Community > Posts By > Journey2008

Journey2008's photo
Sun 12/21/08 07:11 AM

For me, it's people being rude and obnoxious to others for the stupidest reasons.

I work at the service desk at Walmart doing refunds. And no matter how many times I tell people they can't get their way because of it being store policy, I always hear "Well, why not?" along with the attitude of "the customer is always right".

How many freaking ways do I have to say "No, because it's store policy!" before it finally sinks in?

Not mention they act like I'm the one who made up the rules and I'm just being unfair and a being a b!tch.

I just don't get some people!

MsCarmen...I know what you mean!! I'm a cashier and it always seems to be MY fault that the prices aren't right in the register or that the customer can't read the sign right. Gee it says "Buy one get one 50% off...not 50% off of one." And it's also my fault that someone has put an item on the sale rack that doesn't belong, so they think they should get the sale price.......I could go on and on.

Journey2008's photo
Sat 12/20/08 09:47 PM
((((Vanessa)))) I'm so glad to hear that Anna is doing well! I'm sorry I haven't been on here too much. Have been busy working and packing. Love and prayers to you and yours!

Journey2008's photo
Sat 12/20/08 09:37 PM
Thank you, everyone, for your support and your continued prayers for my boys and their families. I haven't forgotten about you, I have been busy working a lot of hours during the Christmas season and then helping get the house packed up to move. I sure will be glad when we get settled. I'm not looking forward to the drive to the west coast. I just want it to be done, and be there.

Journey2008's photo
Sat 12/20/08 09:28 PM

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. for ever and ever. Amen


I ask that you please place Brenda, and her two beautiful sons, under your protective wing of mercy. And provide them the love, strength, and protection, that they so desperately need now.

I ask this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ.


Thank you for your prayers and your support! We appreciate it more than you all know!flowers

Journey2008's photo
Sat 12/20/08 09:25 PM

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. To give you an idea of how my youngest son feels about the military, here is a blog that he has out, that I would like to share.

"Well my brother and me have shared a bond of blood since i was born. He is more then just my brother he is my best friend and some one that i respect and admire for the recent decision that he made to serve under the same oath that i took 9 years ago. See my bro decided that it was his time to serve the greatest country in the world and pledged his life to defend his country along side of the greatest men and women to live in America. He has stepped up to a challenge that less then 1% of Americans are a part of. I can only hope that one of these days i will be able to hold my rifle side by side with my brother on the battle field so that we may serve and if necessery lay down our life so that others may live on to serve and protect. GO ARMY HOORAH AIR FORCE. love you Rick."

How can I not be proud of my children? I love them more than life!

Thank you for bring two fine young men into this world. I also want to say Thank you to all of the men and women in uniform that put their lives on the line everyday so that My daughter and I can enjoy the freedoms that we have. I also have family members that are serving this great country. God Bless each and everyone of them.flowerforyou flowerforyou

Thank you for your support of our troops. I am a very proud "military mom"flowerforyou

Journey2008's photo
Mon 12/15/08 06:48 AM

I just hope you like it here as much as I do Journey =)

I hope so too. I wish I was there already though. I'm not looking forward to the loooonnnnggg drive from coast to coast. Not with three kids, two dogs and (as my daughter in law says) a crawfish that serves no purpose. I'm excited about the move...I just wish it was done.

Journey2008's photo
Sun 12/14/08 05:30 PM
I am a military mom. A very proud one! Two sons, one army and one air force.

drinker drinker :heart: :heart: I just want to say Thank you and God Bless each and every one of you for your service to our country!!:heart: :heart: drinker drinker

Journey2008's photo
Thu 12/11/08 06:35 PM
Dear Lord,
Please hold little Adrian in you loving arms as he has these surgeries. Guide the surgeons hands as they work on his little body, Lord. I also ask that you give the family a sense of peace that everything will work out in your time Lord. I ask these things in your precious name. Amen

Ponie, I know what it is like to watch your grandchildren go through surgeries. My grandson has had three. He has cerebral palsy. It's very hard on everyone. I will continue to pray for you and your family. Just remember to keep your faith. flowerforyou

Journey2008's photo
Mon 12/08/08 08:30 PM
I will still be packing for my move to Washington!

Journey2008's photo
Sat 12/06/08 07:07 AM

Well it finally happened. I moved from Olympia upto Seattle. One of my friends decided "brilliantly" to break his foot for my birthday which forced me to move up here.

I must say I'm still adjusting to everything. I have a good job starting on the 8th which i am looking forward to. UNFORTUNATLY all I ever seem to do now at days is Sit in the appartment playing computer games or drawing. I haven't even picked up my guitars since moving up here. Granted, im still basically living out of a trunk and duffle bag but its a small place.

I just REALLY want something to do or someone to hang out with, Maybe get some coffee or something. Going to the clubs is out of the question until i start to work but oh well such is life.

Anyone else have anything interesting or 'lifechanging' happen lately???

Hi Evening, I am moving to that area the beginning of the new year. I live on the east coast that will be a very lifechanging event for me. Plus the fact that I am living with my son and daughter in law and the grandkids. My son is in the army and I am going to help out with the kids while he is overseas. It's good that you have found a job. I hope I don't have a hard time finding one when I get there. God knows I need the money desperately. Take care and be patient, it sounds like things are going to work out for you.

Journey2008's photo
Fri 12/05/08 08:18 AM
Edited by Journey2008 on Fri 12/05/08 08:20 AM

Merry Christmas to our service people and their families.

Let them say it in person.

Support this effort.

THANK YOU, from one VERY PROUD MILITARY MOM!!! I have only two children, both sons, and both military. I don't enjoy seeing them go to war, but couldn't be more PROUD of them!! My youngest is due to go over for the fifth time. My oldest for his first.

