mountainwatergirl's photo
Tue 02/19/13 02:14 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Tue 02/19/13 02:14 PM
Is it all clear now? Can I come out? :tongue:


The art of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly pissing people off,

a) truly believe in what you are saying, no matter how outrageous,
or b) give your victim malicious instructions, under the guise of help.

Yes,.....I'm a last word freak....You're a troll

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 01:17 PM

Let's say that we are talking about men that ARE wanting a relationship. I already know men don't care about details when they are just out for a fling.

I believe that I already answered this but okay, let's say that I meet a woman and she really fancies me and we have great sex but apart from that she isn't all that interested in me or my life. Well, what you are describing is just what's known as a casual relationship and I've tried that and it has something to be said for it because you get the fun without the hassles but ultimately even casual relationships have hassles and one minute they are telling you that they "don't want to get involved" and the next minute they are ringing you all the bloody time or emailing asking what's up with you and why you aren't calling them etc.

A casual relationship is just a way to play somebody and mess with their heads as far as I'm concerned.

No offense Tawt, but your answers are somewhat convoluted for me to find the yes or no answer I was looking for.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 01:12 PM

Like beauty, a troll is in the eye of the beholder.

A person who complains about trolls could be perceived as being a troll.

How so? I don't think that someone pointing out trolling behavior means they are the troll.

I'm still interested in hearing your response to this, Dodo.

Hmm. Let's see.

Seriously, this thread isn't about trolls. It is about one party not being able to tolerate the opposing viewpoints of other parties. Instead of admitting to the lack of tolerance, others are being accused of trolling.

What I find to be outrageous and offensive is the display a better-than-thou attitude.

I, for one, would welcome this thread being locked up.

Then why are you still here?


mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 01:07 PM

You may not realize at all what I know about you... I am a broker for a transportation business... I supervise truck drivers like you.
I can tell you they are not the womanizers you say you are simply because they are moving constantly, and only have a sleeper to offer a woman. That's all I'm going to say about that right now.

I will freely admit that I have no time for an actual relationship. However, I do have a couple of women I can call when I'm on home time that will fulfill any sexual desires I may have built up while I'm on the road. They seem to be happy with this arrangement because they don't ask for more or bother me when I'm out of town. But, they always welcome me when I call.

.....and you know dang good and well we are not just refering to a respect issue. Don't make me pull some of your posts and paste them here.

Post whatever you like. I stand by everything word I've said.

aaaah... insite.... I think I found where your anger issues come from. With that said, I will no longer be posting about you.
You have done nothing to earn my respect....but you are going to get it because of what you've shared above. This is an example, of a human being. Take note

I'm not angry. I'm cynical.

That's fine... I'm not here to attack you.
Just making people aware of the troll term...
and hoping you'd realize a thing or three.
Either way, I'm all good.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 01:04 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Mon 02/18/13 01:13 PM
It may get locked up
someone can report it at anytime.
I however, didn't name anyone in particular... I stated "the poster I am referring to" more than once. Others knew exactly who I was referring to, and outright named him. I was taken back by that as well. I had no intention of naming the poster that prompted this post.
As a matter of fact, he jumped out and confirmed it all on his own.
Holier than thou??? Where did I say I was better than everyone else?
Merely pointing something out, doesn't make me self-righteous.
I know where my faults lie. I never even said I wasn't capable of being a troll. Can't you do any better then that?
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 12:39 PM

Where are the mods up in here!
I see personal attacking and making people the topic of discussion.

Me, I say fk off to the PC wanna'-be-enforcers.

As long as I stay within the rules of the site, I'm good.

I say something that pisses somone off, they free to git unpissed and really free to kiss mah a$$.
Sometime, a ho just beg fo da' bich-slappin', no? smokin

You just contradicted yourself. First, you call for the mods, then in the next breath, you say "fk off to the PC wanna'-be-enforcers."

This is nothing but a crap shoot girl. hahahahah!!!
It's like fishing in a bucket and not even a challenge.
It's almost embarrassing.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 12:35 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Mon 02/18/13 12:37 PM

Think about that for the day... I'll get back to ya on this.
People deserve respect because they are HUMAN. period.

To give respect is to hold a person in high esteem. I respect him because of what he's done. I respect her because of her creative abilities. Etc. Until you actually know a person or at least know of their reputation you can't respect them or disrespect them. You simply don't know them.

Not all people deserve respect.


mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 12:33 PM

Like beauty, a troll is in the eye of the beholder.

A person who complains about trolls could be perceived as being a troll.

sorry dude... trolling doesn't equal complaining... get it right sometime today man??

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 12:32 PM

Maybe you think my views are "outrageous" because you don't understand them. Maybe you attach some meaning to some of my posts that I never meant to imply.

Allow me to go over a few.

I do not think women deserve respect simply because they are women. Respect is earned by deeds and achievements, not because of one's gender. This applies to everyone. However, everyone deserves politeness. Everyone should hold the door for the person behind them.

