mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 10:40 AM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Thu 02/14/13 10:41 AM

For me, If I like what I see??? I have NO problems approaching a man for whatever I am after. I will pounce. No problem.
Seductively with every time.

I really don't know why women don't like to make the move. Maybe they are more afraid of rejection than men are.

It's simple. It's just that since females are too judgemental and they care about their ego very much, they wont ask

Well that can't be it... because in saying that, you also described men. lol Men are very judgmental and are notorious for having huge egos. Are you in the US??? lol When a woman is turned on by what a man looks like, and how he can tell she is smitten. It's written all over her face. She may even do and say dumb stuff because she is nervous. Just like men. Have you ever seen a woman react to meeting a handsome famous person? It's ridiculous to observe lol. She cannot hide her attraction. Usually, there's no need to. If a woman isn't falling over herself to get to you, she's not interested. Again...JMO

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 10:33 AM
JMO, but if you tell her asap...she may have something else to look forward to instead of feeling trapped with her current crap relationship. If you think she's hanging onto this guy because she's afraid of being alone...then tell he she wouldn't be.
But then there's the fact that she needs to get over this guy for a while. If she ends it with him, it doesn't mean she's over him. Personally, I couldn't stand to really like a guy, get him, but he's still all broke up inside about some other woman.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 09:25 AM
For me, If I like what I see??? I have NO problems approaching a man for whatever I am after. I will pounce. No problem.
Seductively with every time.

I really don't know why women don't like to make the move. Maybe they are more afraid of rejection than men are.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 08:55 AM
Might be a little off key to some for me to bring this up but...
Getting married was never a law of man. You don't have to marry.
Nothing in man's laws says two people must marry if they are together.
Marriage was, and still is, something started, and required by God himself.
That's where the laws of marriage came from.
There is no other law that requires people to marry, and should be no other reason TO marry, except to honor and follow what God Himself put into place.
So for me, without God in your life, marriage is nothing.
Because without God, you don't have to try and stay married. You can just quit and not honor the promises made.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 08:24 AM

And Lastly, most times we, humans, read people's Written Texts with/in Our own Mood. We're Most Likely 2 get the Wrong Meaning of what they're Trying 2 Say

True dat lol
I was joking with you. Hence the laughing emoticon

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 08:18 AM

I always tell the truth, when you feel that you have to start lying then you must feel that you could not have a relationship without lying. IF you lie, you have to keep lying and before you know becomes way out of control. I think you lose yourself in the lies that you tell. JUST BE HONEST, NO ONE IS WORTH CHANGING YOURSELF TO FIT INTO THEIR LIFE. IF YOU DON'T FIT THE WAY YOU ARE, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO FIT BY LYING!!!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

mountainwatergirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 08:16 AM

Please give it a shot...what do u think?

What am I supposed to say if a woman asks me, "Do these clothes make me look fat?"

The truth would be, "No, your fatness makes you look fat."

It would be better for a man to run away rather than to answer that question truthfully.

Maybe if your truth is going to offend, you could try changing the way you see things...(seems like you could use to do that)
If a woman is asking you if her clothes make her look fat...then she's not even aware that she looks fat at all. Perhaps that is because she's not fat enough for it to be that obvious of a problem. Maybe you should change your perception of what is fat. Unless of course you have a perfect fat ratio yourself, maybe you shouldn't even be thinking she's fat. Try focusing on what she is wonderful for instead. No, we don't want you to tell us we are fat if we ask...we're hoping you won't see that, and that you would see beauty instead because that's what real love does. If you thought of things this way, you wouldn't have to lie.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Wed 02/13/13 04:18 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Wed 02/13/13 04:26 PM

So, is God real? Which god are we talking about? What moves you to believe so?

but you have to be able to see and hear....
so you can be looking and listening

mountainwatergirl's photo
Wed 02/13/13 04:03 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Wed 02/13/13 04:13 PM
I LOVE romance. I think I'd love to be spoiled with attention and affection.
Gifts, surprise trips and dates. I've never had that. Always had the plain dude with nothing on his mind but how fast he can get me into the sack with what little he had to offer me. Stupid. Not doing it ever again. I might get tired of romance though if the guy went all out all the time. I wouldn't know.
I would love to have a man pick me out something he wanted me to wear...but there is a finesse that needs to be used. He can't require I wear something that made me feel unwanted if I didn't.
Etc, with anything else along these lines.
But I don't think it makes me an addict, however I've been left to "jones" for romance like an addict being so deprived.laugh

mountainwatergirl's photo
Wed 02/13/13 03:56 PM

Don't really intend 2 be Harsh, but Women dat have been Married twice just Seem 2 not get Along with Men. Majority of them quite Frankly

huh And the evidence supporting your claim is . . .

1. Dat they've been Out of two Marriages Already?

2. The Women I Know dat have been there are just like dat; don't get Along with Men. They have Little Patience

REALLY!! That is about as stereotypical as you can get. Like I stated earlier in my post I was married for 5 years to a wife-beater and the 2nd marriage lasted 20 years for the sake of my daughter. It seems you might want to re-evaluate your opinion of women and know the circumstances of why they've had more than one divorce before you pass judgement on the entire female race.

