Community > Posts By > Journey2008

Journey2008's photo
Wed 10/22/08 06:55 AM
Dear Lord, I pray for Suzanne that you will bring her a sense of peace in knowing that You are watching over her son and that You will bring him safely back home into her waiting, open arms. Amen

Journey2008's photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:56 AM

My thoughts are still with youflowerforyou

thanks whisperflowerforyou Now if I can just get a job, I won't feel so nervous about the move. But then again...the beginning of the year, if not before, we will be doing it all again. My son finds out around the 15th of November where he is going to be stationed, and we will all be moving again. Your thoughts and prayers are really appreciated.flowerforyou flowerforyou

Journey2008's photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:53 AM

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou<<< Brenda >>> ....flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

drinker i found this site to give to your Son's Wives, drinker

flowerforyou in case they haven't found one like this already flowerforyou

drinker drinker

Oh Vanessa...that is an awesome website!! Thank you sooo much! I will make sure that the girls see it! You are such a sweet lady. God surely has blessed me with a friend like you!!

Journey2008's photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:49 AM

flowerforyou Prayers for dear Brenda to find new work flowerforyou

drinker She gallantly quit her job & uprooted her home drinker

:heart: To move in with Family & help with the children :heart:

drinker While their Daddies are serving their Country drinker

sad & to think that so many of us Civilians are so wimpy & whiney sick

smokin These people are the true movers & shakers...smokin

blushing there are no words to commend these folks adequately blushing

drinker for their kind of hard work, love, loyalty & dedication drinker

flowerforyou flowerforyou Thank you for the prayers, Nessa. I am all moved now. I got here yesterday! The grandkids were happy to see me and I think my daughter in law was relieved. My grandson has a follow up appt. for his surgery today and she was going to have to take the other two out of school, had I not been here. I'm going out looking for work today. Hopefully, with God's help, it won't take me long to find something.flowerforyou flowerforyou

Journey2008's photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:42 AM

:banana: IM GOIN HOME!!!!:banana: shades shades

drinker drinker drinker Wiccan...I am so glad that you are going home!! God bless you!!drinker drinker drinker

Journey2008's photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:41 AM

Warrior smokin drinker smokin

I never wore the uniform,
no medals on my chest.
The band it doesn�t play for me,
I am not among �the Best.�
I do not march in cadence,
I do not rate salute,
I stand among the silent ranks,
our devotion absolute.

If you�ve not worn my shoes,
you do not know my story.
I live a life of sacrifice,
my reward a private glory.
I�ve wept many silent nights away,
and I�ve kept the home fires burning.
I�ve worried and I�ve waited,
as world events were churning.

I�ve moved more times than you could fathom,
left more people than you�ve known.
I�ve planted gardens �round the world --
Very few that I�ve seen grown.
I�ve grieved with new-made widows,
and had my share of scares --
when a ship or plane or man was down,
and all I had were prayers.

I�m not asking for your sympathy,
(although appreciation can be nice)
I did it quite on purpose though --
I chose to sacrifice.
I�ll tell you a secret now,
one you�d never guess.
About the one glory that is mine,
it�s just enough � no more, no less.

When you and I stand together
as our national anthem plays,
I�ll fill with reminiscences
of how I spent those days.
I�ll know the pain and joys again,
I�ll know that freedom isn�t free,
I�ll know I�ve helped to pay the price �

and that the anthem plays for me.

Elizabeth Soutter Schwarzer
Wife of a United States Marine

Good morning Nessa, that was beautiful!! Thank you for posting.

Lord be with our many soldiers today as they go about their many different jobs. Amen

Journey2008's photo
Mon 10/20/08 10:09 AM
Dear Lord, Please watch over our service men and women and keep them safe from harm. Let there be an end to this war soon so our families can come back home to us. Amen

Wishing everyone a beautiful day!

Journey2008's photo
Sun 10/19/08 05:59 PM

I made a post of this but it seemed to have gotten ignored. But thought I would share it here.

flowerforyou hi there Whisper, Dear flowerforyou

I never saw your post, Honey, frown

other wise i would have stopped by for sure...:heart:

i have so much going on drinker

i am not online that much these days noway

but thank you soo much ..i did watch it ...drinker

and i am so thankful that you care blushing

& have a heart for our troops :heart:

and i wish that more people did :cry:

Thank you for watching hun.

I have been writing three soldiers now for almost a year. I do not know them, and may never meet them, but at least they know that there is people out there that do care.

whisper, I wish more people were like you. It is so hard for these men and women to be away from their families. They really enjoy receiving mail of any kind when they are overseas, whether they know the person or not. When my son is overseas and I send him mail, I send another card for him to give to a soldier who has no one. Or if I send him a package I make sure I send doubles of everything so he can share.

Journey2008's photo
Sun 10/19/08 11:54 AM
Hello Vanessa, I hope you are having an awesome day!!

Journey2008's photo
Sun 10/19/08 11:50 AM

many prayers

thanks so much for the prayers!

Journey2008's photo
Sun 10/19/08 11:49 AM

Journey, God bless you and your boys. May he keep them safe within his grasp, and may he give you strength when you hear bad news on the tv. May you already be assured that they are safe when you hear that bad news.flowerforyou

From one that served to one whose boys?? (just doesn't sound right) adult male children are serving.

US Army

Hi Sully...thank you so much! And thank you also for your service!drinker drinker

Journey2008's photo
Fri 10/17/08 05:05 PM

Sneaks in to hug Rapunzel.

Wonders if I do have what it takes to be an Army significant other when the Soldier is deployed. Sigh.

flowerforyou M

flowerforyou flowerforyou Hi'll have what it takes. Don't worry, you'll gain strength from your better half.flowerforyou flowerforyou

Journey2008's photo
Thu 10/16/08 02:17 PM

HI Brenda,

I think I read that your son is in basic training or almost done... I liked Basic training and AIT....

Best of luck to you both...

Hi Vanessa,

Hope you are doing well...


Hi son graduates basic training on Halloween, then off to AIT.

Journey2008's photo
Wed 10/15/08 06:03 PM
txmomof2...thank you for the prayers. It's so nice to know that there are people out there that don't even know me and my family, but are willing to pray for my sons safety.flowerforyou flowerforyou

Journey2008's photo
Wed 10/15/08 05:47 PM
flowerforyou Thank you mssilverfox. They need the angels. Not just my boys, but all military. I don't know what I'm going to do when they are both overseas at the same time!ohwell

Journey2008's photo
Wed 10/15/08 05:26 PM
Hi Sherry, nice to meet youflowerforyou

Thanks Vanessa, it's was good talking to you too!flowerforyou

Journey2008's photo
Wed 10/15/08 04:58 PM
I don't know a lot of people on this site, but to the ones who have posted on this thread that are veterans, or are serving in the military, I would like to say Thank you for your service to this country!! God Bless you all!!

Journey2008's photo
Tue 10/14/08 04:11 PM

U know my prayers are thereflowerforyou !!!

Thank you so much Mikeydrinker It's nice to know that my sons and I have support from so many people.

Journey2008's photo
Tue 10/14/08 03:54 PM
That's how I felt when I read it the first time. I cried and cried, then prayed and prayed.

Journey2008's photo
Tue 10/14/08 03:42 PM

i know how you feel all my closest friends are spread out across the 4 branches i am navy and i can tell you that the pryers do help us

Thank you for your service to this great country. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

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