Community > Posts By > Valeris

Valeris's photo
Mon 07/06/15 04:56 PM

As far as Destiny or is there some greater plan as to why things occur?
I think so but if such an order exists; the human brain, presently, does not have the capacity to understand the concept.

Valeris's photo
Mon 07/06/15 04:32 PM
If all you want to do is talk, don't post a picture at all. Write it in your profile or header that you are not seeking anyone. You're only here for, well, like these forums. If you are looking for your soulmate, you need a picture of yourself.

If Mingle 2 were JUST a DATING SITE & openly opposed to any other social function[ i.e. friendships, ect] besides DATING, than I could see the rational of this new policy. The other concern is that "This New Photo-Policy" is enforced for "some" but not for others?!?spock
Check out the images that appear on the forums-clearly not "EveryOne" is displayed with a clear, grinning profile picture...what INQUIRING MINDS NEED TO KNOW...WHY HAVEN'T ALL SUCH IMAGES BEEN REMOVED?
As my last set of pictures were, again- removed, photos which CLEARLY illustrated my face [albeit with the use of light neutral texture]- the "mug" was clearly visible. It is Not my purpose on this site to DATE but "ONLY HERE FOR THE FORUMS" is clearly written in the profile & now- clearly stated in the profile header. As I've already met someone on this site who I'm really into but why should I be mandated to either remain-"without an image" or place an enticing, smiling image of myself when it is not my intent to entice?
I initially really enjoyed this site for the fact that individuals could express themselves, freely, using whatever avatars they wished to use in terms of self-expression. I enjoyed many of the images that various members selected to portray their presence & it would be a shame to see that display of creativity-taken away for no good reason.

Valeris's photo
Fri 07/03/15 09:37 PM
Topic: something I have learned in life
If *They* do it once [esp. if *They* get away with it] ; *They* will do it again...

Valeris's photo
Fri 07/03/15 09:31 PM
Edited by Valeris on Fri 07/03/15 09:33 PM
My old profile picture was a painting that I personally own so no problem with any copyright issues. That picture was removed by the site administrators as it seemed that they wanted a "face-shot"[preferably with a smile]. Without my permission or knowledge, a "New" picture was substituted by the site. Having not been on the site for a while; I wasn't even made aware that this had been done until logging-on. Although I'm pretty laid-back on the issue of visuals; I felt uncomfortable about this change being made without my approval. At this point, I am only on this site for the forums & openly have had this fact written on my profile but, again-who reads "The profile"? laugh "CUTE"- That's a word which just hits me like squeaky chalk on a board...I find that adjective-"Cringe-Worthy & Patronizing". A child is CUTE, furry, cudley animal is CUTE...ect. noway Well, enough written on that rant & needless to say I think I've satisfied the site's criteria for a face snap[without the smile & "Cute-Ness-Factor" element] but it's at least, an attempt at a compromise;}shades

Valeris's photo
Wed 07/01/15 01:57 AM

We can also tag this topic "saying NO to sex makes you more "killing" or "more valuable", or "more classical". Etc. A "No-To-Sex" lady is the only type of girls guys respect and want the most. If I were talking to my sister, this is the truth I will make her understand. As a guy, as a man, whenever we hear a lady say no to sex in a relationship until after marriage documents and rites have been done, we go 'gaga' for the lady. I dont mean girls who are 'forming' "hard to get". I am talking about single ladies hoping for a good caring and nice future husband. Dont portray yourself as a cheap material. Now you know, would you change your search preferences? I hope guys wouldnt be 'angry' that I revealed our 'secret'. Whats your thought?

I can't believe I'm reading this insulting sexist nonsense in the year 2015. You have a right to believe in whatever you want but...THIS? Please, do me [& The Female Gender]- a favor?
Keep your "secrets" to yourself.

And, please note; I'm so not turned-onsick

Valeris's photo
Wed 07/01/15 01:40 AM

Take him-Back? Hell Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! I don't even want anyone to know we even know each other!!! :laughing:

Valeris's photo
Wed 07/01/15 01:10 AM


Valeris's photo
Wed 07/01/15 12:59 AM

Saying you haven't got Skype does come across as being weird. You can download it in a flash...
Not having a cam to me sounds as strange as someone saying he hasn't got any pictures on here. Maybe you really don't have a cam, but in this day and age it sounds really odd, so I think it's quite logical ppl get suspicious when you tell 'em that.
I know I would get suspicious if a guy told me that story. I wouldn't believe it either.
Not saying you are lying, just saying I understand their reaction.

I totally agree with the above; most of the recent laptops even have built-in cams so yes, it is odd to beg-out of a cam-chat with the hardware so inexpensive & accessible. I actually prefer to chat on cam to speaking over the phone as it feels more real. I can see the body language, their facial expressions & get more of a feeling of who this person really is. I suppose the opposite would be true-they can see me, which I actually prefer because I tend towards linguistic ambiguity & the ability to read my expressions, ect prevents many potential misunderstandings. For me, it's just a superior way to communicate so for me, "Red Flags" would definitely appear if someone will not or refuses to use a cam.