I wouldn't let him get to you. He is only 35 and knows little about life. laugh Precisely why I would never be involved with a younger man with dumb attitudes like that.

yes and what he REALLY means is he thinks women need to hush it and put up with men so the marriage will last. hahahah!!

mountainwatergirl's photo
Wed 02/13/13 03:53 PM

The human mind is infinitely complex and people are all different. Over half of all marriages now end in divorce. That means a lot of people (like me) made stupid mistakes. I should have waited. Maybe someone who hasn't been married is just smarter than the rest of us.

What is politically correct changes from time to time. My grandparents laughed at women who were old maids at fourteen. It wasn't that long ago when being divorced at any age was a stigma.

Besides, people change. Circumstances change. Opportunity changes.

good post flowerforyou

mountainwatergirl's photo
Wed 02/13/13 03:51 PM
Funny thing, I remember posting something about trust and lies....
most everybody said everyone lies laugh and wouldn't agree with me that the truth is the only way. NOW look at this thread hahahahha!!!

mountainwatergirl's photo
Wed 02/13/13 03:47 PM

I'm here just to post my opinions.

This guy is too funny. Always short and sweet opinion too.
Love it.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Wed 02/13/13 03:43 PM

I don't understand this mindset, can someone elaborate so we can discuss it?

To me it simply means they haven't found the one yet, nothing written in stone saying you have to be married by suck and such age.

Well, first of all, you said "suck and such".....hahahahah!!!
Sorry, my Beavis and Butthead love is coming out of meh! lol
That made me spit my drink out on my monitor, but that's ok.

About your topic, I think not ever being married at a mature age means many different things. The only way to know why is to ask. But I think why would be a common question people would ask you. I certainly wouldn't be put off by it until I got an answer that disturbed me.
That answer could only be if this person was thrown back many, many times. I would look for clues to see if they were extremely hard to get along with, had tons of issues, or problematic habits.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Wed 02/13/13 01:11 PM

How many people have more or less given up hope/thoughts of someone being with them because of whatever reasons?

I know navygirl has.
And I have.

How about you, are you on here still looking, or are you here for companionship/interaction only.

Krupa and soufie and leigh and manoffewwwords obviously don't have to answer. Oh yeah, neither does captain and eileena. If there are more couples, just let us know!

I am having a relationship with Mingle2
Anything else, is not an option.
Over it.
I am single and happy, someone would have to be utterly amazing to change that.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Tue 02/12/13 04:43 PM

All kids isn't the point.
Like I said, I have a very well mannered teenager in my home. His mama doesn't live here. We be two bachelors.

I did have another one here a few years back. That's when the wife and I were together.

The little basterd was a rebellious prick. Dishonored me, my wife, and the neighbors.

I sent his a$$ down da road. The wife chose to go with him. She came back a month later without the POS.

I love being a Grandpa. I can always give the kids back to the parents.

My point speak ill of some children...whether they are well behaved or not....they are still someone's children.
I wouldn't have anything to do with a man that speaks about children like that. There are good reasons some children behave the way they do...and it's usually the parents that are lacking something they need...last thing these children need, is a man that isn't their father, behaving towards them the way you did. "The wife" ought to be ashamed of herself.

The little basterd was in my fkin' home. I have rules. He chose to buck my rules and spit in my face. If I was his father, he would have been raised differently. He's very fortunate I didn't abort him.
The POS was raised that way.
I took him in in good faith.
He was lazy, back-talking, disrespectful.
The wife, sent him back to his mama and daddy in Mexico.
Shame on any bich who would condemn her for that.
I chose to send his a$$ down the road.

What would you have done.

These children may need more than a child that has had both parents together their whole life. Children of divorce or single parents are not always fine with their parent's choices in life, and have anger and sadness issues.
People getting with partners that have children need to realize, you will be an influence to some degree to your partner's children if they are around you.
More often than not, they will not like the union. They may act out because of this, but not in ways that will tell you what the problem is. These children may have behaved like that their whole life because mom has weak parenting skills so the child is spoiled, confused, let to do what they want. Not getting the love guidance, and comfort they need from a father. One needs to tread lightly with children in this situation. You almost can't expect them to behave as other children do that were blessed enough to have two parents, or heck, even one good parent. The last thing you should do is make the child dislike you and fuel their preexisting fears about you.

Sure but don't you agree that it's one thing to say that a guy coming into a relationship with someone with kids should be friendly towards them and maybe be a good influence or role model but it's something else for him to act as an authority figure? What right do I have to punish someone else's children? I assume that you are a good mother, so in what way would you expect a man to act towards your children? Wouldn't any decisions made have to be yours or would there have to be some sort of negotiation where you would expect your partner to show respect for your kids and vice versa?

