Topic: what do you think happens when we die.
yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/21/08 05:13 PM KNOW this how???? who created the men that created God???

and because we aren't mindless robots is the reason you may get different answers.

but answer the topic...what happens when you die??? are you merely a shell that decomposes or is there more?

yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 04/21/08 05:19 PM KNOW this how???? who created the men that created God???

and because we aren't mindless robots is the reason you may get different answers.

but answer the topic...what happens when you die??? are you merely a shell that decomposes or is there more?

Half the time I think we just decompose and become useful again as our individual chemicals.

The other half of the time I think that a piece of us may go on beyond this life.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/21/08 05:24 PM
ty rabbit...ok what do you think happens to the other half of what you believe? no this isn't a trap...i'm actually interested in what you think.

but my problemis - if we are just a shell anyway...then doesn't that make us like robots??? don't we have a spirit or soul that goes somewhere

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 04/21/08 05:24 PM

Jeannie...MAN turned Christianity into a religion.
GOD didi NOT do that.

Christianity is about Joining Jesus, NOT a church or religion.
The church is just a gathering of believers.

God doesn't want a RELIGION with His People......NOOOOOO...GOD wants a REALTIONSHIP with His people..not not not another religion.
God NEVER meant for Man to turn Him into another religion.

Sure, one can and should go to church and fellowship with other believers.....and grow in the Word togetheer as one family in Christ......BUT again..... Christians are NOT joining a religion....we are joining Jesus.

However, there are of course, people out there , who see christinaity as just another religion....and some of the "christians" out there, have never even accepted Jesus into their hearts at all.

They think all they have to do is join a church, and that makes them automatically a christian!!

Nothing wrong with belonging to a christian denomination to fellowship.....but again...a christian becomes a christian by receiving Jesus..not joining a religion or church.
The church (denominations ) are places for fellowshiping together and worshipping our Lord Jesus together .

But again ..some people go to church all their life... and never know Jesus personally in their heart at all.

God wants a Personal relationship with us ......NOT a religious relationship.

BIG difference!!

God doesn't like religion either !!drinker

YES!!!! drinker flowerforyou

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 04/21/08 05:26 PM

Jeannie.... we Christians KNOW that we are SAVED.

God's Spirit bears witness with our spirit, letting us KNOW without a shadow of doubt, that we are saved.

Also, God's Word opens up to us, and our spiritual eyes are NOW opened TO recieve God's Word (our spiritual food)...cause we also become HUNGRY for the Word....just like new born babes are born hungry!!!.

So ..Yes...there is NO doubt Jeannnie...We just KNOW...cause God lets us KNOW.

No doubt.

We become born again....we live for Jesus now.
It is REAL.
We KNOW cause of our life change, also.

Jeannie...When we are truly born again, we become new creatures in Christ.

And also....

we know that we know that we know that we know that we know that we know.....
that Jesus Christ Is Lord!!!

We just know...cause God opens our spiritual eyes of understanding..when we become born again ..flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

WE KNOW!!!!laugh :heart:

YES AGAIN!!! Although this time I am doing the chicken dance. laugh blushing

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 04/21/08 05:31 PM

rabbit...did it occur to you that maybe not all christians believe the exact same interpretations???? so maybe....just maybe...that is why you might have different responses? I don't believe I ever said that I thought God made us evil or sinful in the first place.

No I am the one that says that since God made the Devil, Hell, the snake in the garden. That he is evil. I always say that the Bible makes it clear that God is the source of all evil.
Then someone always comes back and says no it is "free will" that created these things not God. So my new question is. Will there be free will in heaven. Are there souls sinning in heaven right now?

Wrong. As you well know but refuse to recall, Lucifer was the angel of music. He was an angel of light. He rebelled against God thinking that he was as important as God. Getting the picture? Satan fell from grace along with the angels that believed his lies as a result. His goal is to amass an army of souls to combat God. Remember being told that? flowerforyou

yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 04/21/08 05:31 PM

ty rabbit...ok what do you think happens to the other half of what you believe? no this isn't a trap...i'm actually interested in what you think.

but my problemis - if we are just a shell anyway...then doesn't that make us like robots??? don't we have a spirit or soul that goes somewhere

I don't know if I follow your question. I think you are asking what happens to me if I am in atheist mode and I just decompose.

I think that is when you become farthest from being a robot. You realize you only have one life to live and you better not waste it on silly things. Like trying to appease the rules of an imaginary God.
You can start living your life guilt free and looking forward. I do not think in that situation that anything passes on. You just die and you are in the same situation you were before you were born.

yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 04/21/08 05:33 PM

rabbit...did it occur to you that maybe not all christians believe the exact same interpretations???? so maybe....just maybe...that is why you might have different responses? I don't believe I ever said that I thought God made us evil or sinful in the first place.

No I am the one that says that since God made the Devil, Hell, the snake in the garden. That he is evil. I always say that the Bible makes it clear that God is the source of all evil.
Then someone always comes back and says no it is "free will" that created these things not God. So my new question is. Will there be free will in heaven. Are there souls sinning in heaven right now?

