mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 11:49 AM

To the best of my knowledge, nobody here has been elected or appointed the judge of who is a troll and who isn't.

....and no one said I couldn't

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 11:43 AM

Become a regular poster over on the Internet Movie Database, then you'll know what a true troll is.

I think the OP definition is only partly right(a troll always knows they are trolling and their main goal is to upset people), and even though I don't agree with most of what Texas Scoundrel says, he's not a troll, just someone with strong opinions.

I disagree...
That's part of the magic of trolling like I've stated. The best trolls convince people their "absurd" views are actually real.
And I believe the poster I am speaking of doesn't really have the opinions and views he says he does. Even if I'm wrong, his views are still outrageous, and prompts responses from women to retaliate.
NO one agrees with this person when he's being a troll.
Some may find him funny... but I've not seen one man agree with him when he's being a troll.
You are obviously a aren't going to take his posts like a woman will. Men are always more tolerant of other men no matter what their opinions are. You guys don't like to confront one another. Which is a good practice.. but's a cop out.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 11:05 AM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Mon 02/18/13 11:07 AM

what do you think of posters that constantly have an opinion that is outrageous and just pisses people off?

Are you confessing to something? :tongue:

psh... my posts aren't outrageous and don't appear to piss people off lol
My posts are bitter, angry, and sad lol, but nothing more. My views are far more of an understandable take, and more acceptable than someone I won't mention. His views are off the charts pissing some women off that he's such a piece of work. Whether he's being honest or not, even other men think his views are disrespectful to women. You're right up there with him lol, but your humor comes through just enough and softens the blow.

What you consider to be an "outrageous" post someone else may consider to be a reasonable opinion.

You claim that your own posts are "more of an understandable take, and more acceptable." Well, someone else may not consider your posts to be more acceptable. One of your own posts could be considered "outrageous" by another member.

The fact that you feel "pissed off" by someone else's post doesn't imply that everyone is "pissed off" by that post.

In short, nobody here is qualified to determine which posts are universally "outrageous". Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, outrageous is also in the eye of the beholder.

As long as an opinion is expressed in a way that doesn't violate site rules, that opinion is welcome here even if you or I think that the opinion is illogical.

The moral of my story is this: Another person may appear to be a troll to you, but you could appear to be a troll to another person.

Now, how about we pause for a pint? drinker

If in doubt of what a troll is, please read the OP again.
I didn't even write it..... so it's widely known.
I think most people can look up the definition of outrageous...and compare it to the norm and see the big difference.
Ok, so I'll admit, his posts don't piss all women off, but he has gotten some responses from very respectable women that didn't appreciate his views being so piggish. He gets off on posting male pig comments and views...that IS upsetting to read...that is by definition...a Troll.

Well, you have said something that I consider to be outrageous, and you act as if you believe what you said. So, are you a troll?

I didn't ever say I wasn't capable of trolling. lol
Just because I posted this, doesn't mean I am troll free lol
I posted this, to make others aware of what trolling it seems most needed to know.
The Troll I speak of, didn't even know he was trolling either.
But because you brought it up... do you want to share with us what I said that was outrageous?

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 11:02 AM

I read many posts that are stupid and annoying; I know where Tex is coming from (have studied the same material) and I don't believe he is trolling, he is very honest about himself. I am absurd therefore I exist. And scared cows make the best hamburgers.

I suggest you read the OP as well. Definition is clearly posted.
We can't even be sure his views are real. They are off the charts for just about every other man here. absurd points of view, is by definition, a troll.
Troll doesn't mean stupid and annoying. If that were the case, you'd be a Troll too. lol

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 10:56 AM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Mon 02/18/13 10:58 AM

what do you think of posters that constantly have an opinion that is outrageous and just pisses people off?

Are you confessing to something? :tongue:

psh... my posts aren't outrageous and don't appear to piss people off lol
My posts are bitter, angry, and sad lol, but nothing more. My views are far more of an understandable take, and more acceptable than someone I won't mention. His views are off the charts pissing some women off that he's such a piece of work. Whether he's being honest or not, even other men think his views are disrespectful to women. You're right up there with him lol, but your humor comes through just enough and softens the blow.

What you consider to be an "outrageous" post someone else may consider to be a reasonable opinion.

You claim that your own posts are "more of an understandable take, and more acceptable." Well, someone else may not consider your posts to be more acceptable. One of your own posts could be considered "outrageous" by another member.

The fact that you feel "pissed off" by someone else's post doesn't imply that everyone is "pissed off" by that post.

In short, nobody here is qualified to determine which posts are universally "outrageous". Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, outrageous is also in the eye of the beholder.

As long as an opinion is expressed in a way that doesn't violate site rules, that opinion is welcome here even if you or I think that the opinion is illogical.

