Topic: Why we should ditch religion
Abracadabra's photo
Mon 08/16/10 03:17 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Mon 08/16/10 03:22 PM
Cowboy wrote:

The flaw isn't in the design my friend. If God was to have made us to where we didn't do what we want weather it was against his will or with his will, we wouldn't have FREE WILL. There's NOTHING God can do differently that wouldn't take away free will. God isn't to blame for his creation turning against him, for it was the creations fault.

The FREE WILL argument doesn't excuse poor communications.

It wouldn't harm our FREE WILL in any way for God to make sure that we fully understand precisely WHO he is, and precisely WHAT he expects from us. We would still have FREE WILL choice to either accept his directives or reject them.

In fact, your last statement implies that anyone who doesn't believe in Christianity has "Turned Against" God. That's utterly absurd.

I can assure you that I have not purposefully and knowingly "Turned Against" my creator. On the contrary, I decided that the religion that was believed by my parents and most of the society that I lived within is utterly stupid.

That's NOT turning against any God.

In fact, if you think that this could be taken as "Turning Against God" it only shows that you are unable to grasp this concept.

Before I can even "Turn Against" a God I must KNOW that it exists!

It would NOT interfere with anyone's FREE WILL for God to make himself known. In fact, there are examples in the Bible where God supposedly did make himself known to various people. Moses, Noah, Job, Joshuah, Matthew, just to name a few. In fact, according to Matthew God spoke to a whole crowd of people saying "This is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased". That didn't seem to interfere with their FREE WILL.

So the FREE WILL argument doesn't stand. If there is a God who exposes himself to a few, then he can expose himself to many. And there's no excuse for him to NOT expose himself and let people know he's for REAL.

Keeping people playing guessing games is to gamble with their souls. People would be losing out on their chance at "heaven" simply because God decided to shoot craps with their souls and not make sure that they fully understood the TRUTH.

As I have always said, I would most likely pass on this God's offer anyway, but that's beside the point. It wouldn't be that I'm "turning against him" it's only because I don't TRUST him.

Of course if he actually SHOWED HIMSELF and made crystal clear what's going down then may be he would be a little more TRUSTWORTHY. But as long as he's going to play craps, then why should I trust a God who gambles with souls by making them play betting games?

The story demands that God is all-wise, yet it depicts a story of a God who is extremely unwise and completely inept. I'm not sure if that qualifies it as being "uneducated", but it certainly qualifies it as being dumber than rocks.

Besides, there are far more intelligent pictures of spirituality to be had, so why become obsessed and buried in a story that demands that God is stupid? It's ridiculous if not "uneducated"

Again i do realize you feel God is stupid, inept, and or unducated. But please share some of the evidence you have that shows this? And the evidence can not be opinionated, for if it's opinionated, it's no longer a fact, but a perspective.

Well, I've given many examples in the past. However, the very fact that God hides from people and makes them GUESS which religion to believe (if any!) doesn't say much for his wisdom or trustworthiness. Based on the Biblical stories he's clearly CAPABLE of communicating with us, but chooses instead to force us to GUESS?

That's both ignorant and inept, IMHO.

I mean what kind of a GAME is he playing anyway?

Why should I TRUST a game-playing God?

If he doesn't take his heaven seriously then why should I? huh

You're describing a God who clearly doesn't CARE. Obviously the biblical God doesn't even CARE whether I guess correctly or not.

And the truly ignorant thing of it all is that this would mean that your God doesn't even give the slightest hoot about whether someone has a sincere heart or not. Because according to you everyone who has a sincere heart but refuses to believe in your game playing God will perish.

Your God doesn't give a damn at all about sincerity evidently.

Sincerity means nothing to him. Nothing at all. It's totally meaningless to him.

So knowing that this is the case why would I want to even serve a God who doesn't even give a damn about sincerity?

Like I say, the way your God is now with his dishonest hide-and-seek game playing, I wouldn't even want any part of his insincere heaven.

The God you describe is NOT a righteous God by my personal understanding of what it means to be "righteous".

It's as simple as that.

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 08/16/10 03:22 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Mon 08/16/10 03:26 PM
Cowboy wrote:

Yes only a few will make it, not by God and Jesus' choice, just it's the bottom line fact. It's our choice weather we will live for ever or perish my friend, this choice is done by the actions we take on earth. NO ONE is "destined" for anything, it all revolves around how we live our lives.

But it is God's CHOICE.

He could have chosen to be honest and forthright and make sure that everyone knows that there is only one valid religion. That would not interfere with anyone's "Free Will".

It would just be a matter of clear communication.

But God failed to do that and instead allows everyone to argue about which religion is true, or whether atheism might even be the case!

That's baloney.

You can't have a God claiming that Atheists are "Turning Against Him". That's utterly stupid.

They can't very well "Turn Against" something they don't even believe in.

No, a God who refuses to communicate to the best of his ability and keeps people guessing is worse that a God who merely throws dice. Your God quite literally plays craps with human souls.

