mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 02:44 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Thu 02/14/13 02:49 PM

Well then, what is left is tradition..
and like Navygirl said...doing special things doesn't always have to cost money. Learn how to cook, and go on a free flower hunt...point is to do something extra. I am speaking of men that have money to spend in my post. That they spent on themselves, then said they were broke for this day.

esebulldog, now do you see how traditional that gold-digging is?
Apparently, it is permissible for women to spend their money on themselves, but the opposite isn't permissible.

personally, i don't care what the world thinks. i open doors for women (even women i'm not with) if i invite a women someplace, i foot the entire bill. i hold hands, kiss on the first date, pda, don't wait three days after getting a girl's digits to call, deliver a flower to her home/office whenever i feel like it, carry her over a puddle, kill a spider for her, watch "vanilla sky" twice if she wants, let her braid my hair, talk on the 'phone past my bedtime, and even miss work because her cat is having a bad hair day. basically i try to put her needs and sometimes wants before my own. if she doesn't want to give back, C'est la vie. all i know is that women make my world, and some day i hope to call one my own

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

see how easy that was DoDo???

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 02:43 PM

where are all the traditional gold diggers?

There. I corrected the sentence for you, since someone here wants to abide by tradition.

yup....yer broke....
rofl rofl rofl

No, I am just not a sexist.

I'll bet you are sexist in at least one way...
no matter how you slice us up...
we are still separated by gender characteristics.
You are obviously hiding behind the sexist thing.
Which is both pathetic, and sad.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 02:39 PM

Well then, what is left is tradition..
and like Navygirl said...doing special things doesn't always have to cost money. Learn how to cook, and go on a free flower hunt...point is to do something extra. I am speaking of men that have money to spend in my post. That they spent on themselves, then said they were broke for this day.

esebulldog, now do you see how traditional that gold-digging is?
Apparently, it is permissible for women to spend their money on themselves, but the opposite isn't permissible.

You misunderstand everything that's been said....that's sad.
Did I say I had no money to spend?
Did I say I wouldn't, shouldn't, couldn't spend any money today?
You don't make any sense.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 02:27 PM
Hey Dodo... how about this...
try learning the real definition of "gold digger" would ya?
I have all my own gold. laugh
If anything...I see dudes trying to dig the gold outa me!

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 02:25 PM

where are all the traditional gold diggers?

There. I corrected the sentence for you, since someone here wants to abide by tradition.

yup....yer broke....
rofl rofl rofl

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 02:18 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Thu 02/14/13 02:24 PM

What is up with men that don't want to or know how to buy the proper gifts and dinner for their woman on Valentines?
A card is 5 bucks, a dozen roses at the major grocery stores is 20 bucks, and dinner for two at the local pub/restaurant can be as little as 25 with tip. This day for sweethearts comes every year, with a whole year to plan it. No excuses that it creeps up on you when you're broke.
So what gives? What is it really that causes so many men to mess this up???

What causes so many women to mess up by assuming that the man is supposed to pay for the dinner?

You must be broke or you wouldn't care who pays for it.
Answering your question... because men have always been the ones to take this step towards showing his affection. Thank God because he doesn't know how to show it otherwise. lol
Our mothers taught this to us. Dad always bought mom a corsage. Dad bought mom flowers to say I'm sorry. Dad bought mom things because WOMEN mostly didn't work back in the day. So MEN had all the money in their pockets.
AND...he should pay because he doesn't have CHILDCARE to pay for so he can actually GO to work. lol.... jk I don't have kids at home, but tons of women do. I'd like to see you give over half your paycheck to the daycare center just so you can go make half your pay with a good attitude.
No really, in all's because it's a TRADITION. The man always has to fix the car and mow the lawn too are you going to start belly aching about that? Hey, here's this... why do women have to give birth??? Isn't there some way we can genetically alter you men so you can share this responsibility? Men should buy dinner just because of that alone.... gimme a break.

What about couples who don't have children and both have jobs? What is your excuse then?

