Community > Posts By > Valeris

Valeris's photo
Fri 10/02/15 05:48 PM

live-in relationship or marriage

what would you prefer??????????

bigsmile bigsmile
"Living Apart Together" (abbreviation: LAT) is a term to describe couples
who have an intimate relationship but live at separate addresses.

Valeris's photo
Fri 10/02/15 05:39 PM
I am Free & that's what I need to feel
everyday of my life to be happy.FREEDOM.

Valeris's photo
Fri 10/02/15 04:31 PM

It's a simple question.

If Your Happy & You Know It,
Share Your

Valeris's photo
Thu 10/01/15 01:44 AM
Edited by Valeris on Thu 10/01/15 02:13 AM

Think outside the box.

Uh, use this instead?

There's no guarantee of success; all you can do is vigorously stalk
them & hope for the best...shades

Valeris's photo
Thu 10/01/15 01:34 AM
Edited by Valeris on Thu 10/01/15 01:35 AM

Sex-Ya Gotta Love It!
Always stimulating & exciting to trade exotic viruses & venereal diseases in meaningless physical activity that's meaninglessly shared with an equally meaningless individual;} :banana:

Valeris's photo
Thu 10/01/15 12:52 AM
Edited by Valeris on Thu 10/01/15 12:52 AM

"Let the mad find wisdom in their madness for the sane &
let the sane be grateful"

Valeris's photo
Tue 09/29/15 11:32 PM

looks got nothing to do with love.

Whaaaaa?!? whoa No Pictures?!? A Surprise?


Valeris's photo
Tue 09/29/15 11:24 PM

"One more time, this time with FEELING!"

AIEEEE!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

rofl rofl rofl drinks

Valeris's photo
Tue 09/29/15 11:16 PM

Valeris's photo
Tue 09/29/15 10:57 PM

Secretly, hook them up & run them through my hidden "Creep-O-Meter"

Valeris's photo
Tue 09/29/15 10:19 PM

I don't hate shirt-less pictures on dudes.
Just saying that what's seen-cannot be unseen;
but it can be Obsene.
And I really wish that I'd not
seen Mr.Tyler "Do" the shirtless-thing:{

Valeris's photo
Tue 09/29/15 09:55 PM
All The Real people Are FAKE & All The Fake People Are REAL!
Think about it...;}

Valeris's photo
Tue 09/29/15 09:21 PM

"One more time, this time with FEELING!"

Valeris's photo
Wed 08/19/15 09:37 PM
Wow! This topic & other topics that are related to this one-have been important to me for many years. I blame much of this destructive behavior on a socially adopted value system which lacks, morality, honesty, spirituality, & personal ethic.There has been so much research into this topic by people with far more training & education than I have. Their information, theories, & conclusions have resulted in a multitude of books, publications, studies, & documentaries. The truth of where this path will lead is frightening but, The truth IS Out There & available for anyone to access. however, sadly, there seems to be this "Fear-Thing" going on in public awareness & consciousness.
My own thoughts are that "Everyone" has had or will have, a terrible personal encounter with one or many of the various symptoms of this corrupt, psychopathic, narcissistic & greed-driven social agenda held by Those In Power & specifically for the purpose that Those In Power wish to retain-That Power. I also do believe that that the majority of people are not "Stupid" & "Do Get" what's going on but many of these individuals are too frightened to speak out. Instead, they will rationalize that their personal silence indicates- a neutral disapproval of what they see or perhaps, they will hope that maybe, like some monster under the bed; "It'll all just disappear & go away in the light.
Sadly, This Passive Path Of Least Resistance[Existence] will only enable the Perpetrators to continue to do what they're doing.
"Complacency to The Directive of An Authority Figure" has been gradually & purposely integrated into the framework of The American Public School System & conditioned into every child from Pre-School through Secondary School. Teachers are now encouraged to either, "Teach" to the Lowest Intellectual Level in the class or To "Teach To A Test". The slang term for this state of affairs is known as: "Dumbing-Down". Obviously "Free-Thinkers" are Not Good for The Power Base; Free Thinkers- will "Think", they will ask questions & if not satisfied with the answers provided [lies]-will possess the intellectual ability & the capacity to empower themselves to address the Injustice, Corruption, & Destructive Activities/Issues via some other alternate, with generally, a more escalated & pro-active approach. Think of the Demonstrations & Rallies of Young People on the University Campuses against War & those Spirited Protests organized by Women & People of Color for the purpose to be granted Basic Human Rights.
There's a valid reason for why this doesn't happen today as there was an equally valid reason for those individuals who were en-charged with the responsibility of carrying out the executions & annihilation of all those individuals of Jewish Ancestry & Faith. See: *The Milgram Experiment" Link:
The Web/ cyberspace Is A Double Edged Sword. On the one hand The Web enables viewers to actually witness, up-close & personal- the sick, psychopathic narcissistic destructive, behaviors of these Perpetrators, their lack of empathy, their mindless ignorance, & lack of compassion without conscience or remorse, now openly revealed & displayed on every web site. The Cutting/Killing-Edge of the The Sword is that The Internet has the ability to be used as an effective & the perfect weapon by The Perpetrators in the sick, cruel, & perverted intent to do the maximum damage & the ultimate harm to their intended target[s].
So, the topic concerns much more than just a mild case of ignorance & simple rudeness. I think those of us who do not share or relate to this mind-set, do see it. What has been seen cannot unseen. The real question is what are we[as individuals] going to do with this information?
*Sighs* I don't have that answer.Personally I choose to be pro-active & confrontational when I observe such behaviors & maintain a "Zero-Tolerance" for ridding my own web page[s] of those individuals who attempt to harm others. It seems like such a small thing but it's doable.Ironically enough, most of the "Bullies"/"Trolls" are really quite cowardly when directly confronted. I apologize for the length of this post & extend gratitude to those who have gotten this far;}