Valeris's photo
Wed 07/01/15 12:31 AM

In principle, I believe that ANY INDIVIDUAL, ANY KILLER should be accorded those same human rights that were granted to his/her victims. As soon as an individual makes the decision to deprive another individual of LIFE & most especially those, sadistic, sick, depraved bottom-feeders who Kill For Kicks- should be stripped of all "human rights" if their guilt is obvious & demonstrated by a past history of destructive, harmful transgressions. There is a great need to punish such people, irregardless of race, color, social standing & most importantly-Economic Privilege.
The punishment should be in alignment to the offense. If an individual makes a decision to "Take Life" from another individual; than that individual should be required to "Give Back Life" in terms of perhaps, organ donation to those suffering, innocent individuals who sit, desperately waiting in their personal "Death Row" to receive a reprieve & a chance for life- in the form of a functional organ.
No-Don't Kill, Sick, Perverted Killers-Use Them, at least-recycle their healthy body parts for something of Good to have been salvaged from their pathetic existences.
Although the above paragraph describes my ethical beliefs; I cannot support The Death Penalty as a product of The current Justice System. The Death Penalty; It Doesn't Work- because The Justice System doesn't work.
It is increasing clear that there are 2 systems of Justice in play in The USA. There is a "Justice System" for the very wealthy [The Have's] & there is a separate Justice System for the rest of us [The Have Nots]. In essence, the death penalty is bias, unethical, & unjust. The cost is astronomical so again, innocent people are forced to pay directly & indirectly for a broken system to ineffectively administer a dubious verdict to only that segment of the population without the proper resources to avoid the Death Penalty verdict. When was the last time you remember- "A Wealthy Mover/Shaker/ Corporate CEO/High Profile Politician or Financial Adviser/Investor receiving The Death Sentence? How about anyone, even related to that wealthy segment of the population on Death Row? Sorry to say, I cannot endorse that kind of "Justice"....
Have any millionaires ever been executed in the United States?
Death Sentence Now a Life Term For Millionaire in Florida Case
High Cost of Death Penalty
Know the Facts About Capital Punishment
Does the Death Penalty Cost Less Than Life in Prison without Parole?

Valeris's photo
Tue 06/30/15 11:12 PM

Show's over...
When's the next poetry reading?

Valeris's photo
Wed 05/27/15 12:13 PM

Vulgar image deleted.

Site Moderator

So,sorry about that Ms. soufiehere. I thought it was funny[but it did have the word-f*#k in it]...


Valeris's photo
Wed 05/27/15 12:02 PM

Lorena Bobbitt had a rather unique solution for this problem.

"Lorena Bobbitt
An abused woman who finally snapped. She was verbally, emotionally, and physically abused by her psycho ex-Marine husband; one night after he raped her, she got a carving knife and cut off half of his penis. She was found not guilty due to insanity; her husband spent the rest of his worthless life working mediocre jobs including: wannabe porn star, limo driver, and tow truck operator...oh, yeah and beating his other girlfriends/fiancees.

1) Lorena Bobbitt brought the problem of marital rape to national attention.

2) If you guys abuse your girls, they may pull a "Lorena Bobbitt" on you."

*The Urban Dictionary

Valeris's photo
Wed 05/27/15 11:45 AM
Edited by Valeris on Wed 05/27/15 11:54 AM
"We a��re so self-important. Everybody'��s going to save something now. ��Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails. And the greatest arrogance of all: save the planet. Save the planet, we don'��t even know how to take care of ourselves yet. I'��m tired of this ****. I'm tired of f-ing Earth Day. I'��m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white, bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is that there aren'��t enough bicycle paths. People trying to make the world safe for Volvos. Besides, environmentalists don'��t give a **** about the planet. Not in the abstract they don't. You know what they'��re interested in? A clean place to live. Their own habitat. They'��re worried that some day in the future they might be personally inconvenienced. Narrow, unenlightened self-interest doesn'��t impress me.

The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles & hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages... And we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference? The planet isn't going anywhere. WE are!

We're going away. Pack your ****, folks. We're going away. And we won'��t leave much of a trace, either. Maybe a little Styrofoam. The planet will be here and we'll be long gone. Just another failed mutation. Just another closed-end biological mistake. An evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet wi��ll shake us off like a bad case of fleas.

The planet will be here for a long, long, LONG time after we'��re gone, and it will heal itself, it will cleanse itself, because that's what it does. It's a self-correcting system. The air and the water will recover, the earth will be renewed. And if it's true that plastic is not degradable, well, the planet will simply incorporate plastic into a new paradigm: the earth plus plastic. The earth doesn't share our prejudice toward plastic. Plastic came out of the earth. The earth probably sees plastic as just another one of its children. Could be the only reason the earth allowed us to be spawned from it in the first place. It wanted plastic for itself. Didn't know how to make it. Needed us. Could be the answer to our age-old egocentric philosophical question, ��Why are we here?*hole."

George Carlin

Valeris's photo
Wed 05/27/15 11:36 AM

Valeris's photo
Wed 05/27/15 11:26 AM
Edited by Valeris on Wed 05/27/15 11:27 AM

To quote my Mother [R.I.P.], "Throw enough sh#t against the wall; something's got to stick..."

That is simultaneously the most disgusting things I've heard in a while, and makes a good point. Bravo to your mom on that one.

Hmmmmmm, you didn't know my mother ;}

Valeris's photo
Wed 05/27/15 11:18 AM

I'm on here because my girlfriend says I am really bad at flirting. She knows about me being on this site and she is cool with it, but I can't shake the feeling that this is right.

Is it okay to flirt with others on a site like this being in a relationship?


I'm glad that I'm not your girlfriend & you should be tooo!

Valeris's photo
Sun 05/24/15 10:22 PM

After online chatting and emailing for sometime, you become interested enough to make/receive the call...then you hear their voice...the accent..the tone...
What happens if you didn't like it? what

Nothing happens...:laughing:

Valeris's photo
Sun 05/24/15 10:15 PM
To quote my Mother [R.I.P.], "Throw enough sh#t against the wall; something's got to stick..."

Valeris's photo
Sun 05/17/15 12:13 AM


Valeris's photo
Sun 05/17/15 12:09 AM