Wrong. As you well know but refuse to recall, Lucifer was the angel of music. He was an angel of light. He rebelled against God thinking that he was as important as God. Getting the picture? Satan fell from grace along with the angels that believed his lies as a result. His goal is to amass an army of souls to combat God. Remember being told that? flowerforyou

So does that mean that Angels or souls in Heaven now are able to sin? Are there any souls sinning in heaven at this moment?

no photo
Mon 04/21/08 05:34 PM
When we die we are all finished for good : no hell ,no heaven and certainly no born again or not born again . It is all gone .
Before we started to live we were none and when we die ,we will be none . Religion is man's easy way not to face the reality .
So you better be happy here laugh .flowerforyou drinker !.

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 04/21/08 05:39 PM
Satan wasn't turned into a serpent until the fall of man when he misled Adam and Eve. Satan still appears as an angel of light. It is a clever disguise. The red horned fork wielding demon is as real as the Easter bunny.:wink:

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 04/21/08 05:41 PM

When we die we are all finished for good : no hell ,no heaven and certainly no born again or not born again . It is all gone .
Before we started to live we were none and when we die ,we will be none . Religion is man's easy way not to face the reality .
So you better be happy here laugh .flowerforyou drinker !.

Negative. It is easier to believe in nothing than to have faith in something you cannot see but know.Ya got that one bass ackward partner. laugh :wink:

Differentkindofwench's photo
Mon 04/21/08 05:50 PM
I'm sure its been said, but soul exits the body, moves on to another plane of existence for rest, learning which can be accomplished with no need of time or physical constraints, if the need is there for more "in a physical body education" eventually roll through this style life again for a different set of circumstances or lessons not quite learned previously or had the opportunity or time to learn previously, if not on to a different style gig where the soul can learn, protect, teach, whatever offered or requested and agreed to.

Poetrywriter's photo
Mon 04/21/08 06:00 PM

not that this has ANYTHING to do with the topic...but I look at the fear of God as respect not actual fear. just like I feared my mom and my son fears me.....not because of punishments but out of not wanting to disrespect or hurt. I was never worried about my punishments growing up but more of that I knew I was wrong and didn't live up to who I was. Fear can mean many things to different people. It doesn't have to mean fear of punishment.

I never really thought about it like that, but I totally agree with you Rose! Makes a lot of sense! flowerforyou

Zapchaser's photo
Mon 04/21/08 06:25 PM
Edited by Zapchaser on Mon 04/21/08 06:26 PM

rabbit...did it occur to you that maybe not all christians believe the exact same interpretations???? so maybe....just maybe...that is why you might have different responses? I don't believe I ever said that I thought God made us evil or sinful in the first place.

No I am the one that says that since God made the Devil, Hell, the snake in the garden. That he is evil. I always say that the Bible makes it clear that God is the source of all evil.
Then someone always comes back and says no it is "free will" that created these things not God. So my new question is. Will there be free will in heaven. Are there souls sinning in heaven right now?

Wrong. As you well know but refuse to recall, Lucifer was the angel of music. He was an angel of light. He rebelled against God thinking that he was as important as God. Getting the picture? Satan fell from grace along with the angels that believed his lies as a result. His goal is to amass an army of souls to combat God. Remember being told that? flowerforyou

So does that mean that Angels or souls in Heaven now are able to sin? Are there any souls sinning in heaven at this moment?

To answer your first question: I would assume so as it what satan and some other angels did. Concerning the second question: Souls? I don't know the answer to that one. You would have to ask that one of God personally. The question of whether or not I would have the desire or the ability to sin in heaven has never occurred to me. Sorry man, I don't have an answer. flowerforyou

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/21/08 06:40 PM
lol ty poetry...glad someone got it lol

rabbit..i was just asking what you think (with whatever you beliefs are) what you think happens to the soul, if you believe there is some form of one.

as far as the free will thing...i do tend to disagree and say we do have free will and satan had free will. my belief of this is based on the belief that God is my Father. just like I try to teach my son to be a good man...there is a point where I have to let go and let him make his own way...but I would still love him. that's how I see it anyway. but I believe Satan had free will and chose to try to over throw God.

no photo
Mon 04/21/08 06:43 PM
When did you see or meet that Satan and Angels of yours ?.
Believing in what others said has never been a positive step to find reality . I insist on evidence and you have NONE !.
laugh drinker !.

no photo
Mon 04/21/08 06:55 PM

JB....again...this goes back to my point about the dictionary and believing everything about that vs the Bible.'s not about proof but belief. Just like you can't prove your beliefs

I don't see how you can compare a dictionary to the Bible.

That analogy does not make sense. A dictionary is a book that makes the effort to define words in a common language so that people can converse with each other intelligently.

The Bible is a bunch of stories translated who know how many times into who know how many languages (I'm sure I don't know) and there are some people who claim that the Bible is the word of God and some who claim it is not.

You can not compare these to things and make any sense. At least not to me.


no photo
Mon 04/21/08 06:57 PM

JB....again...this goes back to my point about the dictionary and believing everything about that vs the Bible.'s not about proof but belief. Just like you can't prove your beliefs

No I can't prove my beliefs but I don't go around trying to convert people or telling them that my way is the only way to get back to God. Geeeeeze.~!!huh

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 04/21/08 06:59 PM
JB...because you rely on the dictionary which was created by "man" to give meaning to words that even some can't be accurately translated. same as the Bible. this goes back to belief and interpretation. it's the same thing. sorry you can't get it

kriesybear's photo
Mon 04/21/08 06:59 PM
we die