Well then, what is left is tradition..
and like Navygirl said...doing special things doesn't always have to cost money. Learn how to cook, and go on a free flower hunt...point is to do something extra. I am speaking of men that have money to spend in my post. That they spent on themselves, then said they were broke for this day.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 02:05 PM

What is up with men that don't want to or know how to buy the proper gifts and dinner for their woman on Valentines?
A card is 5 bucks, a dozen roses at the major grocery stores is 20 bucks, and dinner for two at the local pub/restaurant can be as little as 25 with tip. This day for sweethearts comes every year, with a whole year to plan it. No excuses that it creeps up on you when you're broke.
So what gives? What is it really that causes so many men to mess this up???

What causes so many women to mess up by assuming that the man is supposed to pay for the dinner?

My friend is making his wife dinner. There problem solved; he doesn't have to take her out for dinner at all. laugh

Perfect! And hopefully he rips up a flower from the pot before they sit to eat flowerforyou

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 02:03 PM


well, I almost rendered you speechless... close.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:53 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Thu 02/14/13 01:54 PM

So instead of being selfish and expecting gifts, why don't we ALL go around giving gifts to people who deserve a bit of cheer in their lives, like homeless people or hospital patients??? With my cheap budget of buying items for a dollar, I could do that.

get a second job. More money. Problem solved.
jk... the point is to spend what you can spare...not spend on yourself, then tell the one you love you're broke.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:51 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Thu 02/14/13 02:04 PM

What is up with men that don't want to or know how to buy the proper gifts and dinner for their woman on Valentines?
A card is 5 bucks, a dozen roses at the major grocery stores is 20 bucks, and dinner for two at the local pub/restaurant can be as little as 25 with tip. This day for sweethearts comes every year, with a whole year to plan it. No excuses that it creeps up on you when you're broke.
So what gives? What is it really that causes so many men to mess this up???

What causes so many women to mess up by assuming that the man is supposed to pay for the dinner?

You must be broke or you wouldn't care who pays for it.
Answering your question... because men have always been the ones to take this step towards showing his affection. Thank God because he doesn't know how to show it otherwise. lol
Our mothers taught this to us. Dad always bought mom a corsage. Dad bought mom flowers to say I'm sorry. Dad bought mom things because WOMEN mostly didn't work back in the day. So MEN had all the money in their pockets.
AND...he should pay because he doesn't have CHILDCARE to pay for so he can actually GO to work. lol.... jk I don't have kids at home, but tons of women do. I'd like to see you give over half your paycheck to the daycare center just so you can go make half your pay with a good attitude.
No really, in all's because it's a TRADITION. The man always has to fix the car and mow the lawn too are you going to start belly aching about that? Hey, here's this... why do women have to give birth??? Isn't there some way we can genetically alter you men so you can share this responsibility? Men should buy dinner just because of that alone.... gimme a break.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:36 PM

Love it. rofl rofl rofl

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:35 PM

Nobody I've ever dated/been in a relationship with...has ever given a rat's azz about holidays, let alone, Valentine's Day. And if I ever wanted some heart-shaped candy, CVS is right around the corner.

You must have missed the point.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:34 PM

Well, I don't believe in it. If I was in a relationship, I would show my partner that I care all year-round. I would not celebrate Valentine's Day. I WOULD NOT want any gifts. Anyone who wouild not understand this and who would to celebrate with me would not longer be my partner.

Well well... I like your high horse you're riding there.
Takes guts to speak your mind, and I'll always appreciate that.
BUT! (lol)
I'd bet $100.00 (or just $1.00 just so you can play too), that you have some list of expectations somewhere. You are being too literal with your own needs. Some women buy fancy cards, some don't. Our interests can't always be the same. Some buy brand new cars..some settle for used. You can't say one way is right, and one is wrong. You have to do what is right for you. That's great. What is right for me just so happens to be different than yours. Most women like the special days set aside for gift giving. Poverty is no excuse for anything. Everyone in this country has the same opportunities to make money and spend a little on special people, for special days.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:27 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Thu 02/14/13 01:28 PM

$50? That is a lot of money. What makes you think you deserve to have that spent on you? Stop being entitled. And $5 for a card is a lot. I get my cards at the dollar store!!! In fact, I tell my friends that if they want to get me a present for my birthday to just go to Dollarama. And as for giving sex in return for gifts - well, that's just a form of prostitution. Why should people plan financially to buy you gifts in the future??? It's the thought that counts, not the amount of money spent on someone for any occasion. And I hate all holidays except for Hallowe'en; which is not considered an official holiday.

