Community > Posts By > woznotwoz

woznotwoz's photo
Sun 03/10/13 04:42 AM
smoke lingers in the air as colours so bright slowly dissapear in the cold damp air bonfires crack and burn as kids with sparkelers make shapes with em the night awash with bangs and cracks as catherine wheels spin on trees attached sausages in buns for snacks potatoes in foil ready to eat in the bon fire night heat whistles from rockets you can hear so loud you put you fingers in your ears displays so colourful in the skys like a rainbow being made in front of your eyes on bonfire night treat, pitchfork

woznotwoz's photo
Sun 03/10/13 01:16 AM
a lots happened to this poor frog :banana:

woznotwoz's photo
Sat 03/09/13 10:42 PM
yipppppppe long live the frog. i thank you sweetesgirl i can sleep now knowing he is safe xxx hugs flowerforyou

woznotwoz's photo
Sat 03/09/13 10:34 PM
ivehad a hectic day nothing but disasters today im hopping that tomorrow is a betterday for me. rebbit drinks

woznotwoz's photo
Sat 03/09/13 03:28 PM
what about a theme thats a theme noway frustrated

woznotwoz's photo
Sat 03/09/13 03:09 PM
tops that, life is a gift so is writing drinker

woznotwoz's photo
Sat 03/09/13 03:03 PM
he got immortallity when the snake dies the frog waits then gets out from inside the snake when a hunter finds the snake takes him home to make a belt as his cutting it open the frog escapes into the wildernees :banana: laugh

woznotwoz's photo
Sat 03/09/13 02:49 PM
alone at last my hand in your sweating palm eyes looking into the past walking talking time past not thinking just talking fast exited about being alone with you for one more time everybody around but we dont notice them just you me in our own little world around a table as candles flicker against the mirror eyes trying to disguise our lust for one another feet touching one another hands clencing harder heart beating like a run away train the end will be here once again then we go our separate ways until we meet again another day then these feelings come flooding back again would it be like this if we where together we will never know my part time lover we will never know ,

woznotwoz's photo
Sat 03/09/13 12:29 PM
laugh my little green friend has gone been eaten by a snake i think this is wrong should have let him set upon his journey to where he belongs to a river to sit on green lillypads and catch flies and swim with other frogs and sporn in spring and have a family of other little green frogs rip little green friend

woznotwoz's photo
Sat 03/09/13 12:16 PM
goofball from the south like it. the snake would surely die from poiseness lipstick surely and the frog had immortallity. let him live poor frog laugh

woznotwoz's photo
Sat 03/09/13 11:56 AM

woznotwoz's photo
Fri 03/08/13 10:51 PM
then a wizard appeared and revived the frog that layed helplesly on this log and he gave him immortality as the frog thanked the wizard for his reward he begins his journey once more :angel:

woznotwoz's photo
Fri 03/08/13 01:36 PM
what would i be if i could be anything i want id like to be a bird to fly or be a fish in a pond or be a spider and make my self a web which id sit upon or dangle by a thread or be a dog so i could run around free or be a tiger liveing in a forest resting in the trees or be a flower soaking up the sun or be an angel to visit people that i know who have gone or i could just be me :banana: blushing

woznotwoz's photo
Fri 03/08/13 10:50 AM
thanking you for letting me participate in your words on your page ill send my love no rage my heart spoken words ill jot them down for you to read on a later date i really dont no what to say im just glad you let me send them your way read into this as much as you like i thought it be polite no words or vulgarety on this page isnt that what you said im comeing to a close now what was the question ,,frustrated frustrated

woznotwoz's photo
Fri 03/08/13 08:49 AM
love that much xx hug to you

woznotwoz's photo
Fri 03/08/13 12:20 AM
when i was a kid i didnt have a mobile phone i didnt have computer games to play with at home we had a football all tattered torn but we kicked it around for hours we never got bored played on our bikes went and explored the great outdoors. climbed trees pretending to be robin hood in a forest my frieds and me. built fires so we could all keep warm with potatoes in foil what we eat and enjoyed shared memories with friends that stay in my mind remembering this times brings a tear to my eye gowing up is a part of my life that i treasure and keep,

woznotwoz's photo
Thu 03/07/13 11:46 AM
the northern skies is my new home far away from where i was born london town seems distant now my heart and soul are settelling down my feet feel like their on solid ground wide open spaces for me to see snow covered mountains welcome me with opened arms like a lover i have not seen the ribble runs freely like a stallion untamed no ropes binding me. the northern skies have set me free new begining for me here no troubles no fears the northern skies is where i belong now long may it continue for many years i feel a new begining is here,

woznotwoz's photo
Thu 03/07/13 10:26 AM
when a man loves a woman he shares her pain tells her shes beautiful everyday work throught troubled times shes not just your girlfriend or wife but your best friend, flowerforyou

woznotwoz's photo
Wed 03/06/13 02:22 PM
flowerforyou something insider me is trying to get out words are brewing so i jot them down words of love or what my eyes see even things that flash past me the sky above blue as the sea rain bouncing of pavements intrest me even looking around at the trees admireing their shapes as branches paint pictures of grainy landscapes in the distants the sun shows the way shimmering water looks like mirrors of waves mornings dew show footsteps of pain beneath the icy grass where loved ones lay wind bitting with so much intense another layer as a way of defence something insider me is getting out,

woznotwoz's photo
Wed 03/06/13 01:35 PM
i can see a rainbow thats very poetic :banana: