Community > Posts By > Adamal29

Adamal29's photo
Fri 02/27/09 09:25 PM

Abra, it's because in some religions when you question the "writings of God, you are questioning God himself" and that won't be tolerated.
People get defensive when you call attention to things that can't be explained about their God. You should expect people to get upset when you start to rattle their faith. flowerforyou

agreed totally. Anybody who is religious, regardless of what they believe in, is going to get a little bit peeved when someone (not necessarily questions) but says there doctrines or what have you is based on ignorant claims. If I remember right, aren't you jill a wiccan or something? If you are (since I am a christian) I would never explain (nor could I) why your practices are false. I just am what I am, and I don't really worry about it. I would, for the sake of argument (if I was a good arguer) ask some questions, about the wiccan religion, but I would never bash it. By the way, I apologize if I got that all wrong on what you believe in. I may be thinking of someone else.

Adamal29's photo
Fri 02/27/09 09:10 PM

I believe that everything is to the fairies, the everything...and they to me :smile:.
*Belief - Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something.*

I have faith that one day more will see things that way.
*Faith - Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.*
this is the best answer

Adamal29's photo
Fri 02/27/09 09:09 PM

I'm a Christian and I have no problems with gay people, I don't hate my neighbors, and I love science.

Same here man. Abracadabra watches to much tv evangalism. (just kidding) If I heard a preacher or anyone for that matter spouting that hatred nonsense, I would totally turn the other direction.

Adamal29's photo
Fri 02/27/09 09:03 PM
For my first real girlfriend I used to get phone numbers of girls at bars, and then just "accidentally" leave them where she could find them. Still do this day feel like an ass about it. There was just something addicting to making her feel jealous. I think I was just trying to get the point across that if you don't start treating me better, I have other options. I guess I didn't answer this correctly since she wasn't my ex at the time, but it was still a vengeful act.

Adamal29's photo
Fri 02/27/09 08:57 PM


A woman adopts an unwanted child and raises him the best way she can. He is grateful to her and says that if it had not been for her he would have ended up in jail where all his brothers ended up. His father is a certain undesirable personality that can't be relied upon for much. You would think that this young man would turn out better, but at a certain age, suddenly he turns into his father. A total jerk.
Where did the grateful young man go? What happened? It has to be in the genes.


Three or more generation of abusive fathers... is this learned or inherited. Turns out it has to do with a chemical in the brain that causes short tempers and anger. You can fix it with Prozac which will change a bad guy to a good guy.

But then who are we really? Are we our programing? Are we our genes? And worse yet, are we the drugs we take, the chemicals our brain releases?

Are we merely biological machines at the mercy of our DNA programing and genes? Where is our true free will? How much control do we really have?

(And why are me and James so perfect? bigsmile )

After taking some philosophy courses, this subject was brought up quite a bit. I will admit, that there is a valid argument that we are at the mercy of our genes. But who wants to think that? I mean if I truly believed that, I may as well off myself. That would mean noone has any power over there actions, there is no free will etc. Then what would the point of living be. If every action I do or take, is allready preprogramed in me, I am no longer a unique being, nor is anybody. That would suck.

:tongue: good question:tongue:

Adamal29's photo
Fri 02/27/09 08:47 PM
Hey, where did that thread go? I was going to post something on it...grrrrr

Adamal29's photo
Fri 02/27/09 08:46 PM

Why is it that when you ask a question that people have no answer for they claim that you're 'bashing' their religion?

Shouldn't they be required to either give an answer or acknowledge that it can't be explained? huh

You may be reffering to me on this one. Yes on the latter, I will acknowledge, alot of things can't be explained.

Adamal29's photo
Fri 02/27/09 08:12 PM

With these type of posts, I am learning more and more to quit with the "charm." In other words, you can't be yourself even if you are a genuine charmer. Kinda sucks really.

oh that's it.. let the jerks win.

It shows a lot more courage and strength to stay strong in good qualities even though many jerks have messed it up along the way than just being real to begin with.

yea I understand, but why be at the losing end of it all, when the girls themselves say they don't like a charming guy? What doesn't work doesn't work. There may be one or two out there somewhere that like to be "charmed," but most that say they do, start do doubt your interest, and think your trying to prove yourself. That was what my last girlfriend said to me " it seems like your always trying to prove yourself" Of course, I was just being me, and hadn't a clue what she was talking about. But I gotta learn something from these mistakes. Never again will I suggest a "fancy" restaurant. Just a mediocre one. Never again will I tell someone how much they mean to me, and how much I care for them and all that unless asked.

What women want is honesty and respect. Be polite. Don't poor on the charm to make an impression one day and be a jerk after she gets to know you better.

If you are a naturally charming guy all the time, that is wonderful, as long as that is your true natural self.

It works both ways. Women play the game of charm too impress a guy too. Then one day he wakes up with a b*tchy nag or a complaining whiner.

Just be yourself and hope someone can put up with you. LOL

laugh laugh laugh
laugh that is the answer and the problem all mixed into one. Maybe people should just lay it on the line when they first meet. Say "listen, in order to deal with me, your going to have to except compliments, and be willing to be treated like a princess. If you don't like that, you won't like me." Then see what she says.. Just a thought. An insane self destructive thought, but one nevertheless.

