Community > Posts By > Jenknee

Jenknee's photo
Wed 10/03/12 11:56 PM
Obama seemed off tonight. He wasn't his typical arrogant self.

Jenknee's photo
Wed 10/03/12 10:37 PM
Romney was, without fail the clear winner tonight.

Jenknee's photo
Sat 09/22/12 01:22 PM
Just another example of Obama's arrogance. I cannot stand the guy.

Jenknee's photo
Wed 09/05/12 12:39 AM
I think this is a better video, the title is

The SuperComputer-The Beast 5:18 minutes long

Jenknee's photo
Tue 09/04/12 11:57 PM
Hello, I'm glad you posted about this. I will keep my first reply fairly short. I don't believe I will get raptured, if it happens, great but I am not going to rely on it. I am adamant not to accept the Mark of the Beast which could come fairly soon. I feel that it is my place to suffer and suffer I will.

There are so many things that point to our generation experiencing the Tribulation but I can why past generations have thought that too.
We have the RFID chip already. We also have various forms of biometric ID and a massive computer called The Beast.

With Obama's healthcare law, we could have biometric ID in more ways than one. With more immigration laws/Amnesty, we could also get a form of biometric ID that way. It is slowly becoming a part of our society and so many will accept it.

In the essence of time I am only posting the info to one video. They refer to this computer as Christos but others know it as The Beast, the massive computer I mentioned earlier. This video explains one theory of 666.

Short video, paste in your regular bar, not youtube's bar

Jenknee's photo
Sat 09/01/12 06:18 PM
I'm sorry for those that feel lonely. I am lonely to a degree. I feel alone in my standards and views of the world. I have some friends but they aren't capable of really being true friends. California is full of shallow, self-centered people who have virtually no concept of being righteous. They're are some good people, of course but generally speaking they are hard to find.

I am so far from perfect but I know sins when I see them, and when I commit them! I strive to be better.

Jenknee's photo
Wed 08/29/12 02:37 AM
Thanks for the info, I will have to watch it. I love Ben Swann.

Jenknee's photo
Tue 08/28/12 11:45 AM

Taliban beheads 17 for attending mixed-sex party
Jerusalem Post ^ | 08/27/2012 12:00 | Jerusalem Post

Posted on Monday, August 27, 2012 3:40:40 PM by Zhang Fei

KANDAHAR, Afghanista - The Taliban beheaded seventeen party-goers, including two women dancers, in Afghanistan's volatile Helmand province as punishment, recalling the darkest days of rule by the ultra-conservative Islamist insurgents before their ouster in 2001.

The bodies were found on Monday in a house near the Musa Qala district where a party was held on Sunday night with music and mixed-sex dancing, said district governor Nimatullah. Men and women do not usually mingle in Afghanistan unless they are related, and parties involving both genders are rare and kept secret.

What on Earth is happening!? This is insane...behead numerous people because they attended a mixed-sex party, MIXED-sex, not a SEX party.

Jenknee's photo
Tue 08/21/12 10:56 PM
I heard of this insane practice before. It's hard to believe in 2012 that this happens but it does. I am so sorry for the girl and how hopeless (among other things) she must have felt to see no way out except suicide. I will never travel to Morocco!

Jenknee's photo
Thu 08/16/12 12:13 PM
How assinine the thread=What type of cereal might the person above you eat? is.

Jenknee's photo
Tue 08/14/12 11:31 PM
I guard my privacy and my Facebook wall is very personal to me. I share it only with a small group and very rarely will add anyone on. If's it's a guy, I better know him well enough and definitely no one new that I may barely be dating, or considering dating, No Way!!!

Jenknee's photo
Sat 08/11/12 01:03 PM
Let's recall the "All this for a damn flag" comment. How about the one where she stated Obama's country as Kenya.You can add those to the others mentioned in this thread. Anyone recall that horrid black and red dress she wore (I believe) to his Inaugural Ball that reminded a lot of us as she's coming straight from Hell. She doesn't need to get paid. Her husband needs to get impeached!!

Instructor reads Michele's lips in this video.

Even while on vacation Obama managed to do more damage and sign the NDAA. His Executive Order without Congress approval, because he can!
That one states US citizens can be indefinitely detained without any trial, thanks to Obama's administration!

Needless to say, I don't like either one of the Socialist couple.

Jenknee's photo
Fri 08/10/12 01:19 AM
A Morning Prayer

Dear Lord, so far today I've done alright, I haven't gossiped, I haven't lost my temper, haven't been greedy, grumpy,nasty,selfish nor over-indulgent.And I'm very thankful for you for that. a few minutes,Lord,I'm probably going to need a lot more of your help because I'm going to get out of bed!!!!!

Jenknee's photo
Tue 08/07/12 09:48 PM
I'm glad you enjoyed it Ladywind :)

Jenknee's photo
Tue 08/07/12 12:33 AM
It's more of a story than poetry but thought I would share it anyway.

The Cross Room

The young man was at the end of his rope. Seeing no way out,he dropped to his knees in prayer. "Lord,I can't go on" he said. "I have too heavy a cross to bear" The Lord replied, "My son,if you can't bear it's weight, just place your cross inside this room. Then, open that other door, and pick out any cross you wish," The man was filled with relief, "Thank- you Lord," he sighed, and he did as he was told.

Upon entering the other door, he saw many crosses, some so large the tops were not visible. Then he spotted a tiny cross leaning against a far wall. "I'd like that one, Lord" he whispered, And the Lord replied, "My son, that is the cross you just brought in."

Author unknown

Jenknee's photo
Tue 08/07/12 12:10 AM
My username on another site is Jennywillwin, no one gets it. I don't win in this life but hopefully at the end of it, I will win and eventually get to Heaven.

Jenknee's photo
Mon 08/06/12 11:23 PM
It is incredibly rude and I would not be able to hide my disgust. No texts, no calls, forget the device completely.

Jenknee's photo
Mon 08/06/12 11:18 PM
Cronows, you're only 21, hang in there, you'll find someone. It is when you're in your 40's when it starts getting nearly impossible!

Join a group, or several, people with the same interests. Meetup dot com is a great site to look at for groups.

Jenknee's photo
Sat 08/04/12 07:54 PM
With Obama bypassing Congress with all his Executive Orders it means they (Congress) has more time on their hands!

Jenknee's photo
Fri 07/20/12 09:56 PM

I agree. That is an excuse by a man or a ridiculous statement from a woman.
The other night on a very busy 2-lane road, my van went dead. I pushed it myself for 20 yards or so before someone asked me if I needed help. How many "men" saw me pushing my heavy van, risking being physically hit by vehicles coming up behind me? Btw, there was no spot to pull over and it was too dangerous to sit there so we got it to a safe spot around the corner.
I am very thankful to those who helped and told the guys I would pay it forward but at the same time, it is disappointing to know so many who don't give a rat's behind.

stopping to help ain't what it used to be
an old trick to rob good samaritans was to get a female to pretend she needed help (easy to loosen a battery terminal). if a group stopped to help, the cable was "fixed". if the right victim stopped, than a couple of punks who were hiding would come up and rob the good samaritan
safer to stay in your vehicle and call roadside assistance, or the local police (non emergency) from your cellular telephone

I don't have roadside assistance and refuse to pay extra for it.I usually fix things myself or with a little help. My cellphone battery was almost dead and I would never call the police, they would have given me a very expensive ticket. I recently heard it costs 300 bucks to call 911 in Murrieta by the way. Your ability to be so negative about "punks" is something I refuse to be and I'm from Detroit! Be safe but don't be paranoid, just sayin'.

And referring to the other poster, yes, it is a sad world.

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