting sex is the fulfillment of these human traits. Which sex becomes the result of the healthy relationship.

That's why quickies do not really satisfy the relationship for a women or a man for a long period of time. then both parties are on to the next quick find.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 06/08/16 02:47 AM

could be that independent women..especially American women
tend to bite a man's head off for mentioning that he might want or need anything from a woman..

to feel appreciated
validated that he is doing a good job
to feel like he has someone standing next to him
who notices the things he is trying to do
someone warm and welcoming to come home to
after fighting the lions all day long

seems like with both out there fighting lions all day long
men and women are competing in the work world

and competing in the relationship

both of saying they had a hard day, had to deal with pissy coworkers, an overbearing boss, deadlines

both of them saying " hey show me some appreciation!!"

Men that are not empowered/balanced tend to lash out from their Anima. So if he'd do it that way (whingy and whiny, accusing), the woman -when also not empowered/balanced- will react from her Animus.

That's what happens in many relationships and such clashes aren't pretty.
Needless to say it's important that people sort out their own inner chit so they live in piece with their Anima (men) and Animus (women).
How that works exactly ... again to be found in Jungian psychology. (the shadow and Anima/Animus).

The other thing is that women in work environment have to don their 'masculine energy' coat and most forget to take that off when they get home.
So they are still in "manager mode" with their man. That doesn't work. Two Yangs don't fit together, one has to be Yin in order for things to work. (and vice versa of course).

The fact that ppl come home tired, unhappy about 'fighting lions all day' has to do that more and more ppl are becoming dissatisfied with the way society (and work) is constructed. Most ppl aren't happy with their jobs, aren't doing what they'd really want to be doing.
That's at the core of their unhappiness and that's why they are grumpy, tired and unhappy when they get home.
Over here you see more and more ppl starting their own business, mostly because they do have to work to make a living, and because they cannot find happiness in the jobs that society has to offer.
Many of these new companies go bust, as it's not easy to make ends meet, but some succeed.
We also have chitloads of ppl going into coaching. Which means two things: A)there's ppl who need help and coaching and B) ppl want to work from the heart more and more and help other ppl.
More and more ppl are getting fed up and worn out by the money & power based working society, and sorry to say that esp the Americanized work spaces are horrible. And horrible is an understatement here, what it demands is inhuman. And if you don't do it, can't do it, you can just FO.
Employers demand your loyalty, but give nothing of that themselves. You're just a number, if that. So no wonder ppl get unhappy, stressed, burned out etc etc.

So seems like another discussion, but it is part of the re-calibrating thing that's going on:
The way current working society functions is ... masculine! And ppl are craving a more feminine way, which is more from the heart. With care for each other, not the robotic harsh masculine way that's driven by money, power and ego.
Over here we already see a bit of a shift. Ppl at the top are beginning to realize it doesn't work. But change is difficult as the pressure from America is upon is, pushing and pushing and pushing, trying to crush all the more ppl friendly ways, rules and laws we got.
And then you're back to the fight that's still going on between the ones in power on this planet -all seem to be located in the USA- and the growing amount of ppl who want change. The first is trying to stop natural progression of mankind, the latter crave it. The first is totally masculine, the very most destructive side of it. The latter is feminine, wanting oneness, peace and happiness for all.

And can go on ... don't want to bore anyone to death, lol. But this process is HUGE! Women movements for instance (part of it) have started in Muslim countries too. It's global.
And kind of like 'We either gonna make it, or it's over'.
Also, and that's going to be a sore one for you ppl: this change will require the 2nd amendment to go ... Ouch... tongue2
But you cannot have love and peace and live from the heart when ppl live in fear and hang on to weapons.
I'll prolly best shut up now ...

RustyKitty's photo
Wed 06/08/16 08:13 AM
It started when we women stopped darning

TMommy's photo
Wed 06/08/16 08:19 AM
Edited by TMommy on Wed 06/08/16 08:27 AM

could be that independent women..especially American women
tend to bite a man's head off for mentioning that he might want or need anything from a woman..

to feel appreciated
validated that he is doing a good job
to feel like he has someone standing next to him
who notices the things he is trying to do
someone warm and welcoming to come home to
after fighting the lions all day long

seems like with both out there fighting lions all day long
men and women are competing in the work world

and competing in the relationship

both of saying they had a hard day, had to deal with pissy coworkers, an overbearing boss, deadlines

both of them saying " hey show me some appreciation!!"

