Community > Posts By > ElissaIsTrans

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Mon 07/09/18 02:14 PM

im in the manila philippines add me

While I appreciate your offer, I'm going to thank for it and wish you a lot of success with other people.

Kind regards,


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Mon 07/09/18 02:10 PM
I have kissed around 20 people on the mouth and I estimate 15 of them were with the tongue. Those with the tongue were boys, those I kissed on the mouth without the tongue were girls either when we both were drunk or in truth or dare games.
Only the kisses with the guys were in a romantic setting.
Only one of these girls was kissed in a romatic setting and that was because it was a couple that invited me to join them. I didn't enjoy the kiss with this girl but we did it to warm her boyfriend up.
They happened after an hour or so. Every kiss happened after a bit of getting to know each other,... Kissing someone without knowing anything about them would be difficult for me.

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Mon 07/09/18 12:01 PM
Edited by ElissaIsTrans on Mon 07/09/18 12:04 PM

Attraction isn’t something that should be explained or defended. It just is.
I mean, I can’t force my brains to be attracted to someone if I’m not.
I respect everyone. I respect interracial relationships.
I’m just only attracted to caucasian looking white people and only very few asians.
I don’t see how that makes me a bad person if I have never been attracted to black people? I respect everyone the same no matter what skin color. It’s just that my attraction cannot be defended. It just is.

I dont really think there is any topic beyond 'explaining'

And as I have said, it is different to be or not be attractive to some ONE (individual) than some RACE (billions of individuals)

I also never said that racist or sexist dating choice is either good or bad, just that its RACIST(exluding an entire race of billions of individuals) or SEXIST(excluding an entire sex of billions of individuals)

My attraction just is as well. that is true for everyone. but what I ahve learned is that people are individuals and not their entire race when it comes to their features.

THIS white guy is 'attractive' to me

this white guy not so much

and there are many many others who are in the 'white' guy basket that dont look like either of them, so to decide arbitrarily nobody in that 'white' basket is attractive is a racist based barrier/presumption

There is absolutely nothing racist about excluding an entire race from your dating pool.
Black people have different facial features than white people and very different pheromones / very different
People are attracted to what they are attracted.
It’s absolutely possible to not be attracted to a certain race and not wanting to date them.
Black people have a totally different bone structure than white people. Someone can be attracted to white people but totally not be into black people and still be respectful towards black people in every day life and not be a racist.

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Sun 07/08/18 07:55 PM

Sorry, Elissa. Will you have anyone with you when you get the surgery?

My ex-boyfriend and my mother will be with me. It’s done as an outpatient procedure fortunately.
I’m a bit scared of the anaesthesia but not of all the rest :)

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Sun 07/08/18 07:51 PM
I love the courtesy with which a man treated a woman back in the day. I would swoon for a guy of my age who still masters that kind of courtesy nowadays but I guess it’s rather rare these days.

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Sun 07/08/18 07:47 PM
For me height matters actually.
He needs to be taller than me and preferably still taller than me when I’m wearing high heels.
I’m 5 feet 5”7 so I like it when he is 6 feet 2 .

Age also matters to me honestly.
I won’t fall in love with a 70 year old, no matter how cute he is. My age range is between 21 and 35.

But I get what you mean , that people who fall in love with each other shouldn’t be judged by others based on age differences. I agree with that.

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Sun 07/08/18 07:41 PM

Good luck, Elissals. Do you know when you are having the sugery?

In 3 months from now :)
By the way : it’s Elissa but everyone thinks it’s ElissaIs
My username is a sentence : Elissa is trans
So Elissa is the name and the rest is part of the sentence xD

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Sun 07/08/18 07:36 PM

E, I'm not sure how well it works.
But, i understand there's a diet including
certain food groups, that can enhance
bewbie size.

Thanks ;-)

You mean a phytoestrogen rich diet.
Phytoestrogens act like estrogens but are weaker than estrogens, so it would be contraproductive for me if I took them because I already take real estrogen and phytoestrogens compete with real estrogen for hormone receptors. So it would shrink my breasts if I did that. The diet is successful in genetic females / cis women, but in trans women not.
A smart idea though. How did you learn about it? :)

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Sun 07/08/18 07:32 PM

Do it for yourself and If it feels right for you.

Thanks. I’m totally sure this is what I want. Augmented breasts have always been something that I was jealous of to be honest. My breasts are still too small for my taste and I love the over-accentuated cleavage and side boob that breast implants give.

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Sun 07/08/18 07:30 PM

Everybody wants what they don’t have if your hair is straight you want curly and vice versa personally I wouldn’t want big boobs mine are very large and if I am very thin it looks obnoxious I need clothes specially made for my body when I’m thin because nothing fits right it’s probably why I prefer,a little weight on me because it distracts a little from my chest but I agree if your doing it for you then you should do it but don’t do it for someone else.

I am looking to get thinner so that once I have the breast implants my chest will look even bigger.
We have opposite goals regarding aesthetics it seems.
I want to get my waist as thin as possible so that my breasts are accentuated even more. At this point I would not dare to lose weight because I’m scared I will also lose boob fat that way. So I’m waiting with weight loss until after the augmentation.

