Community > Posts By > TawtStrat

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 10/06/15 12:16 PM
I'm rubbish at it. Yes, your bum does look big. Yes, I do think that you're a nutcase. No, I'm not going to feed you a load of old bollocks about how I can walk on water and don't even fart.

I've been watching you darling and you aren't so perfect either. You think that you can do better? Well, good luck with that then.

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 10/06/15 11:26 AM
Now, why did that just sound to me like you were describing me but that had no relation to any of the bills of requirements that they post on here?

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 10/06/15 11:07 AM
I can only speak for myself. They're not interesting because they all want the moon on a stick. What woman comes on here and says that she just wants a nice guy? Well, some but supposedly nice guys are as rare as hen's teeth and it's just their romance novel idea of what a nice guy is anyway.

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 10/06/15 10:51 AM

the problem is not the site but sth hidden in brain's human

Ask yourself what you've got to offer a woman. Don't just say that you're a nice guy. So am I but I'm also a fun guy. Nobody really likes a whiner.

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 10/06/15 09:16 AM
You know, I could almost pass for the guy that she's describing there.

I look like him anyway.

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 10/06/15 06:43 AM

Correct me if I am wrong ,but I didn't see anything in this ladies profile which said she was a lesbian.

I did before she changed it. "Looking for women" is the default when you set up a profile. There are loads of them that miss that I think. Also hilarious because they're then probably complaining that only lesbians are hitting on them.

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 10/06/15 04:30 AM
I'm not even sure what the question is anymore. Anna raised a good point when she pointed out that your definition of "culture" is rather limited. When it's people from my own culture I generally only date down to earth girls that aren't posh or snooty. The sorts of girls that would have been in my social circle when I was growing up. You know? Girls that will give me the time of day and don't think that they're better than the likes of me.

You can maybe avoid class issues by dating a foreigner. They might like my Scottish accent and not be like the bloody English often are, with their derogatory stereotyping of us. They aren't instantly going to judge me on where I went to school either.

As far as the moment when you actually commit goes, I just wouldn't until we had got to know each other properly in the real world. No problem with a short term commitment. If we're having fun together and might think that it might be going somewhere I'll just see how it goes with her and she's my girlfriend for as long as that lasts. There's not really a formal declaration of commitment usually until you get married. You just decide that you're exclusive perhaps and then she maybe wants to meet your mother and so on. I had one girlfriend getting all weird on me when I suggested that she could meet my mother. Different culture. She was a tart from Glasgow. Never known an Edinburgh girl to be like that about it once she had decided to be my girlfriend.

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 10/06/15 03:47 AM
Do you think that it might be because they're not putting on an act to impress people because they're not looking for a partner on this forum? That's kind of how I feel about it. I'm not myself and I just post whatever I feel like posting. No need to keep repeating ad infinitum every time there's a new thread what my list of requirements is and no need to keep pompously declaring that I have morals.

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 10/06/15 01:40 AM
I never really thought of Asian women like that. They're generally hard working. Oh, wait... That's why they came to this country. Duh.

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 10/06/15 01:18 AM
Typical woman. Starts a thread apparently talking about what initially atracts you to somebody and continues to draw up a list of all of his atributes.

I like it when there's an instant rapport. She's interested in me but she doesn't ask a lot of dumb questions that I don't really feel like answering. We get each other. She doesn't start criticising things that she notices about me, which could put me on the defencive and make me think that we're probably incompatible. She has a nice smile. Hmmm... Nice boobs too. Pretty eyes and she doesn't wear glasses. Well, she can take them off then if she does. I'm not kissing a woman that's wearing glasses.

TawtStrat's photo
Mon 10/05/15 05:44 PM
What he's talking about is what the French call "le petit mort". It's how a man feels after he's had an orgasm. Just a minute previously you were having the time of your life and couldn't get enough of this woman and then you're kind of left wondering what that was all about and why you really needed to do it. Well, if you have a genuine emotional bond it's maybe not completely like that.

I would compare it to masturbation. It might feel great while you're doing it but afterwards you feel like you just wasted the last two hours of your life, or however long you were vapping away to porn for. It's not so much like that when it's actual sex because, well gosh, I don't know, maybe because you just had actual sex and not just a wank.

