Community > Posts By > bzmom01

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Thu 02/12/09 06:22 PM

I'm like geez- don't you have any freaking freinds you can torment, torture, abuse, and dump this crap on? Why me? What the f*ck did I ever do to you? Look at me closely- closely- closely- do I look like I give a sh!t? Ha ha ha ha!!! Good luck dating lying men!
When and where was your name on this personally Thank You That is why men like you don't catch my attention. Yeah I have friends and all of them agree men for the most part are not men they're boys in a grown mans body.

Start dating boys then...

Might as well they would probably treat me better.

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Thu 02/12/09 06:20 PM

I'm like geez- don't you have any freaking freinds you can torment, torture, abuse, and dump this crap on? Why me? What the f*ck did I ever do to you? Look at me closely- closely- closely- do I look like I give a sh!t? Ha ha ha ha!!! Good luck dating lying men!
When and where was your name on this personally Thank You That is why men like you don't catch my attention. Yeah I have friends and all of them agree men for the most part are not men they're boys in a grown mans body.

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Wed 02/11/09 05:37 PM

HMM I have read this whole entire thread and it is not ALL men or ALL women!! I do think that sometimes we pick the wrong people to date and we fall into a pattern. Obviously I think that is what you have have done BZMOM01. BUT until you realize that you do pick the same type of men, then nothing will change.
I suggest that you read a book called "In the Meantime" by Iyanla Vanzant, it explains how you can fall into patterns of dating the same type of people and then it tells you how to get out of that pattern.
Until we take blame in past relationships, we can't grow. Not every relationship is perfect BUT it seems like you need to find you someone that is totally different from the past.
Good Luck flowerforyou
Thanx I'll check it out.

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Wed 02/11/09 05:24 PM
Gotta love humans cause you're one of us lol Bye

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Wed 02/11/09 05:14 PM

If you have SUCH a problem with this topic then why even respond to any of them.
That and most of yall are acting as if you've never said something wrong when you're mad.
Who said it was just one bad experience because there have been times I have seen right through a man/boy when he was lying to me before ever getting involved.

It's quite simple, really. We respond because you need to be set straight. YOU were the one who created the thread and asked the question. We answered them. You're not always going to like all the answers you get, especially if they're brutally honest.

As for "saying something wrong when I'm mad", that's a non-issue as well. I pride myself on choosing my words carefully, and I certainly wouldn't bring a private matter into a public forum for the whole world to see, especially when the only side to be seen would be my own. There is not enough information to make an unbiased opinion.

I never said I had objections to honesty. No matter how brutal. Even if you don't voice them the thoughts still go through your head I'm I right

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Wed 02/11/09 05:07 PM
Hlfmanhlfamazing I agree online is not the place to find a relationship. Even online you can find out if a person is lying to you.

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Wed 02/11/09 05:02 PM

How do you know I didn't just "forget" a word and did I say it was the first one.

Like I said, this ain't our first rodeo. We've seen thousands of threads exactly like this one. One person wrongs another, and suddenly that entire gender turns into horses asses....all because of one bad experience.

If you have SUCH a problem with this topic then why even respond to any of them.
That and most of yall are acting as if you've never said something wrong when you're mad.
Who said it was just one bad experience because there have been times I have seen right through a man/boy when he was lying to me before ever getting involved.

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Wed 02/11/09 04:47 PM

Wrong. You did not "forget" a word. You had absolutely no intention of putting it in the original post, and your attention was only drawn to it after it was called out. Now, you're backpedaling, trying to save face. It ain't workin'. Do you honestly think this is the first time we've seen a thread like this?

How do you know I didn't just "forget" a word and did I say it was the first one.

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Wed 02/11/09 04:45 PM

Mitch is right. Instead of directing this at "men" in general, qould it make too much sense to direct it at the four bad realtionships you've had?

Remember, if your relationships consistently seem to go south, the only common denominator is you.

NO it's not my fault one lied about my consent on things, another lied about being married and then two lied about cheating on me.

What these boys did was wrong, I admit that, but why do you continue to be with these types, something in you is attracted to them and is attracting them to you.

I don't know about attraction cause three outta four were set up. The other that I'll admit was bad judgement.

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Wed 02/11/09 04:42 PM

NO it's not my fault one lied about my consent on things, another lied about being married and then two lied about cheating on me.

Then YOU need to make better decisions about who YOU choose to have a relationship with, AND YOU have to figure out the reason these men did what they allegedly did.

There's always three sides to every story: Yours, theirs, and the truth.

Alledgied nothing when you catch them in the act.

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Wed 02/11/09 04:35 PM
Ok so I forgot a word and just said men. Instead of saying Most or a Few. I'm not turning to liking women, but men are out for now too. Until I do meet a MAN and not a boy.

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Wed 02/11/09 04:29 PM

Mitch is right. Instead of directing this at "men" in general, would it make too much sense to direct it at the four bad realtionships you've had?

Remember, if your relationships consistently seem to go south, the only common denominator is you.

NO it's not my fault one lied about my consent on things, another lied about being married and then two lied about cheating on me.

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:25 PM

Come on, this isn't gender bashing, just a question and let's not crucify her just because she didn't 'most' or 'some' men. I think MOST of us can figure she doesn't mean every single man on the planet.

Thanks I do mean Most. Like I said I'm peeved at my ex. That and quite honestly all 4 of my ex's were liars.

So let me get this straight. you've made bad choices create a gender bashing thread because of your issues then backtrack? Do I have this correct? Okay then, what now? Do I get insulted or reported because I called you on this?

No you're not getting reported yet lol and I have no reason to insult you either Sorry if I did

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Wed 02/11/09 04:23 PM
There again lilbug

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Wed 02/11/09 04:18 PM

Come on, this isn't gender bashing, just a question and let's not crucify her just because she didn't 'most' or 'some' men. I think MOST of us can figure she doesn't mean every single man on the planet.

Thanks I do mean Most. Like I said I'm peeved at my ex. That and quite honestly all 4 of my ex's were liars.

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Wed 02/11/09 04:15 PM

Why do men think women are so stupid that we won't find out their lying to us? I don't care if it's cheating or what we're gonna find out just like men do.

The windup... She pitches, ball 1.

What's that supposed to mean ball 1 It was a homer.

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Wed 02/11/09 04:14 PM

I lie to women because it makes me feel superior and horny.

You are just down right sick.

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Wed 02/11/09 04:13 PM
Hello like I WOULDN'T find that lie out.

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Wed 02/11/09 04:11 PM

I know some women are just as bad as men, but for some reason men seem to think they can get away with it more. Like the woman isn't going to check their story if something sounds fishy.

And you know this because you've interviewed all 6 billion men and women on the planet? Or perhaps you've based it on your own experiences?

Like I said, I love gender bashing. I never did till I got to this site, but I now find it a great source of entertainment. Lemme go get some popcorn.

Honestly I am basing it on my experiences. That and I'm peeved at my ex for lying about me. He told th AG that I mutually agreed he could have custody of our son and then turned around and withdrew him from school without my consent. Telling them he had my consent.

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:02 PM
I know some women are just as bad as men, but for some reason men seem to think they can get away with it more. Like the woman isn't going to check their story if something sounds fishy.

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