Topic: I'm Disgusted!!!!!!!!!!
oldsage's photo
Sun 06/03/07 03:46 PM
Stepdaughter is a licensed self-defense instructor. She has a company
that gives classes for ladies on how to be safe.
She is located in Iowa, but might travel. She recommends a spray call
OC, better than pepper spray. Problem is you need to be instructed in
it's use. You always get some on you when using ANY type spray, need to
experience & learn to work thru it. Best advice, either take your
chances &/or take selfdefense class.

Or can always find body guards when you go out.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sun 06/03/07 04:54 PM
BIG HUGS!!! I am sorry you got jumped. Wanna borrow my hand held cattle
prod??? One zap from that bad boy and lets just say NO ONE will stick

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 05:00 PM
noway noway Wow that's insanse that happened to you.

I hope the best for you

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 05:01 PM

Manwich's photo
Sun 06/03/07 05:04 PM
Yeah, I heard in Canada, its like that. Glad you,re okay.

Puffins1958's photo
Sun 06/03/07 05:08 PM

BIG HUGS to you honey, I am so sorry that happened to you!!!

What is this world coming to that men are allowed to HIT women and
nothing is done about it...goodness sakes

I'm shaking my head....disgusted sorry

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 05:48 PM

I am upset that this happened to you: :angry: :angry: :angry: Whatever
you do, please, please take PICTURES NOW of your eye and whatever
injuries you may have sustained. Label and date, the pictures
(including the time of incident) until your justice prevails. Be sure
to file an Assault Complaint with the Police Department and find out the
officers names who were at the scene.

For future reference, remember that the DEVIL is BUSY but GOD is
BUSIER!!!!!happy happy happy Feel betterflowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou and take
those pics today......

Smooches from the Queen Bee

cashay68's photo
Sun 06/03/07 05:56 PM
Hi Native,

I'm so sorry to hear what happened.:cry: Hope you and your friend are
doing better. Everyone has given good advice. Please by all means use it
to your advantage. And don't forget to check with a lawyer to see what
legal action you may be able to take, if you decide to go that route.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Native_Grl39's photo
Sun 06/03/07 06:34 PM
Thanx again guys...I am a paralegal and I know all the right steps and
believe me we have done what we can do today..We took pics last night
and today because my eye was worse today..I thank you for all the
wonderful advice and all the well wishes because when you are actually
the victim it's hard to think straight!!!!!!!!!

flowerforyou flowerforyou

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sun 06/03/07 06:44 PM
Sorry to hear of your troubles...

Hope you are feeling better soon...

Hope those butheads get caught and punished for their actions...

Man this world is getting bad. grumble

Native_Grl39's photo
Sun 06/03/07 06:51 PM
Thanx Teddy!!!!!!1 They better get caught or the police can be held
responsible for letting them go!!!!!!!!!

Yes the kids today...I just don't know about!!!!!!

flowerforyou flowerforyou

sassystacey69xx's photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:02 PM
this hole thing makes me wonder how kids in canada are bought
up,obviously with out respect and no morals what so ever,im just so glad
shelly and i are together and dealin with it together and not alone!!!!i
love you all and thanks once again for the advice and love...MY ANKLE IS
didnt have knives,my guess if they had they would of used them on
us!!!!:heart: :heart: :heart:

alexiateigra's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:18 PM
This is from my earlier post:

"Bl8ant, this is in response to your earlier post. "i get raped on a
semi regular basis in my life. do i let them steal my
dignity!!?? NO...what is offered cannot be stolen. i no longer look at
it as rape, it is an occupational hazzard. a risk i face.

i had to diffuse it . i had to find a way to make it less offensive or
terrorizing, so i came to learn how it is used to intimidate and deface
and i said NO.


I had so many mixed feelings about your post, but the biggest is
concern. 1st of all, one cannot control another's behavior. You
never choose to be rape. It should never be trivialized and treated as
simply as an occupational hazard.

I realize that your response to the rapes is a defense mechanism, but at
what cost?

Please take care of yourself, believe in yourself, remove yourself from
this environment. No one deserves this. You deserve better."


