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Topic: How many widowers out there?
Snugglesbyfire's photo
Sun 07/12/09 06:32 PM

Snugs, all marriages are both good & bad, otherwise none of us would have BEEN married.
Try to dwell on the good & forget the bad, makes acceptance much easier.

I have two children that I am very proud of. They are the reason that I don't regret my marriage.

Treasa's photo
Tue 07/14/09 06:59 AM
:angel: people keep telling me that time heals all pain, obviously they have also heard it, but never lived it. Times does not heal all pain, my dad was killed almost 32 years ago, i walked out to the car with him as he drove off and was the last to talk to him, i still cry and miss him. My husband died 2 years ago next monday, the 20th, oh my, the pain if i let it, i try to keep it supressed, and try to be happy, but it is still there, 1 week later will be dads 32 anniversary. Lots of pain to remember in 7 days, but I WILL be alright, it will take me a couple of weeks to get through it, byt I WILL be alright. :angel:

rara777's photo
Fri 07/17/09 08:33 PM
I was with my wife for 26 years.

We were married almost 24 years.

I have been widowed for 2 and 1/2 years.

I have a great support group here on mingle.

mssilverfox's photo
Fri 07/17/09 10:11 PM
I was married 26 yrs, widowed 2yr 4 mo...the support is terrific!

Hey ED !flowerforyou

Treasa's photo
Mon 07/20/09 09:18 PM
:angel: 2 years today at 12:05pm. Ages ago and yet just as fresh as if it had just happened. Went to the cemetary twice, layed on his grave and read the Bible(he would have wanted me in the word today). I wondered what he would have me to read, so I just opened it and let it fall open. John chapters 10 and 11, and of course the 23rd and 24th Psalms. GOD has helped me through this day and I know he will continue to be with me as I make my daily life decisions. There is peace in HIM!!!:angel:

5x10's photo
Mon 07/20/09 09:21 PM

:angel: 2 years today at 12:05pm. Ages ago and yet just as fresh as if it had just happened. Went to the cemetary twice, layed on his grave and read the Bible(he would have wanted me in the word today). I wondered what he would have me to read, so I just opened it and let it fall open. John chapters 10 and 11, and of course the 23rd and 24th Psalms. GOD has helped me through this day and I know he will continue to be with me as I make my daily life decisions. There is peace in HIM!!!:angel:

((((((((((((((:heart: )))))))))))))))

Treasa's photo
Wed 07/22/09 08:30 PM

:angel: 2 years today at 12:05pm. Ages ago and yet just as fresh as if it had just happened. Went to the cemetary twice, layed on his grave and read the Bible(he would have wanted me in the word today). I wondered what he would have me to read, so I just opened it and let it fall open. John chapters 10 and 11, and of course the 23rd and 24th Psalms. GOD has helped me through this day and I know he will continue to be with me as I make my daily life decisions. There is peace in HIM!!!:angel:

((((((((((((((:heart: )))))))))))))))

:angel: Thanks Mary:angel:

sweetcheeks1956's photo
Thu 07/23/09 07:17 PM

:angel: 2 years today at 12:05pm. Ages ago and yet just as fresh as if it had just happened. Went to the cemetary twice, layed on his grave and read the Bible(he would have wanted me in the word today). I wondered what he would have me to read, so I just opened it and let it fall open. John chapters 10 and 11, and of course the 23rd and 24th Psalms. GOD has helped me through this day and I know he will continue to be with me as I make my daily life decisions. There is peace in HIM!!!:angel:

((((((((((((((:heart: )))))))))))))))

Aw sweetie my heart pains for you but I am glad you found some peace.

mendy2's photo
Fri 07/24/09 07:47 PM
I really miss my husband. He passed away aug. 16th 2004

Greekgal1956's photo
Sat 07/25/09 02:00 PM
I was married over 25 years and have been a widow for over 2 years.....Is there life out here?

Arielah's photo
Sat 07/25/09 02:33 PM
I will be widowed 4 years October 11. Was married to him 14 1/2 years with no children.