It's a careless God. (i.e. an uncaring God)

And if God doesn't care, why should anyone else?

Who wants to serve an uncaring God for eternity?

If God will play craps with your soul when you are on Earth what other kinds of nasty tricks might he play on you when you enter into his heaven?

I wouldn't trust a gambling God who plays craps with human souls. And he even admits that he LOSES most of the time!

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/16/10 03:29 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Mon 08/16/10 03:29 PM

Cowboy wrote:

The flaw isn't in the design my friend. If God was to have made us to where we didn't do what we want weather it was against his will or with his will, we wouldn't have FREE WILL. There's NOTHING God can do differently that wouldn't take away free will. God isn't to blame for his creation turning against him, for it was the creations fault.

The FREE WILL argument doesn't excuse poor communications.

It wouldn't harm our FREE WILL in any way for God to make sure that we fully understand precisely WHO he is, and precisely WHAT he expects from us. We would still have FREE WILL choice to either accept his directives or reject them.

In fact, your last statement implies that anyone who doesn't believe in Christianity has "Turned Against" God. That's utterly absurd.

I can assure you that I have not purposefully and knowingly "Turned Against" my creator. On the contrary, I decided that the religion that was believed by my parents and most of the society that I lived within is utterly stupid.

That's NOT turning against any God.

In fact, if you think that this could be taken as "Turning Against God" it only shows that you are unable to grasp this concept.

Before I can even "Turn Against" a God I must KNOW that it exists!

It would NOT interfere with anyone's FREE WILL for God to make himself known. In fact, there are examples in the Bible where God supposedly did make himself known to various people. Moses, Noah, Job, Joshuah, Matthew, just to name a few. In fact, according to Matthew God spoke to a whole crowd of people saying "This is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased". That didn't seem to interfere with their FREE WILL.

So the FREE WILL argument doesn't stand. If there is a God who exposes himself to a few, then he can expose himself to many. And there's no excuse for him to NOT expose himself and let people know he's for REAL.

Keeping people playing guessing games is to gamble with their souls. People would be losing out on their chance at "heaven" simply because God decided to shoot craps with their souls and not make sure that they fully understood the TRUTH.

As I have always said, I would most likely pass on this God's offer anyway, but that's beside the point. It wouldn't be that I'm "turning against him" it's only because I don't TRUST him.

Of course if he actually SHOWED HIMSELF and made crystal clear what's going down then may be he would be a little more TRUSTWORTHY. But as long as he's going to play craps, then why should I trust a God who gambles with souls by making them play betting games?

The story demands that God is all-wise, yet it depicts a story of a God who is extremely unwise and completely inept. I'm not sure if that qualifies it as being "uneducated", but it certainly qualifies it as being dumber than rocks.

Besides, there are far more intelligent pictures of spirituality to be had, so why become obsessed and buried in a story that demands that God is stupid? It's ridiculous if not "uneducated"

Again i do realize you feel God is stupid, inept, and or unducated. But please share some of the evidence you have that shows this? And the evidence can not be opinionated, for if it's opinionated, it's no longer a fact, but a perspective.

Well, I've given many examples in the past. However, the very fact that God hides from people and makes them GUESS which religion to believe (if any!) doesn't say much for his wisdom or trustworthiness. Based on the Biblical stories he's clearly CAPABLE of communicating with us, but chooses instead to force us to GUESS?

That's both ignorant and inept, IMHO.

I mean what kind of a GAME is he playing anyway?

Why should I TRUST a game-playing God?

If he doesn't take his heaven seriously then why should I? huh

You're describing a God who clearly doesn't CARE. Obviously the biblical God doesn't even CARE whether I guess correctly or not.

And the truly ignorant thing of it all is that this would mean that your God doesn't even give the slightest hoot about whether someone has a sincere heart or not. Because according to you everyone who has a sincere heart but refuses to believe in your game playing God will perish.

Your God doesn't give a damn at all about sincerity evidently.

Sincerity means nothing to him. Nothing at all. It's totally meaningless to him.

So knowing that this is the case why would I want to even serve a God who doesn't even give a damn about sincerity?

Like I say, the way your God is now with his dishonest hide-and-seek game playing, I wouldn't even want any part of his insincere heaven.

The God you describe is NOT a righteous God by my personal understanding of what it means to be "righteous".

It's as simple as that.

Well first off, God isn't hiding. God is EVERYWHERE if you seek you shall find. God doesn't force us to guess anything. God is right there our father is EVERYWHERE, always there to answere any questions we may have. He's not playing any game in anyway, and there is no game it's all pretty cut and dry and totally seriouse. God does care if we believe, that is why he has done many things to show this. God has even sent his only begotten son to be crucified for us all. What more can you ask for?
Like I say, the way your God is now with his dishonest hide-and-seek game playing, I wouldn't even want any part of his insincere heaven.

Again, God isn't dishonest in any way, nor plays hide-and-seek. If people open their eyes, they shall see our father in everything he does.