Valeris's photo
Tue 08/04/15 04:17 PM
I refer to myself -or, rather my spiritual beliefs as "Pagan" -heavily influenced by various Wiccan practices & beliefs. Paganism is composed of many different & multifaceted spiritual beliefs so primarily designated as everything that is not "Christian". The Pagan Practice that is defined as Wiccan holds an incredible, vast, & confusing array of diversity within it's parameters so, for that reason; I always advise people to read, read, & read! Go to different covens & ask if you can sit-in on their rituals & ceremonies. Ask yourself, a lot of questions & try to answer those questions as honestly as you are able. There is a site-"The Witch's Voice" Link: which will help provide you with an overview of the wide variations associated with Paganism. I also recommend a book, "Drawing Down The Moon" by Margot Adler as a sort of user-friendly primer & introduction to Paganism. Blessings & best wishes on your path;}

Valeris's photo
Tue 08/04/15 03:41 PM
Edited by Valeris on Tue 08/04/15 03:45 PM
I think I was most vulnerable to the pain of rejection in my earlier days as a young art student. I vividly remember,feeling absolutely-"Cut-OFF-YOUR-EAR-KIND-OF-GUTTED" whenever my art work was found to be wanting or substandard in the opinion of those individuals, with glowing credentials, reputations & designations of importance in the art world. However as "Art" is such a subjective field of study; it was not uncommon for great clashes of opinion to occur on a predictable & regular basis between prominent, professional, & successful artists & critics about,literally- "EVERYTHING";} However before one gained a more objective overview pertaining the "fickleness" of the profession; those "hits[rejections]" just kept coming with devastating frequency.
I'll never forget what my mentor said to me as he caught me, quietly weeping in some secluded corner, "Whaaaa-whaaaa-whaaaaa!', wailed the baby. Hey, if you can't take a little sand in your eyes; get the hell out of the sandbox!"
For some reason, his words induced, a marvelous & comical visual of the aggressive, juvenile-acting-out behaviors of a bunch of kiddies & their sandbox antics in my mind's eye. I remember beginning to actually laugh about it & my own tortured emotional response seemed to be, "way-over-the-top" & inappropriate for such a comically absurd & mundane activity. And-no one was going to bully my azz out of the sandbox unless it was MY choice to leave.
After all if there is a chance that one could create a most wonderful sand castle; what's the big deal about some "sand-in-the-eyes"? :banana:

Valeris's photo
Tue 08/04/15 02:19 PM
Edited by Valeris on Tue 08/04/15 02:29 PM

I wonder how many people really follow what a psychic tells them will happen ....

There is & always has been much profit to be made & power to be had by individuals[scammers], claiming to be able to see into the future, into destiny, or to claim special knowledge of, "The Divine Plan" in god-like ways. That's just crap! lmao! Would I follow such charlatans, scammers, & self-proclaimed prophet-god-wanna-be's? Hell no! But, in rough, confusing times of extreme physical/emotional vulnerability; I would be a liar to not acknowledge the seductive temptation to believe in such "POWERS";}
However, do I believe in "Psychics"-as, in those individuals possessing a high level of what is defined as "Psychic Energy"? Yes, definitely. I actually ascribe to the theory discussed by Carl Jung in that psychic energy is inherent in every individual but dependent upon social, cultural, & personal biological influences; it is more highly developed in some than in others[Tribal &Shamanistic ritual & healing, ect.]. Jung defines this inherent inborn psychic ability as something we would refer to as "Intuition".
There has been much speculation that if only 20% of the human brain is able to be consciously accessed; then what "lost?" or yet, "Unrealized" function[s] are to be discovered in the remaining, 80%?

Valeris's photo
Tue 08/04/15 01:44 PM
Edited by Valeris on Tue 08/04/15 01:45 PM

I was talking with Pops about "guilt".

How DARE I feel sorry for myself as a (check the fortunate list) white, american, male, cusp of 20th/21st century, relatively healthy, relatively good education........have had hard times, have even been in some dire situations

......but how dare I complain!!!!......I haven't walked miles, buckets in hand at the hope of some fresh water!

Dad (as only Dad can do) said, "A rich man's hell can be so much more agonizing than a poor man's plight!" It's about YOUR consciousness right?

Are you safe and well fortified tonight? Do you ever feel reDICK for feeling sorry for yourself?

In reading this; a quote from Kahlil Gibran comes to mind:
"I would not exchange the sorrows of my heart for the joys of the multitude.
And I would not have the tears that sadness makes to flow from my every part turn into laughter.
I would that my life remain a tear and a smile."

Valeris's photo
Tue 08/04/15 01:29 PM

By breathing :banana:

Valeris's photo
Sun 07/19/15 06:30 AM
Taken...out of context at times