Community > Posts By > shovelheaddave

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 09/19/18 09:12 AM
i'm thinking about what chemicals I need to add to my hot tub.

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 09/19/18 09:10 AM

i want to build a farm and have coffe houses and bars

well,what are you doing to try to make those dreams come true??

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 09/19/18 09:08 AM

Is this a cautionary tale to apply to our own lives

or a statement of rejoice to apply to the lives of 'others'

or maybe a bit of both?

In my life, I have had a strong underlying world view that what goes around comes around, it ties in heavily with another foundational value of treating others in the manner at least as well as what I would want me or a loved one to be treated

I believe it strongly. so when I see or hear of grown people (not kids, who I give the benefit of still growing and developing their brain) doing awful things, my instinct is disgust, but my afterthought is actually empathy for either what made them so miserable or for what miserable thing they will have coming.

Do you believe what goes around comes around? Is it any inspiration on your conscious and sense of right and wrong? Do you rejoice in such an idea or merely believe it is how it is?

, if you believe it at all, that is.

if that was actually true,and not just some tired anthem that losers tell themselves to try to pretend that reality isn't reality,then why are there so many s*!tty people out there who have such great lives,and always come out on top,and so many truly nice people who can never seem to get a break?

shovelheaddave's photo
Wed 09/19/18 08:56 AM
I think that it is ironically HILARIOUS how a1l of these self proclaimed 'patriots' don't even have the slightest idea of what the REAL patriots who have served and fought to uphold our constitution have been fighting for!!!
[or,it would be if it wasn't so SAD!!!]

so,if you REALLY want to thank the people who have fought and died to make sure that you can enjoy your constitutional rights,and freedoms that we have in this country,dont let small minded people who have their own agendas convince you that you HAVE TO express yourself the way that THEY think that you should,cuz that is INSULTING to us!!

and,also,contact your congressmen,senators,and state representatives and tell them to quit cutting funding for education so that they can give their super wealthy campaign donors tax breaks,and start teaching CIVICS in our schools again,cuz there are A LOT of people who have a SEVERE misunderstanding of what 'freedom',and 'the bill of rights' in our constitution actually means!!!


shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 09/17/18 09:06 PM

BTW..where is Colin these days?...The spotlight has not been online sidelines during the singing of the national anthem..pretty quiet there.

15 minutes of fame is almost ....up

I think that he is busy being the spokesperson for NIKE,and making all of those commercials that take his message to MILIONS of people all over the world,whether they happen to be watching a football game,or not.

cuz,when you have a message like his,AND a somebody like NIKE gives you a platform to spread it from,sometimes you have to occasionally miss a football game!!
[that's just what happens when you have the capability to keep your eyes on THE BIG PICTURE,and don't let yourself get distracted by all of the small minded,petty people who don't have a message worth listening to!]


shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 09/17/18 09:59 AM

If Trump is doing such a bad job running the country, why is Obama trying to take credit for it? :thinking: :sweat_smile:

:thumbsup: Good point. !!:smile:

well,if TRUMP is doing such a great job of running the country,why is HE trying to take credit for things that he isn't responsible for??

the republicans got our country into the places where it was in a recession,and,as usual,it took the democrats to get our country started back on to the right path,and start improving it so that the republicans could run it back into the ground with the terrible things they have done after people forget the havoc that happened that they were originally responsible for!

and,they are so cowardly about it that they do things with time released self destructs built in to them,so that they know that they will not be in office,and have to personally answer for the things that they have done/allowed to happen..
like the 'tax cuts' they passed,that will gradually cut the middle classes throats in several years.

do you actually think that trump/the republicans are going to be willing to answer for them,and take responsibility for them?
or do you think that they will try to pass he buck along and blame the democrats or them,when the things they created start going south?

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 09/17/18 09:43 AM

This is the direction I fear the USA is going. Hate spreaders like Jones fire up people. And because of it, some people react like this.

hate spreaders lmao your funny

i never really listened to a lot of his stuff but free speech means, free speech

i hope he sews the hell out of them all

is a conspiracy theorist, still a conspiracy theorist when it turns out to be true ? ?

I think that it is a very sad thing when people don't even understand the very BASICS of how our constitution works,as the lack of understanding of it is a HUGE contributing factor to the civic unrest that we are now experiencing in our country!
[don't they even teach 'civics' class in school any more??]

we STILL have free speech in our country,as nobody is telling him that he is not ALLOWED to say these bats**t crazy things...
they are just saying that these things are so bats**t crazy,and socially irresponsible that we don't want to let you use OUR PRIVATE platform to spread these dangerously harmful things,as it makes US look bad in the eyes of the public.

while we still DO enjoy the right of free speech,as I am sure that ANYBODY that has EVER watched TV,or MOVIES has heard before,ANYTHING THAT YOU SAY CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU,and that people actually judge you by both the things that you do,AND the things that you say!!

so,im sorry that anyone could actually believe that 'free speech' means 'freedom of consequences for the things that you say',but if anybody does not have the the grasp of that simple principle yet,i suggest that they go to the bad part of town,and start screaming racially negative remarks to people,and they will find some people who will be more than happy to further explain these principles to them in a way that I am SURE that they will THOROUGHLY understand,because,like mark twain said,... "a person will learn things by carrying a cat by the tail that they will learn in no other way!"

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 09/17/18 09:25 AM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Mon 09/17/18 09:25 AM

I was thinking the same thing. Who cares what this one guy thinks? He will soon find out nobody gives a rats butt about his opinion. He can take his ignorant *** to Africa with Obama.

Sounds like a good plan to divide the Democratic vote. :thinking:

I think that trying to GET RID of anybody with an opposing viewpoint than your own is a DEFINITE SIGN of weakness,and insecurity,as it means that you are showing people that you do not actually believe that you can stand up to these people and beat them with the facts relating to the principles that you believe in.

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 09/17/18 09:16 AM
I feel that BOTH of those terms has been weaponized by the opposing party as a method to try to control,and manipulate people who don't understand the meanings of the words.

most people that read my posts on here would probably assume that I am strictly a liberal,but I also have some conservative principles that I believe in,especially when it comes to my finances,but just because I belie3ve in being financially conservative in some ways,that doesn't mean that I cant also believe in being socially liberal,or believe in helping the people that need help,because I believe that when a person is TRULY successful in life,then they can afford to be generous,and charitable to the less fortunate,because having MORE than you need,and not being willing to help out the less fortunate doesn't mean that you are just means that you are greedy,and self centered,and if you are so short sighted that you cant see beyond a dollar sign,then I DEFINITELY don't consider someone like that a success in ANY way,because you are not making the world a better place in ANY are just taking up space and PROBABLY doing things that makes the world a WORSE place in some way.

so,my thoughts are that ALL people are complicated beings who are multifaceted,and to just forget about letting people pigeonhole you into a single category for their own purposes,and agendas,and just be a good person!
[cuz,if you aren't being a GOOD person,then that means that...] oops

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 09/10/18 04:40 PM
sex,and chocolate!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 09/10/18 04:39 PM
why cant I have BOTH?? sad

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 09/10/18 04:37 PM
my GF's dress!!


shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 09/10/18 04:36 PM

Is there any real people here

you have an almost completely empty profile that doesn't tell anybody ANYTHING about yourself,and yet,you STILL cant seem to find anybody that is interested in you for who you are??
[whodathunkit??] 'o'

tell you what....
send me $50,and I will write you a profile that will get you all sorts of responses!

I just promised you responses...
I am not responsible for the TYPE of responses you will receive!
if you want GOOD responses,that will be extra!!!)

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 09/10/18 04:23 PM
it has been raining here for sevral days.

BUT,considering that we have been in a severe drought the past few months,and been under burn bans,i do not mind the fact that we have now transitioned from 'dust' to 'mud'!
[PLUS,it has brought the temperatures down from the 100's to the 80's] :thumbsup:

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 09/10/18 04:18 PM
I think that we make a lot bigger deal of it,here in the U.S. than they do in other parts of he world,since we had institutionalized slavery,and had to suffer through our civil war that was mainly about whether or not races were equal or not.

even hundreds of years later,we STILL have factions here that fight about that out of insecurity,and still fear contact with different races!

but,i feel that one of the MAIN things that is breaking down the walls between races here in the U.S. is the fact that NOW,ALL of our young people share the same taste in music!!
they are all listening to the same music,and it is bringing them together to share,and celebrate it!

despite the feelings of their elders,our young people no longer feel the same hatred of people of other races,because they have embraced the same culture and NOW, they do not feel like the people of other races are 'different',like their parents,and grandparents did,because they enjoy,and share the love of the same things.

they are socially intermingling,and intermarrying,and as the older generations die off,so will the irrational hatred that they felt about people of other races,and then we will be left with only the culture of our young people,which will be the culture of ALL races.

so,in just a few more generations,HOPEFULLY,the insecurity that fed the racism that the older generations felt will have totally vanished from our country.

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 09/10/18 04:02 PM
I think that GRAVITY takes a harder toll on women than it does on men. laugh

but I also think that LIFE takes a harder toll on men's bodies,than it does on women's,as men generally do harder/more manual labor,which makes them age faster,and causes more physical problems on down the line.

things like 'smoking',and 'drinking',and 'diet' are also big contributing factors,though!

