Community > Posts By > morethnthis

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Sat 07/16/16 01:15 PM
Harold and Maude..

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Wed 07/13/16 01:52 PM
My relationship with my wife was quite the opposite of what you describe.We did everything together. We cooked and cleaned,did yard work,went for rides,just sat and talked...She was my favorite person to be with. We hardly ever disagreed,and never argued about anything. We traveled with our dogs all over the country,and we both had fun together every day. When I was clearing ground for my little orchard,she drove the tractor,and helped me pull stumps,and burn the piles. I know I'll never find another like her,and just writing this little note brings me to tears. I lost her to cancer about two years ago,and I'm just doing my best to move onward..

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Tue 07/12/16 02:45 PM
It has been the same for me..I spend the time to try to write something of interest,and get a three word reply...I would talk with you if you would talk back.

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Tue 07/12/16 02:24 PM
I haven't met any from this site,but I have met a couple from Craigslist...One of them I still talk to on occasion,and it turned out we may even be distant relatives..She just broke with a boyfriend,and has too much baggage.. There is another girl who has been texting me,and sending me pictures.She is a very talented person.She might be too young for me,but I have enjoyed talking to her..

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Tue 07/12/16 11:43 AM
if a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half,how long does it take a grasshopper with a wooden leg to kick all of the seeds from a dill pickle..

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Tue 07/12/16 11:41 AM
when confused about causation vs.correlation,remember that beating a drum during an eclipse will always bring back the sun....

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Tue 07/12/16 09:11 AM
I think you are right..I have been called a troll,(whatever that is)because I don't have a picture here. I have found that most of the replies that I have gotten have been shallow,and without much value..I know online dating is popular,but it is a pretty large waste of time.
You wouldn't think it would be that hard to meet people online,and possibly it might just be me,but I'm not going to bet on this site at all for actually meeting someone. You might have a better idea..

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Tue 07/12/16 09:01 AM
I tend to agree with you Jane..most of the replies that I have gotten are short,and pretty meaningless.I have had more credible contacts from Craigslist than I have here.The women that I've met on craigslist haven't worked out either,but at least they call,or give me a number.
The women here seem to be too afraid to actually make contact,and really in my opinion this is a waste of time for the most part..Good luck,and write back if you want..

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Mon 07/11/16 11:01 AM
That is a very good way to put it...You are a wise woman..

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Mon 07/11/16 10:41 AM
Seems to me that what you are describing is not really a marriage,but a permanent dating status.When I was married,my wife and I enjoyed each others company,and we never argued.We laughed,joked around,made decisions,had open discussions,and pretty much did most things together...except shopping..I am not very good at shopping,and she liked to shop,so she did most of that.
I think that it's important that you enjoy each others company,and share common interests,or at least don't have a conflict if there are differences in opinions.
A good relationship to me is not a needy one,or a dependent one,but one with mutual respect,and an understanding of each other.
Giving emotional support when needed,making financial decisions,and laughing at a silly joke,are some things, among others, that make a marriage complete,and doing that from a distance,lacks the personal touch that being together can make complete...

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Mon 07/11/16 05:32 AM
That is a wonderful question,and it reaches across all aspects of society. Speculation,and conjecture seem to be common in our media,instead of simple facts. When news becomes steeped in opinion,it can distort the facts to fit specific agendas.
We have laws,law enforcement,judges,and juries that are supposed to be designed for the common good. All those in these positions should be highly screened,and qualified for their positions.
In my experience,there are many who are in their positions who are not qualified,and there are many who own firearms that are designed for specific purpose,who should not be qualified for ownership.
We are supposed to be a civil society,and we have become a society driven by emotional response,and distorted facts.

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Sun 07/10/16 06:44 PM
I ate a mango the other sure was a mess,but pretty good.I bought it from some guy at the flea market,along with a coconut..I'm waiting for the coconut to dry out a little more,so I can finish it..

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Sun 07/10/16 06:40 PM
what kind of cement crafts do you do?

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Sun 07/10/16 06:32 PM
I guess I smell like popcorn also...eating some now...But I probably smell like a combination of sweat,dirt,dog.and who knows what else..Been working on my project outside today..

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Sun 07/10/16 11:52 AM
My advise,would be...First,make a really nice sandwich,then go outside somewhere,and enjoy your sandwich with a view. Then come back inside,and write something a little absurd,and then just forget about it....

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Sun 07/10/16 11:45 AM
Monty Python did a pretty funny song about that...Its The lumberjack song,and it is on you tube...

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Sat 07/09/16 07:33 PM
I actually thought you could meet someone here,but I haven't,so for the most part it is a waste of time,or more like a chat room,and nothing like the real world. I meet more people when I go to the grocery store,or at the transfer station than I do here. Typing at a keyboard is not a very good picture of who you are,but it seems like a lot of people like that kind of thing...

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Sat 07/09/16 07:01 PM
I went to Montreal a while ago,and went to a restaurant that you had to squeeze into,but they fed us enough to last two days...After that I went up to Old Quebec,and then north to Sanguinay. Sitting on the edge of the river,I had a minsk whale surface right below my feet.I was completely shocked,and it sprayed me,and then went down again.
I was completely caught off guard,and finally realized that I had a camera in my pocket...

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Fri 07/08/16 07:15 PM
My profile name here comes from a song..I like the movie version that Bill Murray sings in Lost in Translation...I sing the same song to my dog Roxy,and she likes my singing,even though I probably sound like a lowing buffalo....

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Fri 07/08/16 02:47 PM
It was something I was surrounded by as a kid.I went to Catholic schools,and was taught by the clergy,and laymen both. I was lucky to have an instructor who taught me to question everything...He was later fired,but had a large influence on me..