One person's 5 bucks is another person's 50... sue me. I make decent money, and plan to share what I can afford, by PLANNING it ahead of time. Most of the men I have known, make decent money too... unfortunately, they decide weeks beforehand, that they want to spend extra money on themselves, then tell me they are short later on for this day. That selfish contrast is what my problem is. If it's the thought that counts...THINK about saving for a special day.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:23 PM

But yet if kids are not taught at a early age that Valentines Day is a day to show love how does one expect them to show it as they grow up.

I can guarantee you it is a day my son has always remembered to make that day special when he is with the one he loves.. As well as my daughter shows it to her husband...Humm all because I made sure they were showed it was a special day growing up as kids... So guess my way does in fact teach them while they are little...

Valentine's Day began to be popularly celebrated around the 17th century. By the middle of the 18th, it was common for friends and lovers of all social classes to exchange small tokens of affection or handwritten notes.

Good point.... thank you. flowerforyou

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 12:45 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Thu 02/14/13 12:47 PM

Humm guess cause I have never had a issue with Valentines Day when I was with someone... They have always done something to make that day special... Maybe cause I never felt like they should spend a arm and a leg to make it special...

Myself I don't need one day out of the year to show those dear to me I love them....

But yes I do buy my kids and my grand babies Valentine gifts as well as the one I'm with on that day if I happen to have a partner... And have always received something as well... bigsmile

Sometimes men get tired of the attitude they are faced with on Valentines Day from some women... it is as if they owe them a big fancy gift .... whoa

Not sure about the men some have ran across but the men I know have never failed to make that day special to the one they are with...

See, funny thing is...this day wasn't set aside for grand kids and such. lol It's intended purpose was for "romantic" love. Anyway you want to celebrate it is great of course...but in my book, you have it backwards. It should be a day you honor the love in your life... romantically... but you do this for children instead.

No one needs to spend an arm or their legs for this day. lol
Like I said in my original post... 50 bucks could wrap it up good enough for me.
So if a woman never gave a man an attitude about it...but he didn't do anything but slap a 5.00 card on the table, what does that tell you about that man?

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 12:27 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Thu 02/14/13 12:40 PM

Hummm could be cause some women expect way too much out of this day! And I would like to know why some think it is all one sided... Men deserve just as much attention as women do....

Honestly I feel that I would rather have a man/woman that shows their love every day not just one day out of the year.slaphead

And yes I'm one that remembers these days and made sure my kids did as well... :heart:

Of course people should show their love all year.
But who does??? Most people need a day to remind them of the special people in their lives.
What is "way too much" for expectations?
Maybe the laxed out stance on V-day has something to do with why some men think it's ok to pass up the opportunity to do something extra special. What's wrong with that? Don't you buy tons of presents every year for Christmas? Don't you plan that out financially to make sure it happens? What's the difference? Both are religious not recognized for a day off from work...but, it's still a religious holiday. lol So much for religion even if you remove the religious aspect like everyone does Christmas, it would still be a nice day to celebrate love.

I didn't say it was only a day for women to get stuff. It can be for men too if they'd just want it! lol I would have TONS planned if I had a man this year. I've been known to wrap myself up in a giant red bow, holding a jar of body chocolate in a fancy hotel room for my man before. Why not? I love celebrations....and for love?? What an awesome reason. Men love sex... don't they realize if they want some that is extra special ;-) they have to also do something extra special? See?? This is why I hate my gender. A lot of women out there training boys all wrong for their wives later in life. Just sayin

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 12:24 PM

Are you kidding me, mountainwatergirl? This is exactly why I created a thread about misogyny and why I hate my own gender.

well, sorry... lol but this is NOT why I hate my gender. lol

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 12:12 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Thu 02/14/13 12:14 PM
What is up with men that don't want to or know how to buy the proper gifts and dinner for their woman on Valentines?
A card is 5 bucks, a dozen roses at the major grocery stores is 20 bucks, and dinner for two at the local pub/restaurant can be as little as 25 with tip. This day for sweethearts comes every year, with a whole year to plan it. No excuses that it creeps up on you when you're broke.
So what gives? What is it really that causes so many men to mess this up???

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 12:04 PM

Yes. I don't hate all women, but the majority of them give my gender a bad name.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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