This was Bl8ant response:

"no worries Alexia,

one learns to use these experiences as an instrument , i am enabled by
my choices rather than disabled by my wounds. i have given up my
attachment to my ideas about my sexuality. once a person loses an arm
they should serioulsly reconsider a career in base ball !! i know it's
been done but c'mon...go with me here a second...or 2

i take advantage of my disadvantage... like in football hahahaaaaaaa

trust me , if they can take me they can have without an
investment in my sexuality to satisfy my desire nature, i blossomed in
other ways, my sensuality and attention to life and every little thing
is clear and strong and lush and full of inspiration...the sexual pole
and the spiritual pole are connected so that energy can channel through
any chakra to find expression. so without this reverence to my sex, i
can actually pass thru alot of fires with no fear.

where there is no challenge , there is no conflict"


This is my response:

I understand the concept of survival, humankind's ability to be cruel,
and pure ugly violence only too well. I do not know your situation so,
I can only guess. I do not mean to dismiss your ability to survive thus
far, but only wish to convey concern that you deserve better. There is
more to life than simply surviving, but to achieve it comes from a
belief in oneself is deserving. Granted that if someone loses a limp,
realistically they are not physically play most sports professionally.
Yes, there are rare exceptions, but I agree with you that they are rare
which is why those individuals are so admirable. On the other hand, we
cannot compare those individuals to you. It is like comparing apples to
oranges. Your situation is so much different. You still have options
available to you. You the ability to heal your emotionally and
psychological scars. With the little you have said about yourself, I
suspect that you are strong and able to let go of this necessary defense
mechanism, but you have to believe in yourself 1st.

So, Bl8ant, do you believe in yourself enough not to allow others to
take advantage of you? Do you care enough and love yourself enough to
remove yourself from such an environment that would put yourself in
jeoporady of being raped on a frequent basis? I truly hope
Ultimately, I do not know you well. I do not have all the facts. I'm
basising my opinion on quite a bit of assumptions. I would like to
stress that it is simply my opinion. You can take my advise or leave
it. It's your choice. I wish you well and hope going forward that
good things happen to you. I hope that you one day you recognize that
we all deserve kindness and compassion and a sense of security. I truly
do hope the best.

No need to tell me not to worry since it is in my nature to care which
comes w/ a certain amount of worry.

To everyone:
I hope that if anyone finds themselve in the same situation as NG &
Sassy, that all us have the same courage as they have demonstrated.

Good Luck and Take Care All
- Alexia

Native_Grl39's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:23 PM
Thanx Very Much alexia and everyone else for all their support!!!!

:heart: :heart: :heart:

sassystacey69xx's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:27 PM
thank you alexia,but shellys been my stonewall...if she wasnt around,i
dont think i could of coped with this on my own....and you guys as
well,much love:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:27 PM
I guess it comes down to this.

this government or the one you live under cannot protect you.

nexted time you could be rapped and decapitated like my past gfs best
friends was.


take heed and get prepared to defend yourself.

next time you could lose your life if you ignore this post.

weather it be a gun, pepper spray or a self defense course you have been

and yes, it is disgusting, and I hope you get better.

Native_Grl39's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:35 PM
Well I know this woman won't be going put for awhile...BUT yes we
certainly will take some steps to protect ourselves...It could have been
much worse...we know that and we are just thankful it wasn't!!!!!!

Thanx Bear!!!!!!!

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:47 PM
I know that you may not want a gun in your purse and that your
government doesnt allow it.

but if I was lucky enough to be your man, I would ensure that you are
capable and emotionally able to kill someone that was attacking you when
I wasnt there.

I was with past girlfriends who were completly anti-guns........UNTIL
stories like yours happened to friends of theres, then they changed
their minds.

I support my family and will protect them to the death. and having a
firearm is the best protection.

wish you well...

and ps im not drunk, just dyslexic, but want to help.

Native_Grl39's photo
Sun 06/03/07 08:59 PM
I know...In this city...I never felt I would have to protect myself
because it's a small quiet city and also...I'm cautious about walking
alone at night etc...BUT I guess you just never know!!!!!!

Thanx for the best wishes Bear!!!!!!!!

flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 09:06 PM
>> this hole thing makes me wonder how kids in canada are bought

I've seen this in several US cities.

I'm not at all surprised it was women, young women start a good
proportion of fist fights I've seen.