The God you describe is NOT a righteous God by my personal understanding of what it means to be "righteous".

God is righteous in every way. God is always there to help when it is needed, God gives us everything we need. Our father is going to give us total paradise to abode in.

No God doesn't "baby" us, we have to work for these great things. Wouldn't make much sence for God to just freely give it away without earning it, would be to easy. If God was going to do that, he would have just made us in heaven already, nothing earned, nothing lost. But that's not the way it works, heaven is EARNED.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/16/10 03:32 PM

Cowboy wrote:

Yes only a few will make it, not by God and Jesus' choice, just it's the bottom line fact. It's our choice weather we will live for ever or perish my friend, this choice is done by the actions we take on earth. NO ONE is "destined" for anything, it all revolves around how we live our lives.

But it is God's CHOICE.

He could have chosen to be honest and forthright and make sure that everyone knows that there is only one valid religion. That would not interfere with anyone's "Free Will".

It would just be a matter of clear communication.

But God failed to do that and instead allows everyone to argue about which religion is true, or whether atheism might even be the case!

That's baloney.

You can't have a God claiming that Atheists are "Turning Against Him". That's utterly stupid.

They can't very well "Turn Against" something they don't even believe in.

No, a God who refuses to communicate to the best of his ability and keeps people guessing is worse that a God who merely throws dice. Your God quite literally plays craps with human souls.

It's a careless God. (i.e. an uncaring God)

And if God doesn't care, why should anyone else?

Who wants to serve an uncaring God for eternity?

If God will play craps with your soul when you are on Earth what other kinds of nasty tricks might he play on you when you enter into his heaven?

I wouldn't trust a gambling God who plays craps with human souls. And he even admits that he LOSES most of the time!

Last time i'm gonna say it, heaven is EARNED. It is earned by our faith and our obediance. Again, without trials and tribulations of some sort or other, there would be nothing to earn. That's what life is, it's not a test persay, but it is a chance to EARN our way into heaven. Yes God wants us all in heaven, but no it doesn't really matter to him weather we make it or not, for it is purely for US. He gains NOTHING for himself out of us going to heaven, it is PURELY FOR US.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/16/10 03:42 PM

Cowboy wrote:

Yes only a few will make it, not by God and Jesus' choice, just it's the bottom line fact. It's our choice weather we will live for ever or perish my friend, this choice is done by the actions we take on earth. NO ONE is "destined" for anything, it all revolves around how we live our lives.

But it is God's CHOICE.

He could have chosen to be honest and forthright and make sure that everyone knows that there is only one valid religion. That would not interfere with anyone's "Free Will".

It would just be a matter of clear communication.

But God failed to do that and instead allows everyone to argue about which religion is true, or whether atheism might even be the case!

That's baloney.

You can't have a God claiming that Atheists are "Turning Against Him". That's utterly stupid.

They can't very well "Turn Against" something they don't even believe in.

No, a God who refuses to communicate to the best of his ability and keeps people guessing is worse that a God who merely throws dice. Your God quite literally plays craps with human souls.

It's a careless God. (i.e. an uncaring God)

And if God doesn't care, why should anyone else?

Who wants to serve an uncaring God for eternity?

If God will play craps with your soul when you are on Earth what other kinds of nasty tricks might he play on you when you enter into his heaven?

I wouldn't trust a gambling God who plays craps with human souls. And he even admits that he LOSES most of the time!

Last time i'm gonna say it, heaven is EARNED. It is earned by our faith and our obediance. Again, without trials and tribulations of some sort or other, there would be nothing to earn. That's what life is, it's not a test persay, but it is a chance to EARN our way into heaven. Yes God wants us all in heaven, but no it doesn't really matter to him weather we make it or not, for it is purely for US. He gains NOTHING for himself out of us going to heaven, it is PURELY FOR US.

We aren't "punished" for not believing in our father or listening. Heaven is a gift offered, nothing more, nothing less. We either work towards earning this gift of heaven and eternal life, or we cease to exist. No punishment or anything.

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 08/16/10 03:57 PM

God is righteous in every way. God is always there to help when it is needed, God gives us everything we need. Our father is going to give us total paradise to abode in.

With all due respect, you must be some sort of delusional nut case.

When I was a Christian, I was seriously considering teaching the "Word of God" which I had been told was in fact the Bible.

So I studied it in earnest so that I could teach is sensibly. What I very quickly discovered is that there is nothing sensible about it. I later learned that the Greatest minds in all of humanity came to the same conclusion, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton and many others.

Your constant demands that God is always there to help us simply doesn't pan out. Where was God when I need help understanding HIS BOOK? Clearly that book must not be from God! If there is a God she actually helped me to see how totally artificial the Biblical picture of God truly is!

No God doesn't "baby" us, we have to work for these great things. Wouldn't make much sence for God to just freely give it away without earning it, would be to easy. If God was going to do that, he would have just made us in heaven already, nothing earned, nothing lost. But that's not the way it works, heaven is EARNED.

