Community > Posts By > ElissaIsTrans

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Tue 07/03/18 07:34 PM

I like palmers unscented coco butter

I love Cocoa better and Shea butter as well.
I use it in a scrub for my feet.
Works like a charm.

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Tue 07/03/18 07:31 PM
I’m thinking about food.
But I am not giving in to the temptation.

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Tue 07/03/18 07:18 PM
Depends where you live.
In the US there is a huge discrepancy between rich and poor, between north and south.
The giny factor is huge in the US. The giny factor is a factor to measure the social inequality based on the incomes. The higher the giny factor, the higher the inequality.
So when the discrepancy between rich and poor is so huge in the us, it’s hard to speak from a middle class because everything in between that huge gap rich => poor , is considered middle class.

Obama care was a good first step towards more social equality. Sadly, Trump already modified it severely.

Here in Westearn-Europe, Belgium, everyone has health insurance. It’s obligatory.

Vacation is calculated for in our salaries. We get a vacation salary above our normal salary, at the end of May. Every year.

The US has a very unproportionally divided GDP.
Social inequality is higher in the US than in most other countries in the world.

That’s why the middle class keeps suffering.
Especially with Donald Trump now.
The current government is a government for the rich people.

If you want a better living situation for the middle class in the US you will first have to reform your political structure and your economical structure.

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Tue 07/03/18 07:03 PM
For me all kinds of bells start to ring when a guy just wants to chill with me and when he doesn’t take life too serious in general.
When his attitude overall isn’t serious, I will not see him as someone who can be serious when it comes to dating either.

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Tue 07/03/18 06:55 PM

I guess it depends. My exhusband had a friend who killed his dad. But his dad was mean to him. Everybody said he got what he deserved. His friend did about 2 years in jail.

Someone who takes a life without a motive of self-defense of himself / herself or people he / she loves, has no moral subconscious and will recidivate in my opinion.

Was it self-defense of that friend against the dad?

“ everyone said he was bad “ is only hearsay and not facts.

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Tue 07/03/18 06:43 PM
Edited by ElissaIsTrans on Tue 07/03/18 06:59 PM
Here in Belgium parole exists after 1/3th of your prison sentence has been served. It’s been made possible due to the law Lejeune. “ de wet Lejeune “ as we call it here.
In the Netherlands 2/3th of your sentence has to have been served before you can qualify for parole.
In the US, I hear it differs between federal prisons and other prisons.

Here in Belgium we look up to the US legislation.

Murder in the US means life sentence or execution in a lot of cases.
Here in Belgium a murderer is convicted to serve 30 years and he has to only serve 1/3th of that according to “ de wet Lejeune “.

Dutroux, the famous child murderer, was convicted to serve 110 years. After 15 years of prison time he was granted permission to request parole. It’s been 22 years since he was arrested for the horrible child murders and rapes he committed and fortunately until now his requests to be liberated conditionally, were all rejected. But his new lawyer has said he will make it his life task to have Dutroux liberated before 2021. He will have served 25 years by then.
For 4 child murders with rape, 2 kidnappings with rape, and the murder on his companion.
He will be 63 by then. Young enough to start again.
Dutroux has studied law in prison. Unfortunately he abuses his legal studies to be liberated early.
This person still has no sense of guilt for what he did. Still no remorses. And he will be in liberty in a few years from now.
Wouldn’t execution like in the US be cheaper for people like that?
Why paying their housing and food with tax payers money?
When a lethal injection is cheaper and more efficient?

Are you in favor of parole for murderers?

I personally am not.

Execution sounds best in my opinion. Cheap and efficient.
Someone who voluntarily took someone’s life without a motive of self-defense or defense of his loved ones, is a dangerous psychopathic person who will never be able to show compassion or remorse. Why should we keep someone like that alive when it costs us too much money that could be used for more useful projects like cancer research,... for people who actually deserve the money?

What is your opinion on parole for murderers?

PS : I put this topic under science and philosophy because law is a recognised science with philosophical and rhetoric influences.

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Tue 07/03/18 05:48 PM

Attraction isn’t something that should be explained or defended. It just is.
I mean, I can’t force my brains to be attracted to someone if I’m not.
I respect everyone. I respect interracial relationships.
I’m just only attracted to caucasian looking white people and only very few asians.
I don’t see how that makes me a bad person if I have never been attracted to black people? I respect everyone the same no matter what skin color. It’s just that my attraction cannot be defended. It just is.