The moral of my story is this: Another person may appear to be a troll to you, but you could appear to be a troll to another person.

Now, how about we pause for a pint? drinker

If in doubt of what a troll is, please read the OP again.
I didn't even write it..... so it's widely known.
I think most people can look up the definition of outrageous...and compare it to the norm and see the big difference.
Ok, so I'll admit, his posts don't piss all women off, but he has gotten some responses from very respectable women that didn't appreciate his views being so piggish. He gets off on posting male pig comments and views...that IS upsetting to read...that is by definition...a Troll.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 09:54 AM

what do you think of posters that constantly have an opinion that is outrageous and just pisses people off?

Are you confessing to something? :tongue:

psh... my posts aren't outrageous and don't appear to piss people off lol
My posts are bitter, angry, and sad lol, but nothing more. My views are far more of an understandable take, and more acceptable than someone I won't mention. His views are off the charts pissing some women off that he's such a piece of work. Whether he's being honest or not, even other men think his views are disrespectful to women. You're right up there with him lol, but your humor comes through just enough and softens the blow.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 09:43 AM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Mon 02/18/13 09:46 AM
I gave my older son something to cry about when he was trying to manipulate the situation with his crying. Nothing wrong with that in my book either. I didn't give him a beating. A light pop over his thick fluffy diaper, then sent him to his room until he wanted to change his approach. He learned very quickly not to cry to get his instead, he learned to speak his emotions to me, and tell me what he wanted instead of throwing an emotional fit. Not that I raised my sons perfectly, but I feel this aspect went successfully.
My younger son, pretty much...never cried....and never showed anything he was thinking or feeling. I think his woman will have trouble with him in his future...and I'll be ready when she needs to come talk to me with her frustration. lol

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 09:40 AM

When I reached the age of two, my father began spanking me for crying without a good reason. Looking back it may have been him refusing to be manipulated by my emotions. Although I think the spanking was going a little too far, I think he was right in principle. A man can't use his emotions to manipulate others. It's just not masculine.

Today, I often don't express some emotions simply because I don't want to feel them. I don't want to be sad. I'd rather do something that makes me happy.

great post

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 09:36 AM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Mon 02/18/13 09:38 AM

I was gonna quote something TawtStrat had mentioned, but it wouldn't all fit into my browser, so I'll mention it without the quotes. He mentioned that as long as you ask his family, then there's hardly much room for doubt. I completely agree with this. If you need even more evidence other than asking their families, then either you have trust issues or are over-exaggerating. What more evidence do you need? Is my point.

I would agree with asking family 4 years ago.
but since then, i met a family that didnt reveal any truth about my ex. They helped him cover up who and what by never getting personal. They stayed on the surface with everything. The only clue i got was the look in their eyes... his mother's look was the most revealing... when i met her, she starred at me saying goodbye one night with a very concerned look... almost scared. It wasnt enough to warn me of anything so 3 plus years later, now i know what it all meant. You wont know anything if someone doesnt share everything. I get it that a lot of people are good trustworthy people... but there are so many creeps out there that arent, you wont know what happened until the damage is done. There are tons of reasons women are online and wont meet. Could just be shes keeping her space for her own protection.

But you have said here that they helped him cover up by never getting personal. You talk about the look in his mother's eyes. In hindsight these should have been alarm bells but you ignored them. We've all done it.

This is your argument: I would have agreed four years ago but I met a family that covered up by never getting personal. Therefore meeting their family means nothing. In general your argument seems to be that you met some people that were untrustworthy, so you can't really trust anybody. It seems a bit silly to me. At the end of the day it's yourself that you don't trust. You have been fooled by people and you think that makes you a fool.

no one can know for sure what a look is all about. Its too subtle.
this look was only obvious after i found out what a monster her son was.
that look could've been anything. Its not about seeing it and ignoring it. Its nothing at the time. You cant make anything of it.

his family, were not untrustworthy. I did not say that. I said they covered up everything and wouldnt talk to me about things. Everything seemed normal and healthy for the first year. Sure, i saw those infamous red flags, but like all the other trusting people out there, i gave it the benefit of the doubt. Last time ever.
how can you get that wrong when its in writting for you to refer to? Maybe im not saying things right. Idk i didnt say i cannot trust anybody, i said i wouldnt just be trusting to a strange man right off the bat. Isnt that how people get hurt or killed? I learned a lot recently and i will not forget it for any reason. It would take far more than the year i gave it last time, partnered with investigating before i trusted when my back is turned. Maybe never again i dont know. The damage a lover can cause is serious! This is why it is written to take care of a persons heart... its NOT to play with.

