Community > Posts By > UrMissingLib

UrMissingLib's photo
Sat 05/14/16 12:34 AM

* Welcome to Mingle waving Enjoy.


** As you say:"Looking for girl"
*What was her name, I'll check the list twice.slaphead

UrMissingLib's photo
Sat 05/14/16 12:32 AM
Kindness. It's a language the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
Kindness leaves a beautiful mark in the heart...flowerforyou

UrMissingLib's photo
Sat 05/14/16 12:25 AM
I like your company (chats) but I am afraid you might be just like the others....fake! frustrated

UrMissingLib's photo
Thu 05/12/16 12:27 PM

Nd well doesn't need to happen the problem...nd in today's world we got such a technology where we can help to make a pregnancy successful without diseases etc...

Life begins at conception.

UrMissingLib's photo
Thu 05/12/16 07:27 AM

Yea the only problem is all the good ones get locked in the basement.tears

We don't get out much .noway

Oh my, ManMan you tickle me. Break the door!

UrMissingLib's photo
Thu 05/12/16 01:05 AM
I like, I like..... Very inspiring piece. I am elated by the extract,

'Arms raised, I feel you take my hand,
lift me beyond the now into forever.
O beautiful realms,
artists have tried to share,
captivate me and more'.

Kudos, gal!

UrMissingLib's photo
Thu 05/12/16 12:56 AM
Very hilarious :joy: and interesting insights, thought line, outbursts.... I love the forums!

We started the journey to discover what women want or need. It's a brainstorming one. I think we are doing well in these sessions. Man species with their note books :books: lol.

For every post shared, take home options could be three...
A full package :gift:.
Selective learning.
Simply have fun.

May I please add....i see the writer or source of wisdom is like a packaging or avenue, the contents is what is important. Let's be flexible and accommodating for the sake of those willing and able to learn.

Keep sharing, keep learning, keep having fun! The emotions will fluctuate along the learning curve.....

:smile: laugh :tongue: grumble indifferent :cry: bigsmile blushing huh rant oops rofl shocked surprised :thumbsup: explode

UrMissingLib's photo
Thu 05/12/16 12:25 AM
Well put, thank you.
Let he who has ears hear what wisdom says.

UrMissingLib's photo
Wed 05/11/16 07:57 PM

I waited until marriage. At 26 it was a bit difficult waiting but it felt good to look my new wife (as I closed the hotel room door behind me) and said you are the first one.

:thumbsup: flowers

UrMissingLib's photo
Wed 05/11/16 01:23 PM

UrMissingLib's photo
Wed 05/11/16 12:54 PM
●Don’t shout at your wife when you are talking. It really hurts her. (Proverbs 15:1)
●Do not speak evil of her to anyone. Your wife will become who you call her. (Gen. 2:19)
●Do not share her love or affection with another woman. It is called Adultery. (Matt. 5:28)
●Never compare your wife to another woman. If the other woman was good for you, God would have given her to you. (2 Cor. 10:12)
●Don’t ever allow her to beg you for sex. She owns your body just as you own her body. (1 Cor. 7:5)
●Be gentle and accommodating. She has sacrificed so much to be with you. It hurts her deeply when you are hash and irritating. Be tender. (Eph. 4:2)
●Hide nothing from her. You are now one and she’s your helpmeet. Let there be no secret you are keeping from her. (Gen. 2:25)
●Do not make negative comment about her body. She risked her life and beauty to carry your babies. She is a living soul not just flesh and blood.
●Do not let her body determine her worth. Cherish and appreciate her even till old age. (Eph. 5:29)
●Never shout at her in the public and in private. If you have an issue to sort with her, do it in the privacy of your room. (Matt. 1:19)
●Thank and appreciate her for taking good care of you, the kids and the house. It is a great sacrifice she is making. (1 The 5:18)
●All women cannot cook the same way; appreciate your wife’s food. It is not easy to cook three meals a day, 365 days a year for several years. (Pro. 31:14)
●Never place your siblings before her. She is your wife. She is one with you. She must come before your family. (Gen. 2:24)
●Invest seriously in her spiritual growth. Buy books, tapes and any material that will edify her and strengthen her walk with God. That’s the best thing you can do for her. (Eph. 5:26)
●Spend time with her to do Bible study and pray. (James 5:16)
●Make time to play with her and enjoy her company. Remember when you are dead, she’s gonna be by your grave but your friends may be too busy to attend your funeral. (Ecc. 9:9)
●Never use money to manipulate or control her. All your money belongs to her. She is a joint heir with you of the grace of God. (1 Pet. 3:7)
●Do not expose her weakness. You will be exposing yourself too. Be a shield around her. (Eph. 5:30)
●Honour her parents and be kind to her siblings. (SOS 8:2)
●Never cease to tell her how much you love her all the days of her life. Women are never tired of hearing that. (Eph. 5:25)
●Grow to be like Jesus. That’s the only way you can be a good and godly husband. (Rom. 8:29)

Courtesy of a pastor.