I think marriage is outdated. There was a time when it served a purpose, but that time is over. There's no need for two people to share their assets to such an extent anymore. You can love, commit, be faithful and even have and raise children today without the entanglements of marriage. Furthermore, marriage is no guarantee of fidelity.

I think sex is fun. I see no reason to be involved in a committed relationship to enjoy it. It's not special. People do it everyday, all over the world. It's just fun.

I think younger women are generally more attractive than are older ones. This isn't always the case, but usually holds true. I also think younger women are more open minded and less set in their ways.

What is so offensive about any of this? What is so outrageous? What is so different about it that it upsets you to such a degree?

Here is just one point I will bother to show you why your theories don't work...and tells me you do this for a negative reaction.

Your first sentence... about respect for women...
So you are saying that a woman has to do something to get your respect? Did your own mother not deserve respect the moment you were born??? She did nothing but have sex with some guy and get pregnant to have you.
She did nothing but carry you in her belly for 9 months.
Don't you think she deserved respect the moment you were born for just being a woman?

My mother earned my respect by being a good mother to me. Not by giving birth. BTW I was adopted and know nothing of the woman that actually gave birth to me, so I have no opinion of her at all.

But, should I respect a homeless, junkie prostitute? I don't think so. She isn't worth of respect.

There are many women I respect and there are others I do not.

aaaah... insite.... I think I found where your anger issues come from. With that said, I will no longer be posting about you.
You have done nothing to earn my respect....but you are going to get it because of what you've shared above. This is an example, of a human being. Take note.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 12:30 PM

I have been on sites where trolls were rife, some are very clever in their trolling practices whilst others are just too obvious. Texy here doesn't fit the profile of either. His posts are directed at women, which makes him nothing more than doesn't matter what it makes him really because it's beside the point....although he does try very hard to tone it down.

Trolls these days don't like to be called trolls as such. They prefer the term "transactional experts". A successful troll will take the attention away from themselves by knowingly posting key words or topics, that will set the 'cat' among the pidgeons....with emphasis on the cat ;-)

.....I agree... and in this case, the key word is always "women".

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 12:29 PM

So, what does one do when one can't tolerate another party's expression of an opposing viewpoint?

One option is to accuse the other party of being a troll.

You haven't realized the meaning of the word yet.
Did you review the OP?
If you do not want to review it, maybe you can stop re-reading your own posts, and start looking at the others here that have agreed to some degree with me. You are very close to being a troll yourself.
But, you just pissing me off, is my own fault for letting you get me that way. I like to practice control techniques anyway, so it's of little consequence. But you haven't posted an outrageous troll something for us all to ponder yet??? Maybe you'd like to work on that.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 12:19 PM

Since you have accused me of trolling, I feel a need to reply. The views I post ARE my views on whatever subject is being discussed. I know many of my views are controversial, but that doesn't mean I'm trolling. It means I have different views than most. It's my feeling that having different views from the majority here is often an asset. How dull would it be if everyone agreed about everything all the time?

The most powerful tool to use against a troll is to simply ignore them. This takes away all their power to frustrate and, if that's what they're really up to, they'll get bored and leave.

I've been posting my thoughts on this forum for a very long time. I don't think they've changed much over the years. Obviously, the moderators don't think I'm trolling because I've not been banned or even contacted and asked to turn it down. I never insult anyone, although sometimes the most insecure ones think I am. So, I try to point out that I'm not talking about them when I say something. It doesn't help much though. Some people seem to be looking for a reason to be insulted.

You do post things in such a way so people will argue and fight about it, though.

Atta girl! Thank you for your post.
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

I'm not saying I think he's a troll, but he does try to wind people up.

good enough :wink:

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 12:16 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Mon 02/18/13 12:17 PM

Maybe you think my views are "outrageous" because you don't understand them. Maybe you attach some meaning to some of my posts that I never meant to imply.

Allow me to go over a few.

I do not think women deserve respect simply because they are women. Respect is earned by deeds and achievements, not because of one's gender. This applies to everyone. However, everyone deserves politeness. Everyone should hold the door for the person behind them.

I think marriage is outdated. There was a time when it served a purpose, but that time is over. There's no need for two people to share their assets to such an extent anymore. You can love, commit, be faithful and even have and raise children today without the entanglements of marriage. Furthermore, marriage is no guarantee of fidelity.

I think sex is fun. I see no reason to be involved in a committed relationship to enjoy it. It's not special. People do it everyday, all over the world. It's just fun.

I think younger women are generally more attractive than are older ones. This isn't always the case, but usually holds true. I also think younger women are more open minded and less set in their ways.

What is so offensive about any of this? What is so outrageous? What is so different about it that it upsets you to such a degree?

Here is just one point I will bother to show you why your theories don't work...and tells me you do this for a negative reaction.

Your first sentence... about respect for women...
So you are saying that a woman has to do something to get your respect? Did your own mother not deserve respect the moment you were born??? She did nothing but have sex with some guy and get pregnant to have you.
She did nothing but carry you in her belly for 9 months.
Don't you think she deserved respect the moment you were born for just being a woman?

Uh, a boy is suppose to respect his mother because she is his mother, not because she is a woman.

Think about that for the day... I'll get back to ya on this.
People deserve respect because they are HUMAN. period.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 12:15 PM

Since you have accused me of trolling, I feel a need to reply. The views I post ARE my views on whatever subject is being discussed. I know many of my views are controversial, but that doesn't mean I'm trolling. It means I have different views than most. It's my feeling that having different views from the majority here is often an asset. How dull would it be if everyone agreed about everything all the time?

The most powerful tool to use against a troll is to simply ignore them. This takes away all their power to frustrate and, if that's what they're really up to, they'll get bored and leave.

I've been posting my thoughts on this forum for a very long time. I don't think they've changed much over the years. Obviously, the moderators don't think I'm trolling because I've not been banned or even contacted and asked to turn it down. I never insult anyone, although sometimes the most insecure ones think I am. So, I try to point out that I'm not talking about them when I say something. It doesn't help much though. Some people seem to be looking for a reason to be insulted.

You do post things in such a way so people will argue and fight about it, though.

Atta girl! Thank you for your post.
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 12:14 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Mon 02/18/13 12:20 PM

ding ding ding!!!
We have a winner.
I do think he's a troll.. because I don't believe he's able to live the lifestyle he says he does.

You don't believe that I live in a truck and have a couple of FWBs?


You may not realize at all what I know about you... I am a broker for a transportation business... I supervise truck drivers like you.
I can tell you they are not the womanizers you say you are simply because they are moving constantly, and only have a sleeper to offer a woman. That's all I'm going to say about that right now.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 12:10 PM

To the best of my knowledge, nobody here has been elected or appointed the judge of who is a troll and who isn't.

I'll do it.

Be my guest

I need my pay package first!

lol, what can I offer you via the internet??? lol

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 12:06 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Mon 02/18/13 12:15 PM

Maybe you think my views are "outrageous" because you don't understand them. Maybe you attach some meaning to some of my posts that I never meant to imply.

Allow me to go over a few.

I do not think women deserve respect simply because they are women. Respect is earned by deeds and achievements, not because of one's gender. This applies to everyone. However, everyone deserves politeness. Everyone should hold the door for the person behind them.

I think marriage is outdated. There was a time when it served a purpose, but that time is over. There's no need for two people to share their assets to such an extent anymore. You can love, commit, be faithful and even have and raise children today without the entanglements of marriage. Furthermore, marriage is no guarantee of fidelity.

I think sex is fun. I see no reason to be involved in a committed relationship to enjoy it. It's not special. People do it everyday, all over the world. It's just fun.

I think younger women are generally more attractive than are older ones. This isn't always the case, but usually holds true. I also think younger women are more open minded and less set in their ways.

What is so offensive about any of this? What is so outrageous? What is so different about it that it upsets you to such a degree?

Here is just one point I will bother to show you why your theories don't work...and tells me you do this for a negative reaction.

Your first sentence... about respect for women...
So you are saying that a woman has to do something to get your respect? Did your own mother not deserve respect the moment you were born??? She did nothing but have sex with some guy and get pregnant to have you.
She did nothing but carry you in her belly for 9 months.
Don't you think she deserved respect before you were even born for just being a woman?

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 11:51 AM

Become a regular poster over on the Internet Movie Database, then you'll know what a true troll is.

I think the OP definition is only partly right(a troll always knows they are trolling and their main goal is to upset people), and even though I don't agree with most of what Texas Scoundrel says, he's not a troll, just someone with strong opinions.

I disagree...
That's part of the magic of trolling like I've stated. The best trolls convince people their "absurd" views are actually real.
And I believe the poster I am speaking of doesn't really have the opinions and views he says he does. Even if I'm wrong, his views are still outrageous, and prompts responses from women to retaliate.
NO one agrees with this person when he's being a troll.
Some may find him funny... but I've not seen one man agree with him when he's being a troll.
You are obviously a aren't going to take his posts like a woman will. Men are always more tolerant of other men no matter what their opinions are. You guys don't like to confront one another. Which is a good practice.. but's a cop out.

I don't think he's a troll, I think he is going through a second childhood. I think he uses women. But women are letting him. I've been on a site with a "real troll" and it was awful. But I can see where his cavalier attitude towards women would upset women.

ding ding ding!!!
We have a winner.
I do think he's a troll.. because I don't believe he's able to live the lifestyle he says he does.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 11:50 AM

THIS is a Troll!
Forumtroll that is!laugh

urp de derp! .....ha ha

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 11:49 AM

To the best of my knowledge, nobody here has been elected or appointed the judge of who is a troll and who isn't.

I'll do it.

Be my guest

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