I read every post of yours... youve been through some wicked stuff... but i dont read that youve been truly, madly, deeply in love with a person that mistreated you in EVERY way possible. One person, not many...lied to hundrrds of times... slandered...rejected...beaten... it messes with a person to the point of mental breakdown... therapy is required. Even a dog wouldnt trust a human again... Please, don't touch my trust issues anymore... i am the product of abuse. I did feel like a fool... too many times to count... and never again... thank you.

Well okay but you are the one posting about how you can't trust men on dating sites and in relationships and if you put that out there for discussion you can't complain if people respond to it. This isn't all about you but you did tell your story and people are going to have an opinion.

A man comes on a dating site and he gets ignored by most of the women that he tries to contact and the ones that do talk go on about creeps and players. You post on a forum going on about how you can't trust men and how they do horrible things. Women reading that are hardly going to feel anymore comfortable about talking to the men on here and actually dating them. I get nothing out of this personally. Nobody here is going to date me but there are other men on here that are frustrated because the women here won't reply to them or go out with them and much as I feel sorry for you about the bad time you went through they are the ones that I sympathise with because I'm in the same boat.

I don't mind sharing...and I don't mind you responding of course....but you keep making my trust issues my fault.
You keep telling me things that make me upset that I still don't trust. There is a process in this I am only at the beginning of, and I can tell you don't understand it. I am sharing my negative experience with other women here because I met my abuser HERE.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 09:32 AM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Mon 02/18/13 09:33 AM

Since you have accused me of trolling, I feel a need to reply. The views I post ARE my views on whatever subject is being discussed. I know many of my views are controversial, but that doesn't mean I'm trolling. It means I have different views than most. It's my feeling that having different views from the majority here is often an asset. How dull would it be if everyone agreed about everything all the time?

The most powerful tool to use against a troll is to simply ignore them. This takes away all their power to frustrate and, if that's what they're really up to, they'll get bored and leave.

I've been posting my thoughts on this forum for a very long time. I don't think they've changed much over the years. Obviously, the moderators don't think I'm trolling because I've not been banned or even contacted and asked to turn it down. I never insult anyone, although sometimes the most insecure ones think I am. So, I try to point out that I'm not talking about them when I say something. It doesn't help much though. Some people seem to be looking for a reason to be insulted.

"As such, your victim must not know that you are trolling; if he does, you are an unsuccessful troll."

just means you are a very successful Troll

rofl rofl rofl rofl

mountainwatergirl's photo
Mon 02/18/13 09:30 AM
Let's say that we are talking about men that ARE wanting a relationship. I already know men don't care about details when they are just out for a fling.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Sun 02/17/13 09:58 PM
When a man thinks gross, explicit sex jokes or terms are funny.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Sun 02/17/13 09:41 PM

egocentrics (people who obsess over what someone should do for or give them and rarely consider what they should be giving in return)

of course, physically,
bad hygiene
extreme weights(visible bones and rolls of flesh are equally unappealing to me)
body hair
tats and piercings

100% correct,But what is wrong with"body hair"Maby i'm old fashion but "shaving everything?"The only thing that grows even after death is HAIR!!Even your nails grow!Keeping it groomed is the problem,but your preferences are yours!People faking themselves is a problem"Jeckle &Hyde"Pretending they are someone they are NOT untill you commit,Then h e-double- hockey sticks comes out of them?Be yourself is the only way to go or LIE forever!Just saying.

Wow! So true about lying forever. I love that you said that!

mountainwatergirl's photo
Sun 02/17/13 09:35 PM

I don't think I've ever dated a woman of what I'd call low intelligence. But, I do agree with what TawtStrat said about smart women acting "snooty." Sometimes intelligent women don't know when they actually could use a little help and woe be to the man that offers his unsolicited advice.

If she's intelligent, it had better be good advice.

It doesn't matter. If I advise her, she assumes I think she can't handle her own problems and by extension, that's she's stupid. It's better to ignore her let her do it herself.

She would only ask if she needed A different point of view... then yea, she'd figure it out herself from there.
just guessing :wink:

mountainwatergirl's photo
Sun 02/17/13 09:29 PM

Do men care if a woman only likes you for your looks?
can men tell if she's settling for him and all he's about just because he's hot and great in the sack?

this is a hilarious question. are you upset that you are hot and great in the sack???

I am not a man... lol no apology for me? Lol
i cant help it you dont understand the question ? Lol
I'm being serious. Some womenjust dont like being sellected for their looks and sex only. So its only fair to ask men if they dont care someone does this to them.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Sun 02/17/13 09:03 PM
So here's a term I think needs clarification.
one too many on this site.
what do you think of posters that constantly have an opinion that is outrageous and just pisses people off?


The art of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly pissing people off, usually via the internet, using dialogue. Trolling does not mean just making rude remarks: Shouting swear words at someone doesn't count as trolling; it's just flaming, and isn't funny. Spam isn't trolling either; it pisses people off, but it's lame.