Again, you totally miss the point, or you're purposefully avoiding it.

Playing guessing games has nothing to do with EARNING anything.

The Bible cannot be the word of God.

If there is a God it has nothing to do with the Bible.

You're not selling God, you're trying to sell the BIBLE as God!

The Bible is a farce. It's a lie.

A belief in the Bible doesn't EARN you any points!

If heaven is to be EARNED it probably needs to be EARNED in the way that Buddha taught and Jesus REPEATED.

Jesus did NOT support the teachings of Yahweh and could not have been his son. Jesus taught the teachings of Buddha. Not the teachings of the Old Testament.

The picture of God that you paint is a picture of a totally uncaring haphazard untrustworthy God. A God who would stab you in the back at a moments notice simply because you did something that you weren't even aware would upset him because you failed to guess correctly. whoa

A God who plays craps with your soul and loses most of the time by his own admission.

Like I say, even if your God were real I would reject his offer to serve him for eternity and gladly take him up on the far better offer of just allowing me to perish.

Of course, even that is your OWN fabrication! Most Christians would have God casting me into the pits of hell for eternal damnation.

You're a Christian heretic already right along side Bishop Carlton Pearson. As far as the Christians are concerned you're already hell-bound for renouncing hell itself. laugh

You're a heathen who turned against God!

Join the club fellow heathen. drinker

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 08/16/10 04:14 PM

And further and deeper then that. Why wait? Why wait on giving EVERYONE the good news as fast as possible? Why deprive some people the knowledge because they were waiting?

What good news?

That the Bible clearly states that only FEW will make it into the Kingdom of God? huh

What, pray tell, is so great about that?

Even Jesus said that only FEW will make it.

So unless you're going to deny the words of your Lord, you'll have to acknowledge that as a religion it truly sucks because as a religion it demands that MOST people will NOT make it into heaven.

How is that GOOD news?

Consider pantheism. EVERYONE returns to God because there is NO WHERE ELSE to go! drinker

Now THAT my friend, is TRULY GOOD NEWS for everyone!

Your religion has no good news to spread at all. It demands that only FEW will make it into the kingdom of God. That is NOT good news. ohwell

Yes only a few will make it, not by God and Jesus' choice, just it's the bottom line fact. It's our choice weather we will live for ever or perish my friend, this choice is done by the actions we take on earth. NO ONE is "destined" for anything, it all revolves around how we live our lives.

Well, I'm going to sing back into the depths of the scientifically illiterated - just for a moment here.

I think Chistianity, in fact all religion is just a "theory".

Its proponents have free-will and they use it (and a lot of creativity)to interpret one set of writings in more ways that there are words in all the scriptures they use.

Religions also 'evolve' they actually become 'genetically' different from what originally spawned them.

Also, the main character or characters as the case may be, are given human attributes even though they are not physical beings.

I could go on, but that's enough to prove that religion is just a 'theory'.

Some poeple put thier faith in one or another theory of god even though there is absolutely no way to test the accuracy of any hypothesis that questions the theory. Yet most of those people somehow find comfort in the illusive qualities embeded in the theory - perhaps there's comfort in know you can just make it up as you go along.

Some people put their faith in more scientific theoryies, they go on cruizes, fly in plains, use technology, go into outerspace, and with the help of modern medicine, they live longer, healthier, and more active lives. Perhaps most of those people are more comfortable with 'theories' in which the quantifiable outcomes of hypotheses are more statically favorable than just making it up as you go along.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/16/10 04:19 PM

God is righteous in every way. God is always there to help when it is needed, God gives us everything we need. Our father is going to give us total paradise to abode in.

With all due respect, you must be some sort of delusional nut case.

When I was a Christian, I was seriously considering teaching the "Word of God" which I had been told was in fact the Bible.

So I studied it in earnest so that I could teach is sensibly. What I very quickly discovered is that there is nothing sensible about it. I later learned that the Greatest minds in all of humanity came to the same conclusion, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton and many others.

Your constant demands that God is always there to help us simply doesn't pan out. Where was God when I need help understanding HIS BOOK? Clearly that book must not be from God! If there is a God she actually helped me to see how totally artificial the Biblical picture of God truly is!

No God doesn't "baby" us, we have to work for these great things. Wouldn't make much sence for God to just freely give it away without earning it, would be to easy. If God was going to do that, he would have just made us in heaven already, nothing earned, nothing lost. But that's not the way it works, heaven is EARNED.

Again, you totally miss the point, or you're purposefully avoiding it.

Playing guessing games has nothing to do with EARNING anything.

The Bible cannot be the word of God.

If there is a God it has nothing to do with the Bible.

You're not selling God, you're trying to sell the BIBLE as God!

The Bible is a farce. It's a lie.

A belief in the Bible doesn't EARN you any points!

If heaven is to be EARNED it probably needs to be EARNED in the way that Buddha taught and Jesus REPEATED.