Adamal29's photo
Fri 02/27/09 07:50 PM
The so called experts in the game of dating and seduction claim it is all a numbers game. The more you get rejected, the closer you are to finding one that won't. It is kind of a calming stance to take on the whole dating game really.If you can apply this thought process, (I struggle with it a bit)it makes sense. That way, you never become so frustrated.

Adamal29's photo
Fri 02/27/09 07:44 PM

around themselves....... kindof waiting for a bulldozer... or a REAL strong set of

I am building a huge one right now. It is going to take some major equipment to tear this sucker down. Like a nice pair of breasts, and a slight amount of interest.

Adamal29's photo
Fri 02/27/09 07:40 PM

Here is my story...A little over a month ago I went out with a girl (new years eve) and had dinner, drinks, etc. I was out with her a few times before that, but this was more like our first date. Since new years we have spent almost every day together, done everything from dinners, movies, shopping, hanging out with parents, bars, sitting at home watching movies or tv together, etc, etc. She said in the beginning she was not in a hurry to be in a relationship which I could understand because she just got out of one with an asshole...
I respected that, and never suggested that we get serious, she stayed at my house a few nights but nothing happened, and I never pursued more than a hug at the end of the night.
about a week ago I couldnt hold in in anymore and told her how i felt, not using the "L" word, but hinting that it might be going there. She got mad at me for some reason and will not talk to me since?
What did I do wrong? We went from being together everyday, doing everything together, having in-depth conversations that only bf/gf's would have, to not talking at all because I wanted to have a relationship?
I am confused! any thoughts???

Man I wish I could have a few beers with you. (no I am not gay) This is scary how similar this story is to a couple of my own...But yea, do your best to forget about her, and maybe one day way down the road out of the blue, she may call. But by then, maybe you will find someone better.

Adamal29's photo
Fri 02/27/09 07:28 PM

and bigger gets the pool of angry bitter single people

indeed....that that did sound a bit bitter didn't it? laugh

Adamal29's photo
Fri 02/27/09 07:26 PM

:smile: Do you have an ex boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife that you feel that you will never be able to truly get over?:smile:

Yes absolutely. But I am not going to cry over it anymore. Every time she pops in my head now I just say " that stupid #####" (whatever word that comes to mind) I think eventually (at least I am hoping) I will start believing myself.

Adamal29's photo
Fri 02/27/09 07:18 PM

With these type of posts, I am learning more and more to quit with the "charm." In other words, you can't be yourself even if you are a genuine charmer. Kinda sucks really.

oh that's it.. let the jerks win.

It shows a lot more courage and strength to stay strong in good qualities even though many jerks have messed it up along the way than just being real to begin with.

yea I understand, but why be at the losing end of it all, when the girls themselves say they don't like a charming guy? What doesn't work doesn't work. There may be one or two out there somewhere that like to be "charmed," but most that say they do, start do doubt your interest, and think your trying to prove yourself. That was what my last girlfriend said to me " it seems like your always trying to prove yourself" Of course, I was just being me, and hadn't a clue what she was talking about. But I gotta learn something from these mistakes. Never again will I suggest a "fancy" restaurant. Just a mediocre one. Never again will I tell someone how much they mean to me, and how much I care for them and all that unless asked.

Adamal29's photo
Fri 02/27/09 07:05 PM
With these type of posts, I am learning more and more to quit with the "charm." In other words, you can't be yourself even if you are a genuine charmer. Kinda sucks really.

Adamal29's photo
Fri 02/27/09 07:02 PM

Why is it that when I "nudge" a guy, he doesn't even reply? I even emailed a guy here on Mingle who said he'd reply if a woman did more than just nudge. He hasn't even been true to his word. Why is this?

there are a quite a few people that nudged me, and I didn't nudge back and vice versa. Not everybody is interested. What gets me is when they nudge me, I nudge back, I get there email address, write to them, and then they never reply. Or we are a mutual match, and they don't reply even to the first email (happens to me all the time.)

Adamal29's photo
Thu 02/26/09 12:00 AM
Start picking out all the flaws of the other person. Tell yourself how crazy they must be to not want you. Tell yourself that it is totally their loss. Then keep repeating this in your mind for a good week or so. It is finally starting to work for me anyway. Maybe it would help you. ?

Adamal29's photo
Tue 02/24/09 10:36 PM

damn... I just turned 31. my vote no longer counts :cry:

not saying I wouldn't date a 30 some year old (hell I am almost there) but it would be reassuring to have some young babe say she just looooves a little gray.
I'm an old babe. I'll go back to my corner now ohwell It's OK. I like my corner... it has a rocking chair in it.
you a fine hard feelings at all drinker

Adamal29's photo
Tue 02/24/09 10:23 PM

damn... I just turned 31. my vote no longer counts :cry:

not saying I wouldn't date a 30 some year old (hell I am almost there) but it would be reassuring to have some young babe say she just looooves a little gray.

Adamal29's photo
Tue 02/24/09 10:18 PM

or you could go to a salon and do a color wash, which wont entirely get rid of your gray hair but it will blend it in. it will look natural and it's not like you will be coloring your whole head so not crazy out growth! :wink:

color wash huh? never heard of it.

I wanna see a girl on here under the age of 30 say gray hair is sexy, then I will decide to let it go. :tongue:

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