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Valeris's photo
Fri 10/30/15 05:50 PM

R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Honesty, Humor, Commonality & Shared Interests.

Valeris's photo
Fri 10/30/15 05:30 PM


Valeris's photo
Mon 10/26/15 08:47 PM

Just can't wait to meet my missing Ribs what I'm gonna do to her romantically..

Now-THAT is funny!!!:laughing:
Best check out who the First Woman Really Was!!!
Google "Lilith"
*Adam's first wife was not Eve but a woman named Lilith, who was created in the first Genesis account. Only when Lilith rebelled and abandoned Adam did God create Eve, in the second account, as a replacement.

Valeris's photo
Mon 10/26/15 07:34 PM
Edited by Valeris on Mon 10/26/15 07:34 PM

Ohh sister lend a brother a buck..would


Valeris's photo
Mon 10/26/15 07:04 PM

I don't understand why women are happy (at least initially) to date liars, cheats, thieves, rapists, murderers, and worse, but not short men.

Could someone Please explain.

For whatever reason in your own mind that you would write such nonsense;
you have the right to your own opinions but not the right to present your opinion as fact. Everything that you've stated is unsubstantiated by fact & totally subjectively biased.
Since you've shared your personal experience; here's some of my own.
Barefoot-I'm 5'10"[ specifically mentioned in my profile]; wearing foot gear with any type of platform or heel usually increases my height to well over 6'.
I don't judge people on the physical at all-that's just Dumb.
In my early 20's, I'd actually dated a petite, cute, little midget-man;} This miniature person was just a terrific individual, quite good looking , & best of all- was as wild & crazy as I was;} WTH, I'd always adored the Munchkins of OZ & I liked him, he liked me; so why not?
However, people's reactions when seeing the both of us as a couple were intrusive, rude, & in many instances quite intentionally mean & hurtful. The intrusion of impolite overt stares, whispers, & laughter that accompanied our every outing/date soon began to make me & him- feel more like a circus freak show event than out for a good time. The relationship became strained, it wasn't fair to either one of us so we parted paths.
After that experience, I became somewhat "height phobic" & experienced an anxious self-consciousness anytime I went out with anyone considerably shorter than myself. It's for this reason that I Specify My Own Height so as to try to avoid such awkward encounters. Unfortunately fellows with a physical height of 5'6"/5'7" still do try to hit on me with the "Let's get to know each other better" routine. A personal response that states- my own lack of interest in pursuing anything further between us, comparing my height to their height & "wishing them, well in their future search, ect" seems to be ineffective?!?
One of the responses that I received back actually stated that "my potential suitor[not!]" felt, "FINE & OK & Not Bothered/Concerned At All By The Height Differential, ect.!" This individual never even bothered to ask me, about "my own feelings" on the subject although my own reaction should have been obvious in terms of my initial response of [polite] rejection. *shakes head*what It brings to mind Paul Newman's timeless quote from the movie, Cool Hand Luke, "What we got here is a failure to communicate..."

Valeris's photo
Sat 10/24/15 06:40 PM

Yeah, but the problem is .....they are only pretending they are genuine and sincere persons, at the end of the trail,they will ask for financial assitance! I am waiting and hoping I will find even one here...

Oh... Asking me-for financial assistance?!?laughThat would be such a horrific mistake for any potential suitor to make. "Woe Be Him!"surprised

Valeris's photo
Sat 10/24/15 06:21 PM
That's a really odd word to use in terms of The Art of Seduction...
As to any personal details, techniques, & descriptions of
"What or How" I would employ towards that end-? :laughing:
On a "Need-To-Know" basis only; only my lover has the proper
security clearance for that kind of information;}:tongue:

Valeris's photo
Tue 10/20/15 05:59 PM
Edited by Valeris on Tue 10/20/15 06:01 PM

You are so selfish.... you never make time for has being alone on your own all these years made you into a selfish person.. you have become so used to doing what you want when you want to.. that now when you get into a relationship.. you have forgotten how to share your time.. do you think you are selfish..
.. when it comes to making time for your new partner

ALONE & SELFISH? Hmmmmmm....? No, I wouldn't define my life choices with the type of words that carry such a negative semantic.
I prefer to describe my life as being in a long term relationship with creativity & freedom.

Valeris's photo
Tue 10/20/15 05:42 PM

What makes someone attracted to you?

The personal & unique qualities that should determine the reason WHY someone would be attracted to me[or to anyone else] seem to be irreverent on Dating/Social Sites. In such venues; "The Cover Of The Book" is of- much greater importance then The Content. I don't respond well to those who either present themselves as "Covers"[including nothing of themselves, their interests, or personal experiences] in their own profiles or those who address me in the same manner.Although my profile contains a plethora of personal information, humor, & interests; the vast majority of the notes of interest that I have received feature only [ONE]element of interest or attraction. "Looks[sic]" that's it.
Generally these notes of attraction are prefaced with the greeting[s]like:"Hi Cutie[Doll, Sweetie, Gorgeous, Sexy, ect]; "love your smile, legs,& interesting profile[?];so how're you doing today?"