Jesus did NOT support the teachings of Yahweh and could not have been his son. Jesus taught the teachings of Buddha. Not the teachings of the Old Testament.

The picture of God that you paint is a picture of a totally uncaring haphazard untrustworthy God. A God who would stab you in the back at a moments notice simply because you did something that you weren't even aware would upset him because you failed to guess correctly. whoa

A God who plays craps with your soul and loses most of the time by his own admission.

Like I say, even if your God were real I would reject his offer to serve him for eternity and gladly take him up on the far better offer of just allowing me to perish.

Of course, even that is your OWN fabrication! Most Christians would have God casting me into the pits of hell for eternal damnation.

You're a Christian heretic already right along side Bishop Carlton Pearson. As far as the Christians are concerned you're already hell-bound for renouncing hell itself. laugh

You're a heathen who turned against God!

Join the club fellow heathen. drinker

You're not selling God, you're trying to sell the BIBLE as God!

The Bible is a farce. It's a lie.
I'm not selling anything, and if you don't believe in the bible and what it says, go for it man. That's your choice of using your free will which God allowed us to have.

The picture of God that you paint is a picture of a totally uncaring haphazard untrustworthy God. A God who would stab you in the back at a moments notice simply because you did something that you weren't even aware would upset him because you failed to guess correctly.
And you're good at this. You claim things, but have nothing to back it up with.... hmmmmmm.

Of course, even that is your OWN fabrication! Most Christians would have God casting me into the pits of hell for eternal damnation.
No, it's the CHRISTIAN knowledge there is no eternal damnation or anything. You either recieve the gift of heaven/eteral life, or you cease to exist.

Like I say, even if your God were real I would reject his offer to serve him for eternity and gladly take him up on the far better offer of just allowing me to perish.
And that is your choice, more power to yah brother.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/16/10 04:23 PM

And further and deeper then that. Why wait? Why wait on giving EVERYONE the good news as fast as possible? Why deprive some people the knowledge because they were waiting?

What good news?

That the Bible clearly states that only FEW will make it into the Kingdom of God? huh

What, pray tell, is so great about that?

Even Jesus said that only FEW will make it.

So unless you're going to deny the words of your Lord, you'll have to acknowledge that as a religion it truly sucks because as a religion it demands that MOST people will NOT make it into heaven.

How is that GOOD news?

Consider pantheism. EVERYONE returns to God because there is NO WHERE ELSE to go! drinker

Now THAT my friend, is TRULY GOOD NEWS for everyone!

Your religion has no good news to spread at all. It demands that only FEW will make it into the kingdom of God. That is NOT good news. ohwell

Yes only a few will make it, not by God and Jesus' choice, just it's the bottom line fact. It's our choice weather we will live for ever or perish my friend, this choice is done by the actions we take on earth. NO ONE is "destined" for anything, it all revolves around how we live our lives.

Well, I'm going to sing back into the depths of the scientifically illiterated - just for a moment here.

I think Chistianity, in fact all religion is just a "theory".

Its proponents have free-will and they use it (and a lot of creativity)to interpret one set of writings in more ways that there are words in all the scriptures they use.

Religions also 'evolve' they actually become 'genetically' different from what originally spawned them.

Also, the main character or characters as the case may be, are given human attributes even though they are not physical beings.

I could go on, but that's enough to prove that religion is just a 'theory'.

Some poeple put thier faith in one or another theory of god even though there is absolutely no way to test the accuracy of any hypothesis that questions the theory. Yet most of those people somehow find comfort in the illusive qualities embeded in the theory - perhaps there's comfort in know you can just make it up as you go along.

Some people put their faith in more scientific theoryies, they go on cruizes, fly in plains, use technology, go into outerspace, and with the help of modern medicine, they live longer, healthier, and more active lives. Perhaps most of those people are more comfortable with 'theories' in which the quantifiable outcomes of hypotheses are more statically favorable than just making it up as you go along.

When you look down into it, EVERYTHING is a theory/hypothesis. There is no way to say for fact tomarrow will come, it's nevertheless a theory of previouse actions. You make plans for the next day, what are those? ........ they are the theories and or hypothesis' of what you're going to do the next day. NOTHING is actually concrete fact.

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 08/16/10 04:28 PM

We aren't "punished" for not believing in our father or listening. Heaven is a gift offered, nothing more, nothing less. We either work towards earning this gift of heaven and eternal life, or we cease to exist. No punishment or anything.

If what you say here is true then why should anyone care?

Like I say, I'm not so sure I would even want this supposed "gift".

Let's here the details of exactly what's being offered. Why should I work toward something I'm not even sure I'd want. Where's the description of this "prize"?

You seem to think that heaven is going to be all fun and games. You've posted before that you expect that you will be able to do whatever you want whenever you want and you sound like you're expecting to have total freedom in heaven.

But that's not the picture the Bible paints. The Bible talks about serving the will of God, not just going off doing whatever makes you happy. You may not like what God has in mind for you.

