Community > Posts By > Valeris

Valeris's photo
Wed 04/29/15 03:43 PM
So Sorry to report that my "EX" is an untrustworthy bottom-feeder, thereby any & all contact or connection with such an individual is unwelcome & something to be avoided if at all possible;}:tongue:

Valeris's photo
Tue 04/21/15 12:20 AM
Edited by Valeris on Tue 04/21/15 12:42 AM
Of course I'm biased on the positive in reference to this site [Mingle] due to my own personal experience.But, even before my soul mate & I stumbled into each other; I liked this site for the low-pressure atmosphere,laid-back attitude of: non-interference, & personal freedom to search anywhere for persons of interest. Other dating sites that I'd been on[paid & free], seemed to push-me into "matches" that I knew were going to end badly & based on the location of the individual rather than mutual interests & emotional compatibility. I'd get messages upon logging-into these sites such as " You & "_____________ "so & so/member's screen name"]-both enjoy *Breathing*-or *Walking* or some other inane nonsense &/or generic activity... "So why not, drop [him]-A note & Introduce Yourself?!"
So, why not?! maybe because I got "clammy/nauseous" just looking at "My Perfect Match" much less, wondering what on gawd's earth I could speak about to someone who, professionally butchered cows for his life's work!!!
In trying to do my own searches; there were obvious restrictions on the location of search parameters which were apparent besides scores of other restrictions that became apparent on further search results & feed-back from the staff of that particular site[s]. There were the profiles that you were allowed exposure to but there were many other profiles that for you-were "invisible"! LOL! Trust that I noticed plenty [esp. those sites[who will remain-unnamed] but who promise-a complete "Refund" if you purchase their 6 month "special" package & still have not found anyone...*lmao*!
Here-on Mingle? I liked it-no idiot[s] bugging me to DATE-DATE-DATE for the sake of desperation. I'm comfortable in being single; but of course it would be super-fine to find someone special[well, special to me that is] without feeling victimized in being matched by "algorithms" that have nothing to do with who I am as an individual & what are, the really important qualities & interests in the individual that I would feel-in tuned with.

Valeris's photo
Mon 04/20/15 11:29 PM
Edited by Valeris on Mon 04/20/15 11:31 PM

"Even sweet heart went off topic: ‘India being the Rape Capital of the World’; but in a way ok, let me explain.

The reality here is over population, congestion and the 10% of the people who get away harassing women. I’m not even going to try and defend that but you can imagine how worried people and parents are for their daughters and so on.

It’s not about respect for women in society because we had elected a lady prime minister who later was instrumental to the liberation of Bangladesh."
Apparently Sir, the other [Very Disturbing] reality is that India suffers from is a shockingly high Female Infanticide Ratenoway :
"In India the constraint is mostly economic. ��Daughters will require a sizable financial dowry in order to marry. Because daughters leave their families of origin, they are often regarded as temporary members of their families and a drain on its wealth. There is an expression in India that “bringing up a daughter is like watering a neighbor’s plant” (Anderson & Moore, 1993)."
Rather than worry about whether American women like curry or the population ratio of women to men in the USA; perhaps India's efforts/concerns should be on keeping Indian female infants alive & well so in your Country, there would not be a shortage of available women for the male population of India?huh

Valeris's photo
Mon 04/20/15 11:13 PM
Fill in your blanks�:" [It doesn't mean]:

1) That someone should nail-up-the coffin just yet.
2) That, "The Best" of life is behind me & in the past.
When I eat, I always save the tastiest & favorite food for "last" & it is my hope that I've done this in life as well;}

Valeris's photo
Mon 04/20/15 11:00 PM

Ladies. I agree. There are some really great guys around who R interested in our age group. I am so very proud of my age and don't really give much though to it. My posted picture is 5 weeks old. I have no problem with the slightest notion that younger women are more attractive than me. I believe that I AM INDEED AS GOOD AS IT GETS. NOW... Don't blast me,,, these are just my feelings


Props to you & the other women, who look & sound, GREAT-after 50! You send, A Beautiful & Powerful Message in being yourselves!

Valeris's photo
Mon 04/20/15 10:43 PM

I'm an older gent of 62 and I am always interested in women my age or older

I Like This, you're a Smart Manshades
Sweet, young, thangs may boost the ego but nothing surpasses the feeling of being with someone who "gets-it" when making a dated reference to people, places, or things from the archives of The WayBack Machine;}biggrin

Valeris's photo
Tue 04/14/15 02:24 AM

"Love is Friendship set on Fire."

Valeris's photo
Tue 04/14/15 02:16 AM
Edited by Valeris on Tue 04/14/15 02:17 AM
Once upon a time, there was a fellow who met the woman of his dreams. So great was his love for the woman that he'd offered her, "The World" !!!
She just smiled, looked into his eyes & replied, "No thank you Darling; I've already got- one of my own..."
*Single* is confidence, intelligence, & self awareness
to create your own world; plant your own garden.

Valeris's photo
Tue 04/14/15 01:45 AM
My EX?

I'm Not-That Desperate.
And, He's Not That Lucky!

Valeris's photo
Tue 04/14/15 01:35 AM

Oh, I have long legs[34" inseam] kind of long so I'd have to opt for The "BOOPS"! :laughing:

Plucking hell.......

It's like a train wreck ... you can't look away.shocked
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I think her Boobs are Great; after all many fellows are-"open shirt & gold chain" *Proud* of a massive abundance of HAIR covering their chests. It's a sign of alfa-male, animal-strength & virility. So what's wrong with the little lady-"Rockin The Look" in a unique way? :banana:

Valeris's photo
Tue 04/14/15 01:24 AM

This thread could also be entitled, "The People of Walmart"...laugh

Really Scary Stuff; I'm calling The Fashion Police!surprised

Valeris's photo
Mon 04/06/15 11:46 PM


Valeris's photo
Mon 04/06/15 11:28 PM

normally it's the guys who ask girls for a date

Quite true, but where are "The Prizes & Medals" that are being given out in being: *Normal*?laugh
Might as well, "Go For it"!; nothing ventured/nothing gained;}

Valeris's photo
Mon 04/06/15 11:22 PM
My initial intent on this site was to make an effort to have no intention or expectations. Really, just hang-out, chill in the forum section when time permitted & maybe make a friend or two on the site...I had really given-up on ever finding someone with whom I could feel any kind of hope or even, "desire" in co-creating any manner of significant relationship.
And that was OK.
"Man/woman plans & the Gods, laugh...
Oddly enough & for whatever reason[s] or tricks of fate/destiny;
someone special was placed on my path who has been able to
make my heart, smile. Though the future is never certain or
predictable;today, I feel very fortunate & grateful.
That's all & that's OK.

Valeris's photo
Mon 04/06/15 10:29 PM
Edited by Valeris on Mon 04/06/15 10:32 PM

Normally its the guys who ask girls on a date.. but I wanna know, as a lady, can you make the first move?
As for me, I can't! cos if I do, and he rejects me, I'm not sure I'll be normal again :D

Sure it is & why not?;} Here's an ice-breaker invite that can't be ignored;}

Valeris's photo
Mon 04/06/15 10:00 PM
Edited by Valeris on Mon 04/06/15 10:24 PM
An ex is a ex for a reason,
it should be left in the past.

Valeris's photo
Mon 04/06/15 09:55 PM

Valeris's photo
Mon 04/06/15 09:49 PM



Valeris's photo
Thu 04/02/15 09:43 PM
Edited by Valeris on Thu 04/02/15 09:43 PM

Valeris's photo
Thu 04/02/15 09:43 PM


When you don't have to ask.....

ps; Here's a clue; you're notthink