UrMissingLib's photo
Wed 05/11/16 07:49 AM
The site is real and so are the people... May be a robot there too! :joy:
The concern is how genuine people are.... Well, there are many wolves in sheepskin. Wow unto the sheep :sheep: in slumber,
The wolves, like the devil :imp:,
Are lurking to and fro,
Looking for someone to devour,
Watch you don't stray from the fold,
Cos out on your own,
The wolves in sheepskin come,
Like a good shepherd they approach,
Then pounce when you least expect!

UrMissingLib's photo
Wed 05/11/16 07:27 AM

yes, there are real people here.. just don't trust the ones with no photos

oops rofl

UrMissingLib's photo
Wed 05/11/16 07:22 AM
:thumbsup: :smile:

UrMissingLib's photo
Wed 05/11/16 03:20 AM

Wow! what a reply! I'm right here. And your way over there. But it appears our hearts are on this very same page. And so where does that leave us in the great scheme of things?

Just where we are.... Here and over there. :joy:

UrMissingLib's photo
Mon 05/09/16 05:00 AM

Great posts everybody. Agreed, the Word is clear. Homosexuality is against the Creator's Word. There can be no compromise. This is an unpopular stand in the world we live in. None the less, we must stand stronge. I was having breakfast at an old breakfast place with a friend. We were talking about the person of Bruce Jenner. He has gone transexual. My friend a female 56 years was letting her point known loudly. The waitress came over to tell us that many patrons were being offended by our conversation. I looked around, young folks, sorta hipster duffusez. I'm 52. So I gave my friend the high sign and motioned we should leave. The manager a friend, said sorry Rob, people didn't like your religious convo on Jenner. I realized then that people were clapping that we were leaving. I grabbed my friends hand and took her back to our table. I said "We're gonna have more coffee, we still got things to talk about!"
I realized this is what the world wants us to do. Shut up, play along. Let us say that homosexuality is ok. Stop being a pain in the ***, so we can ALL get along.
Christians are meant to stand out. We won't be the popular ones. We must take a stand. We must let the world know that politically correct is not the new standard. Christians that say it's ok to be Christian and a homosexual, are endangering their very own faith.

OP, Welcome to the United States. You won't have to worry about being burned alive like in Africa. The scripture is clear for you to change your life and remove your confusion.

Well put, Thank you. There is a clear divide biblically. Not a popular opinion the world would want us to flow with. The Christians worth their salt will make a stand, even in a small podium like Mingle.

If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything! In this case, I am proud if Africa was seen as a hater. Yes, a hater of what God hates is a great label.

UrMissingLib's photo
Sun 05/08/16 08:28 PM

Thank you so much and you are right family is vital and precious

I come from a big happy family. We are nine, including mom and dad. In Africa, grannies are part of your immediate family. It wasn't easy for mom when we were growing up. We learn to appreciate mothers for the big role they play in the family. Should a mom die earlier, the eldest daughter or son ends up taking the responsibility by default.....sometimes at a very early age.

May God grant mothers long life. Amen.

UrMissingLib's photo
Sun 05/08/16 08:14 PM

So lovely....
Thank you for sharing.flowerforyou flowerforyou

My kids are all grown-up now.
And yet in my eyes, I can still see them,
As I hold them in my arms for the first time, my tears of joy.....
Still remember their first smile...walk..
Their first word...Mak ( mum in Malay)
Sleepless night when they are sick.
Their growing up from toddler..adolescent....young adult....

Yes, I am proud to be a mother.
I have my flaws and may not be the perfect mother.
But I know I try my best to give the best and never ending love for my kids.:heart: :heart: :heart:

Who's like mother? No matter what, you are great!

UrMissingLib's photo
Sun 05/08/16 08:11 PM

You are so lovely. Family is everything, I hope you will feel the joy of motherhood one day flowerforyou

Thanks, gal.

UrMissingLib's photo
Sun 05/08/16 11:54 AM
I am so tickled by those responses rofl
This group can cure anything. My headache just vanished! :joy:.

What women want is not rocket :rocket: science, trust me. You just have to make time to find out what makes her tick or melt. Women are not copy paste....that's where the male species go wrong!
Woman is the most complex of God’s creation. Yet the sectret to her heart is simpler than the numerous innovations man continues to amaze the world :earth_africa: with everyday. Just as you work in a team at work or in your trade, work close to the woman you like/love. Brainstorm with her and therein is the secret. The code is....Ask, ask, ask. Listen, listen, listen :ear:.

Good luck my brother(s)! :angel: