Community > Posts By > soxfan94

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 03:33 PM

I used that example to show the utter rubbish behind the statement that men will act differently with a woman there, and possibly jeopardise themselves, because of gender...

Gotcha. Yea, I think you're right about that.

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 03:32 PM

Hey now....

Ohio has the Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame, the Inventor's Hall of Fame, Ohio State and all its Buckeyes, the Football Hall of Fame....and so on and so forth. Plus Bobby Cutts in one of our
thirty-two or thirty-three prisons.

You're thinking of Pittsburgh.

Don't forget Jeffrey Dahmer was from Bath Ohio.... in my backyard actually.....

ewwwwww now there's a man's man devil

**Tim the toolman Taylor voice**


soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 03:30 PM
I started with the thought of "Comfortably Numb"

Then I remembered "Wish You Were Here" (although it's played out)

And after reading everyone's posts I realized they are ALL so damn good!

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 03:28 PM

.... so where are all the protective men, when a woman gets beaten to within an inch of her life, by her partner? Where are all these protective men, when a woman is raped by a bunch of thugs?

Don't let this convince you that I don't agree with your post...I agree with your points of equality and individuality regardless of sex (gender is actually a social construct but let's not go there) Everyone will do what they do without restraints imposed on them by their gender.

However, the excerpt I quoted above seems a bit misplaced. To compare helping a fallen female comrade on the front line with intervening on a person's private life seems a tad off kilter. Again, I still agree with your main point though. And of course I do NOT condone spousal abuse or thug activities in any way.

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 03:12 PM

i was just stating what i thought...from what i've seen when i was pretty easy... but to each their own.

Well we could use a girl for our softball team!!!

When do you guys usually have games? And where?

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 03:11 PM
Hahahahaha. Touche.

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 03:08 PM
Edited by soxfan94 on Thu 02/28/08 03:10 PM
Debbie was there a response to my text that you quoted? All I saw was the quote. flowerforyou

Edit: Ok I see it now. You're right that it's not a steadfast rule. Those are just general observations of the average over a large number of men and women.

In specific scenarios there will be guys who are crybabies and women who can undergo all the torture in the world but still not break. But on average women kick a$$ at multitasking stress, and men kick a$$ at handling a huge amount of it before breaking.

Just generally though!

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 03:07 PM


and again rover

u may not be all over the world,but look again,there are many woman out there who are stronger then men in all ways.before u state something be sure its a fact

bad_girl - Please don't take this as an anti-women argument. It's not. If you ask me, most women have a stronger will than most men. Scientifically, though, the anatomical differences are proven. They can be overcome, and many women work hard and get themselves on an equal (or greater) level of strength with men. You are apparently one of those women, and that's awesome. But it still stands that women start from a physical disadvantage on average.

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 03:02 PM
Edited by soxfan94 on Thu 02/28/08 03:05 PM

and again rover

u may not be all over the world,but look again,there are many woman out there who are stronger then men in all ways.before u state something be sure its a fact

This is a fallacious argument though. To use outliers as examples of a rule is false. Generally speaking, the average male is stronger and better built for strength related activities than the average female.

The argument would be like saying that 5 year olds are better at reading than 25 year olds, simply because there was one child prodigy who demonstrated this.

**I still maintain my original answer for the overall question: Women should be allowed to fight, since they are able to be as effective as men (although only those that work at it...same as with men), moreso than some weak guys I know haha**

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:59 PM

told you were going to get it lol..women can take on stress levels better, multi task..and stay calmer in situations oh and try 48 hours of childbirth lol but then men have there qualities too lol

This is both true and false. Women will remain logical through higher levels of stress than men, who tend to react with a testosterone fueled angry response. However, women are likely to have an emotional breakdown at a lower level than men, ultimately.

SO basically while men can handle stree longer until their breaking point, women handle their stress better up until their breaking point.

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:56 PM

No, that is Michigan....laugh

Still not sure how states in the middle of the country can be armpits...are we viewing E-W as the vertical axis? Lol. huh

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:54 PM

no this was his first post....and he has still YET to tell me how i'm a moron...

Moron is certainly not the term I would use, but I gotta say that claiming baseball is an easy sport isn't a very strong argument.

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:52 PM


u are very much wrong in what u have stated

The average male is more physically stronger then the average female. To deny this is ludacris and simply wrong and ignorant.

Isn't that exactly what he's saying?

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:50 PM

I'm from Jersey.

Hmmm.. Theres a point I did not consider. She could have said that when we first started talking.
Ohio is looking much better!

Watch it! explode

(haha, seriously though I was amazed that Jersey didn't come up when the armpit joke got brought's usually Jersey that gets called the armpit of the nation)

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:47 PM
You can't prove a subjective notion like "which sport is the best" because that relies on opinion.

However, you can prove that it's looking at the required skills, or more particularly by trying it yourself.

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:46 PM
Didn't read all the posts prior... but I've gotta say I know some pretty pansy guys and some pretty badass girls. If they wanna fight, more power to them I think they'll do just fine and I'll respect them the same as any other soldier.

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:43 PM

I'm so not going to go any further to defend Ohio.

Smart gal, I got there... She knows when to stop defending the indefensible.

Lilith - Don't ever give up! You've gotta have gumption. I know, I'm from Jersey. glasses

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:38 PM

they didnt know..i didnt tell them...

they werent all from sports..

Heh heh...smooth. glasses

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:35 PM

Although - he did move around pretty good their last few games of the season and historically it's not until the 2nd year back after an ACL injury that you get back to full speed if you will. I think give him one more year....see what happens.. Just my opinion though

Fair enough. Although "one year" usually means 7 games for him. laugh

soxfan94's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:29 PM
He had a good season with TO, but that was back before he became a true pocket quarterback. His running days are over, IMO, and he doesn't seem able to adjust to a pocket game (i.e. waiting in the pocket while the routes Brady does). Instead, he always seems to see an open guy and just throw the ball immediately as hard as he can (usually into their feet).