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Topic: Why America proves that capitalism does not work
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Sun 02/10/19 10:37 AM

Ism, schism, jism

Blow up the walls

no photo
Sun 02/10/19 10:45 AM
I wouldn't waste my time on the link, but capitalism brought technological advancements that the world might never have seen. It also bought the ability for people to sit down and not do a damn thing if they don't want to. I guess you can say that it brought incredible jealousy, envy and enabled as much greed from the haters of it as it did to those who practice it.

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/10/19 12:04 PM
All systems which have humans, have problems and flaws.

Technology and government are no different.

no photo
Sun 02/10/19 12:23 PM

Sea of Echoes's photo
Sun 02/10/19 01:03 PM

Ism, schism, jism

Blow up the walls

I love Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and feel that we need more politicians like her to get more done. Perhaps we just need more people to get fed up with being told: "that's just how it has always been"...

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/10/19 01:04 PM
My eye is on Beto ORourke at the moment.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sun 02/10/19 03:08 PM

I wouldn't waste my time on the link, but capitalism brought technological advancements that the world might never have seen. It also bought the ability for people to sit down and not do a damn thing if they don't want to. I guess you can say that it brought incredible jealousy, envy and enabled as much greed from the haters of it as it did to those who practice it.

Bollocks and nonsense. Economics arrangements do NOT "bring technological advancements." Nor can they do anything else you list as accomplishments by capitalism.

If one pretends they do, then the thousands of years of accomplishments that preceded and provided the entire technological foundation that your capitalist accomplishments were built on, would be proof that everything BUT capitalism has been VASTLY more productive and inventive than capitalism ever has.

no photo
Sun 02/10/19 03:24 PM
I think if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were to get elected for president and starts raising taxes on business and the movers and shakers that keep our economy alive, they all should just turn off the lights, lock up the doors to their business and go on a little vacation for a couple months and let the people who elected her have time think about it a little more.

Sorry, I have scratched and clawed, took the risks, and put in the long hours 7 days a week to build two business and sold them. I paid one hell of a lot of taxes along the way already. Yes, I comfortably retired early, but I also paid a price with not having any personal life while doing it.

I worked for my $, no one gave it to me. I do not want someone taking it away from me to give to someone else. JMO

Lpdon's photo
Sun 02/10/19 05:11 PM

I wouldn't waste my time on the link, but capitalism brought technological advancements that the world might never have seen. It also bought the ability for people to sit down and not do a damn thing if they don't want to. I guess you can say that it brought incredible jealousy, envy and enabled as much greed from the haters of it as it did to those who practice it.

Actually a lot of the technology today came from what we got from Nazi Germany. They were decades past anything any other country had at the time and it's why we scrambled to bring their Scientists here secretly and illegally. Especially the war criminal Van Braun who basically headed NASA. The Simon Wiesenthal center said if her were still alive he would be prosecuted. We also knew where Eichmann, Mengele and Otto S. were. All were major war criminals. Otto S. and Klaus Barbie known as the Butcher of Lyon worked for the CIA.

But Capitalism works. When President Reagan and Gorbechev flew over Arizona Gorby asked Ronnie wow there so many nice houses and pools, how can this be? Ronnie famously replied Capitalism my friend.

no photo
Sun 02/10/19 05:41 PM
Why America proves that capitalism does not work

is not proven by the youtube video you linked.

At best that video link only proves representative Ocasio-Cortez as a moron.

capitalism brought technological advancements that the world might never have seen

Maybe. But you could just as easily say capitalism has suppressed technological advancements that the world will never see.

I love Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and feel that we need more politicians like her to get more done.

I do too. Mostly because it would be highly entertaining due to schadenfreude and the huge mess it would create.
Every time I see or hear her it makes me laugh.
I think a bunch of politicians just like her would mean a congress like the old SNL celebrity jeopardy skits.

All systems which have humans, have problems and flaws.

Technology and government are no different.

Great. So I don't have to listen to any scientists, or police, or anyone, because what they could be saying could be flawed and problematic, and all laws are simply arbitrary.
I'll try to use that reasoning next time I'm pulled over.
"Sorry officer, your radar gun was built by humans or robots programmed by humans, and everything involving humans has problems and flaws. Therefore I reject that you know I was speeding. Good day sir. Oh, BTW, I'm not paying my income tax. I think the formulas and laws they use are problematic and have flaws since they were written and theorized by humans."

Economics arrangements do NOT "bring technological advancements." Nor can they do anything else you list as accomplishments by capitalism.

If one pretends they do, then the thousands of years of accomplishments that preceded and provided the entire technological foundation that your capitalist accomplishments were built on, would be proof that everything BUT capitalism has been VASTLY more productive and inventive than capitalism ever has.