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Tue 07/03/18 05:43 PM
I pick Ashton Kutcher. Would kiss him.

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Tue 07/03/18 05:36 PM
I support interracial relationships but I’m personally not interested in dating someone who isn’t white and / or who isn’t Westearn looking ( European or North-American ).
I am not attracted to black men, turkish people, north-african people and Asian people. I have only ever been attracted to Caucasian people.

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Tue 07/03/18 05:27 PM
Hi there.
I get a lot of messages from North-African and Indian men and while I absolutely have nothing against these people I’m only looking into dating Westearn men.
Is there a way to geo-block or to select based on ethnicity, here on Mingle2?

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Tue 07/03/18 05:04 PM
My last relationship was with a 19 year old guy. I’m 22. He already treated me as if I was a cougar lol.
A lot of younger guys on the forums here from 18 years old or so also do that. We differ only in 4 years of age and they still look at me as if I’m a cougar. It’s pretty upsetting sometimes. Makes me feel old.

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Tue 07/03/18 05:00 PM

I'm here strictly for the dating. Got no time or patience for electronic chat. Looking for a woman with which to spend time while the clock spring unwinds.

with which? If you want a real, warm, living, breathing, woman, referring to her that way won't make it easy. I don't like to be referred to as if I was an object slaphead

Glad you are saying it! I thought the same!
He words it as if women are untermenschen :-(

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Tue 07/03/18 04:56 PM
I’m here to kill my time on the forums and I check my inbox to read messages from the guys who wrote me,
I like the matching system the most. It is addictive.

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Tue 07/03/18 03:35 PM
Where I left my bra was the first thing I wondered this morning xD

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Tue 07/03/18 03:24 PM

I saw Tom Cruise on a movie set in NYC. I was really surprised how short he was. He has to be around 5' 5". he looks taller in his movies.

Maybe you can't be taller then 5' 3" to work on one of his movies.

But I guess if you are Tom Cruise it doesn't matter.

Tom Cruise is hawwtt.
He looks no day over 30.
If he puts two pairs of socks on, I don’t care about his height :’-D

Lol.. well there you go.. just double up on the socks.

I think he might also need aid to help other things function well. Things that don’t function as great in his 50s as when he was in his 30s :’-P

you think Tom has problems with the salami?.. could be?.. maybe he uses a stunt double for his home bedroom scenes.

I’m sure Tom Cruise’s wiener doesn’t do what it used to do xD
But still, I would gladly go to a pharmacy and supply him with some magic pills if that’s what it takes to have him perform haha.
He shows no signs of ageing. Long live Botox.
He still looks exactly like he used to look in Top Gun.
Tom Cruise is older than my dad and I still don’t care.
Either I have “ daddy issues “ or Tom Cruise is competitive enough against the young boys from nowadays lol.
I’m sure Tom has a lot more wisdom to offer than those 20 year old baby boys xD

so I am going to go out on a limb here and say I think you would bang Tom Hanks...its just a feeling I'm getting

Tom Hanks seems like a very charming man and I love his acting work but with ageing he lost his looks :-(
But I’m still into him, yes.
Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise sounds like my favorite threesome.
As long as they stay off each other that is :’-D

you have a Tom fetish, my dear.. Lol.

You are right :’-D
Most guys I have crushed on were either Toms or Bryans.

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Tue 07/03/18 03:15 PM

I mainly use caress soap and head and shoulders shampoo. Everyone compliments me on soft skin and my hair. spock

I love their limited edition shampoo with Jojoba.
Head and Shoulders is good shampoo.
I also love Elseve.
I switch between those.

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Tue 07/03/18 03:11 PM

I saw Tom Cruise on a movie set in NYC. I was really surprised how short he was. He has to be around 5' 5". he looks taller in his movies.

Maybe you can't be taller then 5' 3" to work on one of his movies.

But I guess if you are Tom Cruise it doesn't matter.

Tom Cruise is hawwtt.
He looks no day over 30.
If he puts two pairs of socks on, I don’t care about his height :’-D

Lol.. well there you go.. just double up on the socks.

I think he might also need aid to help other things function well. Things that don’t function as great in his 50s as when he was in his 30s :’-P

you think Tom has problems with the salami?.. could be?.. maybe he uses a stunt double for his home bedroom scenes.