Men that are not empowered/balanced tend to lash out from their Anima. So if he'd do it that way (whingy and whiny, accusing), the woman -when also not empowered/balanced- will react from her Animus.

That's what happens in many relationships and such clashes aren't pretty.
Needless to say it's important that people sort out their own inner chit so they live in piece with their Anima (men) and Animus (women).
How that works exactly ... again to be found in Jungian psychology. (the shadow and Anima/Animus).

The other thing is that women in work environment have to don their 'masculine energy' coat and most forget to take that off when they get home.
So they are still in "manager mode" with their man. That doesn't work. Two Yangs don't fit together, one has to be Yin in order for things to work. (and vice versa of course).

The fact that ppl come home tired, unhappy about 'fighting lions all day' has to do that more and more ppl are becoming dissatisfied with the way society (and work) is constructed. Most ppl aren't happy with their jobs, aren't doing what they'd really want to be doing.
That's at the core of their unhappiness and that's why they are grumpy, tired and unhappy when they get home.
Over here you see more and more ppl starting their own business, mostly because they do have to work to make a living, and because they cannot find happiness in the jobs that society has to offer.
Many of these new companies go bust, as it's not easy to make ends meet, but some succeed.
We also have chitloads of ppl going into coaching. Which means two things: A)there's ppl who need help and coaching and B) ppl want to work from the heart more and more and help other ppl.
More and more ppl are getting fed up and worn out by the money & power based working society, and sorry to say that esp the Americanized work spaces are horrible. And horrible is an understatement here, what it demands is inhuman. And if you don't do it, can't do it, you can just FO.
Employers demand your loyalty, but give nothing of that themselves. You're just a number, if that. So no wonder ppl get unhappy, stressed, burned out etc etc.

So seems like another discussion, but it is part of the re-calibrating thing that's going on:
The way current working society functions is ... masculine! And ppl are craving a more feminine way, which is more from the heart. With care for each other, not the robotic harsh masculine way that's driven by money, power and ego.
Over here we already see a bit of a shift. Ppl at the top are beginning to realize it doesn't work. But change is difficult as the pressure from America is upon is, pushing and pushing and pushing, trying to crush all the more ppl friendly ways, rules and laws we got.
And then you're back to the fight that's still going on between the ones in power on this planet -all seem to be located in the USA- and the growing amount of ppl who want change. The first is trying to stop natural progression of mankind, the latter crave it. The first is totally masculine, the very most destructive side of it. The latter is feminine, wanting oneness, peace and happiness for all.

And can go on ... don't want to bore anyone to death, lol. But this process is HUGE! Women movements for instance (part of it) have started in Muslim countries too. It's global.
And kind of like 'We either gonna make it, or it's over'.
Also, and that's going to be a sore one for you ppl: this change will require the 2nd amendment to go ... Ouch... tongue2
But you cannot have love and peace and live from the heart when ppl live in fear and hang on to weapons.
I'll prolly best shut up now ...
mmmm yep as more women have entered the work force and careers up went the amount of us with heart disease just like the guys

tell me that's not lifestyle/stress related

America ..mmmmmm ya know there used to be a movie came out in 80's called 9 to 5 but..truth is most of us do not get those kind of jobs

most are 8 to 5 if it's a full time office job
if it's factory work? could be working all night. 6, 7 days a week

no lunch HOUR it's usually a 20 or 30 minute break

and we have convenience stores on every block just in case ya need a bag of chips or a candy bar to get ya thru your day

you got kids? ok who is watching them while you work? daycare?
what about after school? how you gonna get them to ballet or football practice if you work til 5?

oh yes it is a gungho go go lifestyle

many went into careers because that was were the work was or that was were the money could be made

and never asked themselves if this was something they wanted to do or enjoyed doing

on a side note
my father in law bought a house in a retirement community a few years back
it was on an air force base
that was no longer in use up north
they went in and fixed up all these cute little ranch houses
that were build in the 50's
each one had a garage and a little yard and a deck

ya know what? whole families used to be raised in homes that size
have you seen the size of some the houses in this country? noway
well ya take on a mortgage that size and now both of you almost have to work

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 06/08/16 10:37 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Wed 06/08/16 10:39 AM
@ Tmommy, yes, that's how it's gone. But women doing that, pursuing careers, has also majorly contributed to the equalisation of the genders. I don't think it could've been done any other way. We wouldn't have been taken serious. And we still aren't there, cos in general women still have to plod much harder than men to get top positions and once in one, they usually still get paid less than their male counterparts.
Not just in top positions, it has been researched (over here) that this goes even for the teens that restock the shelves in a supermarket. Girls get paid less for the same work than boys ...

So a lot has been accomplished, but we're not there yet. Had we tried to get where we are now from behind the kitchen counter with an apron on, well ... we'd still be trying to get taken seriously when speaking about other things than grandmother's apple-pie recipe laugh
So this over the top stuff with careers did -and does still- have its purpose.
I think now the 'battle' will shift (maybe already has?) from "I have the right to have a career and make something of my life!" to "How do we balance this home & career WITHOUT me ending up being Susie Homemaker?"

And yes, it has affected our children, but that too was necessary. At least now boys and girls don't grow up anymore with the conviction that's a woman's place is in the kitchen and in the kitchen solely.
I do think we are at -or very close to- having a solid foundation where women can now 'slow down' so to speak, without losing our hard-won equality.
And all this, how far the progress has gotten, varies per country, and within a country per region even. Religion still has quite the stronghold on this process. (one of the reasons I so dislike religions! It is restricting, not nurturing, which it should be and how it was meant to be. But it hasn't evolved with the times out of fear of losing power --> masculine energy again).
Anyways, it all comes down to respect. Women getting as much respect for what she does as a mother & home-keeper as the guy bringing in the bucks. Realizing that it's more than a full-time job, 24/7, and giving that the recognition and respect it deserves. But a typical masculine energy society would only reward status, meaning career, making as much money as possible etc. So we're back to society having to change along with individuals.
And it's not a circle, so not going back to where we were 3 generations ago, it's more like a spiral. At least that's how I see it.

Any thoughts on this all? Curious!

TMommy's photo
Wed 06/08/16 10:56 AM
Edited by TMommy on Wed 06/08/16 10:56 AM
yep it was a hard battle we are still dealing with it daily
I see nasty comments all the time about feminism or fem bot Nazis
meaning ...I guess independent women who are self centered

which kind of blows my mind
for men are encouraged to grow up and go out and tackle the world
if a man joins a gym no one accuses him of being self-centered
if a man devotes a lot of time to his career people would say he is motivated

so there is a double standard that still exists

that it is a woman's 'job' to take care of home and family
and if she spends too much time at work then it is her fault
that her family is not being cared for well enough

on the flip side

if a man says he wants to be the stay at home dad
well then there must be something wrong with that guy
why isn't he supporting his wife?

yes I agree that we are judged on our achievements
in the career world...saying you are a doctor or lawyer
at a cocktail party will get nods of approval where as if
you say you are a stay at home mom? you may get looks of derision
and disapproval

no photo
Fri 06/10/16 02:28 AM
I can't stand the arrogance of a certain friend. He'd never admit to needing help. He loves his football-Not so bad, he goes to the pub, a true alpha. I got fed up of him trying to cling to me. I can't be his therapist, friend, cleaner, baker, candlestick maker, etc. I told him good luck trying to find it. laugh.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 06/10/16 03:05 AM

yep it was a hard battle we are still dealing with it daily
I see nasty comments all the time about feminism or fem bot Nazis
meaning ...I guess independent women who are self centered

which kind of blows my mind
for men are encouraged to grow up and go out and tackle the world
if a man joins a gym no one accuses him of being self-centered
if a man devotes a lot of time to his career people would say he is motivated

so there is a double standard that still exists

that it is a woman's 'job' to take care of home and family
and if she spends too much time at work then it is her fault
that her family is not being cared for well enough

on the flip side

if a man says he wants to be the stay at home dad
well then there must be something wrong with that guy
why isn't he supporting his wife?

yes I agree that we are judged on our achievements
in the career world...saying you are a doctor or lawyer
at a cocktail party will get nods of approval where as if
you say you are a stay at home mom? you may get looks of derision
and disapproval

Yes indeed! Well phrased.
I guess there's a serious clash in traditional convictions concerning role-patterns we have been raised with -even if just subconsciously- and the demands of the working society? They seem to be totally incongruent, even within the individual. No wonder everyone is confused.

I think it's mostly tearing us women apart, as we are the ones in the middle of that clash, far more than men. By which I mean that everything is expected of us now, having to do it all. Work, career, kids, home.
Men will feel the effects too, but are more in the wake of it all I think?

Which leads me to the next interesting thought, just pops up.
Isn't it always woman who brings about major changes in the world? I'm not talking about the masculine changes like war and suppression. Other changes. Not sure how to call them. Not so much action based changes, more the erm... overall 'better feeling' changes. Those things that carry a society, the foundation. Changes concerning that.
Not sure if you get what I mean with this. Can't find the right words, dammit.

Gosh, wouldn't it be good to talk about this over coffees, followed by a couple of drinks maybe. Have a great exchange about this all, and of course end up talking about men. And sex. Having a good laugh and a lot of fun! :tongue:

TMommy's photo
Fri 06/10/16 05:41 AM
Edited by TMommy on Fri 06/10/16 05:51 AM
you know I would love that conversation

I call it the " Do It All Mommy" syndrome

the pressure that we as women put on ourselves
to have the perfect job, children, husband, home
to live in the perfect neighborhood, drive the right car

do men have this also ? the " Do It All Daddy"
yep some of them are trying to juggle being a parent,
a worker, a husband also

we somehow believe that if we just achieve all these
things all the time and somehow learn how to juggle

we will be successful and blissfully happy
but what ends up happening
is we get burned out
stressed out
have health problems
relationship problems

and want to quit it all and run off to some place warm and tropical

relationships die because we are so busy conquering the world
that no one is home or spending any time together nurturing
that bond

so what happens to these couples
where they go out and take on careers
and kids and the big mortgage
and get burned out
stressed out

both are feeling unappreciated, unloved, frusterated
but both unwilling to make the changes necessary
in order to bring back some kind of emotional closeness
and balance and peace to their lives?

one or both get mad enough to throw in the towel
and sign the papers..
they fight and bicker over the assets and visitation

and walk off mumbling " the next person I am with is gonna be there for me to satisfy my needs"

and they go off to do the same mistakes with someone new
or they convince themselves that if they find a mate
that is the opposite of their ex that they will be happy

of course if ya ask them " was your wife always like that?"

well not when we first met and dated and got married

or course she wasn't or ya would not have fallen in love with her

so what happened? well they are not quite sure...

TMommy's photo
Fri 06/10/16 06:00 AM
so we see this influx of men who are looking for a non-western girl
or a young girl or a submissive girl that will do what they say
and cater to their needs

and we are seeing an increase in career women who do not need a man to pay their bills or buy them pretty things
these women may also want someone younger or they want a no strings attached relationship

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 06/10/16 07:01 AM

so we see this influx of men who are looking for a non-western girl
or a young girl or a submissive girl that will do what they say
and cater to their needs

and we are seeing an increase in career women who do not need a man to pay their bills or buy them pretty things
these women may also want someone younger or they want a no strings attached relationship

Yeah, I think men are the biggest idiots in that scenario ..
I have a cousin who after his divorce with a spicy woman figured he'd best go for a young girl. Easy to shape to his needs etc. Right. Sure it went that way at first, the girl was only 17, he was 30, 32. But then she grew up and boy was he in for a shock, hahaha.
They almost broke up, she had a serious affair, about to leave him. He came to realise that he truly loved her and didn't want to lose her. And he had to fight like F to win her back. So much for a young, meek girl!

Apart from all that, I suppose a younger woman makes them feel more masculine. Again that status thing "Look what I've achieved!!"
Maybe if men worked through their issues after divorce, they'd find that a woman closer to their own age and from their own culture would make them much happier.
Men often don't work through the pain from divorce, they jump right into the next relationship. Often make sure they got a replacement at the ready before they dump the missus.

Maybe a similar thing goes for divorced career women? Too busy and too disconnected from their feminine side to work through the pain from divorce properly? Then maybe going for a younger bloke, thinking that'll be easier and maybe even a little ego, as career woman are driven by so much masculine energy and thus sensitive to status.

All in all I think there's a huge problem area for many single woman in their 40s and 50s in finding a new partner. Men their age often prefer to go for younger women OR they aren't emotionally willing/ready to make a new commitment and play the field.
And possibly it's as hard for women in their 60s, albeit for different reasons. I know from my mom she got approached by men in their 70s and compared to her they were really old f@rts. My mom was to lively, young at heart to settle for an old f@rt.
My mom's -now 73- has been single since she was approx 48. Had a few relationships, but nothing worked out. Mostly because the partner's kids threw a spanner in the works, that happened several times. Kind of weird how kids seem to have a stronger hold on the father than their mother in such things? I've had that experience with my ex as well. Mostly our relationship got effed up by his kids. And last week he even admitted that to me, so it's not me making this up, thinking me and my kids are so wonderful.
But I digress...

It's a problem indeed. But there are still good nice men out there looking for a woman their own age and culture. THere's some on here ...

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 06/10/16 07:04 AM
PS And stupid thing is, I think that even 'hard' and more masculine energy women CRAVE to be treated like a woman, a girl. To feel feminine again, to be able to be feminine and soft.

no photo
Fri 06/10/16 07:37 AM
Edited by SCB27769 on Fri 06/10/16 07:38 AM

so we see this influx of men who are looking for a non-western girl
or a young girl or a submissive girl that will do what they say
and cater to their needs

and we are seeing an increase in career women who do not need a man to pay their bills or buy them pretty things
these women may also want someone younger or they want a no strings attached relationship

Yeah, I think men are the biggest idiots in that scenario ..
I have a cousin who after his divorce with a spicy woman figured he'd best go for a young girl. Easy to shape to his needs etc. Right. Sure it went that way at first, the girl was only 17, he was 30, 32. But then she grew up and boy was he in for a shock, hahaha.
They almost broke up, she had a serious affair, about to leave him. He came to realise that he truly loved her and didn't want to lose her. And he had to fight like F to win her back. So much for a young, meek girl!

Apart from all that, I suppose a younger woman makes them feel more masculine. Again that status thing "Look what I've achieved!!"
Maybe if men worked through their issues after divorce, they'd find that a woman closer to their own age and from their own culture would make them much happier.
Men often don't work through the pain from divorce, they jump right into the next relationship. Often make sure they got a replacement at the ready before they dump the missus.

Maybe a similar thing goes for divorced career women? Too busy and too disconnected from their feminine side to work through the pain from divorce properly? Then maybe going for a younger bloke, thinking that'll be easier and maybe even a little ego, as career woman are driven by so much masculine energy and thus sensitive to status.

All in all I think there's a huge problem area for many single woman in their 40s and 50s in finding a new partner. Men their age often prefer to go for younger women OR they aren't emotionally willing/ready to make a new commitment and play the field.
And possibly it's as hard for women in their 60s, albeit for different reasons. I know from my mom she got approached by men in their 70s and compared to her they were really old f@rts. My mom was to lively, young at heart to settle for an old f@rt.
My mom's -now 73- has been single since she was approx 48. Had a few relationships, but nothing worked out. Mostly because the partner's kids threw a spanner in the works, that happened several times. Kind of weird how kids seem to have a stronger hold on the father than their mother in such things? I've had that experience with my ex as well. Mostly our relationship got effed up by his kids. And last week he even admitted that to me, so it's not me making this up, thinking me and my kids are so wonderful.
But I digress...

It's a problem indeed. But there are still good nice men out there looking for a woman their own age and culture. THere's some on here ...

...So, you're sayin' I'm an "idiot" for wanting an Asian wife as opposed to an American or an English or a Latino one? Am I reading you rightly here? Know this...


Now, I'm not going to claim that you're wrong or right on this as you obviously appear to know more about these things than I. But I beg this question of you, CrystalFairy...What do you think about men who can't, for reasons beyond their control, find work of any sort?! Don't these men need to be "loved"?! American women have proved to be incredibly unaccomodating and judgmental towards men that have no job, no college degrees and might be forced to "depend" on said woman/women in their lives!! FEMINISM is the enemy here, NOT outbreeding!!! IF AMERICAN (AND, MORE BROADLY, WESTERN) WOMEN WEREN'T SO JUDGMENTAL TOWARDS THE CHRONICALLY UNEMPLOYED AND UNDEREDUCATED, MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, I'D BE MORE OPEN TO THEM!!!!! explode explode explode mad mad mad explode explode explode

TMommy's photo
Fri 06/10/16 08:02 AM
might I suggest counseling


and instead of looking for a woman to take care of you

you figure out the means and the know how

to start doing things for yourself

have you tried filling out FAFSA and getting some training so
that perhaps you are better qualified for a job?

or...have you just decided to give up?

no photo
Fri 06/10/16 08:11 AM

might I suggest counseling


and instead of looking for a woman to take care of you

you figure out the means and the know how

to start doing things for yourself

have you tried filling out FAFSA and getting some training so
that perhaps you are better qualified for a job?

or...have you just decided to give up?





FINALLY, HOW THE F*** AM I GONNA PAY FOR "COUNSELING" OR "JOB TRAINING"?! I JUST SAID I. HAVE NO. MONEY! OKAY?! I HAVE NO MONEY AND I CAN'T PAY FOR ANYTHING!!! explode explode explode explode explode explode explode explode explode explode explode

BLOW ME TO SMITHEREENS ALREADY!explode explode explode