You have excellent questions. Thank you for your mother compliment. I did however, have to learn the hard way with some aspects of motherhood. I have few regrets. But one of them is getting with a man that didn't want to be a father figure to my children. Of course I didn't realize this until much later....and of course, he didn't think my children needed an additional father, as they did visit their real father regularly. I discovered though, that my children only spent every other weekend with their father, and every day with the step. Step fathers, and boyfriends alike, need to play, help, and back up mom whenever she needs it. It's that simple. I wouldn't discipline her children without her. That will never work. But she does need a man's help to back her up when there is an issue of discipline. Don't just let her take care of it all. She needs help or those children will walk all over her, next thing you know, we have teenage hellions later talking back and disrespecting, etc. There is something about two people together that makes the children listen. Just as in our friendship conversations, I don't really listen to a new idea until the person next to them also says the same thing.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Tue 02/12/13 02:11 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Tue 02/12/13 02:13 PM

All kids isn't the point.
Like I said, I have a very well mannered teenager in my home. His mama doesn't live here. We be two bachelors.

I did have another one here a few years back. That's when the wife and I were together.

The little basterd was a rebellious prick. Dishonored me, my wife, and the neighbors.

I sent his a$$ down da road. The wife chose to go with him. She came back a month later without the POS.

I love being a Grandpa. I can always give the kids back to the parents.

My point speak ill of some children...whether they are well behaved or not....they are still someone's children.
I wouldn't have anything to do with a man that speaks about children like that. There are good reasons some children behave the way they do...and it's usually the parents that are lacking something they need...last thing these children need, is a man that isn't their father, behaving towards them the way you did. "The wife" ought to be ashamed of herself.

The little basterd was in my fkin' home. I have rules. He chose to buck my rules and spit in my face. If I was his father, he would have been raised differently. He's very fortunate I didn't abort him.
The POS was raised that way.
I took him in in good faith.
He was lazy, back-talking, disrespectful.
The wife, sent him back to his mama and daddy in Mexico.
Shame on any bich who would condemn her for that.
I chose to send his a$$ down the road.

What would you have done.

These children may need more than a child that has had both parents together their whole life. Children of divorce or single parents are not always fine with their parent's choices in life, and have anger and sadness issues.
People getting with partners that have children need to realize, you will be an influence to some degree to your partner's children if they are around you.
More often than not, they will not like the union. They may act out because of this, but not in ways that will tell you what the problem is. These children may have behaved like that their whole life because mom has weak parenting skills so the child is spoiled, confused, let to do what they want. Not getting the love guidance, and comfort they need from a father. One needs to tread lightly with children in this situation. You almost can't expect them to behave as other children do that were blessed enough to have two parents, or heck, even one good parent. The last thing you should do is make the child dislike you and fuel their preexisting fears about you.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Tue 02/12/13 02:03 PM

All kids isn't the point.
Like I said, I have a very well mannered teenager in my home. His mama doesn't live here. We be two bachelors.

I did have another one here a few years back. That's when the wife and I were together.

The little basterd was a rebellious prick. Dishonored me, my wife, and the neighbors.

I sent his a$$ down da road. The wife chose to go with him. She came back a month later without the POS.

I love being a Grandpa. I can always give the kids back to the parents.

My point speak ill of some children...whether they are well behaved or not....they are still someone's children.
I wouldn't have anything to do with a man that speaks about children like that. There are good reasons some children behave the way they do...and it's usually the parents that are lacking something they need...last thing these children need, is a man that isn't their father, behaving towards them the way you did. "The wife" ought to be ashamed of herself.

The little basterd was in my fkin' home. I have rules. He chose to buck my rules and spit in my face. If I was his father, he would have been raised differently. He's very fortunate I didn't abort him.
The POS was raised that way.
I took him in in good faith.
He was lazy, back-talking, disrespectful.
The wife, sent him back to his mama and daddy in Mexico.
Shame on any bich who would condemn her for that.
I chose to send his a$$ down the road.

What would you have done.

Not get with someone that had children if I didn't want to put the effort into the package deal. Lot's of children have problems that were not raised properly. Especially boys with no fathers, that end up with mom's boyfriend that can't see he's crying out for guidance in all the wrong ways. You have to see past what they are doing, and put yourself aside. We all have rules. I'll bet you weren't a real rule abider in your younger days either. I'm sure your mother would like to at least wash your mouth out with soap. :tongue:

mountainwatergirl's photo
Tue 02/12/13 01:59 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Tue 02/12/13 02:10 PM
wrong response to poster*

mountainwatergirl's photo
Tue 02/12/13 12:00 PM

I think Society looks more down on those of us who have never married.

A woman once told me that ninety percent of her girlfriends would not go out with a guy who's never been married. Says a lot about what's on most womens' minds; not a relationship, not a best friend, not a companion, but just a husband.

NEWSFLASH!!! Men think the same thing about a woman that has never been married. So what does that say about a man's mind? spock

True! Men want to know if you ever been married and do you have any Children.

With me; men think its that I can't commit. Oh well. :banana:

They must not be as smart as you anyway.
Keep looking. You are so cute, sweet, kind and accomplished.
I really cannot imagine how you are still single and never married...I can't. lol
However, I believe some were never intended to suffer a relationship...and I envy them. lol

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