5x10's photo
Sat 07/25/09 02:55 PM
Welcome Mendy, Greekgal, and Arielah!
First off, know that you are not alone. There are many of us on the 50's forum that are widowed. We hold each other up during our rough times and have fun along the way. Please join us often. We usually chat in the evenings on the topicless thread.

I have been a widow for almost 9 years now (Sept. 9Th). I started going with my husband when I was 14, married him when I was 18, had 5 wonderful children and was married for 28 years when he passed. It was very unexpected and it knocked the wind out of me. I do not even remember the first year after he died, I must have been running on autopilot.

It took awhile to be able to really smile and be happy again, but it all starts with one tiny baby step. Day by day life starts to be a joy again. I went back to college, my children have given me 10 grand-kids and now I am living a full and wonderful life.

I joined mingle not to date, but rather to chat with friends and have found many wonderful people. Just be open and jump in on our silly conversations. Most of the time we are goofy, but if you need to be serious, we will be your shoulder.

If you are ready to date, that is fine too. Some have found dates on here, but a lot of us are content with friendship and if someone comes along....feel blessed.

Stay strong friends and let God hold you up. If you need to cry, scream, or go nuts.....do it. Tears are very healing!! I will keep you all in my prayers, and please join us and have fun!

:heart: Mary

carold's photo
Sat 07/25/09 03:32 PM

I was married over 25 years and have been a widow for over 2 years.....Is there life out here?
Just be careful out there.

oldsage's photo
Sun 07/26/09 04:59 AM
Time DOES heal all, but the scars left are constant reminders of the feelings of the wound.

Thus, we can always rememberthopse feelings, like they JUST HAPPENED.

It is called, GRIEVING for what we lost.

That can go on forever, in our minds.

LadyIntel's photo
Sat 08/01/09 08:41 PM
Married 4 years and widowed almost 3 years now.

oldsage's photo
Sun 08/02/09 04:17 AM
all you new folks NEED to come join us in the "Topicless" thread.
Open to all comers & we enjoy ourselves.

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Tue 08/04/09 03:01 AM
I was married 24 years and have been a widow 1 year and 4 months. When I go to the cemetery I take flowers and clean up the marker and cry but I wonder what it's all about. I feel like I am supposed to be feeling something that I'm not feeling. Make any sense? Our time together was good and I miss him terribly. I believe he is in Heaven and not there at the cemetery but I go out of respect. Does anyone else get what I mean? There's a lady that almost camps out there on her husband's grave and then I show up and I'm in and out within 15 minutes. If this is too heavy to respond, please email me if you have any thoughts on this. Thanks.

Sharris's photo
Tue 08/04/09 07:57 AM

I was married 24 years and have been a widow 1 year and 4 months. When I go to the cemetery I take flowers and clean up the marker and cry but I wonder what it's all about. I feel like I am supposed to be feeling something that I'm not feeling. Make any sense? Our time together was good and I miss him terribly. I believe he is in Heaven and not there at the cemetery but I go out of respect. Does anyone else get what I mean? There's a lady that almost camps out there on her husband's grave and then I show up and I'm in and out within 15 minutes. If this is too heavy to respond, please email me if you have any thoughts on this. Thanks.

You grieve how you are inclined to. There are many times, for me, it comes from nowhere. After a year or so, I made a choice to put closure to the past. Still, in my writings you can feel it, the pulling and see the waning. Question and compare, only if you are inclined, for this is your own..only a heart knows its own sorrow. I do know this feeling of "supposed"..it is almost like being in a fluff..There is no correct or incorrect way to do this, it does it for you.

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Tue 08/04/09 05:23 PM
Thank you Sharris. I can tell by your photo you are sincere in all that you say and what you say makes perfect sense. flowerforyou

Sharris's photo
Tue 08/04/09 05:48 PM

Thank you Sharris. I can tell by your photo you are sincere in all that you say and what you say makes perfect sense. flowerforyou

Thanks, it is what I have lived. In July, it was 4 years. I would say, the hardest times are those when I know my children are going through it..

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