Community > Posts By > 1onlyaname

1onlyaname's photo
Mon 09/14/15 11:13 AM
I don't hate anyone I don't want anyone that's a citizen of another country holding my wallet. I don't hate Carl Levin I just don't think he was right man to spend military budget while being a citizen of Israel it looks bad and could be bad.

1onlyaname's photo
Mon 09/14/15 10:30 AM
he has vowed patriotism to other country so which mask do u see

1onlyaname's photo
Mon 09/14/15 10:28 AM
hmmmm there only one that I know of dual citizen of Canada and I think he renounced his citizenship. all the rest long list are Israeli citizens so kinda hard to not look like I'm picking but there's nothing other to pick from if u know of others share I like to know too 99% are Israeli citizens

1onlyaname's photo
Mon 09/14/15 10:25 AM
he is an Israeli citizen denying it won't help ur cause. its well known he's a citizen of Israel. I have a feeling u didn't know

1onlyaname's photo
Mon 09/14/15 09:47 AM
what's the difference in israel and USA if Israeli citizens pass laws in each country???? nothing both are joined at the hip.

1onlyaname's photo
Mon 09/14/15 09:01 AM
also I'm a firm believe NO citizen of Israel should hold office in USA. such as Carl Levin and few others Jew or not Jew he is a citizen of another country dishing out trillions.

1onlyaname's photo
Mon 09/14/15 08:57 AM
not blaming JEWS Jews even dislike Zionists that's the difference in Hitler n Putin. Putin chased off the Zionist not the Jews. Hitler did both

1onlyaname's photo
Mon 09/14/15 08:55 AM
I bet the Isis oil that's $20 barrel with blood on it is coming to USA. :) some how these nobodies have oil tankers. one was in court in Texas it was allowed to unload. the $20 a barrel Isis oil is pissing everyone off.

1onlyaname's photo
Mon 09/14/15 07:46 AM
one thing do all women just take pills if a man hands them to her???? that's what I read

Let's see, he went to his wife's gynecologist, got lots of pills, had a party with 50+ women, from 15-40+ years old, handed them pills, they took them & voluntary had sex with him because they like his sweater & his dark penis reminded them of chocolate pudding pops, & they wanted free Jello coupons for life.

frustrated No, that is NOT what happened.

I think what you just said is probably right !! sounds right

1onlyaname's photo
Mon 09/14/15 07:08 AM
they all say he gave me a white pill and a glass of water. what am I missing???

1onlyaname's photo
Mon 09/14/15 02:54 AM
one thing do all women just take pills if a man hands them to her???? that's what I read.

1onlyaname's photo
Mon 09/14/15 02:38 AM
its OK just say whatever feel Obama Putin Merkel your favorite terrorists apples bananas doesn't matter

1onlyaname's photo
Sun 09/13/15 11:18 PM

no battle china n Russia just flexing their muscles saying NO to all our crap. the Zionists don't fight their own battles. they take the cash n run.

so,that's where the Dog is buried?
David Duke anyone?

who is David duke???? never heard of him. how does he play in this?

1onlyaname's photo
Sun 09/13/15 11:15 PM
109 times in a row in last 2,000 years seem pretty accurate forecast it will happen again. Germany was at 80% control Russia was 80% control now USA 80% control.

1onlyaname's photo
Sun 09/13/15 11:07 PM
no battle china n Russia just flexing their muscles saying NO to all our crap. the Zionists don't fight their own battles. they take the cash n run.

1onlyaname's photo
Sun 09/13/15 10:10 PM
yes it was futile but interesting so many sign it saying they are fed up with the FEDs

1onlyaname's photo
Sun 09/13/15 10:00 PM
Syria is Putin has legal contracts for the natural gas Ukraine about Corn.

1onlyaname's photo
Sun 09/13/15 09:37 PM
just about all the states had annex petitions I thought it was hilarious

1onlyaname's photo
Sun 09/13/15 09:34 PM
china n Russia close partners

1onlyaname's photo
Sun 09/13/15 09:31 PM
Russia is correct Ukraine was a land grab by Monsanto n cargil and they hedged their bet with. the Franklin Templeton fund. all three Jewish companies. Putin believes they will drain Ukraine dry if it fails USA taxpayers will bail out the franklin Templeton fund. win or lose they make billions.