Valeris's photo
Tue 10/20/15 05:07 PM
Edited by Valeris on Tue 10/20/15 05:08 PM

What are some of your's that you have zero tolerance for?

Well in a relationship; it would have to be "Insecurity".
Everyone has an personal suitcase of assorted insecurities accrued over time & his/her personal experiences. That's not what I'm referring to; I'm really addressing a serious lack of self esteem.
Insecurity[a lack of self worth]is able to make any relationship into a sordid endurance test that in time, becomes overgrown with the fungi of familiarity, control, lack of respect, & contempt.

Valeris's photo
Thu 10/15/15 02:19 AM
Edited by Valeris on Thu 10/15/15 02:20 AM

Why is it you send messages out to guys and they simply don't answer - come on guys if your not interest then say so, if you are then do something about it, a smile would help, life is short enough, but lets enjoy it while were here.

I'm only looking for one guy, not much to ask for, there is hundreds of you out there, lets chat and get to know each othersmooched :flowerforyou laugh

I guess you can only stalk 'em & hope for the best. "No Response"= Is A Response. It means = Not Interested. Simple. Next...! :banana:
I'm certain that this "No Response" response evolved as the result that any courteous acknowledgement of someone's interest which additionally contained, a polite rejection due to one's own disinterest in pursuing any further dialogue with the smitten individual became very unpleasant business. In a vast majority of instances the rejected admirer's [constant & frequent] return response[s] to "Politeness" would be ridden with mounting hostility, an irrational, abusive sort of entitlement,& in certain cases-just downright threatening. Above my pay-grade & not my job. Sorry. Filed in the "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" folder & forgotten.spock

Valeris's photo
Wed 10/14/15 02:37 AM

So too much reminiscing is not good for some. Some parents are different and want the celebration of their child's life. Some just want to suffer silently and just go on. So, if you do find yourself in the company of your friend again, just be a good listener and a shoulder to cry on. This presents a whole new set of challenges for your friendship but give some space and don't give up.

I have read about the reaction that you've written of & I think Carole is more of this type so I'm letting her "have space" but when I did send her, the link to the site, she texted me back that she LOVED it! Yes! Really, I do get much insight from what folks share & make no mistake-It Helps! Thank You:heart:

Valeris's photo
Wed 10/14/15 02:18 AM

So then, just sum yourself up in a word or two maybe. Bum; cheapskate; big spender; or what?

Filed under the "Pay To Play" games of chance...laugh

Valeris's photo
Wed 10/14/15 02:09 AM
Edited by Valeris on Wed 10/14/15 02:10 AM

8 years?????
woman if that ring ain't on your finger by now
it's not gonna be noway

WORD! 8 years? Sorry Op but your relationship is well past its expiration date in terms of any hoped for marriage proposals...

Valeris's photo
Wed 10/14/15 02:01 AM

Maybe the rest of you minglers can explain something to me.

I'm trying to understand how a person falls in love over the internet before they meet each other? I'll go so far as to say that I've been attracted to a woman that I met on the internet. But for me, that's as far as it goes. And in a lot of cases that first initial attraction goes away as soon as we meet.

So, With knowing that I'm a bit leery to go that far to meet someone. Much less another state or country. I'll go 50 miles. And usually that's about it. Depending on the circumstances I might stretch it to 75, maybe a 100. And that would only be if I saw something really special in the lady. But still, for me, I just don't understand how people do it. How do they fall in love before they meet? How do you know that person, man or woman are who they portray themselves to be before you travel 5000 miles to meet them?

You're 100% Correct.Not possible.The best possible outcome that can be realized in cyberspace encounter is that there maybe enough exchanged information to give one -reason to believe in the "Potential" of a real love relationship with another individual. Without "Real Time" spent together in each other's company; "Real Love" cannot be determined.