The good news is that it passes. There's this phenomenon called "the refractory period" and after that you should be hot to trot again.

TawtStrat's photo
Mon 10/05/15 05:08 PM
But don't worry because you can't catch it from a toilet seat.

Yeah, promiscuity for it's own sake, as a thrill seeking behaviour is probably symptomatic of some mental illness.

Here's the thing about it. Statistics show that eight out of ten women are crap shags. Those are the ones you don't see again. If it's casual sex you aren't going to work at it together, as you might if you were in a relationship. So, the only reason to keep sleeping around with other people when you find a good one is to avoid becoming emotionally involved if you don't just have a so-called "sex addiction".

I think that's right that having loads of crap shags with different people could screw you up in the head a bit. It's hard to feel depressed when you just had a really good time with somebody though. I don't care how pretty she is if the chemistry isn't really there on some level and if I'm not feeling like I can't wait to see her again then I just don't. I could have dozens of women's numbers here with ticks or crosses against them. But why wouldn't I just delete the fails and just call the ones that I liked?

It's not a perfect system but it does cut down on the "multiples" a bit. Also minimises the psychological trama that crap sex brings with it.

TawtStrat's photo
Mon 10/05/15 10:37 AM

. . . the point still stands that they are either sexually frustrated or frigid.

. . . or they are neither.

Obviously. They could be getting laid.

It is probably important to point out that some people have higher sex drives than others. Well, that's bleeding obvious but anyway...

There are some people that don't even like sex very much and would prefer a nice cup of tea or something. You know the sort. Divorced women that had an old man that was a two second wonder in the sack. I'm not surprised that they go off it.

Of course you can direct your energies into other things. I've tried porn myself but it's just not the same. You might even be an ascetic and you're doing it for the same reasons that people fast or flagellate themselves. "Self-control" implies frustration. There would be nothing to be controlled if they didn't have the urge.

TawtStrat's photo
Mon 10/05/15 09:39 AM
Well, I've discussed this in another thread but let's say that I do tend to be a bit peevish wwhen I'm not getting any and maybe it's also disrupting the rest of my life, such as my career.

Let's say just for the sake of argument that I am sexually active just now. Nothing serious but as far as sex goes it's fantastic.

Hey, I'm getting on with my life and doing all the other things that they tell you to do instead of just moping about because I've not got a steady girlfriend. Does this stop me from meeting nice girls that are looking for a man? Not really. We might even strike up a genuine friendship and discover how compatible we really are first because I'm not just desperate to get into any woman's pants and I'm not a grumpy bastard.

TawtStrat's photo
Mon 10/05/15 08:19 AM
We all have our beliefs when it comes to sexual morality. There are valid reasons for waiting for the right person but the point still stands that they are either sexually frustrated or frigid.

TawtStrat's photo
Mon 10/05/15 08:02 AM

Hilarious. Her profile says that she's a lesbian.
so you believe two people cannot love due to sexual orientation? Sorry that just makes you prejudiced...

Uh, no. I just think that it's hilarious that a lezzer would call herself "FitGirlForHusband".

TawtStrat's photo
Mon 10/05/15 07:07 AM
Oh dear. Catholic priests are a really terrible example if you want to argue that taking a vow of celibacy is healthy. If I had children I wouldn't let a catholic priest anywhere near one.

TawtStrat's photo
Mon 10/05/15 05:44 AM
Thanks. It's nice here in my judgmental world.

I did say that there could be some other rational explanation and people on here certainly like to say what it is, even when nobody even asked them. If I think that someone is sexually repressed due to their upbringing, value system, or whatever, I'm just as entitled to think that as a Bible basher is to think that I'm a sinner. It's called having an opinion.

TawtStrat's photo
Mon 10/05/15 05:32 AM
Hilarious. Her profile says that she's a lesbian.

TawtStrat's photo
Mon 10/05/15 04:36 AM

So if you choose celibacy until you meet your love you are frigid and mental? laugh

What a load of chite

Not exactly. I know a guy that's asexual and not interested in sex with anyone. Well, he does have serious mental health problems and was sexually abused as a child but I am sure that people have other reasons for becoming nuns or monks.

I certainly did not intend to imply that the women on here that say that they don't need a man and would rather talk about dating than actually do it are frigid. There could be some other rational explanation I suppose.

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