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Easttowest72's photo
Mon 09/03/18 03:16 AM

Trump is too old for his wife. She clearly married him for a lavish life. She clearly doesn't care about the affairs. It seems the only people who care are the democrats. It shouldn't be effecting them at all. But because Trump is cutting entitlements, they are making a big deal about it.

It's sad to say but it looks like the election will be people wanting jobs and a good economy vs people who want a welfare check and cushy entitlements.

or not ...

plenty voted who were not below poverty level (required for 'welfare') and that vote was pretty evenly split between democrat and republican

the bigger gaps PRO REPUB
were, Whites, Men, republicans, conservatives

the bigger gaps PRO DEM
were minorities, aged 18-44, democrat and liberal


If Democrats weren't campaigning on giving more welfare to more people your argument might make sense. People like Kanye have took crap from democrats for saying they are Republican. He was called crazy lol. I think their are a lot of undercover conservatives in the black community. They are just afraid of saying it because democrats want people to stand up for what the believe in but only if it's a liberal point of view.

Palghat's photo
Tue 09/04/18 12:45 AM
Edited by Palghat on Tue 09/04/18 12:49 AM

In Trump's World = Point 7: Fake News - worldwide
We know the several variations of Fake News takes but consider this: Chinese Media almost started a border war!

This was as recently as last year, during the Indo-China border dispute, Chinese Media published a series on the confrontation and campaigned for 'inevitable war' which the Indian media duly printed.

Media Drive:
What powers the Indian Media is clear: Corporate Advertising.
But what powered Chinese Media sufficiently to influence Chinese public opinion and flare up their passion? Would it have impacted Chinese policy makers?

Fortunately not. President Xi and PM Modi maintained their silence and duly sorted it out. In fact, President Xi fired one of their leading generals (inside source).

The Headlines are common in Newspapers around the world!
The Guardian (UK) was the first to launch an attack on Mr Trump during campaign. (Surprising, since it was The Guardian who ‘made’ WikiLeaks public).

Does the Guardian, in the name of free speech have the right to attack a candidate in a foreign democratic process? We don't know because the US media followed it up with their broadside and all was lost in the bedlam (world over). This is how Media works - carry the same headline (with a predetermined tilt) - and the repetition makes them unaccountable.

'Fake News' - only the US President could have dared to say it and he has. It's become the most dreaded word. Now Indian news media and intellectuals are rethinking. I wouldn't be surprised if this term has also affected ISIS propaganda / recruitment.

In the following link, Sarah Sanders presents the numbers to a CNN reporter 'who complained about the protection of the first amendment.


Thank you, Mr. Trump

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/04/18 03:04 AM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 09/04/18 03:06 AM

He is president, rich, beautiful wife and you think he is stupid. :thinking:

Yes, simply because those things are not what makes a man. Beautiful wife? Maybe you should ask Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal about that. That, within and of its self, makes the man stupid. His actions speak volumes about what the man really is.


Any man that can do this to his wife isn't much of a man.


dont forget Charles:

as it pertains to intelligence

stupid: having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense.

just noting it doesn't mention income level, career choice, or spousal attractiveness....

that definatly does not sound like Donald Trump. He beat out about 15 other potential nominees , plus The Great Hillary Clinton. Something that couldn't ever be done. He's put America in the best economic condition in many many years. He leveling the tariffs playing field to be fair to all. He's cut taxes for all, putting more in the pockets of regular folks. More blacks and Mexicans are working than ever before. Everything I just said is indisputable . So if your saying that what he's doing isn't working than isn't that a lack of common sense and therefore stupid?

popularity is not an indication of intelligence

although I am grateful he has not yet done too much damage to the trends the previous administration set in motion after reversing the damage done under Bush Jr.

His own words and actions lead me to believe intelligence is not his strength ... unless you count being able to exploit bigotry and fear ... in which case he is brilliant, but not in an IQ test kind of way.

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/04/18 03:05 AM

Trump is too old for his wife. She clearly married him for a lavish life. She clearly doesn't care about the affairs. It seems the only people who care are the democrats. It shouldn't be effecting them at all. But because Trump is cutting entitlements, they are making a big deal about it.

It's sad to say but it looks like the election will be people wanting jobs and a good economy vs people who want a welfare check and cushy entitlements.

or not ...

plenty voted who were not below poverty level (required for 'welfare') and that vote was pretty evenly split between democrat and republican

the bigger gaps PRO REPUB
were, Whites, Men, republicans, conservatives

the bigger gaps PRO DEM
were minorities, aged 18-44, democrat and liberal


If Democrats weren't campaigning on giving more welfare to more people your argument might make sense. People like Kanye have took crap from democrats for saying they are Republican. He was called crazy lol. I think their are a lot of undercover conservatives in the black community. They are just afraid of saying it because democrats want people to stand up for what the believe in but only if it's a liberal point of view.

there was no argument, there was DATA and facts... there were other demographics having nothing to do with income that had a sharper gap between republicans and democrats ....