To those of you who have ill feelings about all this...whatever your feelings on this war, please don't bash the military. They need our support more than anything. If you feel you have to bash them, how about finding one and sitting down with him or her and have a conversation with them FIRST. Get the real reasons they are doing the right thing by being there.
Merry Christmas to all and God Bless our military, both here and abroad!

Journey2008's photo
Fri 12/05/08 08:06 AM

I have been so low the past days....

Today I am happy that I send a 36 lb box to my son and his Marine brothers..

yet...I feel so goddamed depressed....

As mush as I want to write and send is so hard to send to Iraq,,

I much preferr to send to Camp L. or to his home..he will evenually have with his wife in May 09..

I am so confused about why I feel this way..

Why after talking with him I go into such a low...

I just want him to come home safely in May...

:heart: :cry: sad brokenheart tears frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated scared :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

flowerforyou (((Suzanne))) It's normal to feel that way!! We don't want our sons and daughters to be overseas! We want them home with us and their families. Doing what they do best, here at home. Just pray for them daily, that they will be safe and come home soon! And be proud of him!! Also, remember, you are not alone, and anytime you need to vent or just want to talk, their are others of us in the same situation that will gladly lend a shoulder to lean on and will listen, and probably cry, right along with you!!flowerforyou

Journey2008's photo
Thu 12/04/08 04:45 AM

The fort area is very low income, and has a fairly high crime rate, but apart from casual theft of anything not nailed down, it's actually a really nice area.

First of all, rents are cheap, and the shopping around that area is very inexpensive. The shop owners are REALLY nice to people who pay without arguing and who give them repeat business. They are also VERY social and love to talk to new people.

I lived in Tacoma and still have a house on 46th street. Tacoma isn't as terrible as people pretend it is. Seattle-ites act like it's a Million miles from civilization, but they're just biased and never drive anywhere. Tacoma has the Glass museum, which may not sound so cool but it's f**king awesome. Kids love that place. The "docks" in Tacoma are vibrant, full of businesses, boaters, and people who are so friendly that you could wind up getting invited on a sailing trip on somebody's Yaught.

I can give you a list of fifty things to do in Tacoma that are cool. There's an honest to God Mansion that you can tour, several huge parks, a zoo that is larger than anything else in the NW USA, and a vibrant downtown business zone that has some of the largest antique shops I've ever seen in 38 states.

MSG me if you want specifics. It is not, however, easy to get around Tacoma by bus. You will need a car. Parking is free almost everywhere, and there's a huge, FREE parking lot downtown with a FREE trolley to all the stores.

I worked at a law firm downtown in Tacoma and loved the area. Yeah, there are a lot of poor people and ethnic problems in Tacoma, but not on the scale of say, Detroit, or Los Angeles, not at all. I lived in T-town for two years without any incidents.


Thank you so much for the info. That makes me feel a little better about the move. At least it sounds like there are things to do there that will be interesting to the kids! And me, lol. Have a great day and maybe I will give you a holler once I get out there.

Journey2008's photo
Thu 12/04/08 04:40 AM

why ya moving? curious I'm about to uplift as thinking spokane... born and raised in seattle area.. now im from oregon

My son is in the military and I am helping them out for a while. That is where they are going next.:smile:

Journey2008's photo
Tue 12/02/08 08:01 PM


I finally heard via e-mail from Brett...

He is tired,cold,and extremely busy....

After a marine got them stuck in the sand..they had to shovel out for many hours....On Thanksgiving..

For Brett..the best part was being able to eat his Thanksgiving dinner with his best marine brother....

Even though they ate a cold dinner..

He counts the months down of when he will return to the USA....

hmmmmm I miss him so much....:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Suzanne, I am soooo glad you heard from Brett!! It's such a good feeling when you can read words from your child, even better to hear them on the phone. I always made sure my employer knew when my son was overseas so that if, at any given time, he was able to call me, I was taking that call no matter what the circumstances. I know you are counting the months also till you can hold on tight to him again.

Journey2008's photo
Tue 12/02/08 04:29 PM
I really hope so. Thanks everyone, for your input.:smile:

Journey2008's photo
Mon 12/01/08 07:39 PM
:heart: Hi Nessa, just checking in to let you know the prayers are never ceasing. God bless you and yours:heart:

Journey2008's photo
Mon 12/01/08 07:34 PM
Thanks Shutterbug...It's a little scary moving so far away from everything we have ever known. I'm looking forward to the move though. The pics I have seen of Washington are beautiful! And I love the mountains, so there should be a lot for me to check out once I get there.

Journey2008's photo
Mon 12/01/08 11:12 AM

I'd never marry anyone I just told I loved but wasn't in love with.

Me either...but maybe that was what she was looking for a year or two ago, then realizing, or knowing it was never going to be, she decided she should move on.

Journey2008's photo
Mon 12/01/08 11:05 AM

we have been together almost 4 yrs,she started out slowly loosing sex drive w me, last month she told me she loves very much but she is not in love with me, i love her to death, please anyone knows how to bring her love back, i feel am going to loose her,
I've heard that I love you but i'm not in love with you crap before, dump her, she is probably just using you or waiting for a chance to leave anyway. You can't make her love you, it is either there or it isn't. Four years if she is not in love with you by now, it's not gonna happen most likely.

Boka...Don't know your whole situation, but maybe she wants more out of this relationship. Maybe she wants a proposal from you, a commitment that you are going to be there forever, a marriage. Does she have concerns that that is never going to happen? There are still women in this world with morals. Just my opinion.

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