Topic: What's your philosophy?
Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 12/16/18 03:09 AM
Getting closer more to universe.

I have some good news for you.
You are already part of the Universe so you're as close as you can possibly get.
The Universe is part of you too.

Tom's photo
Fri 01/04/19 04:46 PM
"Just try to be happy & spread positivity"

With all due respect, someone's positivity can be another's poison. If someone is truly happy, positivity will flow naturally.

Tom's photo
Fri 01/04/19 04:55 PM

My simple philosophy...
The quest is to separate the delusion from the reality and understand the difference.

Easier said then done. Especially living in a society where the delusional is the reality.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Fri 01/04/19 09:48 PM

My simple philosophy...
The quest is to separate the delusion from the reality and understand the difference.

Easier said then done. Especially living in a society where the delusional is the reality.

Ain't that the truth.
People would rather fight to keep their delusions than accept reality.
Then they complain about how life never lives up to their expectations.

Brit36's photo
Sat 03/02/19 10:51 PM
My philosophy revolves around hedonism not to the point of gluttony or the exclusion of other people's pleasure and I don't just mean sexual pleasure. Pleasure for myself and others, anything to avoid all pain for myself and avoid all pain for others, and helping the pursuit of happiness for my self and others guides my actions.

Inasmuch I treat people how I would like to be treated with politeness, respect, empathy, and understanding. The ironic thing is, I have been sick and in a lot of pain for years now, so not all pain can be avoided for me unfortunately. It's probably one of my character flaws of always being in search of that elusive time of no pain.

Robert's photo
Wed 05/22/19 02:30 AM
are you sure?

no photo
Sat 09/21/19 07:43 AM
Middle of the road Daoist.

Stacy's photo
Tue 10/08/19 01:27 PM
Cogito ergo sum- Rene Descartes

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 10/08/19 06:52 PM
It doesn't matter.
Really, it doesn't matter to anyone except me.
Guess what, your philosophy doesn't really matter to anyone except you either. is fun to discuss.

Firefly Anthony Stark's photo
Mon 10/21/19 07:08 AM
We each have our own distinct reality. Reality therefore is relative. However there is 1 grand (true) reality so it's universal as well. I have schizo affective, and dissasociatve identity Disorder, also my brain. Produces LSA the precursor to LSD so my reality is pretty out there. I like you young lady.

Firefly Anthony Stark's photo
Mon 10/21/19 07:10 AM
All living things only want to be happy and free from suffering....the Buddha- from the 4 Noble truths.
Hey I figured I'd start a topic, didn't see one on this.

I've always had a free spirit. I want people to be able to make their own ideas no matter what they are. I hate judgement. I used for 3 years and got a lot of that so I kinda know how shitty it feels. I think about God a lot and what that kind of is to me. I've got Schizophrenia and I hear voices, from demons to birds talking to me, they always are really loud when I play my guitar.

So I guess I sort of think we should be more anarchist, you can't evolve without change, whether it's good or bad, whatever happens happens you know?

Firefly Anthony Stark's photo
Mon 10/21/19 07:13 AM
All living things simply want to be happy and free from suffering #1 of the 4 Noble truths from Buddhism.
My rule: I just want my sweetheart and lots of pizza lol! I like the way you write. You're closer to enlightenment than you realize sir.....

koonak's photo
Mon 10/21/19 05:37 PM

I am a spiritual visiter.
I am here to experience all things.
An awareness of everything being connected.
Love and compassion are the true reality.

JustBeHonest's photo
Mon 10/21/19 05:49 PM

Most important to me.....


Critical thinking

enjoy life

Juks's photo
Fri 10/25/19 09:00 AM
I tell you kikikikiki

no photo
Mon 10/28/19 08:16 AM
Humanity First.

no photo
Thu 02/20/20 05:25 PM
One who makes no mess has nothing to clean.

and your freakin' job :)

notbeold's photo
Fri 02/21/20 03:44 AM
Life is like a box of chocolates, that somebody else has already been through, and taken the good bits, and left the plain and boring chocolates, half chewed ones, and empty wrappers.
You never know if you'll even get anything.

APOLLO_100's photo
Wed 03/25/20 03:49 AM
My philosophical bent is heavily Nietschean. I agree that the true motivator of everything is what Nietzshe termed the Will to Power and, essentially, this is the true nature of reality. Power is the only non-derivative, not pleasure and pain as the utilitarians surmise. We receive pleasure (naturally) when we act in ways in accordance with nature's laws and extend our power through as much space as possible but we encounter other entities along the way with the same aim. Pain is a little more nuanced as sometimes pain can strengthen the animal other times it causes it to become weaker. But to slightly over simplify, natural pleasure is typically a side effect or adaptation if you like resulting from successful efforts to survive and thrive in nature and pain is caused by an organism's maladaptive survival strategies. Survive and thrive is the first rule of all life. Organizations form, and symbiotic or master-servant relationships established, as some are weaker and must trade some service to the master for the protection, shelter, and what have you. These heirarchical expressions in are as fundamental to the universe as gravity or electomagnatism. I have to leave off for now as I have to go serve the master ( work )

APOLLO_100's photo
Wed 03/25/20 03:49 AM
My philosophical bent is heavily Nietschean. I agree that the true motivator of everything is what Nietzshe termed the Will to Power and, essentially, this is the true nature of reality. Power is the only non-derivative, not pleasure and pain as the utilitarians surmise. We receive pleasure (naturally) when we act in ways in accordance with nature's laws and extend our power through as much space as possible but we encounter other entities along the way with the same aim. Pain is a little more nuanced as sometimes pain can strengthen the animal other times it causes it to become weaker. But to slightly over simplify, natural pleasure is typically a side effect or adaptation if you like resulting from successful efforts to survive and thrive in nature and pain is caused by an organism's maladaptive survival strategies. Survive and thrive is the first rule of all life. Organizations form, and symbiotic or master-servant relationships established, as some are weaker and must trade some service to the master for the protection, shelter, and what have you. These heirarchical expressions in are as fundamental to the universe as gravity or electomagnatism. I have to leave off for now as I have to go serve the master ( work )