I’m sure Tom Cruise’s wiener doesn’t do what it used to do xD
But still, I would gladly go to a pharmacy and supply him with some magic pills if that’s what it takes to have him perform haha.
He shows no signs of ageing. Long live Botox.
He still looks exactly like he used to look in Top Gun.
Tom Cruise is older than my dad and I still don’t care.
Either I have “ daddy issues “ or Tom Cruise is competitive enough against the young boys from nowadays lol.
I’m sure Tom has a lot more wisdom to offer than those 20 year old baby boys xD

so I am going to go out on a limb here and say I think you would bang Tom Hanks...its just a feeling I'm getting

Tom Hanks seems like a very charming man and I love his acting work but with ageing he lost his looks :-(
But I’m still into him, yes.
Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise sounds like my favorite threesome.
As long as they stay off each other that is :’-D

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Tue 07/03/18 03:06 PM
I’m Elissa, 22 years old from Belgium.
I’m a student ( law school ) and I live with my parents and my brother.
I am a trans girl which means that I was born in the body of a boy but mentally have always been a girl. 3 year ago I started my transition. I have been on hormone therapy for 2.5 years already so I have developed natural boobs. I’m currently a large B-cup. I am also quite curvy but could lose some weight on my belly.
I have a soft and sensitive personality. I love nurturing people. I have a lot of motherly feelings. I love taking care of my man when I’m in a relationship. Giving him massages, taking time to talk about his day, making him a nice, warm, fresh meal.
I also love it when my guy is protective over me. I have kind of a submissive personality so I love it when a man is self-confident and a little bit dominant. I love it when he knows how to put me in my place and take control over me every now and then. My personality is feminine. I’m a girly girl. I love heels, lipstick, dresses, hair ribbons.
I am also someone who believes in feminism. I don’t believe women are only good to raise children. I believe a woman can accomplish as much as a man. My role models are strong, independent women.
In the bedroom I’m submissive, outside of the bedroom I love to have my say in this world and I have my own opinion and my own ideals.
I’m someone who believes communication is key to success in this world. Communication on every territory.
I love guys who take care of their bodies. I find hygiene very important. I’m very hygienic myself.
I have not had bottom surgery yet but I plan to have it in the near future. I prefer when a man ignores that little part between my legs, so long as I have not had that operation yet. Once I will have had that operation we will have sex in the regular way.
I love it when my date has broad interests. I’m someone with a wide general knowledge as well. I think that keeping an open mind is the most important key to evolution in this world.
I’m looking for a guy between 20 and 30 years old. I prefer guys who are older than me over guys who are younger than me.
I love it when a man has class and knows how to treat a lady with chivalry.
I love being courted by a well mannered guy in a tuxedo.
I love wearing prom dresses when I go to a party.
I’m someone who loves behaving herself according to the etiquette when she goes to a refined party.

I speak 5 languages : Dutch, French, English, German and Spanish.
I am going to my 2nd year of law school and need to do 4 more years.
After that I would love to work as a juridicial advisor in a company.

Something that really turns me off is people who can’t keep a conversation rolling.
I’m very talktative myself.

Your inside matters more than your outside. I’m looking for someone longterm. I’m not into one-night-stands or short long distance flings.

I get a lot of messages from guys in North-Africa, Asia,... and with all respect but you are too far away.
I’m looking for someone who I have the possibility to meet up with. Not looking for a virtual thing.

If you are interested in getting to know me better, feel free to drop a message in my inbox here on Mingle2.


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Tue 07/03/18 02:45 PM
I know this is a simple product but my favorite beauty product is Nivea Crème .
This stuff is so cheap and so efficient. I love the perfumated scent of it as well.
Nivea Crème is a product that both my mother and my grandmother already used daily when I was a child. I have fond memories of it.
A big jar which you go months with, costs 7.5$ USD here.
And in my opinion Nivea Crème is as good for the skin if not better than those little jars from Olaz, Lierac, Avene and Vichy which you pay 100$ for.

Sometimes the most simple beauty products go a longer way than more expensive beauty products.

What is your favorite beauty product? Any fond memories you have about your particular beauty product?

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Tue 07/03/18 02:32 PM
You should write a decent introduction about yourself in your “ about me “ section.
What your hobbies are, what you do for work, where you live, how your personality is and what you expect from your future partner.

Your profile is too empty now to rate anything.