The most essential part of trolling is convincing your victim that either a) truly believe in what you are saying, no matter how outrageous, or b) give your victim malicious instructions, under the guise of help. Trolling requires decieving; any trolling that doesn't involve decieving someone isn't trolling at all; it's just stupid. As such, your victim must not know that you are trolling; if he does, you are an unsuccesful troll.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Sun 02/17/13 08:24 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Sun 02/17/13 08:25 PM

Why is it hard for men to explain or express their feelings?

Probadly because no matter what is asked from a male, the questions are somehow related to those 'top five questions that frighten most men', to wit:
1. "what are you thinking about?"
2. "Do you love me?"
3."Do I look fat?"
4. "Do you think she is prettier than me?"
5."What would you do if I died?"
What makes these questions so difficult for most men to deal with is that they are all guaranteed to explode into a major argument if he answers incorrectly; that is, if he tells the truth and no amount of explanation will hide the truths afterwards.
For example, the proper answer to the fist question is ,"I'm sorry if I have been distant, darling. I was just reflecting on what a warm, wonderful, thoughtful, caring, intelligent woman you are and how lucky I am to have you in my life." This (usually spoon-gagging) answer obviously bears no resemblance whatsoever to the truth, which most likely is one of the following:
C."Angelina Jolie naked."
D. "How fat you are."
E. "How I would spend the insurance money if you died."
Question 2, the correct response is "Yes! I'm crazy about you!"

Inappropriate but truthful answers may be:
A."Sure,Doll! Heaps! Can we have sex now?"
B."Would it make you feel better if I said yes?"
C. "Can you define the concept 'love'?"
D."I'm your husband...that's my job."
E."I have sex with you, don't I?"
F. "Who, me?"
And things really get better after all truths must be hidden as lies...:laughing:

No one needs this opinion... at all

You think having Jack tell me I will listen? Lol
its YOUR truth... only your kind of man. I always stay away from.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Sun 02/17/13 08:18 PM
Edited by mountainwatergirl on Sun 02/17/13 08:19 PM

Do men care if a woman only likes you for your looks?
can men tell if she's settling for him and all he's about just because he's hot and great in the sack?

Settling for someone good looking and good in bed? Doesn't sound like settling to me. I mean really, what else can a man do for you that you can't do for yourself already?

dude, you're such a troll! Hahaha!
I'm not letting you make this about what a woman can do for herself lol
this post is about if men need a woman to care about what they do for work or do for fun, etc. If it bothers him that the only reason she likes him is cause hes good looking and a master in bed.
Also, i blew the original post generalizing again. Didnt mean to. Meant to ask each male poster their opinion.

I really do not understand what's "trolling" about that statement. Women are powerful, intelligent and independent. I agree with the old feminist slogan; "a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."

Am I wrong?

Did it imply something else to you?

Shall i ask you personally?
ok, gere goes...
do you care shes not interested in anything you do?
and i mean anything... all she likes about you is your looks
do you care?

mountainwatergirl's photo
Sun 02/17/13 08:13 PM

I don't think I've ever dated a woman of what I'd call low intelligence. But, I do agree with what TawtStrat said about smart women acting "snooty." Sometimes intelligent women don't know when they actually could use a little help and woe be to the man that offers his unsolicited advice.

If she's intelligent, it had better be good advice.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Sun 02/17/13 05:39 PM

Why is it hard for men to explain or express their feelings?

Probadly because no matter what is asked from a male, the questions are somehow related to those 'top five questions that frighten most men', to wit:
1. "what are you thinking about?"
2. "Do you love me?"
3."Do I look fat?"
4. "Do you think she is prettier than me?"
5."What would you do if I died?"
What makes these questions so difficult for most men to deal with is that they are all guaranteed to explode into a major argument if he answers incorrectly; that is, if he tells the truth and no amount of explanation will hide the truths afterwards.
For example, the proper answer to the fist question is ,"I'm sorry if I have been distant, darling. I was just reflecting on what a warm, wonderful, thoughtful, caring, intelligent woman you are and how lucky I am to have you in my life." This (usually spoon-gagging) answer obviously bears no resemblance whatsoever to the truth, which most likely is one of the following:
C."Angelina Jolie naked."
D. "How fat you are."
E. "How I would spend the insurance money if you died."
Question 2, the correct response is "Yes! I'm crazy about you!"

Inappropriate but truthful answers may be:
A."Sure,Doll! Heaps! Can we have sex now?"
B."Would it make you feel better if I said yes?"
C. "Can you define the concept 'love'?"
D."I'm your husband...that's my job."
E."I have sex with you, don't I?"
F. "Who, me?"
And things really get better after all truths must be hidden as lies...:laughing:

No one needs this opinion... at all

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