This is why I would much rather perish. If Earth is an example of God's work, and the Bible is an example of his ability to communicate, then I'm not convinced in the least that I would want to serve his will for eternity. I would fear that I wouldn't even be able to understand what he wants most of the time. His book is extremely confusing and ambiguous. I also don't care for the way he behaves. Why would I want to serve him?

So the prize of perishing sounds like the better deal to me!

The sooner the better. Tell him to strike me dead right now. That will be fine with me. Why waste anymore time? I've already made my decision. I want no parts of his so-called "Heaven".

I'm 61 years old. I've been tortured long enough. Just let me die. That's the only wish I have.

Let's pray,

Dear God in heaven (or wherever you're hiding tonight),

I've considered your offer for eternal life and I'm not interested.
Please terminate me at your earliest possible convenience.

Thank you,

If you're going to stall on this request like you've done on all the others could you at least send me some cash now to pay my taxes until you finally get around to doing me in.

Oh yeah, Tell Jesus and Buddha I said Hi. If you ever die and make one of them God then maybe they can re-create me. I might not mind living in one of their heavens. Make sure you give them my DNA coding and my current brain-scan so they can reproduce me precisely as I am. Only maybe leave off the hemorrhoids. bigsmile

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 08/16/10 04:29 PM

think what you want but as an adult i refuse to believe that man was made from dirt,clay or whatever then a rib from man was used to create a woman...i mean really people believe this?huh

half the crap that happened in the bible if someone said they seen it or it happened to them they would be Baker Acted,these days

Well is it a coincidence that men do truely have one less rib then women? Or do you think these people that originally wrote the scriptures had enough knowledge of the human body to point that out because men just so happened to have one less rib, so they made a story to go along with that?
well they could of found skeletal remains of a couple and said "oh look she has an extra rib"

When looking at a dead body/skeleton, do you truely think they examined it so deeply to notice the difference in one rib? Heck most people in those times couldn't even count.

The ancient Egyptions were doing brain surgery and C-sections on women with birthing difficulties. The early Hebrews with their nomadic ways learned a great deal about medicine.

All those LAWS dealing with food (Kosher) and cleanliness in the Old Covenant that some Christians say were no longer valid after Jesus - are not being very logical. Kosher was more than a blessing by the Rabbi. Without those Laws the small Hebrew clans of nomads would have died out - obviously someone had to create a cookbook and MAKE IT LAW so that their families would continue.

Of course they knew much about the structure of the human body and in any society Matriarcal or Patiarcal any difference between the genders is fair game for mythology through which to support the gender in charge.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/16/10 04:32 PM

We aren't "punished" for not believing in our father or listening. Heaven is a gift offered, nothing more, nothing less. We either work towards earning this gift of heaven and eternal life, or we cease to exist. No punishment or anything.

If what you say here is true then why should anyone care?

Like I say, I'm not so sure I would even want this supposed "gift".

Let's here the details of exactly what's being offered. Why should I work toward something I'm not even sure I'd want. Where's the description of this "prize"?

You seem to think that heaven is going to be all fun and games. You've posted before that you expect that you will be able to do whatever you want whenever you want and you sound like you're expecting to have total freedom in heaven.

But that's not the picture the Bible paints. The Bible talks about serving the will of God, not just going off doing whatever makes you happy. You may not like what God has in mind for you.

This is why I would much rather perish. If Earth is an example of God's work, and the Bible is an example of his ability to communicate, then I'm not convinced in the least that I would want to serve his will for eternity. I would fear that I wouldn't even be able to understand what he wants most of the time. His book is extremely confusing and ambiguous. I also don't care for the way he behaves. Why would I want to serve him?

So the prize of perishing sounds like the better deal to me!

The sooner the better. Tell him to strike me dead right now. That will be fine with me. Why waste anymore time? I've already made my decision. I want no parts of his so-called "Heaven".

I'm 61 years old. I've been tortured long enough. Just let me die. That's the only wish I have.

Let's pray,

Dear God in heaven (or wherever you're hiding tonight),

I've considered your offer for eternal life and I'm not interested.
Please terminate me at your earliest possible convenience.

Thank you,

If you're going to stall on this request like you've done on all the others could you at least send me some cash now to pay my taxes until you finally get around to doing me in.

Oh yeah, Tell Jesus and Buddha I said Hi. If you ever die and make one of them God then maybe they can re-create me. I might not mind living in one of their heavens. Make sure you give them my DNA coding and my current brain-scan so they can reproduce me precisely as I am. Only maybe leave off the hemorrhoids. bigsmile

Well it's your choice my friend. And if you're just gonna totally refuse and deny it, there's nothing more i can do. What you do today, you'll have to sleep with tonight, i hope you have a great life my friend. Hope all your family and friends grow prosperous in life. Much love out to you and yours.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/16/10 04:37 PM

think what you want but as an adult i refuse to believe that man was made from dirt,clay or whatever then a rib from man was used to create a woman...i mean really people believe this?huh

half the crap that happened in the bible if someone said they seen it or it happened to them they would be Baker Acted,these days

Well is it a coincidence that men do truely have one less rib then women? Or do you think these people that originally wrote the scriptures had enough knowledge of the human body to point that out because men just so happened to have one less rib, so they made a story to go along with that?
well they could of found skeletal remains of a couple and said "oh look she has an extra rib"

When looking at a dead body/skeleton, do you truely think they examined it so deeply to notice the difference in one rib? Heck most people in those times couldn't even count.

The ancient Egyptions were doing brain surgery and C-sections on women with birthing difficulties. The early Hebrews with their nomadic ways learned a great deal about medicine.

All those LAWS dealing with food (Kosher) and cleanliness in the Old Covenant that some Christians say were no longer valid after Jesus - are not being very logical. Kosher was more than a blessing by the Rabbi. Without those Laws the small Hebrew clans of nomads would have died out - obviously someone had to create a cookbook and MAKE IT LAW so that their families would continue.

Of course they knew much about the structure of the human body and in any society Matriarcal or Patiarcal any difference between the genders is fair game for mythology through which to support the gender in charge.

Very good, they were intelligent people. But we're talking about waaaay before this all came about. "Bible" were written after this, but the scriptures of the bible was written way before this. So therefor you've provided nothing that associates the knowledge of women having 1 more rib then men being known outside of the bible as early as the scriptures were written.

RKISIT's photo
Mon 08/16/10 04:38 PM
the bible did get some names close to things that create life and destroy

Adam= atom,creates

Eve=Blackhole,destroys laugh laugh laugh

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 08/16/10 04:55 PM

You may be convinced they are facts, but still nevertheless they are not facts. Just using your same defence as you do, cause to me I know for a fact God is real, there is plenty of evidence in every way. Cause regardless of how much there may be proof for either side, it all boils down to personal perspective and how each one of us sees it. NO ONE can "prove for a fact" that we evolved from lower life forms, and NO ONE can "prove for a fact" that God created us. It all boils down to what you want to see as truth.

Cowboy, I respectfully disagree. It is true that 'what we choose to believe" boils down to what you want to see as truth. But the fact that one cannot prove either of the positions you listed with absolute certainty does not put them on equal footing.

Say your paper was stolen this morning, from your driveway, before you woke up. You suspect your neighbor (who doesn't subscribe to the paper, yet was seen reading one that morning), but you can't prove it. I think it was Obama that personally stole your paper, but I can't prove that either. Just because we have two different positions, and neither can prove it, doesn't make us both equally reasonable, sane, or well informed.

There are people who deny that facts exist, but as far as I'm concerned they are delusional people. They might as well jump of a 10th story balcony above an empty parking lot - I mean, if its not a 'fact' that they would fall with potentially lethal velocity from that height.

It is basically an established fact that our distant ancestors were non-human primates (a subtle but significant difference than claiming we 'evolved from' non-human primates)....this fact is as basic and as necessarily true as the fact that you great-great-great-grandparents were humans - even if we have no *direct* evidence of this.

When sane, intelligent people deny the fact that our distant ancestors were non-human primates - well, they are simply not educated and informed about our knowledge of biology, which substantiates this fact.

It is basically an established fact that our distant ancestors were non-human primates (a subtle but significant difference than claiming we 'evolved from' non-human primates)....this fact is as basic and as necessarily true as the fact that you great-great-great-grandparents were humans - even if we have no *direct* evidence of this.

It is still nevertheless not a FACT. It is nevertheless a "theory". You said it right there "even if we have no *direct* evidence of this*.

To make a theory a fact, you HAVE to have evidence...... *direct* evidence if you will.

In the 1950's Miller & Urey deomonstrated that the simple prehistoric atmospheric gases of Earth (methane, ammonia, water, carbon-dioxide,) and a low quantity of a few others, when subjected to electric pulses produced all the major molecules required by RNA.

All life forms on Earth utilize the same encoding molecule: Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA). The ability of DNA to copy itself provides the basis of heredity. Today, most microbiologists believe that RNA was the original genetic material of life. RNA can be produced in a laboratory and like DNA it possesses self-replicating ability. This is what leads scientist to believe that live began in the coding process of RNA.

If RNA can spring forth from a few gases, a little solvent and some electricity - then life could have started from clay (or brown goo).

In Earth's early atmosphere, besides the elements, there was lightning - due to the winds. the combination of gasses that ere placed in a tube were subjected to 'lightening' via electric pulses. After a few weeks a brown goo developed, which had all the elements needed to develope the RNA molecule.

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 08/16/10 05:01 PM

think what you want but as an adult i refuse to believe that man was made from dirt,clay or whatever then a rib from man was used to create a woman...i mean really people believe this?huh

half the crap that happened in the bible if someone said they seen it or it happened to them they would be Baker Acted,these days

I totally respect that

I believe man was made from dirt because to dirt is where we return


If left to its own devices your body will, quite literally return to the earth, as you are broken down by nature into your component parts. Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. This is the way every one of us will end up, silent contributors to the future of our planet and all that live upon it

..the body is complex enough for me to believe it was created intelligently, its decomposition to dust is enough for me to believe it came from dust

its much more 'logical' to me than it being some accident that followed a big random 'bang'

but its just my opinion

Yes, it does seem more logical to a mind that has not beem exposed to current scientific data. NOW, it seems more logical that our physical form was originally derived from a handfull of gasses and some liquid with the help of some electricity.

Frankenstein's we might all be.

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 08/16/10 05:03 PM

think what you want but as an adult i refuse to believe that man was made from dirt,clay or whatever then a rib from man was used to create a woman...i mean really people believe this?huh

half the crap that happened in the bible if someone said they seen it or it happened to them they would be Baker Acted,these days

Well is it a coincidence that men do truely have one less rib then women? Or do you think these people that originally wrote the scriptures had enough knowledge of the human body to point that out because men just so happened to have one less rib, so they made a story to go along with that?

Oh, it might also be noted that the physiology of women seems to have made it necessary for one less rib.

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 08/16/10 05:10 PM

think what you want but as an adult i refuse to believe that man was made from dirt,clay or whatever then a rib from man was used to create a woman...i mean really people believe this?huh

half the crap that happened in the bible if someone said they seen it or it happened to them they would be Baker Acted,these days

Well is it a coincidence that men do truely have one less rib then women? Or do you think these people that originally wrote the scriptures had enough knowledge of the human body to point that out because men just so happened to have one less rib, so they made a story to go along with that?
well they could of found skeletal remains of a couple and said "oh look she has an extra rib"

When looking at a dead body/skeleton, do you truely think they examined it so deeply to notice the difference in one rib? Heck most people in those times couldn't even count.
well you maybe right so why was the bible written later based on the words of not so educated people?huh

What does education have to do with anything? And what is education? Can an educated man survive in the wilderness with his education on hunting and overall survival? Or is an educated man a man that knows how to split atoms? Or is an educated man just a man that has been taught things through school?

What exactly is an educated man? Guess it would lay with what you see what is important. If how the world goes round important to know? Or is how to get into heaven important?

And further and deeper then that. Why wait? Why wait on giving EVERYONE the good news as fast as possible? Why deprive some people the knowledge because they were waiting? And what exactly is uneducated about the bible?

Becasue no one needs to know about God or Jesus to have the same opportunity for eternal life. That was the purpose and function of Jesus - to forgive humans for their innate sinful nature so they could be judged on works and not on belief, ritual, or failure to adhere to customs and moralities they are not familiar with.

So why intrude on others? Let them act within the context of the moral structures which quide the society to which they belong.

That would be the moral thing to do - and if condidered in that way, it might be judged to be a 'good' work.

no photo
Mon 08/16/10 05:11 PM

It is basically an established fact that our distant ancestors were non-human primates (a subtle but significant difference than claiming we 'evolved from' non-human primates)....this fact is as basic and as necessarily true as the fact that you great-great-great-grandparents were humans - even if we have no *direct* evidence of this.

It is still nevertheless not a FACT. It is nevertheless a "theory". You said it right there "even if we have no *direct* evidence of this*.

To make a theory a fact, you HAVE to have evidence...... *direct* evidence if you will.

Do you then not consider it a fact that your great great great great grandparents all humans?

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 08/16/10 05:20 PM

Well first off, God isn't hiding. God is EVERYWHERE if you seek you shall find. God doesn't force us to guess anything. God is right there our father is EVERYWHERE, always there to answere any questions we may have. He's not playing any game in anyway, and there is no game it's all pretty cut and dry and totally seriouse. God does care if we believe, that is why he has done many things to show this. God has even sent his only begotten son to be crucified for us all. What more can you ask for?
Like I say, the way your God is now with his dishonest hide-and-seek game playing, I wouldn't even want any part of his insincere heaven.

Again, God isn't dishonest in any way, nor plays hide-and-seek. If people open their eyes, they shall see our father in everything he does.

The God you describe is NOT a righteous God by my personal understanding of what it means to be "righteous".

God is righteous in every way. God is always there to help when it is needed, God gives us everything we need. Our father is going to give us total paradise to abode in.

No God doesn't "baby" us, we have to work for these great things. Wouldn't make much sence for God to just freely give it away without earning it, would be to easy. If God was going to do that, he would have just made us in heaven already, nothing earned, nothing lost. But that's not the way it works, heaven is EARNED.

Has anyone heard from God lately about what's in the food we eat?
I realize the Old Laws are no longer in place but you would think given all the toxin and carcinogens in our current food sources that god would tell SOMEBODY that we need to be more organic and stop with all the chemicals.

Also, you'd think that god would look at America and say "stop it" - here - here's the new law about what is right and proper to consume and how it must be prepared for proper consumption.

But no, apparently most poeple are too busy trying to determine if what they think they should do is their idea or god's because he doesn't seem to be coming through too clearly.