This is +- my goal :

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Sun 07/08/18 07:23 PM

Hello Elissa .. personally I prefer natural over augmentation .. but I undestand your need .. I think a C Cup is the perfect size .. keep in mind it is not just how they look but how they feel .. especially in terms of a more natural appearance .. I don't find the rock hard nelon look attractive .. real breasts have movement
.. my friend had her breasts augmented and ended up having the implants removed ..and hers were only a c cup ... her sleep was disrupted because of them but I think she was a tummy sleeper .

As for silicone or saline .. it the implant was to rupture saline would be less of a threat to your body . Best of luck with your choice and the rest of your journey flowers

Aww thanks sweety, your comments are always so thoughtful.
I plan to go for the 400cc implants which are not that big so the results should look natural.
I am going with cohesive silicone gel. Cohesive gel cannot leak, normal silicone can leak but the cohesive gel not, it stays in the shell, even in case of rupture.
I would love to have more upper fullness and projection in the boobs.
I am going for teardrop shaped implants, round implants look too much “ sex worker-ish “.
I appreciate your advice :)
PS : to be honest I love the fake look that breast implants provide. Makes them look firmer.

This is my goal :


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Sun 07/08/18 05:00 PM
Dutch. Especially my dialect : Limburgs .
Dutch is beautiful.
Wij hebben de mooiste taal van heel de wereld. Laat die Amerikanen maar dol zijn op hun Engels, wij weten beter.

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Sun 07/08/18 04:50 PM
I’m feeling “ in the mood for sex “

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Sun 07/08/18 12:37 PM
And at the hospital :joy:
People will think you are armed :’-D
“ he’s pulling a gun “. “ no, relax, I can’t shoot, it’s not loaded “ haha imagine that 🤣

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Sun 07/08/18 12:29 PM
The mom is a hero.
I’m not in favor of the 2nd ammendment but I would be a liar if I said a gun didn’t come in handy here.
Good that the mom won’t face charges.
Here in Belgium she would have been charged with involuntary manslaughter.

Yesterday a juweler was robbed here in Belgium and the criminals fled away on a motor cycle. The jeweler went outside and pulled a gun. He hit one of the criminals in the back and the criminal died.
The jeweler was arrested for manslaughter because he protected his propriety and not his life.
Here in Belgium the law says you can protect your life but not your propriety.
The 2nd suspect was able to flee away while the jeweler was arrested and put in prison.
The whole country is furious here.

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Sun 07/08/18 12:10 PM
To be honest I thought you were late 20s or early 30s. Never would have guessed you were a grandmother already.
I hope my parents get to live long enough to meet their great great grandkinds as well.
I hope they will survive me.

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Sun 07/08/18 12:06 PM
I love my parents so much. I want to see them live up to over 100. I cannot imagine how empty my life would be if they weren’t there anymore.

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Sun 07/08/18 11:54 AM

The only problem I see OP, is that D is waaaaaaaay too big
on a person..your posture and back will suffer tremendously
with that big boob size. Experience is speaking here.

You are probably too young not to know that less is more,
that size will draw a huge amount of unwanted attention
which you say you do not seek.

Seriously, you can enhance a C cup but a D,
can topple you right over.

I agree Soufie. Big breasts come with problems of their own as I too can testify to that.....mainly backache.

I had a guy come to my workplace many years ago to repair a fax machine and every time I spoke to him, he replied to my breasts! In the end I had to tell him to look at my face and told him he was rude.

Hah, just read that back and it sounds as if I'm a freak hehe but I'm not. Suffice to say, big breasts can cause problems.

Sexism is not something that should alter our choices.
The way he treated you because of your breast size was wrong. Not your breasts in themselves.
Breast reduction for back pain reduction is another story. That is a personal decision out of medical need.
But I won’t think twice about the augmented size of my breasts just because guys might harrass me for it.
I prefer to fight against the sexism and not let that guy / those guys alter my life and my choices.

I hear ya, but the guys WILL look.. that has been happening since the caveman days... and it will never change. Not talking harassing.. I'm talking.. looking

The other guys.. not me of course ;)

.. actually that is why I wear sunglasses outside.. so I can look and not get caught ;).. its a man trick.

I could handle the looks as long as they don’t harrass me.
I will wear a laser on me from now on, to surprise the guys with sunglasses :joy::joy: :-P

I will just flip the lead shield down... Lol

Plan B : offer him a drink with 3 Viagra / Cialis caps and leave him alone. He will be a horny rabit with no relief for the rest of the day. Muhahahaha.

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Sun 07/08/18 11:52 AM
If he is that one man that is hard to find and if he is self-confident, handsome and intelligent with a nice and reliable inside, then yes, I would totally go for him, even if he lived 3 hours by plane away. But it’s a two-way street. I expect him to grab a plane and come surprise me every now and then as well.
Give and take.

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Sun 07/08/18 11:49 AM
A rich old man who is generous and into me.