Community > Posts By > Unknow

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Fri 10/15/21 09:13 AM
Multiple universes which were parallel -separate, but residing in the same overall framework would be more likely than many of all possible configurations as an explanation for fine tuning. Ours may be as one of many on a "universe vine" -never know.

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Fri 10/15/21 08:57 AM
Just not feeling it -lotta heavy stuff getting processed up there -and still working on the coffee stains

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Fri 10/15/21 08:54 AM
I would be happy if a pizza tree was a thing

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Fri 10/15/21 08:47 AM
I think Storm could easily kick my butt. lol smile2

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Fri 10/15/21 08:42 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 10/15/21 08:43 AM
“Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.”

Man accomplishing that alone if possible would be a messy road -but making "tools"/capabilities, invulnerability, etc. part of the design of a body rather than external tools/capabilities or protection is really necessary to go beyond a certain point. We would not need to exactly replicate specific conditions.

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Thu 10/14/21 10:06 PM
Hmmmmm... perhaps that will be a reason to allow more men to move there....
When I was researching places to possibly live (not with much seriousness) I found that I would need to have sheep farming experience to move there.
I had a goat once.

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Thu 10/14/21 10:03 PM
That announcer voice from Starship Troopers was just in my head saying....

It's an ugly planet... a fart planet.

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Thu 10/14/21 09:59 PM

...but we are also beginning to realize travelling to and colonizing other planets may be near impossible due to our dependence on this very specific environment.

We need new, improved bodies.
We can do much by making external tools such as space ships, but being less vulnerable in the first place is necessary.

Technically, a body is an interface between the mind and environment -and both the mind and body may potentially be improved in order to makes us less subject to environment -and environment more subject to us.

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Thu 10/14/21 09:48 PM
The Bible actually refers to us as inventors of evil -though we can also invent good things.
Our main problem is competition over resources, etc., rather than cooperation in making sure all have enough.
When we go about killing each other over resources, etc., technological advancement is accelerated in an effort to most efficiently and effectively kill the competition -but with cooperation there really is no rush except when there is necessity.
We do not need technology for its own sake. We need it for ours -and we need to be happy.
We do not need war and technology which makes us -as Bob Dylan sang -"fear to bring children into the world"

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Thu 10/14/21 10:47 AM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 10/14/21 10:56 AM
Increasing mastery of environment.
We are certainly responsible -but I believe once we learn that lesson we will not simply have to go it alone as humans, but rather will be given a boost by the one who arranged the complex blocks from the simple blocks in the first place.... by being granted more powerful bodies and minds -and access to all knowledge of all things (as is wise).

Successive generations of newbies can't be expected to make much permanent change -but should definitely always try.

When we are granted permanence, we may make permanent changes -but our temporary existence is enough to prepare us (thankfully only up to about 120 years of personal experience each).

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Thu 10/14/21 09:52 AM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 10/14/21 10:21 AM
One day I was looking at the periodic table -and realized it looked like a set of toy blocks.
These extremely complex "element" blocks came into existence by being arranged from that which already existed
(but we rarely try to look back beyond/before the initiation of the physical universe or consider that the universe might not be "everything" /the characteristics of the most basic "stuff" -the most basic blocks -which eventually became arranged as our universe -but perhaps something else before that)
Then these complex blocks self-assembled first into innumerable planets (relatively isolated/closed environments) -upon which they continued to self-assemble into a potentially-infinite variety of life forms -which tended toward increased mastery of environment (mastery of the blocks from which they and all else self-assembled) -and which increased in enjoyment or displeasure of environment, depending upon how the environment was in order or in disorder.
From these blocks the masters of environment can produce an extreme number of intended characteristics/properties and arrange them into countless configurations -by combining the blocks in various ways.
These life forms also tend toward the ability and desire to leave their isolated environments and explore the others.... including the countless differing worlds... upon which the potentially-infinite variety of life forms may already reside.......
so they can do really cool stuff wherever they go and also just be filled with awe...
but they have to learn to not mess up or blow up everything first.... so it's a good thing they begin in isolated environments.