CUZ,as I have said MANY times...

just like with a used car,it is not the AGE nearly as much as it is THE MILEAGE!!!

shovelheaddave's photo
Mon 09/10/18 03:53 PM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Mon 09/10/18 03:55 PM
PHYSICALY,I will leave hundreds of acres of trees that I have had planted,which produces oxygen,shelters animals,and makes the world a better place!

but,even better than THAT,as a firefighter,my legacy is all of the people who I have gotten to help in my career,whether it is saving their property,or making sure that people are still around and able to stay a part of the lives of their families,and loved ones.

PLUS,all of the charities that I have been involved in,especially the Percy R.Johnson Burn Foundation,and "Camp I'm Still Me",which is a summer camp for children that are burn survivors.

I feel that THAT is the part of my legacy that is the most important.
[and the most rewarding!!]

so,with THAT in mind,who cares how many people come to my funeral?
[if i can figure out how,i am not even going to attend it myself!!!]

shovelheaddave's photo
Sun 09/09/18 09:59 AM
Edited by shovelheaddave on Sun 09/09/18 10:20 AM
recently a new in-depth documentary called 'active measures' by jack bryan has been released whose subject is the comprehensive analysis of the connection between donald trump and the russians,and their interference into our 2016 election.

it is so in-depth,and has such great credibility that it cites more than 200 reliable sources,and traces the connection back several decades,back to 1984,when donald trump sold five trump tower condos to russian mobster david bogdan to give this investigation the proper context that is needed to understand what has been happening.

basically,what has been happening is that the crooked russian government officials,including vladimir putin,as well as the russian oligarchs who have gotteen tremendously wealthy from skimming money from both government,and private corporations in russia,and the russian mob have been laundering,and legitimizing their money,and converting it from highly unpredictable russian rubles into more stable u.s. dollars by purchasing american real estate with the help of private brokers.

since these transactions are basically cash purchases,being handled by private brokers,instead of being handled by banks,which are required to report certain things to the government,there is absolutley no oversight into these dealings,and there is even a specially worded legal clause in the "patriot act" that allows 'real estate transactions' to slip through a loophole,and be free from government oversight,which makes real estate purchases a perfect tool for foreign investors to use to launder money with.

donald trump has been involved in real estate transactions with the russians since his first sale to the russian mob in 1984,and has continued to have ties to them through real estate transactions ever since,which is the source of a great deal of his wealth.

this also explains why he has been so relunctant to release his tax returns,as they will almost certainly reveal that he has been receiving a great amount of income from people connected to the russian government,the russian oligarchs,and the russian mob,which are ALL basically the same thing,since the russian mob is controlled by the russian government,which is made up with the russian oligarchs,and gives us insight as to some of the leverage that the russians have against donald trump.

this documentary also gives in depth analysis of the russian interference into our 2016 election,and the methods that they used to do it.

here are some links that partially explains some of these details...

and the entire documentary "ACTIVE MEASURES" can currently be viewed in its entirety on HULU.

while i am sure that there will be some trump supporters who find the content of this documentary very hard to swallow,and they will try to deny what this documentary reveals to us,they will be unable to rationally deny the over abundance of indisputable facts that are revealed in it.

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 09/07/18 03:33 PM


President Donald Trump’s corporate tax cuts might not have trickled down to American workers in the way that he suggested they would.

In part,

But a new analysis of all Fortune 500 companies found only 4.3 percent of workers will receive a one-time bonus or wage increase tied to the business tax cuts, while businesses received nine times more in cuts than what they passed on to their workers, according to Americans for Tax Fairness, a political advocacy group devoted to tax reform. The analysis also found that companies spent 37 times as much on stock buybacks than they did on bonuses and increased wages for workers.

From here.

President Trump Could Save $11 Million A Year From New Tax Bill

In part,

It is clear that President Donald Trump is set to save millions if he signs the Republican tax plan, but exactly how much? Forbes crunched the numbers: It looks like up to $11 million a year from a single rule change.

From here,

it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out exactly who benefited the most from trumps tax cuts!

the only people who cant see it are the ones who don't WANT to see it,and people who are so gullible that they actually BELIEVE all the ridiculously stupid lies that trump tells them that any reasonably intelligent 8 year old could see through.

what astounds me is how willing all of these trumpsters are to HAPPILY,and ENTHUSIASTICALLY support something that is OBVIOUSLY cutting their own throats!!!

but,now we know what Donald trump meant when he said 'I love uneducated people".

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 09/07/18 09:31 AM

Lol...CNN and MSNBC have you guys wrapped around their fingers... you'll believe any lie they want to say, and not only believe it, but live it and dream it too...laugh

I absolutely LOVE how you reveal that in YOUR WORLD,you think that there are ONLY second rate partisan CABLE news channels to get your important information about current events from!!!

you need to check out ABC,NBC,and CBS!
unlike your cable propaganda channels that masquerade as 'news' sources,they only report FACTS...
not partisan propaganda!!

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