Valeris's photo
Mon 10/12/15 12:03 AM
Edited by Valeris on Mon 10/12/15 12:15 AM

THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL THE KIND, SUPPORTIVE, & THOUGHTFUL COMMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN ADDED ONTO THIS POST. Warmest prayers & condolences to all of those who have suffered such a grievous loss in your own lives. I've been doing a lot of reading-up on the feelings & the kind of grief that accompanies this kind of "Major Loss" in order to best help & be supportive of my dearest friend. Although I leave her messages & emails every other day;she has not responded back now for days. Everyone expresses their pain in vary different ways & I've read that Carole's lack of response is not uncommon among those experiencing such a shocking & tragic ordeal. I still hurt inside for the fact that the grief over a loss of this magnitude lasts for a lifetime...
No one deserves such a horrific experience, Most Especially- Not Someone -that you love as a sister... tears

Here's a picture I took of young, beautiful Ms. Erin. Another task that I wanted to create for Carole & Erin is an online Memorial Tribute site. Family & friends can share their stories, memories, & thoughts about Erin. Hopefully, maybe one day when Carole feels better; there's a place for her to keep a private journal for her own story. If anyone has a moment to take a peek at the site; I'll include the links:
~ERIN REED~ Tribute on
Link:[Copy & Paste]
The site might look a bit "Clumsy" even though I did my bestohwell
I've never tackled a project like this & I'm praying that that I 'll not have to repeat the task again for quite a long time.:cry:

Again, Gratitude & Big Hugs for everyone's sharing; it's very much appreciated!flowerforyou

Valeris's photo
Wed 10/07/15 07:12 PM

Well, that's maybe a bit unfair because all I know about you is what you say about yourselves from your boring posts on the internet.

So, tell me really? What is it that makes you such a great person that I would want to date you?

Once you go"Black"; you'll go Back!Muahhahaha!glasses

Valeris's photo
Wed 10/07/15 06:54 PM
Edited by Valeris on Wed 10/07/15 06:54 PM

How do you feel about it? Are you a bit squeemish or have other reservations? Do you have a problem with it because you would only be a consort?

It's supposed to be a Celtic tradition that predates Christianity. I find it quite interesting. Well, I am Scottish. It's when you marry a witch. It's not legal though. A fun thing to do maybe. Jim Morrison did it.

Unlike with a Christian marriage the vow is to promise that death cannot part you and only lack of love can. You are eternally bound in some way. It seems like more of a commitment than a Christian style marriage where you can just get divorced and marry someone else while you're still alive.

Life experience has taught me to keep my Spiritual beliefs "under the radar" but I am & have been a practicing Pagan for many years. My last marriage was celebrated in the Neopagan tradition with an enactment of The Handfasting Ritual. Without writing a book on the topic, I'll post, a couple of asides that might be of some general interest. In the Handfasting Ritual/Ceremony-the bride is not & can never be "Given Away" by any mortal representative[i.e.Father, Brother, mother, ect]. The first question that is usually asked to the bride by The High Priestess[the usual officiator of this Ritual], "Do you [name] come here today to join with[name]of your own free will?" The vows that are exchanged & bind the couple in a Handfasting Ceremony, traditionally only apply to a time frame of one calendar year. After such time has elapsed; the couple, then has the option either to renew their sacred vows to stay together or separate without recrimination.
I have read that the "time element of a year" evolved in historical context to the time when a wife was considered to be "The personal property[chattel]" of her husband. In such times, horrific, frequent, & deadly instances of domestic abuse flourished without any social political & legal remedies available to the victim for her own self- protection. "The Goddess" is a Major Deity of Primary Importance in many of the different Sects that are defined as "Pagan". Paganism & Christianity regard The Feminine & Women in too many contrary ways to even include in an informal post. The "Time Frame of A Year" evolved as protection for a woman who found herself with an abusive partner that legitimized her escape from the union.
*If anyone is a fan of The Vikings TV Series; in Season 2 Episode 7, the writers have done a wonderful job of contrasting the Pagan Handfasting Ceremony with the traditional Christian Wedding Ceremony.
+note[The Viking/Season 2 Episode 7] ; the High Priestess's use of a sword to "Pass The Protection Of The Father Over To The Husband" is not correct. While the use of the sword is a common practice in The Handfasting Ritual; the spoken dialog & reasons implied by the content of that dialog are not accurate.

Valeris's photo
Wed 10/07/15 05:22 PM
Many thanks for your kind responses & condolences.flowerforyou They say that "Time Heals". I'm not certain that all "Things" are able to be Healed by means of time or anything else. Like trying to repair a glass that breaks & splinters into a zillion irregular splinters & pieces...As being "A Fix-It" type of personality; this is a situation that is just- UnFixAble, Uncontrollable, & Inexplicable. Anyways, although I am trying to be there for Carole; I just feel that my efforts are so small, petty, & absurdly insignificant because I can't even hope to fix a situation that there is no fix-for.My own ego ******** there. *sighs*

Valeris's photo
Tue 10/06/15 11:57 PM
I'm pretty upset & it's not "business as usual..."
A very close & dear friend of mine[Carole] lost her 26 yr. old daughter[Erin]last Saturday in a car accident. They were so close, Erin was an amazing young woman, such a waste...This should never have happened!
Just feeling very sad & angry & doing alot of crying because of the tragedy just breaks my heart.

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