Yah -that all took some forethought.

Some believe that "thought" requires the physical universe to first exist, but that the physical universe did not require thought to first exist.
That is what is apparent if only the physical universe which self-assembled from ITS initiation is considered back to its specific initiation -and not how that specific initiation came to pass.

It is true that everything which exists must have initially self-assembled (Even God could not be responsible for his own initial existence or awareness) -but what would it assemble into first -next, etc.?
Would thought and self-awareness have self-assembled first? Would such an extremely complex environment as our universe self-assembled first?

Thought and self-awareness are the mechanisms by which any blocks may go beyond self-assembly -so must logically self-assemble "first" -but would also become increasingly able step-by-step as self and environment became more distinct and complex.
So... is the entire physical universe specifically the initial "self-assembly" from greatest possible simplicity -and we are the first mechanisms to move it beyond self-assembly???....
or was such a mechanism required to move greatest possible simplicity to become specifically the universe?

Did thought require the periodic table -or did the periodic table require thought?
Did the extremely complex and specific blocks require such a mechanism to arrange them from the most simple blocks?

As there is no actual difference between "self" (self-aware and environment-aware processor/manipulator) and environment -only logical separation and arrangement..... would "self" and environment initially develop interdependently in tandem -or would one be initially extremely augmented?

Must the overall initial simple environment have/have also become a simple yet increasingly complex self -thereby becoming able to continue more complex arrangement -as a self is a necessary arranger past initial self-assembly... as increasingly able?

One difference between such a self and our own selves is that such a self would have increasing input into its own arrangement -and that of its environment (initially both simple and not separate).
We have zero input into our selves until we awaken into already-extremely-complex and -capable bodies -and assume there never was any sort of "input" to cause that specific output.

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Tue 10/12/21 09:31 PM
I have seen the future...
It is just like the present, but longer.

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Mon 10/11/21 10:03 PM
hence the phrase "touchy feely"

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Fri 10/08/21 09:35 PM

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Wed 10/06/21 11:02 AM
Lived with just pups too long -i think i went feral
nobody to impress for decades, so I usually don't look impressive
forgot my manners
hate shaving, so don't often
i could do this all day

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Sun 10/03/21 08:32 AM
Very unfortunately, the following accompanied the first time I heard of Black Lives Matter......

"On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, shooting and killing five officers and injuring nine others. Two civilians were also wounded. Johnson was an Army Reserve Afghan War veteran and was angry over police shootings of Black men."

That is likely true for many, so many are likely to associate it with violence. Few will separate the underlying issues or acknowledge those peacefully seeking change.

Violence from any source adds to the fire -and fires can become uncontrollable and unstoppable firestorms -feeding on themselves -leaving no option but to try to get the hell out of the way until all the fuel is gone -and everything everyone was fighting over is gone..... and that is not even considering how it will give advantage to foreign powers.

We all need to be very, very careful....

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Sun 10/03/21 08:03 AM
A surge in recruits can be a great thing -depending on the mindset and understanding of the recruits and the ways various agencies employ them.

Peace officers -just law and respect for it -outgoing concern for citizens -great.

People taking the job to gain power for other reasons.... trouble like nobody can imagine

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Sun 10/03/21 07:57 AM
Florida during the cocaine craze.....

Shortage of law enforcement recruits to deal with crime stemming from cocaine one way or another....

Law enforcement positions filled by abundantly-available criminals.....

There are many things which happen -long before law enforcement becomes necessarily involved -which create the end result and need to be addressed.

There are things which cause widespread criminality and shallow pool of good law enforcement recruits.

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Sat 10/02/21 09:18 AM
life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans

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Thu 09/30/21 09:49 AM
Used to feed stray cats -accidentally stepped on one's tail and it went Tasmanian devil on my leg

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