Easttowest72's photo
Tue 09/04/18 11:08 AM
Oh you mean gays and blacks... minus Kanye.

Toodygirl5's photo
Tue 09/04/18 04:40 PM

who cares what he 'strives' for in social status.

with intelligence, maybe he should 'strive' to pick up a book or two or three, and READ.

When you are president you can recommend a book for him to read. :upside_down:

well it shouldn't take being a president to read or recommend reading.

but even a president couldnt help him as he obviously doesn't and hasn't read much beyond his own biography and twitter feeds.

:smile: Still he's Your President!

Easttowest72's photo
Wed 09/05/18 02:14 AM

Trump is too old for his wife. She clearly married him for a lavish life. She clearly doesn't care about the affairs. It seems the only people who care are the democrats. It shouldn't be effecting them at all. But because Trump is cutting entitlements, they are making a big deal about it.

It's sad to say but it looks like the election will be people wanting jobs and a good economy vs people who want a welfare check and cushy entitlements.

or not ...
plenty voted who were not below poverty level (required for 'welfare') and that vote was pretty evenly split between democrat and republican

the bigger gaps PRO REPUB
were, Whites, Men, republicans, conservatives

the bigger gaps PRO DEM
were minorities, aged 18-44, democrat and liberal


If Democrats weren't campaigning on giving more welfare to more people your argument might make sense. People like Kanye have took crap from democrats for saying they are Republican. He was called crazy lol. I think their are a lot of undercover conservatives in the black community. They are just afraid of saying it because democrats want people to stand up for what the believe in but only if it's a liberal point of view.

there was no argument, there was DATA and facts... there were other demographics having nothing to do with income that had a sharper gap between republicans and democrats ....

Income is subjective. Last time I answered what my income, it was for a class project. How much our household impacted the environment. I told my daughter my income from my job and her brothers.
For my credit card I put down income from my job and renr and child support.
To the irs I put down my job and rent.
The poverty line depends on how much breeding you've done. We had a,Mexican put down 10 kids for six flags. Imagine the income he needs to not qualify for foodstamps. :thinking:

Palghat's photo
Thu 09/06/18 04:13 PM

In Trump’s World: Point 6 - US Visa and Green Card restrictions
Increased restrictions since 2016 reverberated as follows. Indian software firms having offices in the US began replacing Indians with US citizens.

Indian talent whose education was heavily subsidized by Indian taxpayers, (a 4 year college course in an elite institution costs less than $10,000) stopped chasing the dollar and turned to innovation in their home country. High time; since outsourcing our talent for decades had left us with a thinner soup.

On the American side: Going beyond the all time low in employment levels, the industry is staring at a shortfall of technically skilled. Paul Ryan mentions Mr. Trump facilitating (some subsidised) higher technical education scheme.


From the several points so far I think the World is seeing a President who means business and not the usual politician who hold positions using questionable debating skills; but never worked a job or run a business that created jobs.

Valeris's photo
Fri 09/07/18 09:21 PM
A Huge "Disconnect" would appear to exist between some shallow Hollywood Celebrities, Mainstream-Propagandist-Media Outlets, Corupt Democratic Corporate Elitist Democratic Politians & The Average American.
Perhaps this explains the Total Inability of the polls & those, oh-so-smart political pundits to have forseen the 2016 election results?
This "Disconnect" can only widen when ever more hatred-ridden,propaganda, lies, bias, & obsenities is propagated by certain Hollywood Celebrities, Mainstream-Propagandist-Media, & Corporate Elitist Democratic Politians to either slander, shame,or deride the value system of most average Americans which includes, slandering, shaming, & deriding their Duly, Elected President,condemning their moral & ethical value systems & insulting themselves. You won't hear the views of these Americans or see their good deeds covered in the newspapers,The Average American is too insignifcant to matter. These Average Americans work too hard just to survive, with too much on their plates to involve themselves with the banalities & popularity concerns of the narcistic, privledged few.
But, trust in the fact that the Average Americans are listening to all you,"FAKE NEWS IDIOTS" as you report exclusively on the lies,propaganda, & garbage that reflect the agendas of The Corporate Concerns that PAY YOUR HUGE SALARIES & The Average Americans Are Not Amused.
Trust also in the fact that The Average American also understands that Hollywood Celebrities, Mainstream-Propagandist-Media, & Corrupt Democratic Corporate Elitist Politians, not only- do not care about the "Mundane" concerns of Average Americans but in addition,verbally demean Average Americans at every fake news opportunity to grab headlines with labels for Us, Average Americans such as DEPLORABLE, IGNORANT,TRASH,INFERIORS, WORTHLESS, BIGOTS, & THE LIST GOES ON & ON.
However,Trust,without doubt, in the fact, that when it becomes time for These Forgotten Average Americans to pull-the-lever to cast their millions of votes across all The United States, they know that finally They have The Real Power to gradually be rid of the shallow Hollywood Celebrities, Fake News Mainstream-Propagandist-Media, & Corrupt Corporate Democratic, Elitist Politians who will promise everything but deliver-Nothing. The Forgotten Average Americans WILL VOTE FOR A PRESIDENT WHO LISTENS TO THEM, HAS TAKEN TIME TO UNDERSTAND THEM & WHO HAS PROVEN THAT HIS PROMISES TO THEM WILL BE KEPT.As for the shallow Hollywood Celebrities, Fake News Mainstream-Propagandist-Media, & Corrupt Corporate Democratic, Elitist Politians will finally be forced to HEAR THEIR VOICES [MILLIONS STRONG], HEAR WHAT THEY THINK,& HEAR HOW THEY FEEL... Not so smart, are we?

Palghat's photo
Sat 09/08/18 12:11 AM

A Huge "Disconnect" would appear to exist between ..& The Average American.

Met Americans, average Americans, no.

Anyway, i came across this link to the silent American in a CNN interview.


Staged? Maybe

-- xx --

With jobs being scarce world over it appears that traditionally socialists and liberals world over are leaning to the right..., Australia, France and of course India.

Another interesting observation i came across was from An American comparing politician's personal lives in US and France (from Quora)

The extent to which politicians' personal lives are basically ignored is astounding. When an American politician has an affair, his or her constituents moralize and hound them out of office. When a French politician leaves his wife for a movie star, the French shrug and go on with their lives. The only recent exception to this has been, to a limited extent, the furore over Dominique Strauss-Kahn's louche personal life, and this in part because it involves accusations of rape.

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/08/18 12:16 AM
In America as well, morals only count if it is the other guy. We elected someone with no regard to 'moral' and only regard to an assumption of the job he might do.

Kennedy was an adulteress. Bush had been a drunk. Trump is a serial cheater. Clinton cheated. We are a nation that often puts up an image for image sake, but dont really follow through in our moral 'admonishments'
unless it is to bash someone else.

My personal view is what happens between a husband and wife, outside of physical violence, is between them and separate from the career either has chosen(unless its pastor or marriage counselor ... lol)

Workin4it's photo
Sat 09/08/18 07:13 AM

Trump and trying to dig up anything bad about him

You don't have to "try" very hard with this man. It's almost a daily occurrence that he opens his mouth and says something stupid. Or that he is in bed with some nasty people. And all kinds of other dirty dealings. But as he said himself, "I only hire the best".

wow you guys are so impressed by shiny things. Very immature and simple minded. It's true trump may say things that make you do a double take, but he does great things to move this country forward. On the other hand , Obama talks like a practiced orator , and says things that make some people think he's a intellect, but he did things to slow the growth of this country and push us back to not so pleasant times. I can live better with the loud mouth than I can with the " pretty talker". Proving once again that you have to have the tools to do the job well . You cannot do the job well if all you have is the impressive talk.

no photo
Sat 09/08/18 08:50 AM
Edited by tombraider on Sat 09/08/18 08:55 AM
Trump is going to expose them and...

It's almost SHOW TIME people ..and all that I have researched is soon to be exposed ...Luciferians.Pedophiles Satanists with their satanic rituals..adrenochrome drinking walnut sauce munching ritual sacrafices it's all about to come out..too much tin foil hat rubber room thinking for you..wait til you all find out it's true..I've been telling some of you to 'DO THE RESEARCH" and travel down the rabbit hole farther than you've ever been.. ALICE..but there were those who thought it was just FAKE news of sorts..well now you will see.. just how SICK these people are...ENJOY THE SHOW...


Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 09/08/18 10:10 AM
Not a day goes by that Trump don't continue his work on draining the swamp of crooked polititians. That's not Himself ! Libral. Agenda will loose out if conservatives get the next election!

no photo
Wed 09/12/18 01:06 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Wed 09/12/18 01:15 AM
Speaking of morality.

Homeland Security Shifted $10 Million From FEMA For Immigrant Crackdown, Senator Says

"The Trump administration reportedly diverted nearly $10 million from the budget for the Federal Emergency Management Administration to Immigration and Customs Enforcement right before hurricane season began this year. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) on Tuesday night released documents purporting to show the Department of Homeland Security’s official request to transfer the funds, which were needed for “higher priority detention and removal requirements” amid President Trump’s ongoing immigration crackdown. The transfer “means that just as hurricane season is starting… the administration is working hard to find funds for child detention camps,” Merkley told MSNBC’s, Rachel Maddow.

According to MSNBC, a DHS spokesperson confirmed the financial transfer but said the money did not come from disaster response and recovery efforts. The news comes after Trump praised his administration’s handling of last year’s hurricane season as an “unsung success,” despite the loss of 2,975 lives in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria."

It's a shame how our government has treated Puerto Rico. They are part of the USA. And they still haven't fully recovered.


Fact check: Did Donald Trump donate nothing to 9/11 charities?

In part,

"The 2015 report from the Smoking Gun claims that the Donald J. Trump Charitable Foundation made almost no donations to 9/11 charities following the attacks, citing documents it obtained from the Internal Revenue Service". (Now we know why his home state doesn't want him.

From here.


How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business


Easttowest72's photo
Wed 09/12/18 02:29 AM
Fema and the red cross have been managing money for years. They need better management not more funds. I agree with Trump that ice needs more funding. Maybe kaep can donate to the hurricane victims. :thinking:

no photo
Wed 09/12/18 01:45 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Wed 09/12/18 01:54 PM
Trump OKs sanctions for foreigners who meddle in elections

" President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday authorizing sanctions against foreigners who meddle in U.S. elections, acting amid criticism that he has not taken election security seriously enough".


If he had taken the threat seriously, he would have done something about it in Jan 2017 instead of waiting until 2 months before the midterms. Instead, he tried to cast doubts that Russia had anything to do with meddling even though he knew they had.

Remember the Russian Sanctions from 2016 that were signed but never implemented? The silent majority remembers.

Trump is only trying to buy votes in the upcoming election. Two years too late.

no photo
Fri 09/14/18 10:49 AM
The walls are slowly starting to crumble down.

Trump ex-campaign head Manafort to cooperate with Russia probe

"(Reuters) - Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort will cooperate with the federal investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, prosecutors said on Friday, a dramatic turnaround that deals the U.S. president a political setback".


Workin4it's photo
Fri 09/14/18 01:49 PM

He is president, rich, beautiful wife and you think he is stupid. :thinking:

Yes, simply because those things are not what makes a man. Beautiful wife? Maybe you should ask Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal about that. That, within and of its self, makes the man stupid. His actions speak volumes about what the man really is.


Any man that can do this to his wife isn't much of a man.


dont forget Charles:

as it pertains to intelligence

stupid: having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense.

just noting it doesn't mention income level, career choice, or spousal attractiveness....

that definatly does not sound like Donald Trump. He beat out about 15 other potential nominees , plus The Great Hillary Clinton. Something that couldn't ever be done. He's put America in the best economic condition in many many years. He leveling the tariffs playing field to be fair to all. He's cut taxes for all, putting more in the pockets of regular folks. More blacks and Mexicans are working than ever before. Everything I just said is indisputable . So if your saying that what he's doing isn't working than isn't that a lack of common sense and therefore stupid?

popularity is not an indication of intelligence

although I am grateful he has not yet done too much damage to the trends the previous administration set in motion after reversing the damage done under Bush Jr.

His own words and actions lead me to believe intelligence is not his strength ... unless you count being able to exploit bigotry and fear ... in which case he is brilliant, but not in an IQ test kind of way.
very hard to out wit, out maneuver and have a monopoly on air time, he knows how to promote himself and sell his message like no one else. That takes the kind of smarts trump has. Who cares about a high I.q. . What was your score? Yea I'm glad Trump hasn't done anything to mess up the "Trends" Obama set. Trump took those "trends" and deregulated the anchors Obama put on our middle class , and the "trends" turned into real growth. And the rest is history, unless the democrats have their way

no photo
Fri 09/14/18 02:17 PM
It's Not Just the President* Who Ought to Be Sweating Today.

In part,

"Before the Paul Manafort's Destiny Party really gets rolling—Vodka and ostrich meat for everyone!—let's pause for a moment and consider Vice President Mike Pence. The Choirboy (pace Doghouse Riley) was going nowhere in the winter of 2016. He had screwed up eight ways from Sunday as governor of Indiana, and it was better than even money that he wouldn't be re-elected. His career had kicked the ye oaken bucket.

From here,


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