Community > Posts By > Valeris

Valeris's photo
Sat 05/16/15 11:10 PM

Blessings & Warm Wishes to you through these difficult times...

Valeris's photo
Sat 05/16/15 09:59 PM


Valeris's photo
Sat 05/16/15 09:54 PM
Edited by Valeris on Sat 05/16/15 09:55 PM

If women are so intelligent and profound, why are all the great poets men?

List Of Female Poets
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott (1872–1958), American poet, novelist and short story writer
Kathy Acker (1947–1997), American experimental novelist, punk poet, playwright, essayist, postmodernist and sex-positive feminist writer
Léonie Adams (1899–1988), American poet, seventh United States Poet Laureate
Fleur Adcock (born 1934), poet and an editor of English and Northern Irish ancestry; lived much of her life in England
Kim Addonizio (born 1954), American poet, novelist
Kelli Russell Agodon (born 1969), American poet
Delmira Agustini (1886–1914), Uruguayan poet
Akazome Emon (956–1041), Japanese poet and historian
Rachel Akerman (1522–1544), Austrian Jewish poet writing in German
Bella Akhmadulina (1937–2010), Soviet and Russian poet, short story writer, and translator
Anna Akhmatova (1889–1966), Russian and Soviet modernist poet
Anne-Marie Albiach (born 1937), French poet and translator
Jordie Albiston (born 1961), Australian poet and academic
Louisa May Alcott (1832–1888), American novelist, playwright and poet
Claribel Alegría (born 1924), Nicaraguan poet, essayist, novelist, and journalist
Elizabeth Alexander (born 1962), American poet, essayist, playwright and academic
Ellen Palmer Allerton (1835-1893), American poet
*ECT. + ECT...*

Speaking[Writing] before you think is like wiping yourself before you've had a bowel movement... Present the research that supports your statement[s] or keep quiet. Thank you.

Valeris's photo
Sat 05/16/15 08:55 PM
Edited by Valeris on Sat 05/16/15 08:56 PM


Valeris's photo
Sat 05/16/15 08:50 PM

Valeris's photo
Sat 05/16/15 08:47 PM
Modern Day Nursery Rhyme...

Valeris's photo
Sat 05/16/15 08:44 PM

"It would help if they messaged me in the first place or respond to my message. *I tell them about me and I get nothing in return*."

Perhaps to others, it's not your ability to tell people who YOU ARE but rather to demonstrate the capacity to care[ or, express interest] in who THEY ARE that might make a difference in terms of the responses you receive?

Valeris's photo
Sat 05/16/15 08:06 PM
Edited by Valeris on Sat 05/16/15 08:07 PM
'��Not only did I lie about lying, but I lied about lying about lying.
And you'd better believe that'��s the TRUTH."
Jarod Kintz


Valeris's photo
Wed 04/29/15 07:46 PM

Valeris's photo
Wed 04/29/15 07:38 PM

Is it wrong for older men(50&up) to want to date or mate with
younger women.(30's or so)

Who is the judge and what is the virdict.

Maybe the question should be is it wrong for younger women to date and mate older men.

whats your thoughts?

Sure, why not? We've all seen the old man with the baby-stroller & innocently complimented him on having such a cute grandchild! Hell, with my current age of 50+-something; I'd need to look at the 80 yr.old chaps to find my old man! Wow- that's just too kinky visually for even, me to imagine;}laugh

Valeris's photo
Wed 04/29/15 07:21 PM
Topic: Do u think Sex is necessary for this age....
[Sex-as in having the need to have a partner vs. sexual release?]

Well, "sexual release" is healthy/with or without partner but as to the issue of physical necessity? One can manage to forgo sex-for quite a few years without suffering any fatal effects. Now, if one is deprived of a healthy bowel-movement for several years;there would be quite a bit more physical pain & traumatic suffering in such an infliction;}:laughing:

Valeris's photo
Wed 04/29/15 06:41 PM
Edited by Valeris on Wed 04/29/15 06:50 PM
Statement: "you deserve better than me."
Reponse: " Could you try to explain as to why you think or feel that way? I'm only asking because I like the feeling that I have when we chat, hang-out,ect.
Hmmmm, I have gotten this response & most certainly it was not meant as a "kiss-off"! Sometimes, in every new connection of emotional importance; both people experience initial feelings of insecurity. If who you are, so impresses another individual so much so, then they may experience a feeling of being overwhelmed & perhaps, a bit afraid. They question themselves[according to gender-specifics [ I-financially successful, lifestyle, appearance,ect] as to why or how[such a wonderful/beautiful/talented/intelligent ,ect.] individual could have selected someone as ordinary, common,ect.[********] such as themselves? Perhaps, they feel that you could be defined as something- "out-of-their league", who knows? It's called normal, human insecurity[they don't realize that you might feel the same kind of fear & insecurity in terms of what they feel about you]. I don't think its abnormal or a serious issue that gentle, direct, & honest communication can't rectify. Everyone needs "Reassurance" that it's OK & it's a real communication hurdle if both individuals can find a comfortable, safe way to express their needs to each other. Builds that thing-called: trust;}flowerforyou

Valeris's photo
Wed 04/29/15 05:56 PM
Edited by Valeris on Wed 04/29/15 05:58 PM

Why do women feel the need to interrogate men as if they're all liars and cheats. I'm only half way through my pasta and she's like "hey dude, I don't mean to spoil your appetite, but let me see your wallet. I want to check out what your real name is on your driver's licence."
Or like the time I'm slipping my arm around her and she's like "why is there an indentation around your married ring finger as if you just took off a ring before this date."
Or like the time I said in an email that I'd like to go out with her and she's like "okay, but I need your work and home addresses and your work and home phone numbers.
Next thing you know they'll be checking my prints, DNA and bank accounts. Some of you ladies have been watching too many CSI shows

Asking?! laugh Honestly, isn't "Asking", Obsolete when one can do a complete background check with a modicum of computer savvy?
I mean, isn't it a bit absurd to think that a cyberspace scammer, catfish, lier, cheater, or fraud will provide an honest answer to any questions regarding his/her character or motive[s]?!

Valeris's photo
Wed 04/29/15 05:44 PM

hey when she get's posseive is when i know she's planning on keeping mesmitten

Talk about the glass half full :-)


Valeris's photo
Wed 04/29/15 05:39 PM

"there are some that like that 12 year old prepubescent boy look on a woman
very thin : size 0 or 2 with no curves.. "
or, "It's like making love to an Erector Set..." Yada-yada-yada.
Some of us, 5'10"/116 lbs [size 0-2] actually do have this body build & it's not pleasant to be mistakenly addressed as, "Sir or Dude" if someone should be trying to get my attention from certain visual perspectives;} *sighs* Everyone's built differently; "Beauty" is, still in the subjective eye of the beholder. Personally, I abhor the media/fashion-pressured definition of "Beauty" that includes an emphasis on any one particular body-shape &/or age bracket. It's misleading & bogus but unfortunately women, themselves must stop buying into that garbage by not purchasing the publications that perpetuate that nonsense & speaking-out against it.

"Trouble[s] with relationships have got-Nothing to "Body-Build"[wish it were that easy]. bigsmile Everyone has troubles with first, finding a relationship than more troubles in maintaining that relationship. It's not easy, takes time & effort with no guarantees given that everything will work out. Guess it could all boil down to stumbling into another individual who is-or seems, worth all the effort.

Valeris's photo
Wed 04/29/15 04:57 PM
Edited by Valeris on Wed 04/29/15 05:04 PM

Why do men/women seek "God fearing" partners? When did it suddenly become the
16th century? Why not then add to it "...and preferably not a witch"

Finally, someone has mentioned this,"God fearing[sic]"- thingie! As a Pagan, it's confusing & unsettling to have a self-described "God fearing man-seeking a God fearing Woman" express his interest in me. It's beyond my understanding as to what the actual definition & spiritual connotation of "God fearing" would actually include? Whatever it just seems-"Creepy"

ps; Just checked-out the definition provided by the Op in the above post.
I have no problem with that definition & know many spiritually devout Christians who would never describe their faith in terms of "God Fearing" their deity.

Valeris's photo
Wed 04/29/15 04:42 PM
Edited by Valeris on Wed 04/29/15 04:42 PM

What do u think about them,, especially the girls here. ??
The people who love hippie culture and live like them,, share ur views and experience...
ANSWER FIRST THESE QUESTIONS,,, and than pray for d peoples who lost dere lives and everything....
Himalayas have hit with a serious earthquake ,,, pray for them...

Dude, I think your language skills need some serious attention because even if I was *flying-high"; I still wouldn't get the gist of your question!

Valeris's photo
Wed 04/29/15 04:30 PM
Messy, Cluttered, Dusty- "OK"
Deal Breaker= Filthy, Foul-Smelling, & Toilets-where one needs to crouch over in mid-air & flush with a foot-"Not OK"sick

Valeris's photo
Wed 04/29/15 04:19 PM

Smart enough to not reveal how smart I am...shades

Valeris's photo
Wed 04/29/15 03:49 PM
Edited by Valeris on Wed 04/29/15 03:51 PM

"There are plenty of fish in the sea."

" One must kiss a few[many] frogs[ugly-azz toads] until one finds- A Prince..."

I mean, what woman of substance would seek a wimpy prince- when she can have A King?!laugh