That's like saying that evolution is false because things changed before Darwin put forth his theory, and evolution is a failure because so many things have changed much more rapidly.

I think if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were to get elected for president...

I think if she were to be elected for president I think it would be hilariously scary if she is seen as representing a large proportion of Americans.

Rock's photo
Mon 02/11/19 01:58 AM
Cortez is an idiot.
Thanks. Didn't need a youtube link
to reaffirm her idiot status.

no photo
Tue 02/12/19 12:56 PM
Alexandria o-CRAZy-o Cortez. I should have gone to the link!!! I would never have bothered to reply. I actually assumed the guy was serious.

no photo
Tue 02/12/19 01:13 PM
It is the freedom that caused it, sorry to short circuit your idyllic slave state mentality.

no photo
Wed 02/13/19 05:10 PM
Perhaps it has something to do with forcing it's so called democracy, capitalism and freedoms on other countries through the use of puppet governments and see through clandestine operations, in it's eternal grasp for oil, or any other commodity it sees as valuable.

Thus neatly making a paradox and oxymoron of all 3, no true democracy, no level playing field capitalism, and freedom? Really? I mean come on

We live in a political world
Love don't have any place
We're living in times
Where men commit crimes
And crime don't have any face

We live in a political world
Wisdom is thrown in jail
It rots in a cell
Is misguided as hell
Leaving no one to pick up the trail

Lyrics from 'Political World' by Bob Dylan

no photo
Thu 02/14/19 02:41 PM
Oh, a switch from o-crazy-o Cortez to Bob Dylan. Deep politics...

no photo
Thu 02/14/19 09:33 PM
Edited by The Wrong Alice on Thu 02/14/19 09:57 PM

T.Roy 's photo
Sat 02/16/19 09:43 PM

Those who don't know history are condemned to repeat it.

Full on Socialism destroys every nation who tries it. It is communism lite, and takes away any incentive for people to excel in life. Only the misinformed and the gullible take it seriously.

But on a different and yet related topic:

If you are confused about what is going on in America, it's really simple. The Democrat Party, with Hillary and Obama leading, have continually perpetrated fraud on America.

THIS is a secret service agent who saw it all from the inside. He explains the plan and it is the foundation of all the LIES coming from the Democrats and their media rat friends. Fake news is the most dangerous threat to America. It's completely in the back pocket of the DNC

no photo
Sat 02/16/19 10:12 PM
Are the Danish Communists?

A secret service agent? Who I figure, would be sworn to secrecy, spilling the beans and he's still walking around? Does he know where the loch ness monster is, and why the ice caps are melting? Is the loch ness monster a communist? Hide under your desks children, the loch ness monster is coming...mmmkay

T.Roy 's photo
Sun 02/17/19 03:49 AM

First of all, Denmark has a unicameral parliamentary system. The Kingdom is a parliamentary democracy, and the voters elect the parliament, which then forms the government.

The Danish are all DANES. It's a monogomous society, a lot less population, and historically a monarchy. They have "social" programs, just like America does (Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, etc) but that's not the same as "socialism" where a small cabal of know-it-alls decide what is best for everyone else and force their idiocy upon you. Just like the weirdo chick in Congress now who wants to get rid of airplanes.

Best take her seriously....she's the new Soros candidate. the real problem with America....your response when presented with the reason why America WAS going down the tubes is to ridicule. When given actual facts, you mock both the messenger and the truth.

Mr Boingino is a FORMER Secret Service agent. He left because Obama was sickening him. But the problem is people who don't want to know, yet go around mocking those are trying to fix it.

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/17/19 07:14 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 02/17/19 07:15 AM

First of all, Denmark has a unicameral parliamentary system. The Kingdom is a parliamentary democracy, and the voters elect the parliament, which then forms the government.

The Danish are all DANES. It's a monogomous society, a lot less population, and historically a monarchy. They have "social" programs, just like America does (Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, etc) but that's not the same as "socialism" where a small cabal of know-it-alls decide what is best for everyone else and force their idiocy upon you. Just like the weirdo chick in Congress now who wants to get rid of airplanes.

Best take her seriously....she's the new Soros candidate. the real problem with America....your response when presented with the reason why America WAS going down the tubes is to ridicule. When given actual facts, you mock both the messenger and the truth.

Mr Boingino is a FORMER Secret Service agent. He left because Obama was sickening him. But the problem is people who don't want to know, yet go around mocking those are trying to fix it.

The real problem is lazy thinking and how easy it is for people who put more stake in lone theories and more credibility into YOUTUBE videos than actual researchable facts.

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